Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time for Reflection ❯ Yuna's Sadness ( Chapter 2 )
Author's Note: This chapter is from Yuna's POV.
Chapter II: Yuna's Sadness
I ask myself why he had to leave me all the time. My state of being is rather wretched at this moment in time. All of my friends have made some peace with themselves over our loss. That is, everyone except for me. I find myself standing on the little pier in Besaid, whistling and wishing for him to return to me every day.
I just feel like he'll pop out of the water one day, sporting that gorgeous smile, saying "Hey Yuna! Ya miss me?" I guess it's okay for a girl like me to dream, considering that I fell madly in love with a dream… right?
Sometimes I feel so mad at him… I get furiously mad at him for leaving me. I realize after my senses return to me that it is not his fault though. I remember the day that he left us. He was such a hero in the truest sense of the word. He saved the world, won the girl's heart, and had to say farewell. He disappeared into the cloudy sky, fading like a dream would at sunrise. My dream did not come back the next evening in my slumbers though, and I've never been the same since then.
I wonder daily where he is. I haven't been able to muster up the courage to go visit him on the Farplane. I'm so afraid that he may not be there, afraid that he simply vanished into nothingness. I pray that is not the case. I hope that he is on the Farplane, bickering with Jecht and challenging him at blitz ball. I imagine him fussing at Auron about how cold he can be. I hope he's smiling, even though I am not.
I found a sphere in the airship after he disappeared. He was saying goodbye to me, just as I had planned to say goodbye to them with a sphere. He told all of us that he was sorry. He apologized to me, but yet he still didn't say that he loved me. That was all that I wanted to hear from him. It could have alleviated my pain just a little bit.
But he didn't say it, and now I have to wonder all the time whether or not he loved me back… I think he did. I can only dream about my dream telling me that he loves me, and sometimes it's enough to get me to the next day.
I would have married him, you know. I would have spent my entire life with him, bore his children, and grown old with him. Right now, that's all I want. All the suitors in the world that are trying to win my hand in marriage have failed miserably, and I wish that they would just give up on it. I only want him… I want only his eyes, his hair, his body and his soul, whether or not he is just a dream. That, and only that, could make me happy with my life here on Spira.
My friends try to comfort me, and I really do appreciate their efforts. Wakka and Lulu has been so patient and loving to me. Kimahri has been by my side ever since the day Tidus left me, but he has respected my wishes when I wanted to be left alone. I appreciate that tremendously. Rikku has been trying to cheer me up constantly. Sometimes it actually works because of the comical things she does. I'm so grateful for my friends, but I still only want him.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to lead a pointless life. I only want to lead my life with him by my side. I fear that I will forever be in the state I am in now, and the only remedy I can think of that could ease my woes is the blond haired man that captured my heart and soul in Macalania.
Macalania… I remember that night so well. I was completely shocked at first. I wasn't expecting him to kiss me like that. The comfort and the passion that emanated from that kiss made my worries pass away. Sin could have come and blew all of Spira out of existence at that moment, and I would not have noticed or cared. I believe such feelings are called love, and I believe that love so strong cannot and will not disappear like a dream.
That is the reason that I do not give up hope in Tidus. I have a feeling that I will be with him one day. I'll be his wife, always by his side. It is my dream, and I fervently believe in it. I've told myself many times that right now is a time for reflection. It's a time for me to sit back and look at the memories of the wonderful man that I fell in love with, while I wait for him to return to me.
I will wait for the day when he is my suitor. He isn't one that I will turn away, but is one that I will run towards and embrace, knowing that he will be a whole person once again.
I won't fall through his body this time, as I remember doing so painfully on the airship. I will run to him, knowing that he will catch me and that I will forever stay in his arms. I will finally get to hear him say that he loves me, and our story will begin anew.