Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Promise ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose

`Chapter One - Promise`

Tears trickled down the cheeks of the young girl. Her bright green eyes calling to the one in front of her. "Please…Don't leave." She sniffled, small hands reaching out to him, trying to make him stay.

"…I have to, I have to go now. Don't cry, Trina, I'll be back someday. I promise." He smiled, onyx wings spreading, as he hovered above the ground. "I promise, I'll see you again."

"Y-You promise!" She yelled, as his dark glowing figure approached the 6-year-old. She sniffled, calming her sobs, looking to him. Bright eyes, looking to his cold dark gray ones. He nodded once, his icy touch claiming her cheeks as he brushed away her sorrow. "O…K." She said finally. Looking up, as he hovered farther into the night sky. The full moon behind him made him glow with eerie dark energy.

"I will see you again." The wind carried his whisper as well, as one more thing…

"Rose?" She blinked, kneeling down to pick up the fallen object. The misty petals, a soft blue. A note attached, only for her to remember. 'I will see you again.' She smiled, despite her teary eyes. "…Corick." The wind carried her gentle voice as well. Her eyes traveling back to the star littered sky. No one would believe she befriended a dark angel. No one would ever have to know, but her, and her alone. She sat upon the lawn of her home, staring hopelessly at the sky. Her parents wouldn't know she was even out. They would never know, for he helped her sneak outside, to bid him farewell. But, it was not permanent. No, it wasn't permanent, and he would see her again... She lay back upon the soft, entrancing petals of emerald. Remembering the day she met him, helped him, and became his friend. Only a mere year ago.


The object, coreened from the heavens, crashing amongst the trees and bushes. The girl nearby looked over, a curious look glinting in her deep gaze. "Wha' dat?" She thought aloud, her friends hollered for her to join, but she was reluctant. Perhaps, they didn't see that black thing, like she did. Waving them off she ran into the forest, to see what it was. Careful, not to be noticed by any parents. "Hewwooo!" She yelled out to the forest, climbing over many things to get to where she saw the thing last. A hissing hit her ears, and she became cautious, but what was in view, startled even her. "Hewwo?" She tried again, approaching the figure cautiously. It moved, what covered it was just a bunch of black feathers it seemed. Her child-sized mind registered it as an extremely large crow until…

"What's there?" It called out, growling slightly, as she noticed another characteristic of this object, it had a large amount of crimson staining it.

"Birdy, o.k.?" She asked, being a child, she wasn't startled of the weird creature.

He snorted, flapping aside his wings to see what was near him. "A child? …A human child." He mused, gaze falling boredly upon her. His clawed hands, were covering a large gash in his middle, witch was also the source of crimson.

"Hurts?" The young girl said, pointing to the wound.

He grumbled, "Doesn't matter. I'll heal soon enough."

"Ohs." She said simply, unsure what to do, she sat down upon the grass in front of him.

"Perhaps…" He said softly, raising an onyx brow. He smirked, showing off a fang. "You could be a meal." He said, in the deepest tone his voice could muster.

"You no eat me, silly, you cant." She giggled, looking up to him, with those bright innocent eyes. He almost cringed, how could this child not be afraid?

"Whatever." The teenage-looking demon (?) Snarled, sitting upright, crossing his legs Indian-style and tending to his own stomach wound.

"You look weird." She said softly, keeping a smile.

"Thanks for noticing, child." He scoffed, wincing slightly as he removed a layer of blackened cloth, to see the wound he needed to mend. The scar, one of holiness, he scowled, just great. He couldn't touch it, and if it healed, it would leave a hefty scar. Great.

"My name's Trina." She responds, to his 'child' remark.

She looked to him, expecting an answer; he sighed, breathing it lowly as he was focussing really on one thing. "Corick."

"Corick? Weird name too." She giggled once more, causing his elf-like ears to twitch.

"…No where to go. A wound on top of it. A holy one…Keh, it'll take forever to heal. The battle will still be going though." He thought all aloud, not really used to having someone so close.

