Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mercenaries and Assassins ❯ Finally some answers ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaminers: I do not own the Final Fantasy VIII (Squaresoft) or Weiss Kreuz characters though I wished I did especially the blondes.

Eventual Pairings: Squall x Zell, Aya x Youji, Quistis x Rinoa

Warning: Mild language

Rating: R

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With great speed Zell caught Youji before he fell and picked him up in his arms. He looked at Aya, "Is there somewhere we can take him."

Aya nodded, "follow me." He looked at Ken, "watch the shop."

Walking behind Aya Zell felt a tingle in his mind. Ifrit!


//Ifrit, Wassup?//

//When you lay him down hold his hand.//


//Rinoa cannot come to you, so you must meet her halfway. It is part of her power.//

//Is Youji alright?//

//Yes he is waiting for you.//

Zell smiled at this surprised that Youji was taking it so well. But then these men were not your usual type. They were more than they seemed or portrayed.

Aya opened there apartment door and motioned towards the couch.

Zell gently laid Youji down turning to Squall. "It is Rinoa," he pointed to Youji, "he is waiting for me."

Squall froze, fighting with himself whether he should let Zell go. Rinoa's sorceress powers were something he could never comprehend, nor did he know the extent of her power. He sighed and nodded putting his hand on Zell's shoulder, "be careful Zell, I will explain it to Aya." He let his hand drop to his side in resignation. Just keep safe for me Zell…please. Words he could never say out loud. His mask back into place as he turned to Aya.

Zell gave Squall a quick look, "I will be fine. I promise." He removed his glove from his right hand taking Youji's left hand. His body jerked as powerful energy shot up his arm reaching out to every part of his insides, coating it with a beautiful golden light. He felt himself shrinking smaller and smaller, then silence and darkness.

A small light flickered and began to glow brighter and brighter, until a tall blonde male with beautiful green eyes was standing in front of him. The male called Youji smiled. "Zell. We finally meet."

"Yes we do. She calls for us?"

Youji looked solemn. "She will come to us when she feels us close. That is what a soft voice said to me anyway."

"It has to be Rinoa Youji. She is a dear friend of ours and she is a…"

He hesitated wondering if he should tell Youji what she really was. He chuckled softly, hell if anyone had the right ta know it was this guy. Squall was not here to tell him what to do so he was in charge for now.

"She is a Sorceress."

He watched Youji carefully who stared back at him with knowledgeable eyes.

"I knew she was different. It puts my mind at rest; I thought I was going crazy."

Zell touched his shoulder squeezing gently, "I know I did too."

Youji felt better and liked this Zell, patting his hand. Strange he felt he had known Zell for years, like they were great friends. Pushing his sunglasses into place he straightened. "We have to follow the blue strand of light."

"Okay, let's get going. Our time here is limited."


Aya leaned over the couch to touch Youji; he looked so pale, his dark blonde hair fanned around his perfect golden face. He looked like an Angel, with soft pink lips, he was so serene and at peace. This was the first time Aya had ever seen his team mate like this.

Squall grabbed his wrist with his gloved hand, his face saying nothing but his eyes saying not to touch, there was more going on here then a fainting spell.

Glaring giving Squall an icy stare Aya pulled his wrist out of Squall's grasp. He could see the other man would do anything in his power to protect the petite blonde. Aya was not afraid. No. Instead he understood him, why he would. Aya would do the same for Youji. Because of this, Aya found himself respecting Squall. He raised an eyebrow angling his head, wanting some answers.

Rubbing his scar, Squall stood up and without a word moved to the kitchen table sitting down waiting patiently for the other two to join him. He glanced at the two on the couch, only Hyne knew how long Zell and Youji were going to be. He was worried for them both and he was worried about Quistis and Irvine worrying about them. Worried about Rinoa and what the hell dragged her to this world. It had to be the workings of another sorceress…but who was the sorceress? Worse still, how was he going to tell this lot?

Omi placed the coffee cup in front of Squall. "Would you like milk or sugar with this?"

