Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Hearts ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: We do not own Kingdom Hearts or Yuugiou. Kazuki and Square Enix won’t surrender them to us…but we will own them soon enough.

Yuugiou/Kingdom Heart crossover




Okay for the time that you are now reading I am Kaiyuku one of two writers for this story, the other author is Shinjuu (username is MyShinjuu). She’s much more angsty and psychologically … I dunno you could say inventive. Well with out farther ado I present to you Millennium Hearts!

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Chapter 1

“I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately; Like is any of this for real or not.”

Time seemed so slow as the Gummi ship glided though the vast space with numerous worlds. A young teen boy sighed as he looked out the front window of the ship and thought of his missing friends. It had been a year since everything started.

He could still remember fighting the huge Darkside on his home world, Destiny Islands. How he missed the sun and white sand. The a few days before the incident were still clear in his mind.

The dream with the voice and how Kairi had woken him. Then he a Riku racing to see how would share a Poupu with the red haired girl. Tidus, Selphie, Wakka, and him all sparing. Then the Heartless coming up from the beach floor. Riku and Kairi’s boats sitting in the dock. He remembered running to the place that he and Riku spared at. How Riku vanished into darkness while he, Sora, obtained the Keyblade. Running to the “Secret Place” and watching Kairi disappear before she fell in to his arms.

He shook his head, “I don’t have time to dwell in the past.” He said as he stood up and walked to the back.

He splashed water on his face and look at his two companies, Donald Duck and Goofy. They both snored as their dreams remained happy and full of hope when recently the brunette’s dreams were hunted by memories of his friends and the Heartless which he fought with daily.

He took a deep breath as he dragged his feet back up to the cockpit and watched as the stars drifted by. Then their destination came into view, “Donald! Goofy! We’re almost there! Wake up!” Sora called to his friends.

All that came from the back were more snores. Sora beginning to get angry got up and went to the back leaving the Gummi on autopilot, “Hey you guys come on get up!” Sora said poking Donald with the duck’s mages’ staff.

“What!?” was the first thing that flew from the white feathered duck’s mouth.

“We’re almost there.” Sora said flatly leaving Donald to wake the sleeping dog.

“Wake up Goofy! Wake up! We’re almost there!” Donald yelled in his ear.

More snoring emitted from the large mouth. Big teeth exposed legs going every which way.

Then the sound of thunder and a scream echoed though the small ship.

“Oh, G’morning Donald.” Goofy said a smile plastered across his face.

“You are hopeless.” Donald said as he hung his head at the black furred dog’s stupidity.

Donald and Goofy started going at it, which really wasn’t much of an argument because Goofy thought every word Donald said was a joke, as Sora plopped back into the pilots chair.

As the ship slowly drifted to their destination came closer and closer. Traverse Town seemed as if it were Sora’s home now. He’d been away from Destiny Islands so long he almost forgot what it was like to have the sun on his face and the sand under his feet.

He gave another sigh as he took off the auto pilot and started navigating the Gummi ship into the worlds atmosphere. The light of the town becoming more clear as they past though the clouds to the open area so they could land.

Has the Gummi ship landed, Donald and Goofy were still arguing, and Sora was becoming annoyed, “Guys knock it of all ready!” he said loudly before turning and leaving the ship.

“Garh, Sora does sure seem mad.” Goofy said to Donald.

“Ehh,” Donald said shrugging,” I think we just annoyed him.”

“Okay,” Goofy said leaving the ship and walking after Sora, Donald following suit.


Seto Kaiba had stomped into his office in the early morning, a mad and very arrogant ex-pharaoh following him to every place. The pharaoh held a cocky smirk on his face, and Seto in turn held his own narcissism grin on his own.

“I won that duel, Kaiba, whether you want to admit it or not.” Yami no Yuugi said. It seemed that ever since the pharaoh had discovered a spell to separate himself from Yuugi, and yet keep their minds together, he had gotten a lot more annoying when it came to bothering Seto or gloating over duels. He couldn’t hold in a face of absolute grimness like he had when he and Yuugi shared a body. Now, he could do all he wished, happy to be able to freely express his emotions.

