Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A True love is destroyed ❯ True Love...? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The morning sun arose to wake the day, and in a welcoming gesture the world extended a cool breeze, slowly pushing whispy clouds across the morning sky.
Meanwhile in a dank pit...

"Eric, you couldn't rescue a potato," Steven said annoyed, "just tell Damian to do it, I refuse to eat another meal here, there's a worm that's looking at me funny."

Eric was looking around "Stop your whining, I'll go find Damian..." with that Eric stood up took one step and fell in the pit ontop of Steven.
Damian all the while was using the camera to look out on the lawn, and was making fun of some birds, but this left him oddly unfulfilled.

"Where are those two guys Im trapped here with..." he looked around, "they are easier to make fun of than birds."
It didnt take long for Damian to find the pit but found the situation to stupid to bother making fun of.
"Well, this should be easy to solve."
Damian left and soon returned with a hose and started to fill the pit with water, after a reasonable amount of time, Eric floated to the top and climbed out, shook the water out of his clothes, and high fived Damian.
"Smooth move, Damian!", said Eric beaming with a life affirming smile.
"I thought so, too." Another high five was followed by a silence, no one really wanted to ask where Steven was.

Steven opend his eyes, "Damian now im not a super genius, but how does drowning me help me out of a pit?" Steven said unquestionably angry.
"Well you were supposed to swim to the top and crawl out like Eric did..."
"well that could have worked, If Eric wasnt standing on my chest as the thing filled with water!" Damian and Steven looked at Eric but before he had a chance to explain himself the screen behind him started to glow with that all to familiar glow.

"Greetings prisoners, Im not going to ask you why you're wet, but just get to business, please sit."
Eric, Damian, and Steven sat down in that order on the couch facing the screen. Pokey picked up where he had left off.
"Now, ratings have been low and if I have to cut anything for the budget the first thing thats going is your food generator, so you might want to listen."
"Im not wearing a t-shirt that says "Home of the Flopper" again!" Eric stood up and exclaimed.
"No your T-shirt will say "Got Byproduct?", but thats not the point, todays fic will be,lets say, a bit more eye-catching than usual;
I have only skimmed over it myself but it comes highly recommended, plus you will have to read some advertisements during the fic, hope that its not a problem.
Who am I kidding, I hope it is a problem, pick them up right now!"
Damian walked over to the screen, at the bottom of which seemed to be a printer, which had printed out the papers that they needed to read from, he handed them out to the other two, and sat himself back down between them.

"Ok is everyone ready?" Pokey asked, obviously not caring. "We are as ready as we are going to be I guess..." Eric said looking over his notes before he grunted lifelessly, "...we have fanfic sign...shoot me."
A true love has touched down
Damian: If this is about football, I'm sooo leaving. ....wait, I'm stuck here...
Steven: Nothing Like scoring a love touch down.
Eric: Hey guys, are you ready for some football? You get it? Damn, I'm funny.

A lemon fanfic by Wilbur.
The characters in this fanfic are property of squaresoft and are in no way affiliated with me, bla, bla.
Damian: Dude, get squaresoft on the phone, I don't think they appreciate this guy half-assing their legal mumbo jumbo.
Steven: That, and he didnt even spell blah right.
Eric: If we have free time after this, let's rat this mooch out to the fuzz.

If you are in any way offended by pornographic material then don't read this,
Damian: Suuure, lets pretend we have a choice on the matter...
Steven: Even though pornographic material doesnt offend me, I still think that this fanfic will.
Eric: This is going to be as close to sex as we're going to get in here. I pray.

if you do then its not my problem. This is a love story between the characters not some debauchery or sick fanfic.
Steven: Ok you heard it, this is not some sick fanfic, so there should be no mention of semen of any sort!
Eric: Sickfics from bored obsessive perverts are guaranteed Nobel prize contenders.
Damian: That one was so far off the sarcasm meter, it probably took someone's eye out.

This doesn't really go along with the story; rather it changes it a little. Hey, it could have happened.
Damian: Liar.
Steven: Who does he think he is to "change it a little"?
Eric: That's like Carrot Top being in "Casablanca."
Damian: Hehe, Carrot Top.

This story takes place after Squall rescues Rinoa from outer space.

Squall stands outside the ragnarock; he can smell Rinoa's perfume still on him from when he was holding her.
Damian: Too bad this game doesn't allow him to shower....

He can only think of one thing, he wants her back.
Eric: Hey, I've got a thing for backs too!
Damian: And speaking of backs! Guess what's back, Steven?!
Damian: That's right! Soylent Red, after a long hiatus due to the fact that it was disgusting, is finally back! With flavor added!
Steven: Th...that's amazing...
Damian: Damn right! So be sure to check out Soylent Red, now also availabe in a delicious 'non-lethal mango'!

Squall then realizes that he loves her and vows to retrieve her. He also vows to himself that when he gets her
back he will never let her go.
Steven: He then vowed to eat lunch first, he also vows to wash his hands before eating.

After reuniting with the rest of his party Squall updates his comrades on his situation.
Damian: [Squall] There's some serious booty somewhere in this facility. I'll be back in ten minutes.
Steven: If Squall were really that cool im sure that he wouldn't.... um suck so much?
Eric: Ok Steven In this instance I actually think I can blame you for trying.