"No thank you." Absently he lifted the cup and sipped it, the hotness warming his cold body that was like ice at the moment. Settling his cup back on the table he watched as Aya sat across the table from him, Omi beside him.

"We are searching for a friend who went missing. She was tracked here." Squall inwardly smirked glad Zell and the others were not here. He could just hear them. What sort of explanation is that?! He was a man of few words, and old habits are hard to break.

Omi looked at Aya who was frowning at Squall.

"Really, then explain to me why Youji dreamt about the female and saw Zell in our bathroom mirror, and how she took him over for a few minutes down in the shop."

Omi's mouth dropped open, "Youji saw Zell in the mirror and…and he had dreams about this girl?"

With impatience Aya ignored Omi still looking at Squall. "Well?"

Stormy eyes glowered at Aya, he wants the truth then he can bloody have it. "Sorcery! Rinoa is a sorceress and I think another sorceress has brought her here."

Omi laughed and Aya glared at him, "Do we look fucking stupid to you?" Aya's hand gripped the table his knuckles going white with the strain.

Squall never flinched, his eyes not wavering, "No you don't." Squall could feel his face tightening, "I am telling the truth. If you do not wish to believe me then I cannot force you." He stood up drinking the rest of the coffee saying stiffly, "All I care about is finding Rinoa and taking her home, that is our mission and if we have to do it alone we will." Moving from the table he watched over Zell and Youji, his arms folded across his chest. This was his shutting out stance.

Aya froze at the word mission. Who were these guys? Were they assassins like them but from another team, and by the looks of things another country though he was willing to bet…no that is impossible. Had to be.

Squall was annoyed and had lost what little patience he had. Once Zell returns they were leaving. He did not wish to involve these people and he was not about to give out any more information. He knew they would respond the way they did. For Hyne's sake, Aya said it himself, the mirror the dreams what did he think it was fairy tales! Shit if that was the case then they wouldn't be here in the first fucking place.

Omi felt foolish for laughing. The brunette did not appreciate it and it was plain to see that he was not about to divulge anything else to them. If anything he looked ready to leave.

Aya thought the same thing and regretted what he had said. But sorcery and sorceress. Mind you, she did say that she is too strong. He held his breath for a moment, then spoke quietly, "she said something about she is too strong. I thought…" He shrugged, "you know, but from what you have told us she was trying to tell us that the other female is very powerful."

Abruptly cool stormy eyes look with intensity at Aya, "Did she say anything else? I need to know everything."

"No only that she was in a dark cell."

A small smile twitched on Squall's face. "Alright." He will have to get Quistis to return to Doctor Odine, see if he has any ideas on who the sorceress could be. They were going to need all the help that they could get.

He shivered involuntarily; he thought it was all over after Ultimecia. It has been three years since the end of the sorceress war. Peace had reigned at home and they all moved on with their lives, everyone that is but Squall.

And the one causing him such indecision and pain was sitting by the taller blonde. He just couldn't open up to him; let his feelings for him flow through. He was afraid to love him. Afraid to love Zell.

"Omi go help Ken." His tone brooked no argument.

Giving Aya a sour look he complied without a murmur. Omi understood why, Squall was too much like Aya and that said a lot to the younger assassin. He was not likely to say much with the two of them there.

Aya watched as he left the room, the door closing behind him. "We will help you find her."

Squall just nodded his head saying nothing.

"You are not from around here are you?"

Hesitating Squall began stroking his scar thoughtfully, his hand dropping as he sighed, sitting down once again, "No we're not but I can't tell you where we are from." Cool stormy depths staring into violet ones.

Aya shrugged, "I did not expect you too. We just have to wait for those two to return."

Patience was neither of the men's best quality, if anything they were sadly lacking in that area.

Both waiting for the blondes to return back to them.


The two blondes followed the blue light until it had disappeared. They looked at one another.

"Okay. Now what?" Youji looked around for any other signs to aid them.

Zell swallowed not sure what to expect. "We wait."

