Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Threat To Spira ❯ Swords Drawn ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[A/N: I don't own anything, blah blah blah. Thanks for your support, remember reviews are appreciated. Showtime.]
14: Swords Drawn

"This is Shelinda, reporting live from the North side of Luca where, as you can see, a lot of commotion is currently taking place. As many of you may now be aware, there have recently been some disturbing increases in fiend-related incidents over the past couple of weeks. A bizarre assortment of uncatalogued fiends have been slowly but surely making their presence known, and the question remains: What link do they have to the disturbances in the Thunder Plains? These aggressive fiends, vaguely humanoid but with decidedly reptilian features, first made their presence known in Kilika during a seemingly unprovoked fiend outbreak, and have since reappeared several times in different locations across Spira.

"What makes these fiends even more unusual is the near-military precision with which they seem to operate. A valley section of the Mi'ihen Highroad was recently laid to ruins as these creatures apparently attempted to collapse an underground passage in on itself, and reports of ambushes along the Moonflow and on Bikanel Island have also come in. The attacks have been swift and deadly, claiming numerous lives so far, which has led to the activity you see behind me.

"The Joint Council of Spira has been mobilizing all available defense forces in the area, in some cases combining New Yevon and Youth League squads together in conjunction with machina weaponry supplied by the Machine Faction. Garrisons are being set up at the edges of residential areas, such as this one at the South end of the Highroad. Yet the question remains, where did these fiends come from? In light of the recent discoveries regarding the energy field now surrounding the Thunder Plains, it is quite possible the fiends are originating from within the Plains and pose a new threat to Spira that may or may not rival that of Sin. If they are coming from the Thunder Plains, then the question is this: Who or what is causing them to appear, and why?

"Meyvn Nooj, leader of the Youth League and the elected Chancellor of the Council, has reported that all available resources are being directed to stem the tide of these mysterious fiends, and that the situation is well under control. Some people, however, claim that this is bureaucratic delay tactics at work, and that the Council may know more about what is going on than they say they do. Furthermore, there has been rampant gossip flying around that Spira's own freelance fiend exterminators, the Gullwings, have mobilized to combat this growing menace as well, which may suggest..."

"Switch it off," Nooj sighed, turning in his chair. The sphere network faded with a hum as LeBlanc deactivated the monitor, then turned and sashayed over to Nooj.

"I was afraid of this. Those fiends are getting more and more brazen with their attacks, and now this. The network's going to wind up turning this into something it isn't, and we may wind up taking the blame for it," Nooj mused, checking the sights on his gun.

"Oh, let them spout their theories and their nonsense," LeBlanc purred. "Once this whole fiasco is over with, they'll be praising you and the others as heroes for standing in the face of these freaks." She ran her hand along his right arm. "I just don't see why you won't let me come along, Noojie."

"This situation is dangerous, LeBlanc," he replied, standing up and grasping his cane. "From the way it sounds, there could be hundreds of those things out there, and there's a high chance you might get caught in the crossfire."

"Hah! What do I have to fear from a few fiends? The Great LeBlanc has felled her fair share, and you should know that better than anyone!"

"You said it, Boss!" boomed Ormi from the side of the room. "There ain't nothin' she's afraid of!"

"It is only fair, Meyvn," said Logos as he finished loading his revolvers and spun them into his holsters. "You and your joint consuls are going out with the troops, and the High Summoner is preparing to fight as well. Why not Milady LeBlanc?"

Nooj looked around the room and finally came to rest on LeBlanc who was gazing at him with puppy-dog eyes. Blast it all, I didn't want to get her involved in something like this... but she is right, she can hold her own against fiends and she did help out during the Vegnagun incident... And if worst does come to worst, she does have her two main goons and what remains of the Syndicate...

A long moment passed, ending with Nooj sighing and shrugging his shoulders. "I didn't want to put you in a position where you might get hurt, but I should have realized that once you make up your mind, it's not easy to make you change your decision." He hefted his cane and started towards the door of the Council chamber. "Just as long as you don't make any rash moves or get separated from the rest of the forces. Those are my conditions."