“I won, pharaoh, whether you want to admit it or not. I pulled that four card combo on the last turn!” he argued, trying to make a point. But Yami no Yuugi wouldn’t hear it. “But I as well pulled a four card combo, and it was all 3’s! Higher then your 2’s, so I won!”

Seto growled, snatching his I.D. card and ripping it down the scanner on the wall. A door opened and Seto replaced his card back in his locket. “I know the rules of Gin Rummy and it doesn’t count!”

Seto popped open his door. With a grinning Yami no Yuugi behind him, Seto could only expect it to be a long, long day. However, when he made his way to his desk, he discovered something a little odd.

A piece of notebook paper. On it, In clear, perfection writing, was a note:

You are the one who will open the door

Seto stared at it for a bit, his thoughts processing what the situation was. Yami no Yuugi, tired if not really getting on Seto’s edge anymore, stalked over to the taller teen and peered down at his desk. “A note?” he asked.

Seto, in one quick, swift motion, lifted the paper from the desk and crumbled it into a ball and placed it into the trash. Yami no Yuugi stood there, still looking down at the desk, which was now empty except for Seto’s writing pad that was blank. He had been unmoving, so when he finally blinked and raised his head, he saw Seto with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

“Ok, pharaoh, your ‘intruding’ abilities are becoming a problem. If you will leave my office, my working situation will become a lot more practical. That is what I do: Work.” Seto said.

“Fine, fine, fine.” Yami no Yuugi responded rudely, then turned and began to walk out. He looked at the door, then pointed at it. “Looks like I opened the door, eh?” he chuckled then walked out of the door.

Seto rolled his eyes at the ex-pharaoh’s humor, then sat at his desk to work.


Yami no Yuugi walked out of the office with a small frown. ‘He’s no fun. All he ever does is work, work, and work. You think he would play a few more games!’

Yami no Yuugi couldn’t think any longer when he remembered that Yuugi was getting out of school in a few minutes. Seto had gotten out early because of his company, and Yami no Yuugi usually hung out with him when Yuugi had to complete his school afternoon.

He made a run for it, trying to pick up his aibou from school with Yuugi thinking he was late. He reached the school a few minutes later, with Yuugi just coming from the front entrance, surrounded by his friends.

“Oi! Mou hitori no Yuugi!” Jou said, spotting the ex-pharaoh, who was hunched over trying to regain his breath.

Jonouchi ran to his older friend and patted him on the back, laughing. “Ahh…were you late today?” he teased. Yami no Yuugi couldn’t help but smile back, but shook his head, lying.

“I just got here so early I did a few laps.” he lied.

You are the one…”

Yami no Yuugi snapped to attention. He stood up straight, darting his eyes around. He felt the hug his aibou gave him and yet he was concentrating on the voice too much to interpret or even comprehend that his friends were speaking to him.

“…The door.”

Deep in thought, Yami no Yuugi didn’t see it when a fist collided with his shoulder.

“OW!” he cried out in pain. “What was that for?!” he shouted, obviously mad. Honda looked at him surprised. “Sorry, man, but you looked out of it…and--“

Yami no Yuugi shook his head. “Sorry. No. It was my fault. I was kinda out of it. Actually, I think I’m going to go home…I’m not feeling well…”


He was falling. Slowly at first, as if it was a dream, and then to rudely stir him, he fell so fast his heart nearly flew from his throat. He reached out in front of him, trying to grasp something, anything, but all that greeted his hand was plain air.

He didn’t even know why he was falling. All he remembered was being at his desk, working away. Did he fall asleep? Was all this some sort of dream??

But in dreams, this type of feeling of your heart beating isn’t so real. It was scary, almost.

“I’m Seto Kaiba! I don’t get scared!” he reminded himself aloud. “And this has to be some sort of dream!”

However, when he landed, letting his feet gracefully land on the floor.

He got up, seeing himself in a large room that seemed to have no purpose except to hold three objects. A sword. A shield. And a staff.