For what is what Youji wanted to say, instead he started patting his pockets searching for his smokes. Strange he could have sworn they were in this pocket. Damn! Obviously he couldn't smoke here.

A blue energy ball suddenly appeared in front of them, startling them as they both stepped back in unison.

The ball began to change form, sprouting with white wings then the image of a beautiful raven haired female appeared.

"Rinoa!" Zell moved towards her.

Throwing herself into his arms she hugged the living life out of him. "Zell it is so good to see you."

"It is good to see ya…but I would rather see the real you Rin."

"I know Zell, I would too…" She just smiled then turned towards Youji.

She wrapped him in her arms, her eyes full of sadness. "I am so sorry to involve you Youji. I did not mean to scare you…but I saw your face when it all happened. I don't know why and I can't explain it but from out of nowhere your face appeared and my instinct was to try and contact you." She sighed laying her head on his chest.

At first he was surprised but her sadness wrapped around his heart, her words begging to be understood. He hugged her tightly saying softly, "I don't mind Rin…I don't mind at all." Whatever happens now, he was going to help these people look for her. She was alone and he knew all about being alone.

"Thank you Youji," she whispered, "thank you both of you for doing this for me."

Stepping back from him regretfully she lifted her chin bravely. "I don't have much time, all I can tell you is that where I am it is very dark. Some kind of old building with stone walls. I can smell dank and musty aromas. All I ever see are shadows but…I-I know that there is a female presence around me. She won't let me see her, as if she does not want to be seen.

Zell had to know. "You don't think it is Ultimecia?"

Rinoa shook her head, "No it is not her. This female presence is not familiar to me and she is very powerful Zell." She bit her lip, the fear of yesterday still clinging to her. The shadow that did things to her. She would not tell them this, there anger would cloud there judgement.

Her image shimmered, and the blondes watched as she looked behind her with fear. "I-I have to go. She must not know that you are here. Please leave. Go now!"

They both heard the desperation in her voice, their hearts going out to her as the tears began to make there way down her perfect pale cheek. "Hurry!"

Zell nodded saying softly, "We will come for you Rin, I promise."

Youji nodded, "Keep strong Rin."

Tilting her head she nodded, "I know and I will." Her image shimmered, her beautiful white wings crashed together then she was gone.

Zell looked at Youji. Youji looked at Zell.


The blue light had wrapped around them dragging them away at great speed.

//Ifrit what the hell is happening?//

//Rinoa has broken the connection. She has done this to protect you. Enjoy the ride boys.//

Zell could hear Ifrit's chuckle echoing all around them.

//I am so glad you think this is funnnn…//

With abruptness Zell was back on the couch his body falling backwards, "…ny!!"

He blinked twice, getting his bearings then grinned down at Youji, "What a rip!" They both laughed so glad to be back.

Youji sat up as they both prodded one another to make sure they were alright. Their laughter attracting weird glances from their team leaders.

They then hugged swiftly, Youji smirking. "Nice to meet you in the flesh Zell."

"Likewise Youji."

Inclining his head slightly Youji became serious asking softly, "who is Ifrit?'

Chuckling Zell placed his hand on his shoulder, "that is another story Youji, one I'll tell you about at another time. Our first priority now is Rinoa."

Sobering Youji agreed. "Yes let's get on with it then."

The two blondes suddenly remembered their team mates. They looked back at each other knowingly, trying not to laugh at the two stoic leaders who were staring at them coldly.

Youji smirked whispering, "Twins."

Sniggering Zell nodded his head.

Shaking his head covering his eyes, Squall realised that the two blondes were going to be trouble.

Aya was in agreement with Squall. Double trouble!


Squall helped Zell up after they had explained what had happened.

Aya and Youji agreed they would see what they could find out about old buildings. They knew of two old buildings that they would get Omi to check out on the net.

Pleased Squall stretched his slender body. "We have to go; our friends will be worried about us. Should we all meet here tomorrow?"

Aya nodded, "Tomorrow night would be better, we have to keep the shop running during the day."

