Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ My Love For You ❯ Morning Surprise and lots of flashbacks ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Love For You

DarkYoukaiPriestess: Hi everyone! I’ve come back with a new story and with some new characters. Some characters from the game/anime(manga) will be paired up with an OC. I also know that I have not updated ‘Aquarian Jewel’ for a year. That is because nobody seems to like it since no one has left a review so I'm probably just going to give up on that fic, but I am still going to update the one on fanfiction. I’m very sorry if this fic turns out horrible but it’s my story and my thoughts so deal with it! Please read and review and tell me what you think, also flames are welcome!

Summary: Neonis is in love with Leon and knows that he would never return her feelings. Just as she is about to give up and goes with someone else Leon's starts to fall for her. What is a girl to do when the one she has given up on wants to be with her? Read and find out! This is a Kingdom Hearts II, Juvenile Orion, and Final Fantasy crossover but, it really has nothing to do with the plot but the characters do! This fic will also be filled with Romance, Heartbreak, Betrayal, lots of funny scenes and there will also be sex scenes!


Leon x Neonis [Official]
Demyx x Amaya
Neona x Yuffie
Roxas x Naminé
Sora x Kairi
Kadaj x Riku
Yi-Xin x Haruna
Kaname x Mana
Yazoo x Zexion
Yazoo x Neonis [Temporary]

Oc Character Facts

Neonis Hiratsuka
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Hair: Black, thigh length, usually kept in a long braid
Eyes: Crimson
Height: 5’6”
DOB: July 13
Body type: Slim, slender, slightly muscular, slightly tanned
Weight: 112lbs
Blood type: A
Father- Auron [Deceased]
Step-father- Takuya [Made up, not an OC, Age- 45]
Mother- LuLu [Age- 42]
Brothers- Vincent [Valentine, Age- 26], Neona
Hobbies: Drawing, Training (Martial Arts, weaponry), playing Guitar, listen to music, kicking guys where it really counts! XD, hanging out with friends
Personality: Loud, Rambunctious, Over Protective (Of Amaya), Caring, Reserved

Amaya Kagami
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Hair: Black, shoulder length
Eyes: Silver
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 108lbs
Body type: Slim, slender, athletic, pale
Blood type: O
Father- Xemnas [Age- 45]
Mother- Unknown [Deceased]
Brothers- Saïx [Age- 19], Zexion [Age- 18]
Hobbies: Drawing, Singing (Best singer ever. Period. KOTEX! x3;;), Dances, Listening to Music, Hanging out with Friends
Personality: Shy, Cute, Affectionate, Playful, Caring, Forgiving, [Sometimes ->] Emotionally Weak

Neona Hiratsuka
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Hair: Black, shoulder length
Eyes: Crimson
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 153lbs
Body type: Slim, Slender, Muscular
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Unknown
Personality: Loud, Rambunctious, Serious, Over Protective (Over Neonis), Caring


Disclaimer: I don’t own Kingdom Hearts II, Juvenile Orion, Final Fantasy or any of the characters but Leon shall be mine one day! *Glomps Leon* >w< And Demyx shall be Amaya’s… xD *Maya-chan rapes Demyx* Though the story line is mine! Notice that I bolded ‘mine’ meaning do not copy, alter, change or take any ideas from this story otherwise I will report you. I’m not trying to seem mean I just hate it when other people steal other peoples ideas for their own fics.

Chapter 1

The sun rose over the horizon the light waking many early for the day. The rays hit a large mansion of about four stories tall and the light filtered through one of the many windows of the large building.

The rays hit the face of one of the houses occupants, Neonis was her name, she cringed in discomfort and turned on her side to try to block out the light, but to no avail.

Neonis sighed in annoyance as she finally opened her eyes revealing striking crimson orbs, not maroon, crimson. She blinked a few times getting the sleepiness out until her vision became clear.

Her long cascaded on her back in a black curtain some falling on the right side of her face.

Neonis suddenly tensed when she saw her surroundings and didn’t seem to recognize where she was but yet it seemed familiar. She sat up and observed her surroundings her long raven tresses falling behind her back.

She grimaced in confusion at the familiarly of the room. The dark cobalt blue walls, the smooth mahogany furniture’s, an open walk in closet showing rows and rows of leather jackets some with motorcycle logos on them.

Neonis thought for a while of who she knew that was into leather jackets and motorcycles until she caught sight of a sword that was a mix between a blade and sword propped up on the wall over a black desk. That made something click in her head.