“What the hell?” he asked. Nothing was logical. Everything was becoming the same type of things that Yami no Yuugi and his friends always said about the Millennium Item and his past. It was all a fake, he knew it, and they needed serious help.

He had to wonder though, and so he stood up. He couldn’t think logical if he had no information to go by.

A voice suddenly came forth, a mysterious, deep voice, that Seto could only hear deep within his head.

The power is within you. If you give it form…it will give you strength. Choose well.”

Instead of shouting a comment or saying something futile, he walked to the sword, it being the first he saw.

The Power of the Warrior. Invincible Courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?

Seto could feel himself grow stronger just by holding the sword. He looked up when he heard the voice, but looked back in awe at the sword. A simple sword, but so much power…

“I‘ll check out the others first.” he replied.

He tried to place the sword down, but it floated instead. He didn’t seem to care. He turned, looking at the figures that floated on their platforms like the sword.

He went to the shield. He figured it meant something like hard defense. A mask, one like he wore.

The power of the guardian.” the voice said. “Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?”

“Yeah, right.” he muttered, then carelessly placed the shield back. Now he turned upon the staff, as if it called to him. He picked it up, staring into it, as if it was entrancing. “The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?

He couldn’t help but say the words that came next. “Yes.” he said in a whisper. Inner strength, something he had that was more powerful then his physical strength. He needed it.

Now.” the voice continued. “What will you give up in exchange?”

The staff disappeared in his hands. He turned, a bit annoyed, and walked straight to the shield. He didn’t need friends. He shouldn’t need them. He picked up the shield and said, “I give up this power.” The shield burst into hundreds of little balls of light and rose to the air glimmering as they vanished into the darkness.

You have gained the power of the mystic, and have given up the power of the guardian. Is this the form you choose?”


Suddenly, the floor began to shatter like glass. He stared at it, a bit startled, then suddenly he felt himself falling too. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came. He cupped his lips his surprise, but he fell too fast.


Yami no Yuugi was shocked. Why was he surrounded by three weapons? What were their purpose? The last thing he remembered was walking through the Game Shop’s store, and the next thing he knew, it was all black.

He took a step forward. But the voice…the same voice, in a fair off distance inside of his head called to him.

The power sleeps within you. If you give it form…it will give you strength. Choose well.

Yami no Yuugi scoffed at that, then walked to the shield. After hearing its purpose, he knew immediately that he wanted and needed this. He selected it, then moved on to the next one.

Now, what will you give up in exchange?” the voice asked.

Yami no Yuugi looked around. He walked to the staff. “Hmm…” he gave off a look of concentration. He took into deal the choice of giving things up much more seriously then Seto, it seemed.

“The power of the mystic. Inner strength. That is what I need.” he said about the staff. He turned to the sword, wondering about it.

“What does it say about you?” he asked the sword as the voice began to speak. “The power of a warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power?”

Yami no Yuugi nodded. “Yes.” he said, voicing his option. The sword disappeared and suddenly everything began to go down. It all was seeming to disappear in front of his eyes, and suddenly black was all he could see.


“A door?” Seto asked. After falling through the endless black, Seto was now curious about his new discovery. The staff had materialized in his hands unexpectedly, but he allowed it’s help.

You are the one who will open the door.’ he thought of what the voice said. ‘Is this what they mean?’

He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open. A large crate appeared, and Seto rolled his eyes. “A test?” he asked.

He was able to push it, gain his item, and he was able to lift the power. He opted to throw it against the door, which he did, though the only thing that did was help it become solid.

Seto walked up to the door and pushed it open, then shielded his eyes because of the light.

“What?!” he seemed to shout, but now he seemed to be led into the door by the light. He noticed he was now on the roof of Pegasus’s castle, where he had fought and nearly lost the duel against Yami no Yuugi.

Sitting on the same ledge Seto had stood months before, was Mokuba, swinging his legs as blank eyes smiled to their Nii-sama. Jonouchi was standing the same place he had stood, and Yami no Yuugi was standing at the same place he had, a triumphant look on his face.

He approached Yami no Yuugi first, because it seemed he was closest. “Pharaoh, what are you--” but before he could finish, Yami no Yuugi seemed to demand attention as he said, “What do you want out of life?”