They all vow to help him in any way possible.
Damian: Quistis had already prepared some boxed lunches, and Zell was selling ring-side seats to the love scene later...

The ragnarock lands lightly outside of the lunatic Pandora laboratory where Riona is held.
Squall, Quistis, and Zell run in surprising all of the scientists.
Damian: I guess they were wearing ski-masks...
Steven: The scientist then vowed never to be scared again

Squall tells the scientists that he is taking Rinoa.
Damian: All the scientists nod suggestively, giving him high-fives.
Steven: SCORE!!
Eric: I'm still ready for some football.

For a second Squall fells a battle coming on.
Damian: He makes it sound like an old medical condition...or a belch.
Eric: Most likely he had the wrong music in his Walkman. He was supposed to be listening to casual rescue music, not battle music.
Steven: Well I have a "Felling" that this is just going to go down hill from here.

At that instance he hears a whip crack loudly on the floor, and he sees the scientist jump back. Squall hears
Quistis say, "Squall go get her, we got things here."
Damian: Of course, that is followed by another high five. High fives signify booty.
Steven: Yeah but when you go down low, it means a whole nother thing.
Eric: Barely!!!

Squall exits the entrance room on the left.
Steven: FOOL! Does he not see the time-space continuum related ramifications of exiting the entrance!??
Eric: Seeing as how this story is sure to be rife with impossibilities, someone better create a black hole before the end. It's just competent storytelling.
Damian: That explains your comics, at least....
Eric: ....hey!

He sees a long walkway to his right. At the end of the walkway is an elaborate contraption
with Rinoa in its center; an unseen force binds her. Rinoa is held by technology far beyond either of their senses.
Eric: If they were to look at it any longer...hell, they might explode. Cool.

Squall runs forward to his love pulling out his gun blade as he runs.
Damian: [Squall] stabbing usually solves everything.
Steven: So he's going to attack an unseen super-advanced force?

When he reaches the device he swings his gun blade with all of his might.
Damian: Years later, squall contemplates whether he should really have cut off her head...
Steven: Nice one, Damian!
Eric: Shut up, suckas, this is my favorite part!...I'm guessing.

When the gun blade makes contact with the shell it shatters. Rinoa falls toward
Squall, he drops in his arms.
Steven: Wait Rinoa is a guy? Eric... Damian.... Say it isn't so.
Eric: It ain't so...
Damian: Haha! The funny part is, that considering all the money they spent on making this 'elaborate contraption' they couldn't safe-guard it against someone cutting it open?

Squall feels the warmth of her body and the smell of her hair once again. Squall then renews his vow to never
let her go.
Steven: What the hell is this, Is it like "Buy a vow get 20 free" day?

Rinoa raises her head and looks into Squall's eyes, he stares back into hers, they slowly close the gap and their lips meet.
They kiss for what seems an eternity, but in reality only a few seconds.
Squall hears Quistis say "Squall we got to get out of here." Squall breaks the kiss and hears Rinoa say "Somehow I knew you'd come for me."
Damian: [Rinoa] I mean, I underlined the part in the script that said you would, but you never know...
Steven: [Squall] Maybe I will just leave you here, and I'll go home.
Eric: This thing has a script?
Damian: You're soaking in it!

"Lets go" Squall says.
Damian: [Rinoa] Sure...but why aren't you wearing pants?
Steven: [Squall] Baby, I havent worn pants in MONTHS.

Once back in the ragnarock Rinoa tells Squall she wants to go to Edea's
house. The ragnarock forcing the dirt out from under it signals it's landing.
Steven: The ragnarock is a bully, Forcing the dirt out from under it? tsk tsk tsk.
Eric: Hey, Steven, you're sitting too close to me. Move over or make room for a knuckle sammich.
Damian: Bullyism seems to work.
Steven: But hey, speaking of sandwiches...uh...what does this say...come take a magic rainbow vacation in the land of sandwiches.
Eric: ...and?
Steven: That's all it says...
Damian: Well, elaborate a bit; all mine said was 'soylent red'.
Steven: scare me.
Eric: Stop whining and do it so we can get on with it!
Steven: Fine. Everyone, be sure to ride your magic carpet straight to the house where the dark emperor himself takes in breakfast.
That's right, folks, the Land of Sandwiches offers non-stop ...sandwich action. You'd be stupid not to go.

Irvine, Selphie, and everyone go into Edea's house, except for Rinoa. Rinoa takes a detour to the left right in front of the front door.
Damian: ok, did that sound confusing to anyone else?
Steven: NO, if she was infront of the left of the front door in the... yeah its confusing.
Eric: Maybe this author hails from the school of "Confusing Equals Thought-Provoking." I hate that school.

By the time Squall is ready to exit the airship everyone has been gone for a little while. When Squall sets foot on the ground he sees Angelo, Rinoa's dog.
Angelo is barking at Squall anxiously signifying she wants him to follow.
Damian: Or complaining that he reeks of perfume...
Steven: Or warning him 'Not' to follow....
Eric: Or hinting at his upcoming one-dog broadway spectacular, in which he will play the leading role as Dr. Barkula.

