Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Spira's Wake ❯ A Warrior's Journey ( Chapter 28 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okay it has been a very LONG time since I have updated but with life coming at me like a bull it's hard to work on this story. Thank you all for your reviews and I WILL finish this story if it kills me!
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yugioh, FF series…but I wish I did!
Chapter 28
A Warrior's Journey
The cave stared back at them like a mouth waiting to swallow them whole. They were excited yet scared at the same time at the thought of entering the darkness of said cave.
Strange that fear gripped them so easily. Was it the fact that they were going to meet another Aeon? They didn't have much to go on…they just knew that he was old, had a mean temper…and was a warrior.
They were so screwed.
“Okay, I'm chicken no way in hell I'm going in there.” Bakura's confession didn't seem to surprise them all. It seemed no one wanted to go in there. They dismissed it as fear of the unknown, but deep down they knew the true meaning of their expressed defiance of stepping forward.
Going in there meant that their journey was almost over…and that one of them was going to leave.
Yunie let out the breath she held within. The next Aeon was in there, she could feel it even though the others in the collective wouldn't tell her. His power was strong, almost arrogant…She had the feeling she should go in there and smack him upside the head. It was that powerful.
“Well…Shall we then?” She straightened her shoulders and surprised them all when she stepped into the darkness. It would do them no good to have their charge walk into an unknown area without them. The Aeons would more than likely have their heads.
So, with the thought of having to face pissed of spirits, they entered the darkness behind the Summoner, weapons at the ready.
And boy were they glad they were at the ready.
The beasts came at them, hard and fast…The things seemed to have better eyesight than they did whilst in the darkness. Yami raised a card and light emitted around them. Tides turned, the fiends didn't stand a chance.
Worn out from the constant barrage of enemies, Ryou collapsed to the ground. He had gathered so many objects that his sack was almost full to the brim. Bakura couldn't have been more proud at his light's stealing abilities, even though they were enhanced by the weapons of the past. Still though, he had to remember the boy was a boy…a Hikari no less…and Hikaris do not do well in darkness.
Yami seemed to have the same thought for his own light looked as though he were about to faint. Picking up the young boy in his arms, he went over to Jou and Kaiba.
“We must hurry.” He stated. “This place is not good for Yugi or Ryou.”
“Oh damn…” Jou swore. “ `Day gonna be alright?”
“They're drained…” Yunie's tired voice made them turn. She was leaning against Marik with his arm around her waist and hers around his shoulder. “This place…”
“It's like the freakin' shadow realm…” Bakura grunted as he placed Ryou on his back. “Dammit to hell, are we too late? Did that blue haired freak get to him?”
“We won't know anything until we reach the end of the cave…” Yunie said. “He's there, Yojimbo…”
Bakura raised an eyebrow. “Okay, not to be rude, but these Aeons have some pretty stupid names…What the hell kind of name is Yojimbo?”
“Whatever the case may be we should go…” Kaiba looked toward the way they came. They had ventured so far into the cave that no light from outside lit the way. “ There's no telling if those fiends back there had friends. “
They agreed and made haste to the end of the cave. It was stupid to head back, after all they've been through, one scary, dark cave with the possibility of Seymour at the end of it shouldn't scare them witless.
Well, if half of their team weren't out of commission, maybe they wouldn't feel as apprehensive of the entire situation.
Finally after what seemed like eternity, the hall of the cave ended in a rather large circular room with a huge ceiling. Stalactites hung from the ceiling above them. They had to remind themselves to be silent lest they be pierced by the jagged rocks above.
“Well…no sign of blue freak…” Bakura dumped his load onto the floor. “That's good.”
“Good or not, something….doesn't make me feel at ease…” Yami placed his own light next to Ryou's sleeping form. “They are out and will probably be such until we leave this place. Marik?”
Marik looked over to his own load. Yunie was in and out of consciousness…This was not good. For the one person who could summon this thing to be out like a light…definitely not good.
“Okay, Yunie. Time to do your stuff.” He gently shook her awake. Her blue and green eyes groggily stared back at him.
“Huh…? Oh…” She shook herself awake. “Sorry…I just feel so…heavy…”
“It is expected with so many light souls within you…” Yami crossed his arms. “I am surprised you aren't knocked out like Yugi and Ryou.”
“Their…trying to keep me awake…” Yunie breathed out. “Just long enough to…Marik put me down before I fall. I need to do this now.”
Marik complied and placed her in the center of the room. Like all other summons before now, she raised her arms and did the strange prayer with her arms floating as if she were holding a ball within her hands. Her head bowed over them and they waited.
And waited….
And waited…Until…
She collapsed, right in the center of the room.
“Yunie!” Marik ran to her side but was flung across the room to the adjacent wall.
“Dammit it's a fucking trap!” Bakura shouted and readied his skull sword.
“You who wish to summon me…” The deep, powerful voice made their bodies shake, their feet planted into the ground. “You're weak…”
Bakura growled, despite the uneasy feeling developing in his very core.
“Alright you asshole, get out here and we'll show you power!!!” He called out the challenge, and he was not denied.
The man wore strange armor, possibly armor from the times of Spira. His translucent appearance was proof he was indeed a spirit…was that a smirk on his face?
“I accept the challenge…” He snapped his fingers and the three unconscious beings of light were in a heap behind him, surrounded by a glowing light. “You have one hour…After that…they will die here. Defeat me in one hour, warriors of darkness…and I will know the summoner is strong…for only a strong summoner would hire strong guardians.”
“Okay NOW we're screwed…” Bakura swore. “Ryou had our medic supplies…”
Yami held out a card. “Then I suppose we should not lose then…” He looked toward the Aeon spirit. “Do you promise safe passage if we defeat you?”
“Yes…but I don't expect you to.” He replied. “You're completely weak…It's so apparent…”
“Why you asshole!! We are not weak dammit!” Bakura glared.
The Aeon laughed. “Of course you are…” That smirk appeared on his face again…crap. “Because only strong warriors would have sensed my companion before now.”
The only warning was a growl. The beast charged at them full force. It was no fiend for it had the same light as an Aeon. Quickly they protected themselves as best as they could from the animal's claws and teeth. Satisfied with the damage it inflicted, the beast returned to its master's side, ready and willing to go at it again if the master commanded.
The beast was a dog…They had forgotten he had a damn dog…a mean and nasty DOG!
“I hate dogs…” Bakura winced, holding the spot where the dog's claws had sliced through his shoulder.
“Kaiba you call me a dog again and I am SO kicking your ass…” Jou grumbled.
The Yami warriors gathered again, only this time they were unsure of how to proceed. To them, they weren't fighting one Aeon…They were fighting two.
Then Yami got an idea.
“I can hold off one for a few moments…” He held up another card, the others nodded. “We will have fifteen minutes.”
“Alright then, well I say we just outright give him hell…” Marik said. It didn't shock them, they knew he was protective over Yunie…Hell they were all pissed at this point.
“Agreed…Ready?” They nodded and Yami threw the card.
The swords of revealing light surrounded the dog from its master so quickly the master had no chance to order the dog to move. The light of the swords rendered the dog helpless…all that remained was the bastard of a master to deal with.
“Very impressive, black mage…” Yojimbo hummed. “I have never seen such black magic before…Truly I have been sleeping for well over a millennia…”
“Yeah well we're just getting started!” Bakura felt the power flow from his sword to the tips of his fingers. It was hot, like fire.
Yojimbo took out his own sword, his face stoic like a soldier's would be when entering battle. “Agreed…You may begin.”
Next Chapter: Confessions of a Yami