Seto was taken aback from the abrupt question, but answered anyways. Something about this place made him want to speak the truth.

“To be strong.” he said. ‘For Mokuba’ he added in his mind. “To be strong, huh?” Yami no Yuugi repeated, and Seto would have glared if his curiosity had not gotten in his way as he turned to walk to Jonouchi.

“What’s most important to you?” he asked as soon as Seto approached.

“…” Seto turned a bit, crossing his arms. “Mokuba, obviously. You baka makeinu.” he said.

Jonouchi seemed to get a bit cocky when he replied. “Is Mokuba really such a big deal?”

Seto glared at him and turned to his brother, as if proving his point. But before a warm greeting could ensue, Mokuba, too, asked an odd question.

“What are you afraid of?”

Seto looked stunned. “Mok--” he sighed. “Being different, to be honest.”

“Is being different really so scary?” he asked in a oblivious tone. Seto wondered, but before he could reply, the voice began again.

You’re afraid of being different. You want to be strong. Mokuba is most important to you.” the voice said. “Your adventure begins in the dead of night. Your road won’t be easy, but a rising sun awaits your journey’s end. Is this the path you choose?

“Sure.” Seto said, shrugging a bit.

“The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.”

And darkness again.


Yami no Yuugi looked around. The door had already been opened, for some odd reason, and when he walked through, the light in there seem to glimmer off him.

He came to the roof of Pegasus’s castle, and Seto sat hanging off the edge of the ledge he had once threaten to fall from. Jonouchi hung where he had before, and Yuugi stayed on the opposite side of Seto.

Yami no Yuugi approached Kaiba first. “Kaiba…?” he asked before his rival began to speak.

“What’s most important to you?” he asked in a demanding tone. Yami no Yuugi glared at him, but answered honestly. “My friends.”

“Are friends really that big of a deal?” he asked before turning his head to look over the edge. He seemed to be staring off.

Yami no Yuugi was confused, but walked forward to Jonouchi. “Hey, Jou--” he began, before being cut off.

“What do you want out of life?” he asked.

“Uh…” Yami no Yuugi stumbled for the words. “To broaden my horizons.” he said.

“To broaden your horizon’s huh?” he asked, and then, he, too, began to look away.

Then Yami no Yuugi walked to Yuugi, clearly and visibly confused. “Aibou--” he asked, trying to get some response.

But Yuugi just stood there, an accusing look on his face, even though his words were plain. “What are you afraid of?” he asked.

Yami no Yuugi looked away, thinking but also very bothered for a demanding question.

“Being…indecisive.” he answered truthfully.

Yuugi nodded, a smile now on his face.

As Yami no Yuugi was about to speak again, the voice explained, “You’re afraid of being indecisive. You want to broaden your horizons. You want to have many friends. Your adventure begins at dawn. As long as the sun is shining, your journey should be a pleasant one.”

Yami no Yuugi smiled, satisfied. “Sounds good.” he said.

The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.”


Sora walked though the door to the old Accessory Shop to be greeted by Cid, “Hey there kid.”

“Don’t call me kid. I’ve told you that before.” Sora said bluntly.

“Okay… Sheesh, don’t get bent outta shape.” Cid said putting his hands up in defense, “So what brings you back to Traverse Town?”

“Do you know where Leon is?” Sora asked.

“Leon?” Cid paused, “Yah I think he and Yuffie are in the Underwater passageway in the alley of the Second District.”

“Thanks.” Sora said leaving out of the building and heading to the Second District door.

He pushed the door open and was greeted by the dark creatures that had destroyed his world and caused him to lose his friends, the Heartless.

Sora pulled out a blade in the shape of a key it was brown and had a blue butterfly dangling off the end like a key chain. He swung it at the Heartless as one slipped into the ground. The now that had hidden under the pavement crept behind him and resurfaced it was about to attack Sora but a large fire ball hit it and it disappeared a heart raising from where it was standing mere seconds ago.

“Where would you be without us?” Donald said hitting another Heartless.