As Squall walks down the cobble stone path he sees Angelo dart off to the left.
As Squall rounds the corner he sees Rinoa standing in front of a huge field of flowers. Squall knows that
he has never seen Rinoa look more beautiful than she does right now.
Damian: [Squall, jotting in a notebook] Day 52, Rinoa looks 24% better than on Day 22. This one's a keeper...
Steven: I would find him keeping track of that absurd, but he probably vowed to do it.

Squall takes in every inch of her body.
Steven: Oh my God, He ate her?

He starts at her hair, the beautiful black sheen of it. He continues down to her neck, the creamy
color of it, he wants nothing more than to kiss it, but he doesn't want to rush her.
Eric: There's no body-checking in love.

Squall continues down her body to her arms to her stomach.
"God, I want to wrap my arms around her stomach and hold her," he thinks.
Damian: *breaks down laughing* wrap my arms around her stomach? Have you ever heard anyone say that?
Steven: Shut up, that was beautiful, there is nothing like lovers sweetly embracing each others mid sections.
Eric: I vow to try that some time.

He continues down to her hips thinking thoughts that he should, but believes he shouldn't. He keeps looking down to her legs and thinks how much he would love to be with her at this moment.
Steven: He then ate a sandwich, which he should have but believed he shouldn't.
Eric:[Squall] I thought I vowed I should not have mustard on this sandwich but really should have.

At this point Rinoa turns around and sees Squall. She motions Squall over and he complies. Squall remembers himself vowing that he would never let himself become this way.
Damian: Maybe Squall should vow to stop vowing so much.
Eric: I second that motion...with a bullet.
Steven: What are you talking about, its just like in the game, where every five seconds he vowed what to do in the near future.
Damian: Um, in the game he was barely able to talk, much less make such vague and random decisions. I miss the old Squall, Rinoa destroyed him!!
Eric: Whoa there, it's't cry...

Someone bowing to every whim of a woman. He knows now that he was wrong to think that.
Steven: Anyone else suddenly think that the writer of this might be a woman?
Eric: I think you are wrong to think that.

He walks over to her and takes her hand. As their fingers intertwine they look into each other's eyes. Rinoa quickly looks down.
Damian: [Rinoa] Why do you still smell like perfume? Don't you shower...?
Eric:[Rinoa] Is that a sandwich in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Steven:[Squall] It's a sandwich, but I do have an erection!

Squall then asks, "What's wrong?" Rinoa states that she is scared that they might get separated, and she wants to now how she can find him if they do.
Squall looks around and says, "I'll be here." He says "no matter what, I'll meet you here whenever we get separated."
Rinoa looks at Squall and says, "ok, I'll be here waiting for you."
Steven: What, are they in a giant Wal-Mart?
Damian: No, you silly bastard. They simply agreed to always meet in teeny random place somewhere on the face of that planet no matter where they are or what might happen to them. According to the laws of conservative physics, as soon as they feel that they should meet again, they are able to instantly find themselves here, looking for each other. It's as credible as Carrot Top himself. Hehe, Carrot Top.

Squall takes Rinoa's other hand and intertwines their fingers. He hugs her close with both of their hands behind Rinoa.
Damian: I don't wanna be the one to jostle the laws of physics again, but with both their hands 'intertwined and behind her back, I think something might break off....
Steven: I think this just supports my theory that this fanfic was written by a dead monkey.
Eric: How would a dead monkey write a fanfic, Steven?
Damian: I think it's obvious that Steven meant, a dead monkey possessed by satan.
Steven: Well duh!
Eric: I'm going to go sit at a different couch.

At that moment Rinoa feels another presence. She looks to her left and sees Edea holding a blanket. Squall and Rinoa part like children caught in a cookie jar.
Damian: Do they mean, inside a cookie jar? I don't get it...
Steven: I remember being a child, and playing in the Giant cookie Jar.
Eric: I remember being a Giant cookie jar and playing with children. Wait, that sentence didn't make sense at all.

Edea laughs a small laugh and says "no need for that, I can see how you two are, Cid and I are the same in private."
Steven: That's it I see where this is going and I'm taking my life.
Eric: Wait a second...this fanfic better not try to pass itself off as 'adult.'
Damian: I know you two have an attention span of a fresh lettuce, but at least try to remember what we're watching here.

Edea walks over to Squall and hands him the blanket. She then lays a loving hand on Squall's face; such as a mother would a child.
Steven: Yeah a mother trying to smother her child to death!

In that moment Squall knows what Edea is thinking, Squall looks down.
Damian: [Squall] So the no pants thing...bad idea?
Eric: If Squall had only listened to his mother when he was young, he would have been smart enough to buy all his latest fashion accessories at Yabro's Pit o' Clothes! Come one, come all and prepare to brawl, because at Yabro's everything is free!!! As long as you can get it out of the store alive, that is! Don't let 6 top-notch bodyguards with laser rifles put a damper on your hamper, and test your skills, cunning, and longevity down at Yabro's! Nobody does it better!

Edea turns to Rinoa and says " you have a long, hard road ahead of you, and you need a knight at your side.
Steven: I'm just happy that they said "road"
Eric: Yeah, that was getting pretty suggestive there.
Damian: Steven, for God's sake cover your road up. We're being broadcast.

