Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mornings are scary...'specially at the Mega Cap ❯ the first batch ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Mornings are scary…'specially at the Mega Cap

Author: stina-chan

Rating: 14 A for mature audiences you've been warned…

Disclaimer: ooh k this is gonna take a while so *takes a deep breath* I do not own: Dragon ball/z/gt, ranma

A/n"Hmmm……… these are a set of brief comical interludes to anyone who reads my fics as I am terrible at updating and I do not wish to get hurt by Sayuri. I got the inspiration from the Simpson episode with the grammar robot in it. Anyways these are dedicated to my friends on-line and in real life, this first story is dedicated to Sayuri (and a bit to naner) … the author has spoken."

Sayuri looked up from the table as Vegeta walked by clad in tight black leather listening to AC-DC from his portable CD player. Her mouth hung open as she savored the show, both the full profile and the rear view. After he was gone she turned to Stina wiping some drool off her chin with a tissue.

"Stina was it just me or did `Geta just walk through the kitchen wearing tight-black leather?" Sayuri tried hard not to twitch.

"Yeah why?"

"Just wanted to be sure I wasn't dreaming, don't wait up on me!" Sayuri said jumping up from the table and running after Vegeta.

Down the hall.

"Leather man you're mine!!…MOLEST!!!"

A/N: *chuckles* I know how long you people have been waiting for the leather man… anyways time for some candy for S'rac, you know deep down inside Ryoga is number one…

S'rac sighed as he felt something pawing at his foot, "go away Ryoga, I don't have time to go get some hot water."

The little black pig tried pitifully to look angry, then bit S'rac's leg.


"OUCH, for that, my little friend you will die… KUNO STYLE!" S'rac jumped up pulling out his shibby bokken.

"Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da …" S'rac stabbed at the running Ryoga. (a/n if you ever saw ranma

"SQUEEEEE!!" Ryoga tried to dodge S'rac as S'rac brought his bokken down hitting the little piggy over the head knocking him out.

"AH HAHA, S'rac is in the house." S'rac praised himself.

"Job well accomplished,"

"Huh who in the wor-" S'rac turned around angrily then stopped as he saw who it was.

(a/n at this point the world would have stopped spinning and creepy god like music would be playing all for s'rac)

"It is I Tatewaki Kuno," Kuno stood in the doorway a god-like light shining off of him. S'rac stared in wonder then ran over and attached himself to Kuno's leg.

"KUNNNNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!" S'rac said tears coming to his eyes, "at last we meet, I am at your service."

"AHHHHHH!!!!," Kuno ran in circles trying to dislodge the psycho kid from his leg. Kicking S'rac into the corner Kuno fled.

"NOOOO!!!! You were supposed to love me!" S'rac sat on the couch looking sad, "I feel so alone."

And in the darkness of the shadows sat Ryoga once again as a human, "ahh the bittersweet taste of revenge."

A/N DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN sorry s'rac but I had to save Ryoga's honor. Nod nod anyways who else is on my list of people? Ah yes Banana girl, this should prove to be most interesting.

Sipping her banana shake BG rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she made her way towards the kitchen. Suddenly she stopped as she heard Sayuri screaming down the hall, her face went dark as she crushed her milkshake glass with her fist.

"LEAVE MY SKITTLES ALONE!!!!!" BG yelled running towards the sound.

At the scene she saw Sayuri pulling at the leather shirt Vegeta was wearing, as she had him pinned under her.

"Hey get off my skittles!" BG growled circling her prey. Sayuri looked up from her hostage and snarled animal like.

"Get your own boy toy."

"You're sitting on my boy toy, now get up or give it up!" BG hissed back stopping when she was facing Sayuri head on and holding up her fists.

"All right bring it biatch!" Sayuri said getting off of `Geta and getting into a stance.

As the two battled it off Vegeta slinked out of the room and back towards the kitchen.

"Don't worry skittles I'll defend our honor!" BG called after Vegeta as he turned the corner.

A/n: lol yes now isn't this fun who else is on the list of my victims? Oh yes keli…*rubs hands together evilly cackling madly*…

Keli climbed down the stairs yawning as she proceeded to the kitchen. Scratching her head she sat down at the table and looked over at Stina who was currently reading the journal.

"Mornin," She yawned as she grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal. She looked at Stina oddly as she mumbled something inaudible and took a sip of her mocha.

"What you be reading?" Keli asked scooting over and grabbing the milk.

"I honestly don't know." Stina replied turning the page and taking another sip of her breakfast.

"You know you really should eat something," Keli said shoving cereal into her own mouth.

"Naw, breakfast doesn't do well with me," Stina said closing her paper after finding the comics. "Oh have you heard Trunks just arrived from the future he's in one of the guest rooms down the hall." Stina smiled slyly at her friend before standing up to add some powder to her coffee.

"Um I just remembered I forgot something, got to go see ya later," Keli said putting her cereal on the counter and running down the hallway.

`Hmm where is he,' Keli thought slinking in and out of each guestroom down the hall. Suddenly she reached a room where the shower was going. Snickering evilly she crept into the room and looked around. Mirai Trunks' clothes were all over the place. Smiling giddily she grabbed a camera and slinked into the bathroom.

Trunks stood in the shower sighing as the hot water slid down his naked body and fell onto the floor. Finishing up he turned off the water and opened the shower door.