“I dunno.” Sora said as he ran past the Heartless with Donald and Goofy behind him.

He ran to the right and was greeted by more Heartless, at this Goofy charged past him shield drawn and plowed right through the solider and shadow Heartless. The three ran down the steps then toward the fountain where a door was located leading to the ally.

Sora pushed though it and turned into the ally that was filed with soldier Heartless.

“Dammit,” Sora whispered, “Lets go!” he said loudly to Donald and Goofy.

Donald used a blot of lighting to destroy a lot of the Heartless as Goofy plowed most of them down. Sora had slain the rest of the Heartless making the ally Heartless free.

They walked over to the waterway exit that was bared. So they all charged it at the same time causing the bars to brake and fall off. As they walked deeper into the waterway they were forced to swim at one point, not for long though. They entered a large cavern that was dimly lit. As Sora stood up he spotted Leon a little ways away from where he was standing.

“Hey,” Sora said walking over to Leon.

“Sora,” Leon said, “It’s been a while huh?”

“Yah,” Sora said walking up to the brunette haired man, “Do you know what this is?” Sora asked pulling a bluish- green Gummi.

Leon folded his arms and thought before saying, “It’s a Gummi.”

“I know that, but what kind is it?” Sora asked starting to get annoyed.

Leon looked at Sora for a minute then said,” I don’t know.”

“You should ask Cid.” Yuffie said, “You know how Cid got to this world?”

“No.” Sora said truthfully.

“He drove a Gummi ship here. If there’s anyone who knows anything about Gummi’s its Cid.” Yuffie said.

“Right.” Sora said pocketing the new Gummi.

“Oh and Sora,” Leon said, “Take this with you. It’s a good luck charm I’ve had for a while but I think you need it more.” He tossed Sora a greenish-blue orb that was no bigger then a handball.

“What is it?” Sora asked examining the orb as it emitted a blue glow.

“I don’t know.” Leon said pinching the bridge of his nose.

“You should go see the Magician about that, he lives in the Third District.” Yuffie said.

“Where?” Sora asked, remembering the Third District wasn’t all that big.

“It’s the door with the picture of the flame on it.” Yuffie said,” Just hit it with fire and it’ll open.”

Sora nodded telling her he understood and turned to the exit, which in turn was the entrance. He swam quickly with Donald and Goofy right behind him.

As they walked from the underwater way Sora looked up at the sky thinking about his missing friends and sighed, ‘This is gonna be a long night.’ He thought.


Sora, Donald, and Goofy made their way quickly to the Third District, Heartless tailing them the whole way. They reached the door that was in a narrow ally way. While Sora and Goofy kept the Heartless back Donald blasted the door fire. The door slid open and the three dived in the door slamming behind them.

As Sora stood up brushing himself off he looked around and saw that the place they had entered was a huge cavern housing a small building, surround by a diminutive lake. It gave off an eerie feeling as if they shouldn’t be there.

In the water were large stepping stones, Sora figured that they had to jump across those to get to the house. As he approached the stone it moved, ‘Great a challenge.’ He thought sarcastically.

He jumped onto the stone and landing with his knee hitting the stone floor. As he jumped on it stopped and the next one started to move.

“Come on.” Sora said jumping to the next stone.

Sora easily jumped from stone to stone until he reached the small house in the middle.

A splash met his ears as he turned to see Donald in the water and Goofy trying to get him out, only to fail and fall in himself. Sora shook his head as the two swam over to Sora so he help them up. He pulled out a bronze Keyblade with a blue butterfly dangling off the end. He put the Keyblade low enough so Donald and Goofy could grab hold and be pulled up.

When the two were on land they looked at the door that was covered by debris and other things. Sora noticed that even if they blew it away the door had chains all around in with huge padlocks.

“Hey, there’s a hole over here.” Goofy said to their left.

Donald and Sora walked over to look at the hole. It would have look like the Heartless put it there except for the fact that there was a cloth draped over it concealing the inside. As they entered the house it was seemingly only one room, with cold stone floor, some of the stone was risen higher so it was something like a stage. It reminded Sora of the “Secret Place” back on Destiny Islands.