Since the beginning of time, every sorceress has had a knight, and those who haven't went mad." Edea told Rinoa to find a knight and hold onto him. Rinoa looks over at Squall and then back to Edea and says,
Eric: [Rinoa] I am the Matrix!

"I believe I have." Edea looks back at Squall and says "you two need to be alone, and don't worry about the others, I'll keep them in the house. Squall looks up at Edea with a surprised look on his face.
Damian: [Squall] What kind of party do *you* have planned in there?
Eric: [Edea] It's a pants-only affair, I'm not supposed to talk about it with you.

Again Edea lays a hand on Squalls face and says
Steven: DIE!!
Damian: She must have a thing for his face.
Eric: Touching little boys is the only solace of creepy old people.

"my boy follow your heart and all will be right." Edea leans up and gently kisses Squall on the cheek. Edea then grabs Squall and Rinoa's hands and puts them together. She then looks out at the field and says don't stay out to late, its getting dark. As Edea rounds the corner she catches Zell coming out and pushes him back inside.
Damian: The sound of high-fives from inside was unmistakable...

The sun had started to set behind the mountains when Squall laid the blanket out on the flowers. He couldn't believe the size of it, it was at least 20 feet square.
Damian: And the blanket was pretty big too.
Eric: That's what she said. Oh damn, you beat me to it!
Steven: Man that dead Satan monkey sure knows how to keep an audience, I love a riveting blanket description.

Rinoa set down on her knees on one corner of the blanket, as did Squall. They looked at each other and knew what was about to happen.
Damian: Both of them were familiar with the rules of ultimate championship fighting.
Steven: So their gonna do it, while 20 square feet apart? Bravo Squall.
Eric: This is shaping up to be the most geometric sex ever. You get it? Shaping up?

They finally reached the middle of the blanket until they were so close they could smell the other.
Steven: What no non-showering joke this time Damian?
Damian: I try not to go for the obvious ones.

Their hands once again met, as did their lips. As they continued on their hands broke away from one another and they started to explore the others body. Rinoa's hands went up to Squall's jacket and pushed it off. Squall threw it aside.
Steven: Good he should throw her aside, who does she think she is pushing his jacket all over the place.
Eric: Here comes the funny shot!

Squall in return slipped off Rinoa's top shirt.
Steven: Take that!!
Damian: What the hell is a top shirt?

They broke their kiss and Rinoa tugged Squall's shirt loose from his jeans. She grabbed the bottom and pulled up, Squall lifted his arms and let his shirt go over his head. As Rinoa brought her arms back down she laid her hand's on his shoulders. She started moving her hands down his chest and she felt a tingle all over her body, and as Rinoa brought her fingernails slowly down his chest Squall felt a chill all over his. Rinoa then slipped her arms behind Squall, and said "Squall ... I love you."
Squall leaned over and said
Steven: [Squall]If you love me so much, Then why don't you maaaaaaaarry me.
Eric: Dude, you're making him blush!

"... I love you too."

Squalls hands went to the bottom of Rinoa's small shirt and he pulled it off.
She instinctively covered up her breasts even though she still had on a bra. She then looked at Squall and reached out for him. Her hands went down and found Squall's belt buckle. Her hands trembled but she finally got his belt off and his pants unbuckled.
Eric: I don't like where this is going!
Steven: Yeah, where'd he get pants from all of a sudden?
Damian: Maybe she unbuckled his skeleton. I've seen this done once, it's neat.

After slipping his shoes and socks off she started to pull his pants down.
Squall laid down on his back and lifted up a little and let Rinoa pull his jeans off. All Squall had on now was a pair of boxer briefs.
Damian: Jeezus, what ever happened to 'they undressed'? I'm gonna be stuck here for another century since Rinoa is probably wearing another 20,000 pieces of underwear...I wanna go home...
Steven: Under his boxers he was wearing briefs, under them boxer-briefs, and under that a cod piece and then another pair of flesh colored pants.
Eric: Hopefully the author will describe in great detail what on earth possessed him to write about this.

Rinoa looked at Squall and said with a sly seductive grin "my turn." Squall set up and leaned over and kissed Rinoa on the neck. There was a slight chill in the air now and Squall could feel goose bumps all over her
body, he didn't know if they were from the chill or what they weredoing, nor did he care.
Steven: Wait Goose bumps are supposed to be doing something? And why is he wondering about it if he didn't care. And what made the Satan monkey think that we care if he doesn't? And……………. sorry
Eric: Listen, all authors have to have some sub-par stories. The Satan monkey's just in a rut. I'm sure his next epic will be dynamite.
Damian: Quiet, I'm going to lose the plot!

Squalls hand went to Rinoa's shorts and she laid back to allow him easier access. As he hooked his fingers under the waist band Rinoa lifted her butt up a little to make it easier, and Squall started to pull.
Eric: On what? His pud?
Damian: Well, it's not taffy, if that's what you were thinkin'. ...I was.

All Rinoa had on now was a lacy bra and a pair of white cotton panties. It was at this moment when Rinoa felt a tingle between her thighs.
Eric: Suddenly getting naked in the freezing cold outside didn't seem like a very smart idea.
Damian: I bet they're having alot more fun inside now. You know they're probably at a window, watching, laughing their asses off.