‘This is Leon’s room!’ she thought astonished.

Her head swiveled next to her when the bed started to shift and upon hearing a soft moan. There she saw a long dark haired brunette sleeping peacefully some stray bangs in his closed eyes.

Her gaze fell on the scar that bared between his eyes on the bridge of his nose. Her eyes traveled lower when the blanket slid off his upper body and saw that he was shirtless.

His muscular chest stuck out, he was strong and built and it looked like you could bounce off a quarter from it, just below his torso was his toned six pack firm and sculpted, Neonis felt very tempted to run her hands over them to test out the feel of them.

She blushed at her perverted thoughts she shook her head and quickly turned away, here she was in her infatuations bed, having perverted thoughts, and he was shirtless!

‘Oh my god! What happened last night?! Is this some kind of prank!’

Her face suddenly became pensive as the thought of wonder came to her as to why she was here in the first place she tried to mull over through her thoughts back to last night trying to remember what had happened.


She walked through the Tokyo park it was dark and cold the many trees billowing gracefully in the nightly wind.

She didn’t seem to care for she was just trudging along her way not seeming to be paying any attention to where she was going.

The sound of her chains and Tripps on her pants were the only sounds that rung through the air but the sound of soft sniffling and the stream of tears running down her cheeks were indicating that she was upset, and a faint bruise could be seen on her left cheek.

She sniffled as she kept going not caring who she passed or what she would bump into she grudgingly wiped her eyes and growled at her obvious time of weakness.


The said girl looked up to find Leon looking at her with concern standing only a few feet away from her he wore his trademark leather fur collared jacket a white-T was seen underneath. She frowned at his look and the fact that he was seeing her in such a weakened state.

She quickly turned around and started to walk back but was only able to take one step when a strong hand gently grasped her around the elbow preventing her from going any further.

She timidly looked back to see a stoic but stern look on his face he wanted an explanation and he wasn’t going to let her go so easily.

His expression softened though when he saw the dry tear trails and the faint bruise on her face, he gently pulled her to him and carefully wiped away the dry trail of tears along with new ones that started to fall being mindful of the bruise.

“What’s the matter Neonis?” he finally asked he had a hunch of what might be wrong but decided to let Neonis have a say first before settling his thoughts.

Neonis sniffed as she answered him, “My step-father..”

Leon sighed as his hunch was confirmed he didn’t need a full on explanation and so suggested her to follow him.

“Come on, it’s cold out here you can spend the night at my place.”

Neonis looked at him expectantly she knew she could trust him but thought about it because of her step-father who would be angry and who didn’t like Leon.

But she rethought of it and decided she didn‘t care anymore about what he thought and settled on agreeing with Leon‘s invitation.

She nodded accepting his offer and followed him to his mansion. The whole night he stayed close to her conversing about anything that didn’t involve her parents trying all he could to make her comfortable.
That was all she seemed to remember from last night before she had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

Now here she was in Leon’s bed he was shirtless and her eyes kept falling to his broad chest every time she looked his way.

Neonis couldn’t even fathom of what might happen if she were somewhere unknown, thoughts of being somewhere else and kidnapped by a rapist having their sick twisted way with her made her shudder.

She was glad that this wasn’t what she thought, Neonis knew that she was safe when with Leon and could trust him and relaxed some.

She looked back at Leon who was still sound asleep, she gave a small smile at the sight, he looked so peaceful, she was very grateful that he had offered her a place to stay and a warm sensation filled her being.

Neonis slowly leaned down next to him propped up on her elbows, his scent filling her senses at this close of range, she gazed at his face admiring his handsome features.

Her eyes traveled to his lips they were slightly parted as he breathed lightly, her blush came back as she thought of how his lips would feel against hers.

‘I don’t think it would hurt to find out.’

She slowly lowered her face to his and stopped inches from him her breathe grazed against his lips but he didn’t stir, she resumed and slowly descended.

Her body shivered as she came ever so closer their breathes mingled her heart sped up the different emotions overwhelming her she slowly closed her eyes as her lips finally connected with his.

The kiss was chaste and soft and just as she kissed him she quickly flew back like she had been burned and lightly touched her lips her face now resembling a tomato, different emotions started running through her body.

‘I kissed him!’

Her heart went a mile a minute at this new sensation, the contact with his lips seemed to make something spark within her, her skin felt like it was tingling, her temperature seemed to rise but did not feel like she was sick, and butterflies were fluttering in her stomach.