* Click, Click, Click *

"Mmm yummy," Keli squealed running out of the bathroom and out into the hallway. Quickly Trunks wrapped a towel around himself and ran in pursuit of her.

"GIVE ME THAT CAMERA!!!" Trunks yelled trying to run down the hallway in the towel.

"Not on your life Trunks honey!" Keli yelled back running into the empty kitchen and disappearing outside.

Trunks followed turning the corner when he felt a tug…

A/N: heh heh I bet you all can figure that one out… hey now wasn't that fun lets try something else, nod nod. Fine I admit it I got that line from Linkin Park. Don't hurt me!!! *covers face then peeks back* better yet don't sue me. Now I must write something for joe cuz he won't stop buggin me to write, bah evil guilt trip, anyways joe hunny this is really you and me cuz you know the truth sephy doll is mine *grinz evilly*

Stina rolled over in her bed and looked at the clock.


"Bah, it's too early," She slid out of bed and put on her glasses as she left for the kitchen.

Yawning Stina poured herself a coffee and sat down at the table flipping through the newspaper. Two seconds later Sayuri walked in and sat down.

"Hey Stina," She said tiredly eyeing the coffee Stina was holding.

Stina sighed and handed her coffee over, "fine, have some."

Sayuri smiled and took a sip, "eww, double shot espresso."

"And you were expecting?" Stina inquired lifting a brow.

"Never-" Sayuri stopped mid sentence as Vegeta came into the kitchen clad in leather.

Stina sighed at her friend who was almost at the point of not breathing while watching `Geta. Sayuri suddenly turned back, "Stina was it just me or did `Geta just walk through the kitchen wearing tight-black leather?"

"Yeah why?" Stina took another sip staring at Sayuri oddly.

Sayuri grinned evilly as she jumped up from the table, "just wanted to be sure I wasn't dreaming, don't wait up on me!"

Stina shook her head as she heard a yell down the hallway, "whatever."

Going back to her paper she heard Keli walked in.

"Mornin," Keli said sitting down with a bowl of cereal.

"Oooh this shalt be very interesting," Stina muttered to herself talking a sip of her double espresso shot mocha. After the usually conversaries (a/n: dunno if that's a word or not but to me it means normal everyday conversation) Stina smiled evilly and let Keli in on a secret.

"Oh have you heard Trunks just arrived from the future he's in one of the guest rooms down the hall." Stina smiled pouring more mocha powder into her drink.

"Um I just remembered I forgot something, got to go see ya later," Keli put her things on the counter and ran out of the kitchen. Stina snickered finishing the last of her coffee and leaving the kitchen comics in tow. Making her way to her room she saw Keli run by carrying a camera. She saw trunks in a towel run by soon after. Stina smirked at them and continued back to her bedroom for a shower. In the basement she heard voices coming from joe's room. Scrunching her eyebrows she curiously crept over to joe's door putting her ear against it.

"So that's what you guys decided on?" -joe's voice-

"Yep," someone cheerful answered.

"Sephy?" -joe-

Stina's face turned red and she clenched her fists.

"JOE YOU HAVE MY SEPHY HUNNY IN THERE DON'T YOU!!!" Stina opened the door to see Joe sitting on the bed accompanied by a smirking Sephiroth and teenage Gohan. Gohan was holding a length of rope while Sephiroth was stroking joe's thigh.

"What are you doing coming into my room?! And what do you mean your sephy hunny?!!!" joe demanded rising off the bed and walking to the door.

"He's mine and you know it," Stina said walking over to the bed and grabbing Sephiroth's hand, "I don't know what you were going to do with him and by the looks of what Gohan is holding, I don't want to know."

"I'd like to stay with joe, we were seducing him," Sephiroth explained trying to get out of Stina's death grip.

Stina glared him into silence. She started for the door with Sephiroth in tow when joe jumped in front of it blocking the way.

"Out of my way joe the sephy is comin' with me," Stina said hissing at joe.

"Over my dead body," joe said growling.

"That can be arranged!" Stina let go of Sephiroth's hand and pounced joe. Quickly joe flipped her onto her back and crouched above her pinning her hands above her head.

"Hey this is kinda kinky, how about it join our orgy?" joe snickered at the look of disgust on Stina's face.

"Sorry, but I don't do Gohan and neither does my sephy!" Stina growled pushing joe off and taking Sephy's hand again. Gohan still sat on the bed and looked sad at what Stina had said about him. Just walking into the hallway Stina saw Ryoga walking by grinning evilly. Suddenly forgetting Sephy she let go of his hand and ran to catch up to Ryoga.

"Where are you going, Ryoga baby wait up," Stina called running down the hallway and glomping Ryoga.

All the guys in joe's room sweat dropped at the sounds of kissing down the hallway.

Sephiroth snickered and took joe's hand leading him back into the room closing the door behind them.

"When did Cloud say he'd be here? He's late."

A/n: Lol bah fine you can have Sephy hunny joe, but only because I found someone better to replace him, *grinz*…

To Be Continued…

Who else am I forgetting?

Piccolo: J'Dee?

Oh yesh, J'Dee and Jeril…

Piccolo: and Golden Rain?

Oh yes I need to talk to her about that…*grinz evilly* and also anyone else I tend to remember and know… till next time everyone *waves*

~ stina-chan ~