As Rinoa leaned back up Squall and met in a passionate embrace topped with a deep kiss. Each probing the others mouths with their tongues.
Damian: Speaking of tounges, be sure to stop by Ripster's Dungeon and get yourself a new piercing! Old Rip himself will pierce any part of your body for the same price and insert a random object of your choice! Need a shoe-horn in your ankle? Hankering for a dandy soda bottle inside your back? Or are you in the mood to install a kitchen lamp in your forehead? It's all the same to Ripster, as long as you bring in the object! Stop by today!

When they finally broke the kiss Rinoa leaned back and Squall looked puzzled for a moment.
Steven: Puzzling Squall was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Then he realized what was going to happen.
Steven: They spent the last Five years undressing each other, and they barely know whats about to happen, what did they think they were doing?
Eric: He's probably geriatric.

Rinoa reach around behind her and unfastened her bra letting her ample
breasts free.
Steven: They then joined another flock of breasts and were soon accepted in their society.

Squall was dumbfounded for a moment.
Steven: [Squall] What?! It's a Girl!?
Damian: [Squall] Screw this, I'm re-buckling my skeleton!

This was the first pair of actual breasts he had ever seen.
Eric: Psssh, this guy's an amateur.
Steven: Look who's talking.
Eric: I'll have you know I'm quite the pimp.

Rinoa sees the look on Squall's face and she giggles. She reaches over to his hand and takes it. This startles Squall back to reality.
Eric: Whoops, there goes gravity.
Steven: Word.

Rinoa moves Squall's hand and places it on her chest. Squall feels Rinoa's nipple standing erect, partially from the cold, but mostly because of the moment.
Eric: Later, they agreed it was the cold after all. Squall locks himself in a room and cries for the rest of the night.

Rinoa feels the wetness between her legs spreading, and all she knows is she loves it.
Steven: She must have seen bed-wetting as a sport rather than a humiliating disadvantage.
Damian: eww...I'm never sleeping on a bottom bunk again, should the occasion arise.

Squall now reaches up with his other hand and cups Rino's other breast.
Steven: Squall had then finished his part of the impending transaction.
Damian: Pleasure doing business with you.
Eric: Why didn't we just do the Batman and Superman sexfic? This is just as filthy.
Damian: Are you insane?? Pokey threw up after reading it, claiming that he wasn't cruel enough to have us read it.
Eric: Is that why he cries alot more now?

He leans closer and closer until his mouth is around her nipple.
Damian: He makes it sound like a crane game or something.
Steven: Hey, crane games rock.
Eric: I really doubt he's going to win anything for this one...

Squall is gently sucking and biting it. Rinoa lets out a soft moan of pleasure as she throws her head back. This is the first time Rinoa has ever been with anyone. Of course Riona has played with herself, but nothing could compare to this.
Eric: Played with herself? I think I've lost interest in this fanfic, it's just too heavy on the perversion. I'm going to get something from the food generator.
Steven: [watching Eric leave] You have about 30 seconds before Pokey kicks your ass for that.
Damian: If you are going to falter this quickly, I fear for the future, dude.
Eric: [Returns, hamburger in hand] So the batman/superman fic was that bad?
Damian: ...You are a better human being for not having read it. Trust me.
Steven: A..At one point, Bruce Wayne was chasing Clark Kent around the room naked. That was the worst thing I've ever...*sniff*
Damian: It's ok, you'll never have to read it again...

Rinoa hugs Squall with him still sucking her breast, her eyes are closed now, and she is taking in deep breaths enjoying every new sensation.
Steven: Sooooo, anyone read any good books lately?
Damian: Pfft, you too? Come on, this is nothing.

Squall switches breasts,
Damian: ...and the ref has to blow the whistle. That was in illegal switch, and he might get the red card.

slightly pinching the other nipple with his hand. After a few more minutes of this Squall pulls away and start to kiss Rinoa again, this time even more deeply, their passion renewed.
Steven: Renewed? Their not gonna start over are they?
Damian: They should, and this time I want a more detailed description of their clothes.
Eric: Damian, you're a cruel man.
Damian: I'm also a Key Club Member :)

Squall starts to kiss down her body starting at her neck. Slowly Squall moves down kissing right between her breasts taking a few more minutes to suck on each erect nipple.
Damian: Although he apparently had never been with a female, he had a wizard battle plan!
Steven: Wizard...?
Eric: It's british slang for cool. You know, like ...ok that was the only one I knew.

Squall continues his vigil moving down to her stomach circling her belly button with his tongue. The mood is so intense Rinoa still has chill bumps all over her body.
Eric: Chill bumps or goosebumps? This guy needs to make up his mind.
Damian: It's almost the same thing, but with chill bumps you have a 20% chance of becoming poisoned in addition to taking 10 HP damage.

Squall continues down and he arrives at her panties.
Steven: Destination of panties has been reached, all those heading to the feet should board now.
Eric: Houston, we have an erection.

He can see the wet spot through them. He smells the smell of sex now, and he loves it.
Steven: He vows to recreate it later, using potatoes.
Damian: is that possible?
Steven: On a different subject, if you find any potatoes lying around, don't touch them.
Damian, Eric: ....