"You stay wif me." She said softly, scooting over to him.

"What?" He growled, glaring up, mainly out of habit.

She didn't back down, merely smiled, causing him to sink back again. "Stay wif me. Just quiet, mama won't hear then. You stay my room."

He shrugged, why not? So, he stood, full height he was around six feet. Towering over the little child of four feet. "Sure."

"I come for you at night." She said, as she heard her mother's voice break the air.

"Fine." He slumped back against the tree; perhaps he could find another place while this whelp was gone. Maybe she was leading him into some, human trap. He shrugged.

"Bye, for now." She said, but later that night the girl did return for him. And from then on, the two began a tight friendship. He understood more about humans, and she merely gained a new friend, too young to understand. A year would pass before that fateful day. And he would leave her again, destined to return, or would he?


Eyes snapped open abruptly, yawning and stretching the girl threw off her covers. Glaring at the flashing red numbers that told her it was seven. Why couldn't she have a decent sleep? But, something else was on her mind. That dream, the same dream again. She hadn't had that dream in ages. Sighing she dragged her heavy feet to the bathroom, brushing her teeth lazily and staring back at the girl in front of her. The pale streaks of silver on either side of her, mixed with the deep onyx and vibrant streaks of gold. Eyes drowsy, and toothbrush stopping. The shirt she wore read clearly amongst the black in red letters, 'Out of Order.' Pajama bottoms of blue clouds clung to her lower half. She sighed once more, realizing the laundry she didn't do; therefore this would be her school outfit. She threw down her toothbrush, wiping her mouth and tied up her miss-colored locks, 'have to miss a shower as well' She thought angrily. Tying it back with a careless chain, snapping another three in place around her neck. She trotted back to her room, slipping on a pair of sandals and swooped up her backpack. She stopped though, staring intently upon the rose on her dresser. She shook her head, vanishing the silky blue petals from thought. That was probably something given to her when she was younger. She didn't care that it hadn't died yet, sitting on her dresser since she was…Six. O.k., so it was a little weird, but that demon, she never met him. She shrugged it off as a childhood dream - a fantasy never to come true.

"Catrina, come down we'll be late." The voice at the bottom of the stairs called to her. A voice…A male's voice.

"Coming, Dryst." She called back to him, satisfied enough with her looks, she hopped down the stairs to greet the male. "Let's go." She said curtly, and headed past him, out the door. He nodded as well and followed her out into their driveway. Getting into the car, driven by 'Trina'.

"What's on your mind, you seem upset." He said simply, eating the apple he had, his breakfast it would seem.

"Nothing." She spat, that dream, why was it troubling her now?

"C'mon…Catrina." He said again, glancing a knowing blue eye to her.

…Catrina, it was her real name, but somehow it felt so plain now that she heard her demon friend say it. Corick maybe the dream…? There she went again, about that 'demon'. It wasn't real. And never will be. She told herself countless times, but that didn't stop her form thinking about a certain dark angel. Her boyfriend next to her, the connection wasn't the same. She sighed inwardly, "It was just a dumb dream. Leave it alone."

"…Fine." He said, she heard the soft hint of hurt in his tone.

"It's dumb really, no big deal." She smiled, to reassure him as she parked the car abruptly. The school, they were at collage now. But, she wouldn't leave her car for a few moments. Something about this day was…off.

"Catrina?" He blinked, offering a hand to help her out.

She looked up, glazed eyes coming back to focus as she smiled once more, taking his hand she stepped out and walked through the parking lot. '…So weird.' She thought to herself, holding his hand, it felt weird now. They've been dating for over five months now, and she wasn't six anymore. She was nineteen years old, and yet she was still having a crush on her dream demon? Pathetic I tell you, just pathetic. Holding her head high, shifting the weight on her bag, she began to walk though the halls. Until… Something caught her eye…


Cackle Ha! Cliffhanger! Please leave a review and you'll see the next chapter of this story! Thank you and g'bye!