Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Love So Strong ❯ A Love So Strong ( One-Shot )

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A Love So Strong

Tifa Lockheart was leaning against the railing of an airship.

Her dark chestnut hair was flying in the wind.

She was wearing her gloves,The Premium Heart.

Cloud Strife was watching her stand there staring at the clouds.

He had his weapon the Ultima Weapon in his sword bag.

Tifa's friend Aeris was watching Cloud,filling with jealousy and rage.

She knew that Cloud loved Tifa and that Tifa loved Cloud,but didn't admit it.

She too,loved Cloud deeply.But she also knew that Cloud and Tifa were Childhood Friends

and had known each other for some time.

Cloud walked up to Tifa and asked her a question.

"Tifa,are you going back to Nibleheim?" he asked.

"No,I'm going to open up a new bar in Kalm." she replied.

She turned around to face him."Isn't that great?" she asked him.

Cloud said" Yeah,it is.I'm going to buy that old house in Costa Del Sol."

"Oh, really? Maybe I should open up the bar there."Tifa said smiling at him.

Aeris said" I am going to learn more about the Ancients."

Then under her breath said " And make Cloud my boyfriend"

Later on that day,

Everyone said they would meet each other at the Gold Saucer tomorrow for the dance.

Then they all parted except Cloud,Tifa and Aeris.

"Um, Tifa?" Cloud asked.

"Yeah,What Cloud?" she said.

"Will you go to the dance with me?"Cloud asked blushing deeply.

Aeris was just leaving when he asked this.

He watched her burgundy eyes light up with excitement and joy.

"OH,I would love to!" She cried.

Aeris left.

<Tifa's Thoughts>

A date? With Cloud?

I'm surprised he didn't ask Aeris..

The next day when everyone came back,

Cloud asked Tifa another question,

"Wanna go on a date with me before the dance?" he asked so fast she could barely understand him.

"Yes, I will." she replied


Cloud says puzzled"What's keeping Tifa?"

"Hi" a voice said shyly.

"Were you looking for me?" the voice said again.

Cloud said" Tifa?"

"It's me." the voice said.

A light clicks on.

Cloud said"Aeris?"

Aeris says"Oh,Shut up and kiss me!"

Cloud shouts" No! I will not betray my love for Tifa!"

Aeris runs off crying when she hears this.

5 Minutes Later

"Hey Cloud" a new voice says.

"Hi Tifa"Cloud said.

Tifa walks over.

In a whisper she says,

"Wow,Cloud you look really handsome."

Cloud says"Thanks,You look beautiful.Here have this"

He gives her a red rose to pin to her red dress.

Tifa cries out" Oh, Thank you Cloud it's beautiful.

<Cloud's Thoughts>

Not as beautiful as you though Tifa...

"Shall we go?" Tifa asks.

"YES!"Cloud replies.

They hop on a gold Chocobo and soon arrive at the Gold Saucer.

Tifa smiled at Cloud and said"What shall we do first?"

When Cloud saw that smile it made his knees feel like jelly.

He said politely " Having dinner."

When they got to the restaurant, they saw it's name had changed.

Tifa said while giggling " Moogle's Menu"

Cloud laughed and said" That's a funny name."

They got inside and ordered wine and some beer.

Waiter says"That'll come to 9999 gil."

Cloud practically shouts "Here you go"

Tifa laughs and says"You didn't have to pay for that.But geez! 9999 gil for 2 drinks! Please!"

Cloud starts laughing too.


"Do what should we do now?" Tifa asked Cloud politely.

"Let's go have some fun!" Cloud replied.

At The Snowboarding Game

"Betcha 1500 gil that I win this!" Tifa exclaimed.

"Hey! No fair!" Cloud said laughing.


"Let's see who we are versing in this game Cloud!" Tifa yelled.

"Hey! There's a moogle, a chocobo and Aeris!" Cloud cried as snow flew in his face.

"AERIS!" Tifa exclaimed.

"Hahaha Tifa! I'm going to get Cloud!" Aeris laughed.

They snow board all the way to the end where Tifa wins!

Cloud says" Good Job Tifa!"

He turns to Aeris

"Don't ever interfere when we are having a good time! LEAVE!" He yelled at her.

Aeris runs off crying again.

"Well,I'm 1500 gil richer."Tifa said.

"Yup"Cloud said.

"What shall we do now Cloud?" Tifa asked him.