Rinoa picks her head up to say, "Squall, please me, now, for gods sake ease this hunger I have." Squall looks at her for a moment and then goes back to the task at hand.
Damian: Setting up the little gas grill wasn't a problem, but he just didn't feel very happy having to cook right now.
Steven: But if he did have to cook right now, he would surely use only the potent little pellets sold at Cromdog's hot dog and burger pit! Now available in the unrealistic 500oz. bags, Cromdogs BBQ pellets start a delicious fire anywhere, you won't even need a lighter! They light themselves randomly at your convenience! Be sure to grab a bag today, and don't forget to ask for the free first-aid kit with every purchase of the 500oz bag!

He hooks his fingers under the elastic. As Squall starts to pull them down, after about six inches of movement he sees her pubic hair.
Eric: [Rinoa] for the love of god PUT THE RULER DOWN DAMMIT!!

Rinoa gently raises her ass up to allow quicker removal. When Squall get her panties off he notices a perfect triangle above her vagina
Damian: Apparently it was a protractor. They have so many neat functions!

and he realizes she shaves.
Eric: He then shows her that he shaves as well.

Squall is down at her feet and he starts to kiss her. Squall starts at her feet, up to her calf. Rinoa flinches at every touch of his lips. Squall continues up to her thighs, teasing her.
Damian: Actually, he was lost. He had forgotten his map back at her feet and nobody would give him directions.

He knows she wants him to eat her, but he holds off prolonging the magic so to speak.
Steven: He sure is kinda mean for being new at this.
Eric: Maybe he means real magic?
Damian: Riiight, maybe he'll cast ultima on her. That'll get her off.

He continues all the way down her other leg. Finally, after what seems like hours to her, he is back at her left thigh.
Eric: It seems like hours to her?
Steven: I thought Damian was kidding, but he is kinda lost, huh?

Squall then looks and sees her pussy.
Eric: Oh, there it is! I forgot what I was doing down here.
Steven: [Steve Irwin] Right mates, there it is! A very dangerous specimen!!

The smell is so alluring he can no longer wait. He puts his mouth over her pussy and her hips buck, "finally" she thinks. Rinoa tells Squall to find her clit.
Damian: Squall flips her off and does whatever the hell he wants.
Eric: Feisty.

Squall might be inexperienced but not stupid. He finds her clit with his tongue and begins to flick at it violently.
Eric: Hey Damian, what's the damage on that.
Damian: [pulls out a little booklet] According to the 'creepy ff fic strategy guide', he should be doing an unprecedented 400hp of damage every round.
Steven: ...where did you get that?
Damian: Some guy was selling them...

Her hips are now bucking feverishly. She's been waiting for this for so long after a few minutes she cums.
Eric: I guess she didn't have alot of HP.

Rinoa says "yes Squall, right there, I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum, ohh yesss, ohhh godddd!!!!
Steven: Hey guys, how exactly do you pronounce that many d's in a row?
Eric: She probably sounded something like a machine gun. How romantic!

She thinks to herself "I've came before, but this is better than all of them combined."
Damian: Rinoa quickly jots this down in her own notebook.

Squall's mouth is latched onto her pussy though, and even through the bucking he doesn't let go.
Damian: Having had extensive bull riding experience he wasn't about to get thrown by some chick.

Squall knows Rinoa has came and he fells like his underwear are about to rip in half, but he wants Rinoa to be pleased first. Squall continues his work on Rinoa's pussy.
Steven: Several signs next to the unusually gargantuan blanket indicated that men were at work.
Damian: [Rinoa] Hey Squall, what's that cement mixer for...?

Squall now sticks his tongue as far into her pussy as he can, and starts to move it in circles. Rinoa not expecting this goes crazy and cums again.
Steven: I'm by no means an expert on this, but I think medically there may be something wrong with Rinoa.
Damian: Well, it's not so bad; she wasn't expecting it after all. I mean who would??

"Oh god Squall!!! Yes, keep going. Oh my GOD!!!!"
Eric: Dear me, they do know that they are next to a populated house, right?
Damian: A house with many windows and very thin walls, yes.
Steven: Someone is making a small fortune on selling admission to this...

Breathing heavy Rinoa lifts her head up and looks down at Squall. She sees him stalking up her body like a tiger, his face dripping.
Steven: [Steve Irwin] Crikey, mates! Don't listen to her, tigers don't do this.

Before she can stop him Squall kisses her deeply and she tastes herself.
Eric: Aw, yeah, here comes the black hole!
Damian: [rifles through the booklet] she probably took damage from that.
Steven: Any more, and we'll have to deal with practical necrophilia.
Eric: Dear god, I'll never complain about anything ever again! ...But speaking of necrophilia, be sure to check out Dugg's interactive play-morgue, now open 24 hours a-day! Further elaboration would simply take away from the pleasant mysteries that this lucrative location has to offer!

Thoughts run through her mind at a mile a minute and she finally settles on the thought that this tastes ok.
Damian: The thought to have him finish cooking her dinner took a while to shake though.

Now mad with passion Rinoa breaks the kiss off and licks the rest of her juices from Squall's face.
Steven: Man, if I was hungry, I would have thought of a better way to grab some munchies than this.

Rinoa now looks at Squall and tells him to lie back. Squall complies and he knows now that it's his turn.