"Oh, thank you sooooooo much, my darling Noojie-Woojie! Finally, the LeBlanc Syndicate will have its place at the forefront of Spira's salvation!" she exclaimed, already beginning to strut about as if she were Queen of the Universe. Nooj chuckled silently to himself.

A low rumble echoed through the windows. "What was that?" Ormi asked. Logos ambled over to the window and gazed out, then turned back and waved the others over. "I think you had better see this," he said, his eyes wide.


The docks and major roadways of Bevelle were bustling with activity as Council soldiers completed last-minute preparations, sharpening swords and loading ammunition clips into freshly oiled automatic rifles. Al Bhed technicians dashed from mech to mech, making sure batteries were charged and fuel supplies adequate. A number of Hovers had been custom-fitted with heavy armor plating and side-mount running boards, enabling extra troop capacity. There even appeared to be a platoon of trained Chocobo mounts, carefully groomed and selected by Lucil as the "new generation" of Chocobo Knights. Their riders, though well-trained, had an air of anxiety about them as they gazed into the distance towards Macalania Woods and the glowing Plains beyond. Past the Knights, several squads of Youth League Mages were in the process of conducting meditative swordplay to calm their spirits and heighten their arcane awareness. Occasionally their ranks grew as one of Yevon's Finest, the elite guardsmen of Bevelle, joined in and partook of the exercises as well. To some it was a sight seldom thought possible- the two separate branches of the Council Military working together in perfect unison.

Further along the docks, the Celsius was undergoing last minute maintenance and refueling as her crew conferred with the other Council members.

"We discovered on Kilika that the Wrathfangs are highly susceptible to positive energy attacks, like Holy damage," Yuna was saying. "Gravitational effects and ice seem to affect them as well, but in some cases their hide is tougher than you might expect. Standard weaponry may work against them, but you'd best have some heavy firepower handy just in case."

"Perfect job for these babies," said Gippal as he produced a large shell from one of several ammo boxes near his feet. "30 millimeter hollow point rounds, with an inner capsule of Holy Water. Designed this ammo to blow away a Lich with one shot." He grinned as he brought out an ammo clip loaded with the custom shells and slapped it into the Fiendgrinder.

"What about those Morlachs? We need to be careful around those things; that mist of theirs could end things in a hurry," said Baralai as he ran a polishing cloth over one end of his bladed staff.

"We'll need to make sure everyone is supplied with medicinals that can treat venom and blindness," said Tidus as he finished polishing his sword and slung it across his back. "If we can't do that, then try to hit them hard and fast with fire; that's what took them out the fastest when we faced them on Gagazet."

"Don't forget, though, that when we fought them up there Rikku was using the Fire Crystal," Yuna added. "Standard magic may not be quite as powerful against them."

"Speaking of which, where is Rikku?" said Paine. "I haven't seen much of her since we got to Bevelle."

"Oh, she and Brother are probably getting their ears chewed off by Cid right now," said Gippal with a smirk.

"Oh boy. She's not going to be in a good mood after that..." Paine muttered.

"Wait, Uncle Cid's here too? I thought these days he was so engrossed with the exploration of the Baaj ruins that he wouldn't have even noticed what was going on!" Yuna piped up.

"Apparently he's been paying more attention than you guys thought, because he seemed pretty peeved when I spoke with him earlier this morning," Gippal replied. "I didn't expect him to be here either, but when that mug of his showed up on the Commsphere..." He was cut off by an outbreak of cursing in Al Bhed from the side. The five of them turned and saw Rikku stomping towards them in a huff, a bulging sack slung over her shoulder. Brother wasn't far behind and looked just as annoyed. Cid wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Here, guys!" Rikku said curtly, tossing the bag into Tidus' arms. "I got us as many healing potions and other stuff as I could; it better be enough because I'm not going back there to get more!"

"Whoa, what's eating you now, Rikku?" Tidus asked. "Was he off on another tirade on acting more 'ladylike' or something?"

Brother let out an exasperated groan. "Father blames US for 'dragging Yuna into danger'! He says we are irresponsible and selfish! He tells us the same thing over again, and we never get a word in!"