“This kinda looks like the ‘Secret Place’ back home. Where we used to scribble on the walls.” Kairi said appearing out of the blue.

“Kairi?” Sora said.

“Kinda reminds me of home.” She said with a smile.

“Kairi what’re you doing here?” Sora asked taking a step toward her.

“Sora?” Goofy said gaining the brunettes attention.

“What’re you doing?” Donald asked.

“Don’t you see--” he stopped abruptly as he saw the red head girl was gone, “Where--?”

“Oh,” Someone said, “You’re here early.” It was an old man with a long white beard wearing a blue robe that dragged to the floor.

“Who the heck are you?” Donald asked, clearly the older mans sudden appearance had almost gave the duck a heart attack.

“My name is Merlin.” The old man said, “Well Sora if you’ll give me a minute I’ll unpack my bag.”

“How’d you know my name?” Sora asked, ‘I never said my name to him so how did he know?’ Sora thought.

“I know a great deal about you Sora from the King.”

“The King?!?!” Donald and Goofy exclaimed in union.

“Yes,” Merlin said, “Now as I said before give me a minute and I’ll set up.” He placed his bag on the stone floor and pulled out a long black stick, “My wand.” He said as he saw Sora confused expression.

He swished it once and the bag opened a tea kettle came out followed by the cups and then a book then a table, the items got bigger and bigger as Merlin made his wand dance though the air. Then a bright white light filled the room blinding Sora and the others momentarily.

When they could see again Sora’s jaw dropped as he looked into a huge fire place and plies of books. A bed sat off to the side of the large pile of books and Merlin stood on the high center of his home, a chair and a table set out making it look like tea time.

“Now that that’s done how may I assist you?” Merlin said.

“Where’s the King?” Donald blurted out.

“I don’t know. I talked with him briefly before he vanished.” Merlin said.

“A lot of help you are.” Donald said sighing.

“Well anyways back to why were here.” Sora said, “Leon gave me this and Yuffie said you’d know what to do with it.” Sora held out the orb.

“Ah,” Merlin said, “You might want to talk to the Fairy God Mother about that.”

“Who?” Goofy said.

“Her.” Merlin said pointing at the carriage that flashed and changed into a plump older looking woman.

“Hello,” she said with a big smile, “I see you have a Summon Gem.”

Sora walked over to her while saying, “Summon Gem?”

“Yes,” She said, “Summon Gem contain the essence of a strong heart that the Heartless tried to kill, but its will to live was stronger then them.”

“So can you get it to work?” Sora asked.

“Of-course.” She said a big smile on her face, she then waved her wand and it changed into a small red dragon who vanished into Sora’s Keyblade, “Now when ever you need him just call upon him and his strength will be yours.”

Sora nodded then turned back to Merlin, “We’ll be going now.” He said.

“Yes,” Merlin said a smile danced upon his face, “Until next time.”

“Bye,” Sora said thinking, ‘Damn these people smile to much.


As Sora and the other two walked out of the building the Heartless were waiting for them. As Sora pulled out his Keyblade however they vanished.

“Hey Sora do you know I’ve been looking all over for you?” said a familiar voice.

“R…Ri…Riku!!” Sora shouted looking into ocean green eyes, “Is it really you?”

“Yep,” Riku said shouldering a black and red sword, “So where’s Kairi?”

“Kairi?” Sora paused, “I thought she was with you!?”

“No,” Riku said, “I thought she was with you. Well, no bother, she’ll show up eventually. So where have you been all this time?”

“You don’t know, huh?” Sora said, “We’ve been to so many new worlds looking for you and Kairi…I was hoping to find both of you, but at least I found you huh?”

“We?” Riku repeated looking at Donald and Goofy.

“My na--” Donald started but was cut off by Sora.

“You could come with us we’ve got this awesome ship and you could see other worlds with us, and me and you could look for Kairi together.” Sora said.

“Absolutely not!” Donald said.

“What why not?” Sora asked looking at the duck.

“Because I don’t trust him.”

“He’s my friend!” Sora said.

