Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Edge and Beyond ❯ meetings ( Chapter 2 )

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2, meetings

"the edge of worlds ay, i'm coming too." Misty told her adding another to the two now threesome. Around them the trees were all too familiar. This place held many of their memories. Memories which were once joyful yet now so painful. And yet, it is because of those memories which they treasured beyond all things, they travel to find out where those they have lost have gone to.

"Sensei", Lara asked suddenly, "why did you help me? why do you still care?" Having known she was stuck on this planet for so long she didn't even know why her Sensei stoood by her all these years.

"i er..." Juita started slightly taken aback. Due to his experience, he had learnt how to block his thoughts. This was one such time that it would be put to use. "I helped you back when you first came to earth. Since then, I've taken you under my wing. At first, it was an obligation. It was a way of life for me to help those who deserved to be helped. So I helped you. And after a while, I enjoyed your company." He sighed hiding his true reason from her. The truth would have to be revealed when the right time came. Lara searched his mind to no avail forcing her to stare into his dusty blue eyes briefly. She couldn't even notice that his mind was blocked.

"maybe he's just a softy!" came Misty's cheerful voice. "HEY!!" he said seemingly regaining his composure. Lara laughed finding it all very amusing. "that's why we're such great friends" she said gesturing to Mistybefore she heard something in the bushes ahead. They almost immediately quietened down as Lara called Frost, her icy Starmie out. ~do you sense it too?~ Frost asked her the obvious. "what is it?" Juita asked becoming serious. From out of the bushes came a large distorted caterpie-like creature. "what the hell?" Lara asked confused. ~it isn't a pokemon~ said Frost. ~this is wrong…~ she sighed. ~no matter, are we getting rid of it before it eats us up?~ she asked worried. "ice strands" Lara said initiating Frosts points to shoot out thinner than hair strands of ice which penetrated it's skin, instantly killing it. "right" said Misty. "so whatever it was, it was easy to get rid of and not normal." She added inching away from its dead body. "I hate bugs…" she whined.

Juita was once again lost to them, deep in thoughts. His mind searcehed for answers to questions he could not yet understand or begin to comprehend. "look, something is definitely wrong. Frost is right as usual." He said pointing in the direction where the creature came from. Lara hated being detoured but this was important. Or at least her Sensei thought so which was definitely good enough for her. She placed a hand on Misty's shoulder motioning them to follow. She gently slip through the bushes entering a clearing. "strange…" she said. "the Viridian clearing isn't supposed to be here." In fact, the clearing was supposed to be in the exact opposite direction about 300 meters away. But no, there was a clearing and even stranger, a building. But a funny looking one at that. One that neither of them had ever seen before.

Juita, having given the building a glance knew immediately that this world was not theirs. But it had Earth signature all over it. His hand gripped the hilt of his Gunblade as he took the lead in brining them in. So as not to attact anymore attention, Frost returned to Lara's body. The rare pokemon were different in this sense when compared to others as it recquired no pokeball. It melded with its master. For a brief moment, Lara stopped moving allowing Frost to shrink and be absorbed into the palm of her hand.

They crept slowly towards the building with extreme caution. Misty had a weird gut feeling telling her that there was worse to come. If the weird bug thing was the beginning, the only thing keeping her from running away from what was to come was finding her friends and more importantly, her brother.