Though she felt kind of proud that she was able to show her feelings even though Leon would probably never know about them, but she felt like she had finally accomplished one of her many dreams and felt proud.


She jumped at the sound of her name and looked down at the brunette her eyes went to his face and found him staring intently at her.

She blushed again as she gazed into his stormy blue gray orbs, they were hard and cold but none the less she always thought they were beautiful, his stare made her shiver and become apprehensive.

“Y-yes?” she responded, ‘does he know I kissed him?’

Leon sat up and brushed the stray strands of hair out of his face and looked at her before continuing what he was saying.

“Are you doing alright?” he asked he had been worried about her all night but he would never admit it.

“Y-yeah.” she assured, ‘Oh man, I feel so nervous all of a sudden!’

She gave him a small smile and quickly got up off the bed, she walked over to the curtains and closed them dimming the room, she could feel his eyes boring into her back which really didn’t help at the moment.

Leon watched as she strolled into the bathroom the door still open she turned to him looking with questioning eyes.

“Do you mind if I use your bathroom?” she asked politely.

Leon shook his head as he allowed her permission.

“Go on ahead.”

She nodded in thanks and turned on the sink letting the water flow.

She cupped her hands together and let the water fill them before raising them to her face and splashing her face with the refreshing liquid, the cold water waking up her senses.

‘I’ll leave as soon as possible if anything I’m probably just going to do something embarrassing!’ she stated to her self she continued to wash her face getting rid of any debris.

Neonis has had a crush on Leon ever since the three years she’s known him. How she met him? Through her older brother Neona.

Her brother and Leon were good friends and Leon had been introduced to her when she had decided to go with Neona one day to work, he worked for Leon who built custom-made motorcycles and old style cars.

The first encounter was uneventful being rather quiet around new people. After a while of getting to know him and getting over some of her shyness she grew to have feelings for him.

She agreed that he may seem a bit cold on the outside back then and now still but she knew that he had a heart of gold after getting to know him.

Also the fact that he could be kind at times and always looking out for his younger siblings Sora and Roxas and his friends.

After that she had made many failed attempts to show her affections for him but they were all either disrupted by friends, visitors or side tracked by her nervousness and bashfulness.

She had a belief that he would never return her feelings anyway and that it was better that they stayed good friends, he was always there for her and helped her whenever she needed and for that she was grateful.

But she wished above than anything else that it could be more, and she knew she would never stop loving him.

She also always had doubts of how she looked, everyone always complimented her of how pretty she was but she always felt awkward about it and thought otherwise.

It was also one of the opinions she had that Leon might not be interested in her, she knew that there were much prettier girls out there he would like.

She continued to wash her face not hearing anything from the bedroom she assumed that Leon was already out of the room, downstairs getting breakfast, or so she thought.

Yes, Leon was already out of bed, but was standing at the doorway leaned against it with his arms crossed watching as she freshened up.

After she finished and turned off the faucet he couldn’t help but stare at the soaked strands of hair clinging to her face and the light glisten on her face from the water.

His eyes watched as the water trailed down her face and along the curve of her neck.

His gaze followed as the droplet fell further below onto her chest and disappeared in the confines of her black tank top.

He didn’t stop there as he traveled lower he eyed her large breasts, tiny waist where he knew had a small six pack, and the curve of that nice sizable ass all in all, he thought she was extremely beautiful and sexy.

He suddenly had a strong sensation of wanting her filled his body, he wanted to have his way with her, he wanted to kiss her, ravish her, feel the curve of her small frame against his, looking down into her wanting and needing eyes, covered in sweat, and the feeling of being inside-.

He mentally slapped himself knocking him out of his thoughts, ‘What the hell am I thinking?! I shouldn’t be thinking of her that way! We’re only friends if she knew what I was thinking she would probably get freaked out!’

He shook his head and went back to his thoughts avoiding ones that involved his recent ones, though it seemed he was completely oblivious of Neonis’ feelings and thoughts for him.

After Neonis finished wiping her face off with a towel she turned to the door surprised to see Leon standing there deep in thought. She couldn’t stop herself from observing his half-naked form.

His arms were crossed over his toned chest, his hard six pack abs were a sight to behold, and a slim, slender figure, but that wasn’t what exactly what caught her attention.

