Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Understanding ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose

`Chapter Five - Understanding`

She glanced to the table; the conversation between her and Dryst had run dry. She sighed softly, and looked up,

to… Not meet the gaze she thought she would have. 'Corick? W-Where'd he go?' She hadn't noticed the demon

depart the kitchen. And got up to find him, but now notice the arm that was around her waist, preventing her

form leaving her chair.

"Where're you going? Corick had to leave, if that's what your concerned about." He explained, looking over

to her profile.

She grumbled, casting an annoyed glare to him, as well as a false reason to get up. "No, I have to get the rice

ready you know…"

"…Fine." He snorted, and released his hold upon her, letting her rise and move to the stove, where the pot still

boiled happily.

She looked down to the steaming, spurting bubbles of the water. '…Let's see… Where would he have gone…'

She to herself, absently picking up a fork to prod the bags of cooking rice. She thought, as once again her eyes

glazed in fallen memories. The fork clattering nosily to the tile floor…


"Corick! Corick!" The young girl called, looking everywhere in her home for her friend. '…Where he go?' She

thought sadly, double-checking her closet for any signs of him. Tears filled her pale green eyes, fearing she would

never see him again. Maybe he left her, now that he was all healed up… But, a voice, a familiar voice broke the

nightly air.

"…I am here." It said, carrying upon the night's song.

"Where Corick?" She asked, trying her best not to lose the little lead she had.

"Open your window." He said to her, still unknown to her eyes.

She did as he said, small bare feet padding across her dark room floor. Tiny hands reaching, unlocking the gold

clasps of her window. She stood upon an old toy bucket to see over the windowsill. "…It opens, but still no you."

She whined, looking frantically out in the misty night.

"Climb out, onto the roof then." He instructed her, a hint of amusement in his words.

"Onto roof?" She repeated, and slowly stood upon the cream white sill of her window. Slowly she got to the

flaky tiles of the rooftop. Clinging still to her sill. Her soft blue curtains coming from her room to dance in the

wind. She looked a bit frustrated as the curtains hit her, as she tried her best to hold on and keep still, as well as

watch out for Corick.

He chuckled lightly at the sight of the young girl battling with her curtains, "Good, now climb further up your


She looked around, but caught no sign of him, so she let go of her sill and began to crawl slowly up the brown

tiles of her roof. Inching her way up the peak in her roof. She caught glimpse now of the demon, sitting casually

upon the highest spot of her roof. She smiled brightly, eyes forgetting their tears, but also forgotten where she

was. She stood, about to run and embrace him, when now… She slipped, "Corick!" She managed to squeak before

she fell backwards, ready to hit and slide down the rough surface of tiles.

"Yes?" He smirked, having caught the girl in a heartbeat. He picked her up, and glided back to his original spot.

She giggled, and leaned into him, looking up with curious bright eyes, "Why you out here?"

"…I came to think. The night helps me think a lot better than the day." He explained, looking thoughtfully to

the full moon.

"Ohs…" She mumbled, looking to where his gaze fell. "Whatcha think about?" She pried.

"…A lot of things." Was all her would say, and she kept silent now. Enjoying the night, and her found friend.

She was glad he didn't leave her yet, in her mind, he was just misplaced…


Her eyes snapped open, realization coming to her. 'The roof.' She thought, ignoring the questions other

boyfriend as she ran down the hall. Waving him off with a simple, "I have to go to the bathroom, be right back."

Galloping to her room, and bursting through the door. Just as she thought, the window was open, letting the cool

breeze of noon filter in. "Corick?" She asked, cautiously approaching the open window.

"Yes?" Was his answer whenever his name was called in question. But, as in her flash back, he was nowhere in

sight. Taking old advice she climbed out her window. Slowly walking to the peak of her rooftop. She was much

more graceful, and careful from when she was a child; he noted this mentally as she made her way to him.

"Why are you out here?" She asked, bringing back old memories for the demon as well. She slowly took seat

next to him. Noticing form before that now he had transformed to his usual demon state. Mentally noting to tell

him to change back when they went inside again.

"To think." He spat, a bit more harshly than he intended. But, the pain of hurt, seeing her and… Dryst

wouldn't allow a softer tone to such a question.

She looked to the roof, bringing her knees to her chin. She said softly, a barely audible voice, "About what?"

His ears flicked, telling her he had heard. He growled lowly, though not a threat to her, "…" He opened his

mouth, but was unsure how to state the questions he had, he wanted to ask her. But what came was not his voice,

making him scowl and glare daggers into the tile roof.

"Catrina? Catrina, you out here?" The man asked from the window, she saw a glimpse of him coming out.

She was about to tell him to change back when… The demon eluded her once more. But this time, she didn't

know where he had gone… "…Corick…" She said sadly to herself, unsure yet sure at the same time about what

was ailing him. She stood and made her way down to the window, looking back but seeing nothing to lighten her

mind. "Don't come up, it's slippery. I'll just come down." She explained and did just that, climbing back through

the window with the brunette helping.