Rinoa grabs the elastic on Squall's underwear and pulls them off. Squall's dick is standing straight up. Rinoa looks wide eyed at Squall's enlarged member wondering if it will fit. Rinoa slinks up Squall's body grazing his penis with her tits. When this happens Squall sucks in a sharp breath.
Steven: [Squall] Damn, I'm gay after all!

Rinoa knows now that hey are linked in a way no one else is.
Damian: And nobody else wants to be, either.
Eric: Nothing wrong witha a little linkage.
Steven: Speaking of which, how about a neat Link/Zelda fink next time?
Damian, Eric: No.

Rinoa starts kissing Squall on the chest slowly moving down to his stomach. Now Squall is the one jumping at the touch of Rinoa's lips. As Rinoa gets closer to Squall's crotch, his breath's draw in deeper and sharper.
Eric: Oh, no, he's dying!
Steven: Nah, he's just afraid that she's lost too.

When Rinoa gets to Squall's dick she looks at it for a moment and without even thinking she takes it into her hand and starts to slowly stroke it. Up and down until before she knows it she is licking the sides of it. Rinoa now takes the head of Squall's penis into her mouth and all she can think is "this feels natural."
Damian: What Rinoa, can't tell, is that we have replaced Squall's penis with a brand X penis that looks exactly the same. Let's see if she'll notice...!

Squall can't believe what is happening and he can barely breath.
Eric: Damian?
Damian: 40HP Damage every round. Unless he realizes that breathing is important to live.
Steven: So if he dies, can I have his stuff?
Eric: No, but you get to keep the top shirt.

Rinoa can't know how she is deep throating all seven by one inch of his man hood,
Eric: A clandestine organization has put a limiter on her skills, and if she ever finds out the world itself may come into jeopardy.
Damian: There's probably some anime with that exact story line.

and she doesn't care either. Squall has anticipated this for so long he can't believe it.
Steven: I have never seen anyone having so much trouble believing he is getting laid.
Damian: He's a disturbed little boy without friends.
Eric: Keep in mind, he probably almost fainted when he found out how big blankets could get!

His throat is dry, as well as his mouth, he can't speak or he would tell Rinoa he is about to cum. Squall reaches down and strokes her head, at that moment Squall starts to cum. At first Rinoa is surprised but then she starts to swallow and realizes that this is another taste that she likes.
Steven: Let's see what else we can get her to eat!
Damian: We could turn this into a japanese game show!
Eric: Please, kill me now!

She swallows all of Squall's cum. When she takes Squall's member out of her mouth she realizes that he is still rock hard. Squall leans his head up and says rather dryly "I... I'm so...rry, I...could...barely talk.
Damian: Exactly, that's the Squall we know.

Rinoa looks back at him and say's "it's ok I kind of liked it." Rinoa then works her way up and kisses Squall.
Steven: It was a bitch getting past all the construction.

Now it's Squall's turn to wonder about a taste. He decided, well at least it's my own.
Eric: Interesting rationalization. I hope he doesn't think so about everything his body produces.

Rinoa pulls away and walks her hand down Squall's chest to his manhood and grabs it lovingly. She gently squeezes it and she hears Squall draw in a breath again.
Stven: Apparently it wasn't the twist-off kind, she was a bit dissapointed.

She looks at Squall and says "I want you in me now Squall, please." Squall says, "yes, let's finish what we've started."
Eric: And this time, it's personal.

Rinoa climbs up on top of Squall and after a few failed attempts Rinoa reaches under and grabs Squall's dick to guide it in. Rinoa feels the head of Squall's cock press against her labia. She feels her lips start to spread as Squall slips in.
Damian: I have seen less complicated rocket launch operations.
Steven: I'm not even sure what a labia is.
Eric: That's because you're an idiot.

Squall instinctively puts his hands on Rinoa's hips. Squall feels the tightness around his cock.
Eric: Squall is no longer allowed to talk or think during this fic.
Damian: That won't matter, Eric, not with the new Go-Bot action helmet! Put it on in the morning, and a panel of randomly selected dark figures will give you neat commands all day long, taking care of any unecessary thoughts or actions you might have had planned for that day. Never be in charge again, with the Go-Bot!!
Steven: Does ...does it really say that?
Damian: Nope, I've been making shit up for a while now.
Eric: ...I haven't...
Steven: ....

He feels a barrier preventing himself from entering all the way. Rinoa feels this to and looks into Squall's eyes. Rinoa tells him that it's her hymen, we have to break it.
Damian: 2500 xp for the completion of this mission.
Steven: The mission will automatically fail if anything else is broken or a third party is asked for assistance.
Eric: Should you two be discovered, all knowledge of said mission shall be denied and your existance erased.
Steven: And I get that top shirt.

"Squall's looks back at Rinoa and says ok. As Rinoa presses down gently, Squall pushes up in the same manner. They both feel the pop and Rinoa feels the blood running down her thigh.
Eric: This is too much, seriously. Non-seriously, I like it!
Damian: Let me guess, and she tasted it, and it was another taste she liked!
Steven: So she's a vampire?
Eric: Yes, Steven, she's a vampire...
Damian: Don't encourage him.