His navy blue jeans were low and since he wasn’t wearing a belt that usually held his pants up the image of the ‘v’ on his pelvic area was visible which she was pretty sure lead to his happy trail down further to his ‘friend’, he looked absolutely sexy and Neonis swore that she would get a nose bleed if she stared any longer.

She mentally shook her head and started scolding herself, ‘Stop it Neonis, your over exaggerating! No time to be thinking about this!’ she sighed as she finally re-gathered her composure.

She walked up to Leon and waved her hand in front of his face but getting no reaction.

“Leon? You ok?” she asked.

Leon blinked and snapped out of his reverie when he finally noticed a hand waving in his face and Neonis looking at him awkwardly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” he replied.

Neonis looked at him for a few moments before shrugging and strolled out of the bathroom passed Leon as if nothing happened.

She walked over to her black combat boots that sat under a chair the boots themselves were very nice, they zipped up from the toes to the top with straps over them cross designs on the buckles and were 100% leather.

She had gotten them from Leon on Christmas knowing they probably cost him a lot though that really wouldn’t matter since he was rich anyway, and she always wore them whenever she could.

Leon walked up to her wondering why she was already getting ready to leave.

“Aren’t you going to stay to eat breakfast first before you leav-”

“No… I have to get going, Takuya’s probably already angry enough at me as it is.” she interrupted, but whispering the last part to herself.

“What did you say Neonis?” Leon inquired.

“Huh? O-oh nothing! It’s nothing.” she said.

She hastily strapped her boots shut and swiftly reached for the door she paused for a second as she looked back at Leon with a thankful but bashful look.

“Thank you, for letting me stay.” she said and left shutting the door behind her.


“Oh man, thank god he didn’t suspect anything,” she sighed in relief, “Well, time to encounter mister ‘asshole’.”

Her steps became more upbeat as she quickly ran down the long steps of the mansion, out the front door, and through the front gates.

The mansion was massive, it stood at about four stories with many bedrooms, four were the masters at the west wing, five were the maids/butlers room at the south west wing, and the remaining were seven guestrooms in the east wing.

The front yard had a beautiful garden which consisted of a fountain in the middle with rose bushes around the contraption.

Near the west side of the yard was a garage, or more like the shop where Leon worked. He built custom-made motorcycles and old style convertibles. And around the mansion were big tall steel gates surrounding the great house.

This was her second home other than her two brothers who’s mansion was slightly larger than Leon’s all the rooms in the same location except a few extra maid/butler rooms and the absence of a shop.

Neonis ran down the road of the neighborhood her Tripps jingling with her movements towards her destination, home, humph, yeah right.


Leon stood in the same spot where he was when Neonis left and wondered what was with her quick rejected response, she seemed in a hurry and, that sad look, the same look he saw on her face as she slept last night.

‘I’m not going to think about it now. I’ll take a shower to clear my mind.’ he thought shaking his head and entered the bathroom.

He turned on the shower head and let it run for a few moments steam spewing from the bath.

After checking the temperature he nodded in approval and quickly shed his remaining clothes and stepped in under the onslaught of the water.

He craned his neck up and closed his eyes letting the water assault his body the warm liquid relaxing his tense muscles.

He reopened them when his thoughts of last night, came back.


“So how is everything with Vince and Neo?” Leon asked.

They were both currently sitting on Leon’s king sized bed both had reached his house right as the wind started to pick up some and were now warm, safe and comfortable sharing small conversations.

Usually Leon didn’t really engage in conversations except with Neona, Vincent, and Neonis herself.

Neonis turned to him and gave a small smile at the mention of her brothers.

“Their doing fine. Vincey-oniichan is still pissed at Neo-nii for destroying the new project of the new hotel his company was working on.” she stated.

Neonis loved her older brothers just as much as they loved her, they were the only ones that really treated her like she was family unlike her parents.

Her family was extremely rich they all were complete business tycoons, they had money, luxury, and anything they wished, but Neonis could care less about any of that.

She cared more for her friends and seeing as her parents were messing up her life enough as it was, saying she needed to be more proper and act like she was rich, and she already had to deal with the torture that she got from school and all the assholes who go there she hated it.

They lived somewhat separately Neonis still lived with her parents since she was still only 17 and they were still in charge of her, her brothers lived together (no, there is no incest) away from the parents but not far only a two mile way.

The two brothers would do anything for her they let her stay whenever she wished taking good care of her and let her go about on her own business except get into any trouble and keeping her away from lustful men.

Neonis giggled at the thought gaining Leon’s attention.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

Neonis shook her head dismissing the question.