This also did not go unnoticed to the hidden demon. His eyes flashed a deep crimson, before they went back to

playful gray. '…It was a mistake to come back. Humans are never worth it… But her, I…' He thought gravely,

not enjoying his mind anymore. '…All humans are the same.' He thought once more, but countered, 'What if,

she is being troubled by that other male though…What if, she doesn't like him…' He smirked slightly, his fingers

cracking noticeably to his thoughts. 'If the case is that…I will be glad to help her. But…She's a mere human,

writhing and wrenching my heart everyday. Why should I care? But somehow, someway… I will understand, I will

know.' With that he disappeared all form sight, gone into the refuge of her room…

"Why were you out there, Catrina?" Dryst asked as they made their way back down into the kitchen.

She glowered, folding her arms and staring blankly at the floor. "I was out there thinking." 'Yes, take Corick's

answer…' She thought sadly.

"…About what?" He pried, as she had done with him. She mentally hated it, and decided she wouldn't ask him

what he was thinking about.

"Things." She spat to him, coming into the dim light of the small kitchen and trying to keep her mind off

Corick and Dryst as she idly stirred the rice bags.

"What things?" She could clearly hear the impatience in his voice; he was merely keeping from growling.

…Growling, no humans couldn't growl, she was thinking of what Corick would have done by now. She heaved

another sigh, taking the bags and placing them in the ceramic bowls, once assigned to all three of the members of

this home. "Personal things, school stuff." She lied.

"…Anything you want me to know, or anything about me?" He asked, looking deeply into the once lively

boiling pot.

"No." She grumbled.

He crossed his arms this time and sat roughly upon a chair. "Fine, excuse me for being concerned."

Where she would have apologized, and would have tried to tell him everything in her heart and mind. The

feelings never came; guilt never reared its ugly head. Nothing. Was this the feeling she wasn't supposed to have

with one she 'loved?' She was uncertain now. Why didn't she care that she hurt him? Deeply with her simply flat,

'No?' She wasn't sure… "…You're excused." Instead she used a sarcastic, painful, and rude remark to counter

him. Why didn't she care anymore? Maybe because he always tried to pry into her every thing, trying to know

her form inside out. It wasn't right to her, Corick never…Corick. Her thoughts went blank. That's right, where

did he go? She looked longingly at the third bowl of plain, pearly rice. She heaved two bowls and sat across form

her boyfriend this time. Shoving him a bowl, and drowning her sorrows in her own.

He noticed the change as well, how she didn't come to him explaining everything. And when did his Catrina

become sarcastic…Rude. They were things she never was, what had changed? His icy eyes narrowed as he dug

coldly into his rice. 'Corick.' Was the thought of everyone's mind it seemed. He seemed to know nothing about

this guy. And somehow he knew the relationship of tutor and student went deeper than they let on. Ex-Boyfriend

maybe? No… She never told him so, and he felt it ran deeper than even an old tie. Than what… What troubled

him so about this 'boy'? He didn't know, but he would find out.

"You thinking?" She asked flatly, noticing his intent gaze upon the unsuspecting rice.

"Yes." He replied equally as cold, and unthoughtful.

"Fine." She mumbled and took another glob of sticky rice. However, an onyx flash caught her mind.

"Feather?" She accidentally said aloud. Covering her mouth of her own folly.

'…Why is she upset because she said -feather-?' He thought blankly, but matched her gaze for the brief

moment she looked. He got up, as she too matched suit. He slid open the glass door to the outside to greet the

onyx feather, as she had stated. He bended down, picking up the abnormally large feather.

She gasped behind him, but he would never understand, demon or angel wings… Right? She had nothing to

worry about, just play it off. She thought to herself and walked casually to his side. Staring as well intently upon

the arm's length long feather. "Why are you so intent about looking at that thing? It's probably just a dumb

crow's feather. Or a fake one you know…" She mumbled behind him.

He didn't take heed of her word, grinning slightly. "I don't think so, Catrina. For crow's are smaller than this

whole feather."

"…Then it's a fake one, put it down, wash your hands, and eat." She ordered, but he didn't seem to… care.

"Sure it is, Trina." He replied coldly, gaze meeting her startled eyes.

"Trina?" She mumbled, looking to the floor. It was so weird to feel him say her name that way; it didn't have

the same affect as when Corick spoke it.

"Yes, isn't that what your 'friend' called you." He said, tuning to her, feather still in hand as he snapped the

door shut. "I think he's more than what you'll let on…"

"I…" 'What's going on with him? And… What does he mean? H-He cant possibly know.' She thought

frantically, finding herself unable to meet his stern, knowing gaze. '…Knowing.' She thought, and then they went



Good chapter? Short chapter? What? Tell me! I am so grateful for all the reviews so far! I am very very happy

so many like my work! Smile Please keep reviewing and chapters will come. And, don't think these are the most

'exciting' chapters ever. For they actually have excitement some time later. More reviews, quicker chapters. P.S.

Sorry this chapter was so late, but I was busy with school stuff… And junk like that. Phwee, only 15 can't do

everything at once! But I try bows and goodbye. Until next time!