"Yep, that's Cid alright, same as ever," Tidus sighed, putting a hand to his head. Yuna groaned. "Didn't anyone tell him that this was something we all decided on together? I didn't get dragged into this, I did it of my own volition!" she said.

"Oh Yunie, you know what Pop's like! Once he gets an idea in his head, you can't shake it from him for the life of you! Geez, I just wish he'd stayed at Baaj after the ceremony like he said he was going to!"

"He wouldn't be Cid if he didn't drop in and display his own brand of fatherly concern," Gippal interjected. "Believe me, I know that all too well."

"So what exactly is he doing here?" Paine asked. "Is he here in a support position or is he just here to gripe?"

"He says he's here to help out with the 'big mess we've gotten ourselves into' but right now he's just puttering around," Rikku scoffed. "The Highwind's parked by the far docks but there's nothing going on around it, no preparations or maintenance, nothing! All Pop's doing is chatting up the supply sergeant who's in charge of the medical equipment!" A vexed look crossed Yuna's face and she tried to think of something to defend Cid, but knowing him as she did she couldn't think of anything offhand and shook her head. Tidus just shrugged.

A low rumble shot across the sky, a crack like thunder. Yuna looked up and suddenly her eyes went wide. Tidus looked up as well, followed by Rikku, Paine, then Gippal and Baralai. Brother was the last to look up, but the first one to speak up.

"Fryd dra ramm ec dryd?!?" he gasped in a bewildered tone.

[Translation: What the hell is that?!?]

The skies to the South had taken on a menacing violet hue as a pillar of light erupted from a distant source. Black clouds began boiling out of the pillar, and thin fingers of lightning flickered across the rapidly darkening sky. The wind began to pick up slowly, creating low whistles as air currents played across the many archways of the Highbridge. Distant shrieks emerged from the clouds, shrieks akin to the sound of a hundred dying fiends. As abruptly as it had appeared, the pillar of light vanished but the clouds remained, spreading their coal blackness across the sky even faster. Lightning ripped across the clouds once again and the wind picked up speed, whipping hair and battle cloaks back. Several Chocobos squawked and ruffled their feathers nervously.

"Looks like somebody's getting impatient," Paine growled.

Gippal nodded and stood up. "It's time to move out." Baralai stood up as well, and the two of them shouldered their weapons. Lucil began barking orders to the riders to fall into formation. Troops started filing into the armored Hovers, checking and re-checking their armaments.

"Our moment of the truth is at hand!" Brother exclaimed. "GULLWIIIINGS!! To your positions!" He turned around and strode off purposefully towards the Celsius' loading ramp, attracting a lot of stares with his loose-limbed gait that made it look like his joints were made of rubber.

"I guess that's our cue," said Tidus, turning to Yuna. "You ready for this?"

Yuna nodded. "Let's go show him what the Gullwings are made of." She put her right hand out; Tidus placed his right hand on top of hers, followed by Rikku's hand, then Paine's. The four crystals on their hands appeared to pulse in unison. "One last time for old time's sake?" Yuna asked.

"Eh, why not. I guess the name isn't that silly," said Paine with the slight hint of a smirk on her face. Yuna grinned.

"Y!" "T!" "R!" "P!"

"Moving out!" they all shouted in unison, breaking the formation and heading for the airship as the thunder rolled closer. Looking back they could see Nooj and LeBlanc making their way to join the others; Gippal and Baralai began issuing orders to some of the remaining troops. Paine paused, then skidded to a halt. "Wait a minute!" she called out. "I forgot something!" Rikku stopped at the bottom of the ramp, turning around just as Paine broke into a run back towards the middle of the dock.

Baralai was adjusting the cuffs on his jacket and had just slung his staff over his back when he saw Paine jogging towards him. He stopped and took a step forward. "Paine? What's the matter?"

Paine took a deep breath. "I... I just wanted to say good luck out there... and once this is all over, do you think... Well..." She looked at the ground, scratching the back of her head. "Maybe we could get together and talk about old times? It's been a while, after all..." Geez, why am I acting like this? Get a grip! she thought to herself.

Baralai nodded. "I'd like that."

Paine smiled a bit. "Me too."