“It’s nothing.”

She flopped down on the bed and sighed in contentment she snuggled close to the softness of the pillows and comforter.

Neonis looked up at Leon who was leaning against the headboard his eyes were closed and he looked deep in thought.

‘He looks so relaxed, I want to ask him about it but I don’t want to bother him.’ she hesitated but she really wanted to know what he thought.

She decided to ask and so she took a deep breathe before gaining his attention, and voicing her question.


The said man opened his eyes and looked down at her intently waiting for her to speak. Neonis hesitated for a second before taking a deep breathe gathered her courage and spoke.

“What would you say, if a woman loved her best friend, and thinking he would return her feelings, but also had doubt about it? Should she try to confess her love for him, or move on?” she inquired timidly, Neonis looked up at him waiting for his response.

Leon was a bit taken back by her question and felt slightly uneasy.

He wasn’t really experienced in that field, all about love, sure he had a few relationships in the past, but love? He always assumed she would converse about that stuff with her friends mostly Amaya.

But the look on her face, her innocent questioning eyes, he couldn‘t resist and there were many things that she only told him, secrets that she trusted him with, he always promised to keep them, and was there when she needed someone to talk to or for comfort.

He suddenly had a few theories running around his head ones that didn‘t seem too pleasing to him.

‘Is she asking me for advice for a guy she likes?’

For some reason the thought almost made him angry and his chest clenched in slight pain he mentally frowned at the sensation.

‘What is this feeling? Whatever it is I don’t like it.’

He felt unsure of answering, giving her advice for a guy that she might be interested in, that wasn’t him.

That surprised him of the sudden thought of wishing he were the one that Neonis was attentive in, he mentally slapped himself thinking it was absurd, they were just friends and that was all he thought and felt about her. But, a feeling of doubt lingered in his being.

He responded to her as he saw her still waiting for a response but with a little impatience in her eyes and he just raised his eyebrow in amusement.

He mulled over what he would say thinking of a good way to explain this ‘situation’.

“If she had a chance than yes, but if she had doubt, that he doesn’t love her back they should stay good friends to save the pain of heartbreak and the small happiness between them. But that doesn’t mean she can’t stop loving the person. Love is a strong emotion it can either cause happiness or pain, but knowing that the one you love cares for you should be enough to live for.”

Neonis looked utterly shocked she would have never thought Leon to think something like that but what he said, made perfect sense.

She turned on her side avoiding Leon’s heated gaze and tightly shut her eyes trying to hold back the tears but it was no use as each one fell in a crystalline drop all holding a piece of her broken heart.

‘I won’t stop loving him, but I guess it’s probably best we just stay friends, or…’ she closed her eyes exhaustion overtaking her and she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Leon watched as she turned away from him and curled herself up her shaking form made him concerned wondering of her well being.

He soon could hear light breathing and assumed that she was asleep and probably just cold, he lifted the comforter from under her and quietly covered the girl.

He brushed away some of the stray strands of her raven locks but in doing so he felt something wet brush against his fingers his face scrunched in confusion wondering what was the wet substance he softly turned her over looking at her face.

He frowned when he saw wet trails along her pale face, he became concerned that he found her crying again, the sight made the same sensation from a few moments before in his chest rise but ignored it and gently wiped away the tears.

He took off his t-shirt feeling it to be a little too warm and settled himself under the comforter next to Neonis, he turned on his side facing her leaning on his side resting his head in his palm.

He watched as she slept the slow rise and fall of her chest steady as she slept away.

‘Neonis, being with another man…’

He thought no more of it as he forced away the different emotions and thoughts in the deep recesses of his mind, his gaze fell on her again her peaceful face a pretty sight, he couldn‘t seem to control himself when he leaned down to her and gave her a small peck on her soft pink lips.

He withdrew his eyes wide, he couldn’t believe what he had just done. He had kissed Neonis while she was sleeping, a time that she was most vulnerable.

Now he felt bad, he could have taken advantage of her and deprived her of her innocence and her trust in him but, that kiss, he enjoyed it.

Her lips were soft and warm and he may not have noticed it but he had put more feeling into it than any of his previous ‘lovers’ even if it was a small one, he than started wondering how would Neonis have reacted if she were awake and aware.

Would she be shocked, angry, disgusted, happy? He wasn’t sure himself, but deep down he hoped it was the latter.

‘No one should take away someone’s innocence in such a way, not even Neonis…’ he thought absent-mindedly.

