Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Unseen ❯ Embarrassing Moment! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy!

A/N: Okay! I'm just going to write this chapter to write it! Please Review! I need inspiration! I hate when I have BRAIN FARTS!

Chapter 6

Leon's arms tightened around her as she cried. `I won't hurt you anymore' he promised to himself. `Never again'

Rynna slowly stopped crying as Leon rubbed his left hand in a circular motion on her back. She felt safe in his warmth. She felt that nothing could do her harm as long as he was holding her close.

Leon breathed in Rynna's hair. The smell played with his senses, the tantalizing scent of fresh strawberries and orchids wrapped into one. He smiled as she stopped crying tightened his embrace around her.

"Leon…" Rynna spoke up as his grip tightened.

"Hmm…" Leon said lifting her chin up so he could look into her eyes. He noticed that only one of her eyes were a silvery blue color and the other was crimson red. He thought both her eyes were silvery blue not two different colors.

"Do you…" Rynna said hesitating on asking the question that brought up both their past emotions. "Do you really think I'm a stupid kid?! I mean I'm only 3 years younger than you!"

Leon showed one of his rare smiles few people often see on his lips. One of his smiles that you could tell weren't fake. The one's that he actually means.

"You do don't you!" Rynna said pulling away. Her black ears appearing on top of her head again. "Your such an ass!" She crossed her arms across her chest and huffed.

"Well your not the first one to call me that!" Leon said smirking.

"I cant believe you!" Rynna said pushing him off the bed making him fall on his ass.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Leon said getting up and rubbing his now hurting ass.

"For being such a jerk!" Rynna replied smiling. "Paybacks a bitch isn't it!"

"You brat! Your going to get it!" Leon said chasing her out of her room. "Get back here!"

Leon chased her down the stairs, through the front room, the kitchen, dining room, library, back up the stairs, and back to her room.

"No… fare!" Leon huffed. "You… have… an… advantage!"

Rynna stuck out her tongue and walked past Leon. She was pulled back as Leon grabbed her arm and tugged her back.

"Did you think you would get off that easy?" Leon said arching an eyebrow.

"Nope!" She said flicking his nose and walking off.

"Rynna!" Leon said running after her.

"What?" Rynna said stopping and turning around just as Leon reached her causing her face to press against his chest. "What do you want?"

"Umm…" Leon said slightly blushing as he stepped back. "After we go and find Cloud you want to go out to get something to eat?"

"Go find Cloud?" Rynna said. "What you cause him to leave too?"

"Yeah actually." Leon said rubbing the back of his head.

"Jerk!" Rynna said turning around. "Go take a shower you stink!"

"Do I really?" Leon said smelling himself. "Hey that's not funny Rynna!"

"Trust me it was!" She said giggling as she walked downstairs.

Leon shrugged his shoulders and headed towards his room. `I think I will take a shower' Leon grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom. He took of his clothes exposing his chiseled body. He shivered and put his clothes into the hamper.


"Crap!" Rynna said running back up the stairs. "I forgot the brush!" Rynna ran back up the stairs and went into her room. She looked all over and couldn't find it. She bonked herself on the head and sighed. `I'm such a dork' Rynna went down the hall and opened the door to the bathroom. Rynna's eyes grew wide and she quickly closed the door.


Leon put his clothes in the hamper and put his towel on the rack. The door swung open and a very wide eyed Rynna stood there. Leon gasped and blushed a deep color of red as Rynna quickly shut the door.

"I am so0oo0o sorry Leon!" Rynna shouted through the door. Her face burning with embarrassment. "I didn't know you were in the bathroom!"

Leon looked at the door and sighed. "What do you need out of here brat?" He wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door. Rynna fell back as the door opened and right onto Leon's warm chest. "You know you should really stop falling on my chest like that!" Leon said smiling at the blushing Rynna.

"Well…" Rynna said looking at the floor. "You should learn how to wear a towel!"

"You're the one who barged in on me!" Leon said as the tinge of red on his cheeks faded to pink. "You need to learn how to knock!"

"You need to lock the door!" Rynna said as she narrowed her eyes at Leon.

"It was locked!" Leon said putting his hands on his waist. "But the lock is broken!"

"Well fix it!" Rynna said blushing again as her eyes roamed over Leon's muscular body. `stop looking you idiot' `he'll see you staring if you don't' `but its so hard to look away from such a sculpted body' `I just want to fondle him' `what the fuck' `where did that come from'

"Rynna…" Leon said waving his hand in front of her face.

"What?" Rynna said grabbing the brush. "You're a jerk!"

With that Rynna left the bathroom with a very confused Leon standing there naked under his towel. `girls' Leon sighed and got into the shower.


A/N: Hello! I hope you liked my chapter! I have a brain fart so its probably not good! But review and tell me anyways!