Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Love of the Theiving Princess ❯ Part4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Part 4

Tifa got home later on that evening. Where she lived was in a small complex in the slums of Zanarkand. She walked over to her bed and plopped herself down. She closeed her eyes and took a deep breathe, trying to forget what happened this evening with Nissa.
''What has gotten into Nissa? She's never done that before...has she really developed feelings for me like that??''

Suddenly, a light appears from out of the ceiling, onto Tifa's face. It was no ordinary light, it had a heavenly presence to it. Then all of a sudden, feathers began falling down. Tifa grabbed one of the feathers into the palm of her hand. Right away, she knew what was going on.
''It's you....have you come down to talk to me? Did you see what happened?'' Tifa asked.

The feathers started to merge together into the form of a body. The body was of a beautiful female with long light brown hair and shimmering green eyes. This ghostly female with came down and sat next to Tifa on the bed. Tifa looked into the woman's eyes, looking very happy.

'''s good to see your face like this again.'' The ghostly woman spoke softly.
'' did you...?''
''Appear down from the heavens like this? The Heavens allowed me to see you one last time.''
''I see...'' Tifa said softly, and smiling.
''I was watching what happened with you and that Nissa woman..she really seems to like you.'' Aerith giggled.
''So you did see....*sigh*..hey, whats so funny about that? You mean, you're not jealous?''
''If I was living, I'd probably be..but Tifa, you have to let have to move on with your life. What's done is done, and there is no way we can keep our relationship going like this..''

Aerith takes Tifa's hands and caresses them gently. She looks into Tifa's crimson eyes and smiles.
''..I know Aerith's difficult. I lost you so quickly that..I still wanna be with you, even though you're dead...blast that Sephiroth!'' Tifa makes a fist and punches the bed.
''Please calm down, my love. There was nothing anyone could do at that moment.....well, I must leave you now, koibito.''
''Aerith, wait!! Just a few more minutes...!''

The heavenly light appeared in the ceiling once again. Aerith began to fade in front of Tifa's eyes.
''Tifa....please...move on with your you can see, I'm not the only one who has feelings for you...they are in love with you too..''
''They?? They who??''
''You'll find out in time, love...just remember..I'll never forget you..and I'll always be watching you...''
''I'll never forget you either....'' Tifa says softly.

Tifa watches Aerith fade away into the heavens, fading away....forever. Tifa put her head down in grief and couldnt help but let out some tears. Afterwards, she fell deep asleep.
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Morningtime came. Aboard the Celcius, Rikku was still asleep, smiling heavily.
Yuna came to check on her.
''Look at her, smiling so hard!'' Yuna said.

Yuna took a pillow from a nearby bed and beat Rikku over the head with it. Rikku jumped up from out of her sleep.
''Gahhhhh!!'' Rikku shouted.
''Morning, sleepyhead!'' Yuna smiled.
''Aww Yunie! You ruined a good dream!''
''So thats why you were smiling in your sleep! Dreaming of Gippal?''
''NO WAY! HE'S A JERK!!'' Rikku shouted.
''So what were you dreaming about then?'' Yuna asked curiously.
'''s a secret!'' Rikku said while clasping her hands together.
''You're in love with someone, aren't you!'' Yuna yelled.
''....m-maybe...'' Rikku giggled and blushed.
''Who is it?''
''I'm not telling you!''

Rikku walks out of the room and heads for the outside door. She thought she would head into the arena to see if Tifa was around. Maybe Rikku could tell Tifa her feelings, before it was too late.

Rikku found Tifa sitting over by the waters of Zanarkand. Tifa wasn't alone though.
There was someone else sitting next to her.
''Hmm..whos that sitting next to Tifa?''

Rikku kept watching. Tifa turned her face to the other person she was sitting next to. Then the other person looked to Tifa.
''Im sorry...for acting so cold last just surpised me.''
''Tifa-sama, its ok.''
''Will you forgive me, Nissa-san?''
''Of course I will, Tifa-sama, as your lover, I must forgive you!''

Rikku figured out that Nissa was the person that was sitting next to Tifa.
''W-what!? Tifa and Nissa....oh no!! NO!!!'' Rikku shouted and began crying loudly.
Tifa and Nissa turned around to see where all the crying was coming from. They saw Rikku on the ground crying non-stop. Tifa got up and went over to Rikku.
''Rikku? You're Rikku right?'' Tifa asked.
''Tifa-sama, dont bother with that little girl!'' Nissa said sternly.
''Rikku, is there something wrong?'' Tifa asked.
''....Yes, something is VERY wrong!'' Rikku shouted.

Rikku got up from the floor and looked up to Tifa, giving her a tight hug. Tifa was shocked at Rikku's action.
''Tifa-san, please tell me that you're not in love with that whore!''
''Hey! Who you callin' a whore, you little brat!!''

Rikku let go of Tifa and ran away. Tifa just watched Rikku run, wondering what was wrong with her. Nissa walked up to Tifa and lunged onto Tifa's arm.
''Tifa-sama, dont pay anymind to her...she's just a little girl who seeks attention''
''....Still, I wonder what's wrong with her, and why did she hug up on me like that.''
''Can't you see, Tifa-sama? She's jealous, jealous that you and me have become such great lovers!!'' Nissa giggled.

Tifa didnt say anything after that. She just kept watching Rikku run. She didnt even look at Nissa.
''Tifa-sama, let's do something romantic!''
'' what?''
''Hmm..lets go to my house! Let me cook the finest in Al Bhed cuisine!!''
''Sounds great!'' Tifa smiled.

Tifa and Nissa left the shore, holding each other's hand.