“I don’t care.” Donald argued.

“But--“ Sora started but Goofy cut him off.

“Where’d he go?”

“Huh?” Sora looked around, “Riku?” he called looking for the silver haired teen, “He’s gone…oh well at least I know he’s okay.”

“Come on.” Donald said, “We need to go and see Cid about that Gummi.”

“Right.” Sora said in higher spirits then he’d been in for a year.


He couldn’t believe where he was. In a place of complete darkness. He seemed to welcome it, but it proved quite difficult to accept it. But this place seemed so familiar, even if it was warming in the heart. As if he had been here before.

Not in his dreams, either. More like in his soul and mind. ‘This place’, he realized, letting his piercing sapphire blue eyes shoot open, ‘The Shadows?!’

His brown hair flew around and covered his eyes, and he felt so heavy. He began to inhale, but suddenly he choked. He coughed as best he could, and uncovered his eyes from his hair when he realized he was floating in water.


It wasn’t comforting in any way. He had long since realized he was in water, and he realized soon after he didn’t need to breathe. It wasn’t going to do anything to him. His spiky tri-colored hair stuck together, though it became waving despite how it was usually always stiff.

He looked around, trying to see through the pitch black water. Suddenly, with a small glance at not even a definite vision, he saw a glimpse of brown hair, connected with a white trench coat. It surprised the ex-pharaoh to be seeing Seto Kaiba, his arch rival, in the same dream as him. He had already seen the CEO when asked that demanding question, but then again, he had also seen Yuugi and Jonouchi as well. But Seto Kaiba twice in the same dream? That never happened.

He tried to swim over to the CEO, who looked like he was having a difficulty breathing or processing a logical thought to his situation. It was hard to swim, though, because the dark water seem to be thick and dense. He was losing track of the CEO, as if Seto was floating away from him on purpose.

“Kaiba!” he yelled, but it came out soundless. He nearly gasped as he put his hands to his mouth. ‘My voice…’ he thought.

This place…’ he looked around, and then he watched silently as Seto drifted from his sight. ‘I don’t like this place. These Shadows…and it’s evil…

He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. Nothing was working. He couldn’t concentrate in a place like this.

Clear my mind…’ he thought to himself. He stayed silent and tried as hard as he could on concentrating. Suddenly, he dropped.

“Pharaoh?” a voice asked. Yami no Yuugi looked towards where the voice came from and saw Seto standing by a large path of stain-glass stairs. “Kaiba?” he asked.

“Are you going to demand another answer?” Seto asked, his eyes shooting out at Yami no Yuugi accusingly.

“I was just about to ask you the same question.” Yami no Yuugi responded sharply, his eyes meeting Seto’s and setting them in a glare.

It was obvious both of them knew that the other wasn’t part of a dream anymore. They were in the same place once again. In another virtual reality, it seemed.

“Well, enough wasting time. I’m going up these stairs to find out who the hell is messing with my mind.” Seto explained, then began walking up the stairs. “Kaiba, it’s not safe.” Yami no Yuugi replied, but that only made Yami no Yuugi follow Seto instead of stopping him. He too was curious.

They climbed the steps single-file. It didn’t take too long, and Seto even stepped on the black parts of the path and didn’t fall. He had his staff in hand, and Yami no Yuugi had his shield.

They reached the top, annoyed, but relieved. Seto made the first step forward, his voice calling out, “Show yourself, dammit!”

Suddenly the ground shook. A large, black object came from the ground, almost covering the whole platform. It was stuck in the ground below its waist, but still it could move.

Both the ex-pharaoh and the CEO stared up in awe. A hole was created through the center of the creature, shaped in a heart.

“It’s heartless…” Yami no Yuugi whispered, holding his breath. Seto didn’t reply.

The creature swung at every angle, and suddenly leaned back, arching its spine, then came forward with such a rush and dug its hand into the platform. It was as if it was reaching for something. It pulled out small black creatures that would have looked chibi kawaii if not for the situation.

Seto growled, raised his staff, and swung it downwards, causing a few of the black creatures to dissolve into tiny green dots. Due to being attacked from the front, Seto jumped back and stepped into the green orb. His energy suddenly went up and he felt better then he had since the beginning of the ‘dream’.