A long moment passed where neither said anything, but just stood there awkwardly. They hardly seemed to notice as several Hovers completed their loading and took off for the North edge of the Plains. It wasn't until the Celsius' hover turbines growled to life that they shook themselves out of their reverie. "Sounds like your ride is here," Baralai said. Paine nodded. "I guess I'd better be going," she replied. Another moment passed, and then without warning, Paine stepped forward and gave Baralai a quick hug, which he returned in kind. "You take care of yourself," she whispered to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before releasing the embrace and running back to the Celsius.

Rikku and the others were waiting at the ramp as she approached, ascending the steps two at a time. "Let's go!" Paine shouted, disappearing into the innards of the ship. Yuna and Tidus followed suit, but Rikku lingered for a moment.

"Gimme just a second, you guys!" she hollered, turning and looking out at the courtyard again. The whine of the engines was growing into a thundering roar as she scanned the rapidly departing crowds of troops. Several Chocobos galloped across her field of vision, causing her to curse under her breath, when suddenly she caught a glimpse of blonde hair that stuck up like broom straws. She broke into a run, cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted, "GIPPAL!"

Gippal turned around on his motorcycle and saw her running over from the access ramp. He flipped out the kickstand and got up just as she skidded to a halt in front of her. "Whoa, where's the fire? You'd better get back before Brother decides to leave you behind," he said in a lighthearted voice. The engine roar was getting to the point where they had to shout to make themselves heard.

"I just had to tell you something," Rikku shouted over the noise. "You'd better make sure you come out of this in one piece, 'cause if you get yourself killed I'm gonna kick your ass all over the Farplane!"

Gippal blinked, then grinned. "You can count on me," he replied, reaching forward and brushing a strand of windblown hair out of her eyes. "But you better come back too, 'cause I don't know anybody else who can make me laugh quite like you... Cid's girl." Rikku laughed, grabbing him in a bear hug that he quickly returned. "You'd better go now- and take care!" he said as they released each other. Rikku nodded, turning around and sprinting towards the Celsius, whose access ramp was slowly ascending. With a quick hop, she was on the edge of the rising ramp and running towards the elevator.


< br> "Report in from Lord Trommell, sirs. Guadosalam is now under lockdown and all access tunnels have been sealed."

"The platoon under Maroda's command has secured the Southern banks of the Moonflow, Meyvn. No sightings of any fiends as of two minutes ago."

"Forward artillery units in position, Praetor."

The black clouds above rumbled ominously as scores of troops made their way to the North edges of the Thunder Plains, which were glowing like an infection. A violent wind stirred up, blowing grit and leaves into the faces of the artillery crews who rushed to complete setup procedures on several cannon emplacements along the higher ridges of land. As more troops arrived and disembarked, it became clear that the barrier around the Plains had altered significantly. The Northernmost edge had begun to slowly but surely recede, reducing the barrier in size but not in intensity. The violet hue of the energy field had shifted as well, flecked with a motley assortment of hues that in some cases defied imagination. As the barrier pulled away, the troops moved forward to set up a semblance of a defensive line. The Chocobo riders under Lucil's command remained back behind the artillery mechs, crouching low and preparing to stride at a moment's notice. Several guardsmen shuddered as they peered across the horizon; from their vantage point they could see that several of the closest lightning towers had been toppled. The barrier was difficult to see through, but the absence of a tower was something it could not hide.

Rain began to fall as the political triumvirate that made up the Council strode to the front of the line. Nooj stepped forward, wiping his glasses absently as he gazed across the horizon. To his left stood Baralai, holding his staff loosely in his right hand. To his right was Gippal, who carried his Fiendgrinder at his side by means of a luggage handle of sorts. Off to the side stood LeBlanc, flanked by Ormi and Logos. She twirled her war fan petulantly as Logos spun the cylinders of his revolvers and Ormi slapped his right fist into his left palm.

