Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Spira's Wake ❯ Seve Guardians meet the charge ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay! We're almost to the first fight! And I decided to change a little thing. There's going to be romance in this story! (grins.) Not in this chapter though but there will be a pairing. Can't tell you who yet or that will spoil the fun.
Disclaimers: I don't own FFX, FFX-2, or Yugioh but I wish I did…
Chapter 5: Seven Guardians meet the charge.
The minute he stepped off his boat, he knew something was in the air…He couldn't quite make out just what that something was…but he knew he needed to at least help.
He owed it to them all…
A few days ago, Marik Ishtar was in his room, still hating himself for the terrors he laid upon his Pharaoh…He should have done the honorable thing…kill himself…but he couldn't…For the moment he tried…a voice made him stop. The voice was gentle yet commanding at the same time. He had looked around his room to find the voice…but found no physical body…instead he met a spirit. The spirit of a woman in strange clothing.
“Guardian…” She said. “Do not blame yourself for your past misdeeds…” She smiled. “We need you…she needs you…Help us…and we will help you…Return…return to the place you once went…and gather there…”
Now, Marik found himself at Tokyo bay...He needed to see the Pharaoh…and if needed…he would lend his strength…maybe then he could forgive himself for betraying his king.
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“Alright now we're here…where the HELL is that damn Pharaoh!?” A voice rang in the Tokyo airport.
A loud slap accompanied it. “Bakura…calm down, you're making a scene!”
“When Pharaoh's head is in my hand I'll calm down…” The dark glared. “He has no damn right to send some stupid ass nightmare…”
Ryou shook his head again…A few days ago in Europe, Ryou had awoken in a fit of fright. His darkness, Bakura, had blamed Yami for it…he blamed EVERYTHING on Yami. Now, they were here, Bakura for revenge…Ryou for answers….for in his dream the weird lady had told him to come here. Bakura was outraged the moment Ryou had told him of the dream and insisted they get on the first plane to Japan. Ryou didn't complain of course, but he had to keep reminding Bakura that Yami wasn't the one to blame. Yami saw Ryou as a good friend and would never do such a thing.
They hopped a train that would lead them to Domino. All through the train ride, Bakura kept ranting and glaring…Ryou simply ignored his darkness for the time.
Ryou watched the city go by while on the train to Yugi's…hopefully they would get some answers. He secretly hoped that his dream meant nothing. They have gone through a lot already…but Ryou had the suspicion that his hope was going to die the moment he talked to Yugi.
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“Spira huh?” Yami sighed. “Well…seems you are right, Aibou…these, Fayth must be contacting us both…”
The moment Yugi got home from the museum, he raced to his dark and told him what the woman said then showed him the book.
“You said a spirit talked to you through a kid?” Yugi asked and Yami skimmed the book. “Yami…could…could Sin REALLY be coming back?”
Yami looked up and noticed the fear in his Aibou's eyes. Quickly, he took the boy into his arms.
“Aibou…” He soothed. “If this Sin is really returning, then I will protect you from it.”
Yugi sighed happily and cuddled closer to his darkness…no matter what the situation, Yami always made Yugi feel at peace.
They were about to get closer in more ways than one when the doorbell sounded. Yami growled in disproval…When he was with his light, he didn't like to be disturbed by anyone…It was Ji-chan who answered the door though, letting whoever was there not face the wrath of the Pharaoh.
“Mr. Motou! Where's Yugi?”
Yugi blinked, the voice was familiar. “Honda?” The said boy raced in, out of breath. “Honda what's wrong?”
“Yug! You ain't gonna believe dis!!” Joey raced in behind Honda, also out of breath. “I had on of dem freaky dreams!”
Honda's eyes widened. “So did I!”
Yugi's eyes widened as well. “A…dream…?”
“Yeah! Some little brat kid told me to come here…” Honda said.
“I got some weird dude with a dog…” Jou replied.
“Did it involve a weird place?” Yami asked.
“Ya mean da weird ruins? Look like a weird city?”
“Zanarkand!” Yugi shouted then raced to the phone.
“Yug? You know what's going on?” Ji-chan asked.
“Sort of…” Yugi replied.
“Who are you calling, Yugi?” Honda asked.
“A lady…” Yugi replied as he began to dial a number. “She told me to call her when they tried to contact us again.”
“OPEN UP THIS DAMN DOOR NOW PHARAOH!!!” The shout caused Yugi to drop the phone and the other three to back away from the door.
Jou looked at the door nervously. “Dat…means trouble…”
Yami stood calmly and headed for the door. “Aibou, I'll get the door…call this…woman now.”
Yugi looked at his dark worriedly. “Oh…okay…but…don't fight…PLEASE?”
Yami smiled back. “I promise I won't.”
Very soon Bakura, Ryou, and even Marik sat with Jou, Tristan, Yugi, and Yami in the living room while Ji-chan was busy making snacks for everyone. All the while, everyone talked about their dream, vision, or encounter with a strange spirit. They found one thing that was centered on everything….
A strange city which Yugi seemed to call Zanarkand.
As everyone began listening to Yugi, who spoke of the woman and the book he read, Marik found himself straying from the group. Yugi's words were but mere whispers to him at the moment. He had no dreams that involved a rubble city…Just why was he here anyway? He wasn't worthy for such things like this…not after his betrayl…
It had started to rain outside not long after they had started to converse with each other. The others didn't seem to notice, but Marik had; it seemed to go with his mood…dreary and self-loathing.
The doorbell rang one more time and Ji-chan answered it once more.
“Please…let us in…” Came a woman's voice.
“Uh…sure…Yugi! Get some blankets and some hot chocolate!” Ji-chan shouted. A tall figure and a short figure in capes raced in.
“Hurry! Close the door!” The tall one shouted and Ji-chan did so.
“Now, now…calm yourself.” Ji-chan told the taller one as he led them into the living room.
“Sir…I cannot calm myself…” The tall one placed a hand on the smaller one. “Until I know it is safe.” The tall one pulled down the hood. The woman underneath smiled at Yugi. “Sorry we were late…we had…a slight problem getting here.”
Yugi's eyes widened. “You…you're the one from the museum!”
Bakura raced up to the woman, death in his eyes. “Alright, wench, what the hell is this all about!? And stop sending MY Hikari bad dreams dammit or I'll send you to the shadow realm!!!”
“I'm not the one who sends the dreams, sir.” The woman replied calmly. She didn't look fazed by the spirit of the ring.
“Auntie…why are we here? What is this place?” Came a young woman's voice from underneath the other hood.
Auntie smiled. “Dear…remember when I told you…who you were? Remember when I said to listen to those…voices in your head?”
Auntie turned to the boys in the room. “I know you are wondering what is happening around you…I hope Yugi told you the story…”
“Is…is Sin coming back?” Yugi asked worriedly.
“No…but it will…if you don't stop HIM. But…I should introduce myself first…” The woman stood straight and tall. “My name is Rikku…I am the descendant of Rikku, the Albed guardian of High Summoner Yuna…and one of the members of the Gullwings.” She pulled up the sleeve of her black blouse to reveal a small tattoo of a seagull. “The Gullwings are still around…there are many of us in many places in the world…My job was to protect this young girl…which I now leave to you.” She placed a hand upon the other figure's hood and let the hood fall. A teen girl with blonde hair was shown to them all…but there was one strange thing about this girl…
One eye was green…while the other was blue.
“Meet Yunalesca…the only female descendant of High Summoner Yuna…and YOUR charge…guardians…”
Next time: The final guardian appears and it's trip time!
Read and review please!