Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time for Reflection ❯ Spira on the Horizon ( Chapter 5 )
Author's Note: This chapter is from Tidus' POV.
Chapter V: Spira on the Horizon
Ecstatic, overjoyed, blissful… these descriptions came to mind when I heard them say I could return to Spira. It completely blew me away, knowing that I could come home to her soon. I would be able share with Yuna the love that I never got to show her. When I left, Spira was a world of despair. Now, Spira is a world of happiness with a very unhappy woman residing in it… I'm gonna change that.
I leave tomorrow. I don't know how they're going to get me back to Spira, but I don't really care. Master Kaemon promised they would send me somewhere close to Besaid when I return. I wonder if I'll return through the water, wrapped up in a ball, like I was in my dream. Regardless of how I come back, it doesn't really matter.
I know that when I see her, I'm going to catch her as she runs to me, embrace her, and kiss her all over. I want to hold her, knowing that I will not fade into her and through her, like I did so painfully when I left. I want to tell her that I love her… I owe Yuna that much.
Auron, Braska and my dad couldn't be happier for me. They insisted that we all go to me and my dad's house to party. Dad tried to get me totally liquored up. I had a few, but I refused to have a hangover on the day that I would return to Yuna. My crazy old man said that if I'm stupid enough to get married when I'm so young, that I might as well get drunk off my "ass" before I return to her. Braska wasn't very amused at that comment, seeing as how it was in the context of me marrying his daughter. That's my old man. Foul mouthed, but lovable just the same.
Braska, slightly tipsy from the amount of drink he had consumed, slurred something about loving his daughter and being good to her. He told me I better not take advantage of her, but he said that he knew I wouldn't. He's right, of course… I respect Yuna, as a woman, too much to think about taking advantage of her. I love her too much for that.
Auron is a pretty good natured guy when he gets some alcohol in him. He told me that he was proud of me. He said he'll be watching me on my wedding day. I thought I saw a tear escape his eye. It was touching… of all the years I've known him, I finally realized that he cared for me that night. It was comforting.
My old man surprised me even more. Later that night, a few hours after everyone had sobered up a bit, he took me to the corner of the room, to speak to me privately. My father gave me something that was so precious, so wonderful, that I knew this moment would remain in my memories for eternity. I didn't understand the significance of what he was giving me until he explained what it was.
It was my mother's wedding ring. He said that when he disappeared from Zanarkand, he was wearing her wedding ring on a gold chain, for good luck. He had a big game that day, and he always wore it when he felt like he needed fortune on his side. My old man gave the ring to me, to give to Yuna when I asked for her hand in marriage. I put on the chain that was intertwining with the diamond studded ring, hoping the ring would soon be on Yuna's finger.
My mother... the thought of her made me want to scream in sorrow. When she died, I was naturally devastated, but I managed to pick myself back up. Surprisingly, Auron provided a great deal of comfort throughout the entire ordeal.
The proverbial "knife in the heart" struck me when I first arrived on the Farplane. When I came here six months ago, Braska explained to me that no one from me and my father's Zanarkand was sent to the Farplane when they died; they simply vanished into non existence, exactly like a dream would.
I yelled at him vehemently, swearing that it couldn't be true. I saw my mother in the Farplane at Guadosalam! Braska apologized and said he had no explanation for why I saw her there. I realized after a while that it had to be the truth. If my mother was here, in the Farplane, she would be with us, right?
Braska continued to explain that the only reason my father and I was sent to the Farplane was because we had been to Spira, the real world, and were filled with its supposed "essence of life," whatever that means. When the dream of the fayth faded, when Zanarkand disappeared, thousands upon thousands of souls, people I knew and loved, disappeared into nothingness.
Combined with the fact that I lost Yuna, I had to deal with the realization that I would never see my mother or anyone from Zanarkand again. My grief was only increased ten fold. I frequently have nightmares about it, and I want the pain to stop. I hope that my reunion with the person I love will alleviate this pain to some degree.
My father told me something tonight that I will never forget, among other things. I remember so clearly, every word that he said to me in the small, private corner of our home. "Son, I... I wanted to let you know that I'm really gonna miss you. You've been sad, I know, but this selfish old man thinks these past six months have been the been the best damn months of his life. I want you to know that I… I love you son."
He started crying softly, something that had never happened before… so I embraced him tightly. I'll admit that I was anxious to poke fun at his crying as he had done so many times to me in the past, but I decided that now was not the time. The stubborn hard feelings I carried against him completely melted at that moment, and I knew that I loved him back. I told him that I loved him too, and for the first time in my life, I meant it. Never again would I leave someone I cared for without telling them of my love. I learned my lesson the first time.
I don't think it was the alcohol that was speaking for him. No, I can't believe that. I had never seen him so genuine, and I knew that all the barriers keeping us apart emotionally came crashing down. I would leave the Farplane loving my father. I couldn't think of a better way to exit.
When it started to get late, Braska and Auron excused themselves and headed to their homes to get some rest for the big day. We were, according to Auron, "to be at my house at eight o'clock sharp, no exceptions."
My father and I stayed up a while longer… we talked about things we could never discuss when I was younger, because of his drunkenness or harsh attitude to me. He told me how much he regretted everything he did to me. In turn, I told him not to worry about it, that it was one thousand years in the past.
When we had both decided that we were tired, we bid each other good night, knowing that it would be the last time we would be able to do that. I was, at that moment, saddened by leaving those three here, in this place of death.
I told dad about it, and he said lightheartedly, "This place is meant for old geezers like us. You don't belong here… live your life." I nodded solemnly and knew at that moment that my dream of all of us being together in Spira was not going to occur. I had to take what I could get and be happy with it.
As I collapsed in my bed that night, I thought about all the good memories I shared with the three of them on the Farplane. No, this place wasn't that bad. I just want Yuna. I feel a little guilty for wanting her over my father and two close friends, but I knew that I had to be with her… badly. I realized that tomorrow, at this exact same time, I might be holding onto Yuna tightly, maybe on the beach, or maybe on the pier she cries on so frequently.
Tomorrow, it'll be tears of joy trickling onto the pier of Besaid. With these thoughts in mind, I drifted off into peaceful slumber. Spira was on the horizon, and I knew that the next day was going to be... beautiful.