Youji agreed. They must keep there cover. "We need to know where you are staying in case we discover something."

Shaking his head Squall answered mildly, "I'm afraid we can't tell you. One of us will check in during the day."

"Alright." Aya agreed. He was curious but let it go. They had their own secrets so who was he to judge.

The two blondes rolled their eyes. Typical. Then grinned trying not to laugh again.

Giving Zell a cool look Squall walked out the door without waiting for him.

Shrugging Zell waved as he ran, "see ya."

And was gone.

"What made you want to help them Aya?"

Aya opened his mouth to say none of your business but changed his mind. His eyelashes flickered as he stared into Youji's emerald gaze, the image of an Angel so clear in his mind that he now associated with Youji. He found himself wanting to be truthful with him. "Because he would not ask for it." Softly spoken and unusually sincere.

Youji looked down and smiled sweetly then looked back at Aya, drawn to his violet eyes that for some reason fascinated him this time. There was a light in them he had never seen before. When it disappeared, Youji blinked not sure if he had seen it or not.

He shrugged, what did it matter anyway. He was happy with Aya's answer because whether Aya agreed to help them or not, Youji was going to.

Rinoa needed them, and now he had met her he was not about to let her down. Whoever had her was going to pay, his fingers gently stroking his watch.


Irvine and Quistis listened and glanced at each other as Zell told them what had happened. A little surprised that they had found the blonde on the third day.

After Zell had finished Squall looked straight at Quistis. "I need you to go back Quistis and tell Dr. Odine everything Zell has relayed to you."

"Alright Squall but promise me that you will not go anywhere without me." She did not wish to return to her world, not without Rinoa. She swallowed hard, a lump hurting her throat.

"I cannot promise you that Quistis," Squall answered, "if Aya locates the building we are moving in straight away."

She wanted to scream at him tell him that it was not fair and why should she go back. But she kept her silence. He was not to know how she felt about Rinoa. Nodding saying briskly, "you are right as usual Squall." How she hated him for being right. How she hated that she had to listen to the commander. She may be the head mistress, but he was the commander. What he says goes.

She stuck her chin out. "When do I leave?"

"Now Quistis. The sooner we find out what we are up against the better." He typed in the code that opened the Gateway. The electricity crackling all around them the black void shimmering ready to take her home.

Squall nodded coolly, "Good luck."

Her head held high she walked towards the Gateway. "I will be back sooner than you think." The Gateway X swallowed her slender form, shimmered, hummed and became still.

Squall turned it off, hoping that Dr. Odine would be able to help them on their mission.

Dr. Odine had also warned Squall that they should not use magic here in this world, but if they were up against another sorceress they might not have a choice. How was he going to explain that to Aya and his team?

Shaking his head Zell gently pulled on his wrist. "For hells sake Squall, worry about it when it happens."

Irvine agreed, "He's right partner. Let's have some of that delicious dried crap they mistakenly claim to be food."

Squall smiled at Irvine's description of their food and felt comforted by Zell's touch not wishing to shake his hand away. "Alright for now I will not worry and try and swallow our dinner."

Zell grinned at him his eyes sparkling, "Heh, lets din…" Zell staggered as pain shot through his head, almost blinding him. They were getting worse. //Ifrit?!//

//I am sorry Zell, I cannot understand what is happening to me and why it is affecting you as well.//

Squall caught him, concern on his face, "Zell?!"

Irvine watched Zell intently, those headaches were getting out of hand and there was something Zell was not telling them.

Zell tried to smile but it was too painful as he clung to Squall, knowing how he hated anyone to close to him.

//Zell something is changing within me and it is a big change maybe you should un-junction me.//

He did this immediately because he was worried about his Guardian Force. His mind going through the familiar pattern and sequence until they were separate. Zell hated this feeling especially with Ifrit. But this time it was different. He still felt connected with Ifrit and the pain was still there. He opened his eyes staring into Squall's uncertainly.

//Ifrit, we are still linked but that is impossible.//

//I know Zell I know.//