"The Chocobo Races" He said jumping down the tube.

"Hee hee! Wait up!"Tifa cried.

"Who do you think is going to win Tifa?" he asked her. the uh blue one? She asked.

"I think it's the green one!"Cloud said.

<Cloud's Thoughts>

Green just like Aeris eyes.

I made her cry.Why did I do that?

I was so mean.She is nice to me.

But how do I repay her? By making her cry...

Tifa is so nice, funny and gorgeous.

The perfect girl.

"Cloud? Cloud?" What are you thinking about?" Tifa questioned him.

"Um nothing..."Cloud said.

"Hey! No! The green one won!" Tifa cried.

Cloud yelled" YES!"

"Looks like you're 1500 gil richer."Tifa said as she gave him some gil.

"Wanna go to the Gondola ride?" Cloud asked.

Gondola Ride

"Two tickets please." Tifa said.

"That'll be two gil."The Ticket Lady said.

"Cloud? Do you love Aeris..?" Tifa asked with a sad expression on her face.

"Yes..I really do.."Cloud said as he noticed the look on Tifa's face.

"As a sister." He finished.

Tifa's look changed

"Who do you love?" Tifa asked.

"A funny, nice and gorgeous girl."Cloud said.

Tifa asked " Really? What does she look like?

"Long chestnut hair,burgundy eyes and the most beautiful girl in the world." Cloud said.

"Well, I love the most handsome guy in the world.Blonde hair, blue eyes...."Tifa said wistfully.

Cloud says " Oh really?"

"Yes..Cloud I just wanted to say..that I..I.

Intercom Crackles

*The Gondola Ride is over please come again!*

"What were you going to say?" Cloud asked her.

"I was going to say ...oh, it's nothing!"Tifa snaps

"Ok, ok!"Cloud yells at her.

Tifa's eyes widen and she runs off.

"Wait! Tifa wait! Oh no.."Cloud cries.

"What have I done?"He screams.

He runs off to find Tifa.

Tifa is sitting down crying on her bed.

"I should have known it was to good to be true..getting asked to a dance with Cloud...the one Aeris loves."Tifa sobbed

Cloud walks in and says

"Tifa,I am so sorry...Listen are we still going to the dance?"Cloud asks

"Cloud, you deserve someone better than me...someone like Aeris!" Tifa sobs even louder.

"Tifa, I don't want Aeris, Tifa! I want you!" Cloud yells.

Tifa says" Really?"

Cloud says while he is blushing" To come to the dance with me, of course!"

Tifa says smiling"Alright!"

They run down the stairs and bump into Aeris!

"You listen to me Tifa! I'm going to get Cloud once and for all!" Aeris snarls.

Then she runs off.

Tifa looks at Cloud with worried eyes

Cloud says"Don't worry Tifa..She's not going to get you with me around."


Yuffie and Vincent dance past looking lovingly into each others eyes..

Cloud said"WOW! Yuffie sure looks hot ton- OW!"

He stops when Tifa elbows him.

Tifa smiles at him and makes his kness feel like jelly again.

Tifa asks " Do you want to dance?"

Cloud smiles at her and says " Sure"

That smile makes Tifa's soul feel like it is on fire.

Luckily for her it's a slow song.

Staring into those eyes for so long

Makes her heart flutter like a bird

Staring into those eyes for sooo long.

Makes his knees feel like he could never walk on them again

Sapphire eyes and Ruby eyes,

Staring into each other for soooo long,

"That song sounds like us Cloud."Tifa says softly.

"I've noticed Tifa.."Cloud replied

The song ends.

They walk out to they balcony.

Fireworks go off

"Cloud,The thing I wanted to tell you is that..I ..I love you."Tifa said softly.

"Tifa,I love you too."Cloud said just as softly.

The fireworks spell out the words.


"Oh, yes I will Cloud Strife"Tifa cried

"Thank you Tifa for all the things you've done for me in life."Cloud said.

<Aeris's Thoughts>

They really do belong together.

I shouldn't interfere.

Hey,I know!

I'll go after Vincent!

Author's Note- Anyone who thinks Aeris and Cloud belong together..I'll say this to them " Go To Hell!"

It's so obvious Cloud and Tifa belong together,they been friends for so long.6 years to be exact!

Tifa and Cloud is true love!

Aeris and Sephiroth belong together!

The ending should always be happy. And if you liked it please say so !

I want to write more fan fictions!