The barrier shuddered. Black forms began to emerge from behind it, treading forward as the barrier moved back. Thunder echoed across the Plains as several fiends became dozens, all marching forward slowly but surely. Several troops lowered their guns and stared at the sight of the gargoyle-like Wrathfangs, their wings pulled in and their black claws bared for battle. The energy field shrank even more, until it encompassed only the middle of the Plains and the Southern reaches as well. Now several hundred soulless burning eyes glared at the forces assembled before them; fanged maws appeared to leer with glee. A lone Morlach in the midst of the mass of fiends waved a skeletal limb forward. With a nod, the fiends began to advance slowly but surely.

Nooj drew in a long breath as he raised his gun. "So here we are again," he muttered. "The Crimson Squad, back on the front line." Baralai nodded, gripping his staff with both hands.

Gippal tapped the headset radio he'd clipped to his ear. "Ground forces in position. Looks like a full house."

Yuna's voice came back over the radio. "We should be over your position now; the clouds aren't allowing much visuals. We're ready when you are; just say the word."

Gippal swung the Fiendgrinder up onto his shoulder and clicked off the safety catch.

"Let's dance."


< br> The wind and the rain cut across the deck of the Celsius with a vengeance, but YTRP didn't seem to notice it. They stood at the front of the ship next to the seagull figurehead, Yuna and Tidus on the port side, Rikku and Paine to starboard. Yuna tapped her headset radio and nodded to the others. "Let's clear the runway," she said in a cheery voice, raising her right hand forward and squeezing her eyes shut in concentration. The Water Crystal shone bright blue, then grew brighter still, taking on a nearly white hue as an almost angelic hum filled the air immediately around her. Tidus watched in amazement, an X-Potion gripped in his hand. I really hope she doesn't push this too far, he thought to himself.

There is no need to worry, Master. Tidus blinked as Ferro's voice echoed in his mind. We are fully awake now. Our powers are completely at your disposal.

At that moment, Yuna's eyes snapped open. The light became almost blinding and suddenly burst forth, a tremendous lance of blue-white energy that soared upwards into the air, seizing wind currents and pulling the dark clouds about them into a whirling mass. The mass pulsed like a heartbeat, once... then twice... then a third time before exploding and causing the Gullwings to wince and shield their eyes.

The low thud echoed across the landscape, causing the Wrathfangs below to perk their ears up and halt their advance. A few looked upwards; nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then a sudden shimmer in the clouds caught their attention; it looked almost like a stream of pyreflies drifting above them. One of the fiends growled in wonderment, then stared. Others followed suit as they realized the shimmering mass above them was growing larger. Two seconds later came the shocking truth that the mass wasn't growing bigger, it was actually descending on top of them. The specks began to look more like shards, but quickly became recognizable as icicles- if you could call a lance of ice a foot in diameter and six feet long an 'icicle'. The fiends began to shriek in horror, but were quickly replaced by shrieks of pain as the ice lances rained down upon them, driving into the ground like nails and tearing through the flesh of dozens of the Wrathfangs. Some had feet or arms torn off by the icicles, others got impaled through the wings, still others became locked in virtual prisons of ice. For the most part, the ice lances tore their way through fiendish torsos and heads, ripping scores of Wrathfangs apart and creating a massive hole right in the midst of their numbers. At that very moment, Gippal's voice rang out across the Plains. "FIRE!!!"

The cannon report was deafening. Rockets blazed across the landscape as cannons and YAC-62 mechs unleashed a fusillade not seen since the day of Operation Mi'ihen. The Wrathfangs attempted to regroup and charged, only to be cut to ribbons by the hail of artillery shells and mortar rounds. Dozens of fiends collapsed and dissipated, only to be replaced by dozens more. Just then a terrific howling sound broke through the clouds, causing the mass of fiends to glance up once again. Some of the troopers clutched their weapons tighter and tensed up, preparing to charge. Baralai raised a hand, holding it steady.