The attack was swift but Seto was able to make a clear hit. He jumped on the things arm and began to try and run up the slippery skin.

“Kaiba!” Yami no Yuugi shouted at the CEO, before he too climbed onto the other arm and run up that to.

The creature began to arch back again, swinging Seto and Yami no Yuugi off its arms. They both fell back in a daze, taking a bit to process anything.

Yami no Yuugi not having received any green orbs, was clearly exhausted; therefore, most of his energy was drained. He stood but leaned on his shield, “Kaiba…” he mumbled, “We have to defeat that monster…”

“Nah, really?” Seto shouted as he ran for another attack, only half of his energy gone, but he quickly skidded to a stop and starred at the orbs of power that began to appear in front of the creature’s heartless chest. They came at both of them, going fast and numerous.

Seto was hit with one and cried out in pain as he fell to the ground exhausted. Yami no Yuugi starred at the things that were coming at him, then he to was hit with two at once. He cried out in pain before falling on the floor where he began to sink into a black mist.

“Pharaoh!” Seto shouted in an almost-warning tone, but it was too late as he was pelted with another blast from the creature, then the black began to engulf him as he felt himself sink.


Yami no Yuugi woke wait a start, seeing two faces starring at him.

“Yo, Mou Hitori no Yuugi,” Jonouchi began, “You ok?”

“I’m fine.” Yami no Yuugi said. He seemed surprised to be back in his own world with his Aibou and his best friend standing over him.

He sat up and noticed he had fallen right in front of the couch, barely missing it but ending up on the ground anyways.

“Since when do you talk in your sleep though?” Yuugi asked, clearly concerned.

“Since I did…” Yami no Yuugi responded, curious about his situation. ‘I was in a large black maze, it seems. A place I have on control over…where the Darkness is never fading…’ he thought, trying to remember what had happened, ‘And then we were fighting…“we”? Who is “we”?’

Then it hit him.

“I have to go to Kaiba’s!” he explained to his friends, “Stay inside!”

“What? Why?” Jonouchi asked.

“I just have this bad feeling…” He mumbled before heading out towards Kaiba Corp.


A loud banging on his door woke Seto, but he was too busy with his thoughts to care. When did he ever fall asleep? Why did he go to that place? Why did he hate the darkness? Why did it feel so familiar?

He kept his head buried on his desk when he felt someone poke him. Then tap his shoulder, and then shake him. However, he remained on his desk in a manner as if he was asleep.

“Ah…so much for work, eh Kaiba?” a cocky voice sounding weary commented. Seto blinked and opened his eyes fully, then sat up.

“Pharaoh?” He asked. Yami no Yuugi seemed surprised. “Ah! Kaiba! Are you alright?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” he glared at the ex-pharaoh and seemed to be accusing him of something.

Yami no Yuugi ignored his tone and asked him,” Do you remember the dream?”

“I have lots of dreams, Pharaoh.” He replied. He knew Yami no Yuugi knew, but he didn’t believe all the magic stuff, so he didn’t believe that he and Yami no Yuugi had shared a dream.

Yami no Yuugi watched as Seto got up and went to the large wall window that over looked Domino City. He had his arms folded and his back straight. “ You can’t expect me to remember them all.”

Yami no Yuugi glared at Seto, then walked towards him. He starred out at the City then turned to Seto, “Something terrible is going to happen. I was sucked into a large black maze and then you and I fought this black thing with no heart.” Yami no Yuugi said, trying to get a reaction out of Seto.

But it wasn’t the reaction he had planned on. The CEO could not take his eyes off the City, and it was only when Yami no Yuugi looked that he saw why.

Domino City was disappearing into a black abyss.

Seto could not watch any longer, he turned around, his mind racing with thoughts of his little brother.

But Mokuba was at the door, and the darkness was behind him. Seto’s office was disappearing quickly, and he and Mokuba ran to each other, their hands out stretched.

But before they could touch the darkness swallowed them all.


End Chapter 1