Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Knife in the Dark ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Knife in the Dark - Part Two

a.n: ...i hate writing in tidus's point of view. when you write from a point of view, that means that everything has to be exactly what they would say or think - the words, the way of speech, etc...for example, if i was going to write a faris point of view, i would have to make her say "Arrr!" every other word, or if i was going to write a kid point of view, i would have to make her use australian slang every other word. with tidus, i can't use the style of words i usually do - i have to use very word that he would use, and i can't give in to my habit of using disgustingly large words. so, forgive me if this isn't very...good. and, i swear - this is all leading up to something....I'm never going to see any of them again.

It's just occurred to me now - staring out at the gray water, watching the clouds float along in the sky. Wakka, Rikku, Lulu, Kimarhi...they're gone now. To them, I'm just a forgotten memory.

I wasn't thinking about that when I jumped. All I knew is that I was back, and she was untouchable. I didn't even THINK about the rest. Now, I haven't only lost her...I lost everyone. Whoever's up there obviously hates me, because I don't have a friend in the world.

...I'm all alone, now.

"Here. It might be a bit big on you, but it'll do for now."

...I don't want to cry. I didn't cry when I saw her, I didn't cry when I saw her with him, but I'm crying now. It's a natural reaction - it's what people do when they're sad, when something awful is happening, when they don't have a prayer in the world.

I shouldn't be crying, though. I should be finding a way - a way to get back, a way to make things right. There has to be a way, right? If there's a way in, there's a way out. It's just plain logic.

But...I never was a logical kinda guy.

"...Don't you want something to wear?"

There's a girl standing next to me. In a way, she reminds me of Zanarkand - she could have been one of the thousands of girls who built personal shrines to me. She's pretty enough - she definitely could have been from Zanarkand, with hair dyed to match green eyes - but, in a way, I feel sorry for her. She's in no way ugly - hell, if I had seen her before, if I had met her somewhere else, I definitely would have given her a second look...but, when it comes to the fake beauty that she has, and the natural beauty of...her, there's competition. This girl could never be as beautiful as Yuna.

I snatch whatever article of clothing she's holding out to me, and turn my back to her. Whatever view I'm giving her now, it's in no way worse then the one she was getting before.

"What...!?" In my hands, I'm holding an exact replica of the Zanarkand Abes blitz uniform, the clothes I was wearing when I first came to Spira. The girl - Kururu, probably, the fisherman's daughter - gives me a weird look, then begins to explain.

"Um...well, maybe you don't play blitzball, but you'll have to wear a uniform for now. It's an Auroch uniform, incase you don't know - well, the Abes now, but my dad still calls them the Aurochs."

...They didn't forget me. In twenty-five years, in between new friends and lovers, new duties and families, it's nice to know - they didn't forget me."What the!? Hey!" When I first saw her, I thought this girl was strange. For Spira, anyway. Looks aside - this girl is still strange. From the way she was looking at my hand, you'd think it was the first time she saw a hand.

"...There's no bar code."...She's not strange. The entire planet of Spira is strange. They follow a sham religion for 1000 years, finally are able to whatever they want without having to worry about being killed, and then they decide to slap bar codes - which I didn't even know existed in Spira - on people's hands. They probably did come up with a new sham religion in twenty five years.

"...Bar code?" Major Deja Vu here. This girl reminds me of Lulu, because she'll probably end up telling me every little thing about Spira, and laugh in my face when I tell her that I came from the Farplane and was originally from Zanarkand.

She sighs, looking bored. "Bar code? Magestry? Registration?" She doesn't look surprised at the confused look on my face. "Yeah, I didn't think so. Well, here's what it is. After Sin was destroyed, the people needed a leader. The temples of Yevon fell, and Spira was in turmoil. Spira needed a leader. Five years later, Lady Yuna founded the Magestry. The purpose of the Magestry was unite the superior race of Spira - Human Beings, the former Yevonites - as one, to set laws for Spira, to bring rule and order to the masses. Each "Superior" must be registered with the Magestry, to declare yourself as a Superior. Once you are registered, a bar code with be engraved on your right hand, to let all others know that you are a Superior. Lady Yuna with her husband, Sir Issaru, rules over the Magestry, and Sir Wakka and Lady Lulu are her most trusted second - in - commands." The entire thing was said as if she was reading from a book - hell, she probably was.

...Something's wrong. This isn't my Spira. I know Yuna. I know better than anyone else ever will. And, she would never do something like that. To her, everyone is equal. Spira deserves to be a free place for everyone. I don't know why, but this girl is lying.

"...was declared that the Al-Bhed, Ronso, and Guado were like the mindless animals - they were free." I start, realizing that she had been talking while I was branding her as a liar. "All three races were oppressed and confined to their homelands. Most Al Bhed, however, must work in the service of the Superiors." Now I know she's lying. Yuna had an Al-Bhed and a Ronso as her guardians. She trusted them with her life - she would have died for them!

"Over a seven year process, all the fiends in Spira were brought to Bevelle, the Magestry headquarters. All were place in three separate breeding grounds, each one divided by three classes; birth, life, and death. You must be a registered mage or fighter of the Magestry to enter. To learn how to fight, cast magic, or wield a weapon, you must be a member of the Magestry and take schooling for it." She turns to me, glaring. "If you have any questions, ask them now, because I'm not answering any later."

Okay....the Magestry is not a good conversation starter with this girl. I shake my head, and her face softens a bit. "Good. You really should go to the Magestry. I...I could take you." She pauses, and before I can object, she begins to speak again. "Besides...I have a feeling that things won't be very safe for you in Spira, Tidus."