The howl from the clouds turned into a roar, and the eyes of every fiend widened as the unmistakable form of the Celsius screamed out of the sky at full throttle, diving directly towards the Plains. At the last possible second it leveled out, skimming over the ground at a breakneck speed- a testament to the bravery and/or recklessness of the man behind the controls. The forward engine shields became battering rams, crushing Wrathfangs beneath them as easily as if they were eggshells. Countless fiends ran for cover as the airship cleaved a swath into the middle of the menagerie. The access ramp beneath shot open and the ship slowed down rapidly, allowing four warriors to jump clear and hit the ground running at full force. The second they touched ground, the Celsius pulled up and circled back, gathering speed and gouging another swath into the left flank of the fiends' forces. What remained of the rear echelon of fiend forces surged forward in an attempt to crush the new arrivals, but their advance was quickly halted as Tidus swung his sword in a wide arc, slamming it to the ground and channeling the Earth Crystal at the same time, causing a wave of stalagmites to shoot out of the ground and toss fiends about like dry leaves. Baralai's hand dropped, and troops streamed forward to meet the front lines on their own ground, weapons drawn and readied. Lucil drew her sword and shouted a word of command, spurring her mount forward with the other Knights hot on her heels. Swords clashed against claws, bullets screamed through the air and arcane energy flashed across the landscape.


Deep within the roiling gray mists concealed by the barrier, a lone figure glared at an image that hung in midair. The violet jewel in his palm flickered as the image changed from one fiend's eyes to another's. Malar's brow was furrowed in pure, unbridled rage as he watched the battle unfold.

"Unbelievable," he growled. "Once again the world rises up against me." He watched as several Wrathfangs grappled with a Chocobo, nearly dismounting the rider before another Knight charged forward and broke the fiends' hold, carving great gouges into their flesh. The image shifted and he stared as Baralai spun and tumbled through the ranks, ripping his staff through his opponents' wings and following through with a series of flying kicks. Off to his side, Malar could barely make out Nooj as he peppered the fiends before him with magically charged bullets. He had dropped his cane and appeared to be striding forward without so much as a limp.

Another image shift. There was Paine, ducking beneath the claws of a Morlach and driving her right hand, weaponless, into its jellylike lower body. Malar gnashed his teeth as he saw her eyes and hand glow bright gold and lightning tore through the fiend from the inside out. "I will make you pay for forsaking your bloodline, whelp..." he muttered, then stopped as the scene shifted again. His eyes widened as he saw another Morlach collapse and disintegrate, killed by a single shot from Gippal's Fiendgrinder. Gippal swung around, chambered and fired another shot into a squad of Wrathfangs, then flipped the gun off his shoulder and turning the circular saw on. He had begun to cleave his way through more fiends when Malar shook his head and changed the image once more.

There they were. The High Summoner and her Guardian, acting in perfect unison and cutting a swath through the fiends as fast as they could. Not far behind them, he could just make out Rikku and Paine acting as rear guard. Rikku had donned the form of an Alchemist and was channeling the Fire Crystal in an interesting way; tendrils of energy had constricted around the gun she brandished, transforming it into an impromptu flamethrower. Malar's scowl grew as he watched her blast gouts of flame into the faces of his creations, then grew even more as he beheld Yuna summoning forth a volley of ice lances which tore a terrific hole in yet another section of the fiend forces. He could barely make out Tidus say, "Come on! It's just over the ridge!" as he drove his blade into the ground, conjuring a dome of gravitational energy that crushed the squad directly in front of him. With a growl and a clench of his hand, the image faded and Malar stared into the gray wastes around him.

"So they have come knocking at my front door," he purred dangerously. "In a way, their timing is impeccable."

He glanced over his shoulder. Just behind him, he could make out four enormous serpentine heads hanging above him, concealed by the eldritch vapors. Orange eyes glowed on each head, and further in the mists the semblance of massive wings could be seen as well. A low rumble came from the maws of the four heads. Malar's face shifted, the anger replaced by belligerent smugness.

"The Four have come to pay you a visit," he said. "Their friends will be otherwise occupied, I'm afraid... especially when my remaining soldiers have finished their swim." The look in his eyes took on a more menacing tone. "Still, the Four should be suitable playthings for you, my masterpiece...

"My magnificent Tiamat."

To Be Continued...

[A/N: As tempting as it is to try and choreograph the entire battle between the armies, it would take far too long and besides, the real fight is the one where YTRP storms Malar's barrier, right? At least that's how I see it. Please review, and stay tuned for the next chapter as Armageddon breaks loose in the Thunder Plains. And what exactly is Tiamat? Only one way to find out! -Neon Ronin]