He made promise there that he would protect her, to not let her get hurt and not let her be broken.

He concluded this as he finally settled himself down and wriggled closer to the sleeping beauty, he closed his eyes still facing the slumbering girl and joined her in the world of sleep.


The events last night slightly bothered him, he had started wondering of what was going on with her, and himself.

With Neonis he had first saw her crying after an argument with her step-father and then she’s asking advice about love?

He had seen her bruised face and the pain in her eyes, the arguments she had with her parents always made her upset and alone and would always compel for her to stay at a friends, her brothers, or his place.

At times even she would be seen not only crying and alone, but beaten and battered, and he knew exactly where those wounds were from and who made them, her step-father and it was pretty self explanatory with the bruise she had on her cheek last night.

Leon definitely didn’t approve of what the man did to her and at a time had been tempted to go over to their house and beat the shit out of the man or possibly more like kill him, but Neonis stopped him reasoning with him that he could get in a lot of trouble if he did.

He growled at the thought of the man, his blood boiled at even the mention of him, Neonis was one of his very good friends and he cared for her like a brother would, but it seemed that this concern wasn’t really brotherly, but more, genuine.

But the one thing that was on his mind the most was, why had he kissed her? His fingers grazed against his now wet lips the tingling from last night’s kiss still lingered there.

Different emotions started running through him again as he thought of the girl, her smile was kind and genuine towards her friends and loved ones, her eyes always flared to life with her emotions, her tears always awakening a deep pain within himself, and she was always so beautiful, hot, and sexy.

He didn‘t know what was going on with himself, he first feels brotherly love, than jealousy at the thought that Neonis was interested in someone, and now he was starting to have more intimate thoughts of her.

He had kissed her while she slept, that showed proof enough, but brothers don’t kiss their sisters, and now these feelings he felt when he was with her or even thought of her.

It seemed that his thoughts of her were the opposite of what Neonis thought of herself, his feelings for her new and overpowering, and those feelings seemed to be growing, but he didn‘t seem to realize it.

He sighed as he quickly cleaned himself and turned off the faucet he grabbed a towel and firmly wrapped it around his waist, he walked over to his sink and wiped at the fog smothered mirror.

He looked back at his reflection his steel blue grey eyes showing no emotion even though there were many running through him right now anger, confusion, envy, and pain.

He became frustrated his mind on Neonis again, his hands gripped onto the sides of the sink almost bruising them his frustration on the brink control.

‘Why can‘t I figure it out? And what are these thoughts and feelings of her about?’

He shook his head and sighed in exasperation he gave up as he pushed his thoughts away, he entered in his bedroom and quickly changed getting ready for the day.

He quickly rubbed his hair thoroughly with another towel and tossed it aside into the laundry hamper with expert ease, he combed through his still damp hair with his fingers and continued towards his clothes.

He grabbed a pair of navy blue pants from his walk in closet, it had closed zippers on each side all the way from the feet to the waist band, they fit somewhat loosely on his hips showing his ‘v’ trail he put on a leather belt through the loops and firmly buckled it.

He grabbed three more belts wrapping each one around his waist, they all hung loosely but stayed in place, he than reached for a white-T, he slipped it on over his head and tucked them in the hem of the waist band of his pants the shirt fit snugly showing his muscular form.

He looked in the mirror at his reflection and nodded in approval now ready for the day.

“Dammit Sora!”

Leon sighed as he heard the curses and a crash along with other panicked and pleading voices down stairs, maybe he should just stay in bed instead?

He thought better against it not wanting his two younger siblings to cause too much of a mess as he briskly walked down the stairs ready to give a scolding.

DarkAngelAssassin666: Well that's it for chapter 1, I’m really sorry I know there was probably too much flashbacks but that just shows how dumb I am -.-;. Please leave a review and tell me what you think. Though I think it was pretty lame. Well thank you for reading and have a nice day! Also here are some facts I decided to put them down here instead of at the top, there's already too much there.
Video/Anime characters age:
Leon- 26
Demyx- 19
Yuffie- 19
Roxas- 18
Naminé- 17
Sora- 18
Kairi- 17
Riku- 19
Xigbar- 46
Kadaj- 18
Yazoo- 18
Loz- 18
Yi-Xin- 20
Haruna- 19
Naoya- 19
Tsukasa- 18
Kaname- 18
Mana- 18
Cloud- 23
Tifa- 22