Squall sees Rinoa grimace and he stops and asks if she is all right. Rinoa says, "yes, I'll be ok." Rinoa waits for another minute for the pain to stop. Squall looked at her tentatively. As Rinoa looked down and placed a hand on Squall's chest, and slowly started rocking, he knew she was all right,
Eric: It was an unplanned rock concert, and he enjoyed her performance.

the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.
Steven: So he had a list of things he wanted to do before hurting her?
Damian: He's a pretty organized guy, I admire his candor.

Squall now began in time with Rinoa and he knew what love felt like. Squall could not imagine ever doing this with another person.
Eric: So he says now.
Damian: You implyin' Squall is a player?
Eric: Word.

Squall reached up and cupped a beast with his hand and brushed her nipple.
Steven: Good gravy, man! Where did he find a beast?
Eric: Hehe, cupped a beast...that's classic.

He heard a moan escape her lips and he knew that this was good. He began to play with them, tweaking the nipples;
Damian: Unfortunately, there weren't enough nipples to press to input the cheat codes he was thinking of.

each moan that Rinoa let out was louder than the last. Squall was now ready to go on the offensive so to speak. He grabbed Rinoa by the hips bringing her out of her trance. He rolled her over,never pulling out. Rinoa instinctively put her legs around Squall's waist. As Squall began to pump Rinoa's eager pussy, she would thrust her hips up to meet him.
Eric: Now that's what I call an eager beaver! Get it? Damn, I'm funny.
Steven: ...
Damian: Eric, don't make me vow to kick your ass later.

It was now dark, an hour after they had started. The lovemaking continues for another ten minutes. Rinoa looks up and sees Squall is trying to keep from cumming, so she starts to drop her walls. She feels her loins start to burn and she knows that she is about to cum as well. She reaches up and touches Squall on the face gently; he looks down, and she says, "Squall...unnh...I'm I to cum...with me. All goes, ohh yeah. I'm cumming. Yes Squall, I'm cumming, cum in me Squall...please. Yesss!!! Oh Godddd!!!!! Rinoa...Yeahhhh, huhhhh, huhhh, huhh.
Eric: I would like to award the preceding dialogue with the title of 'Most original and intellectually stimulating sex dialogue ever'. Unfortunately, there's laws against that.
Damian: I just like the huhhhh's at the end. I think they add a very droll touch to the situation, don't you?
Steven: We're not exactly observing a work of art here, guys....
Eric: Very true.

As Squall pulls out of her Rinoa feels complete somehow, and she has felt this way for a long time, ever since she met Squall in fact. Squall looks over at Rinoa and says,
Steven: [Squall] What's your name again?

"honey, that was good, you know I love you and I'll always be here waiting for you, so will I Squall.
Damian: Ignoring the obvious lack of proper punctuation, I'd like to point out that Squall would never use the word honey.
Eric: What are you, his spin doctor?
Damian: I would have been if it weren't for those lousy kids and their snivelling dog....
Rinoa curled up into Squall's arms feeling the warmth of his body. They rolled up in the blanket and fell into a deep peaceful sleep, a peace that will hold till they die.
Steven: And die they did, engulfed by a huge ass blanket that they never figured out how to get out of.
Eric: What a way to go.

A few hours later Edea looks out on them as sees that everything is as it should be.
Damian: She never liked either of them and was now free to take over the world again.

The end


The screen flickered a couple of times before dying out, allowing the main lights of the room to come back to life. Damian shook his head and threw the ad papers he had been rifling through at the screen.
"That was pretty bad..."
Eric on the other hand seemed to have finally come to terms with the situation; smiling, he leaned back and closed his eyes.
It was then, that their evil captor appeared on the screen again, this time he seemed to be deeply immersed in stacks of paperwork.

"Alright, you tiny bastards, we have a few things to discuss here. First off, what the hell do you think you're doing making up ads?
I specifically wrote these neat little nuggets of wisdom, and you just screw them up! Secondly..." at this point Pokey seemed to be reading directly from a letter he was holding ",
I would like to say kudos to you for creative advertising. My business has never been this good! Signed, Dugg."

Pokey, who apparently had expected it to be something negative, was slowly turning red with anger.
"Oh that's just great! I guess my creative wit isn't good enough for the idiot who gets payed to let others play with...anyway.
I assure you that *this* stack of letters located conveniently to my right is nothing but hate mail and complaints!!!"

Furiously, he ripped through the stack of letters, scanning through them one by one and throwing them aside like used cheese.
After what seemed like half an eternity he crumpled up the last one and tossed it in a wastebasket. Out of breath and exhausted he glared at the trio.
"I hate you all. You will suffer for making me do this work."

Eric raised his eyebrows, "What, the letter opening?"

"YES THE LETTERS!! I'm not used to manual labor! I'll be back!! I'm going to the hospital..." With that, the screen went dark again.

Damian groaned as he looked at another pile of ads that they hadn't even gotten to yet.
"What do we do with all these..."

"I know!" chimed Steven, "let's rewrite all of them and-"

Eric quickly cut him off, "Not so fast, buddy. I doubt we'll be reading any more of these. Thanks to Damian's creative wordsmithing...and my suave free styles...we are probably scotch free from them!
I'm sure, next time Pokey will have us doing something even dumber."

"You are right, Eric, how could I have been so stupid? I'm sorry..." Steven looked sad for a moment as Eric patted him on the back, smiling.
"Don't worry, it's ok! I vow to never let that pudgy little bastard get on my nerves again!"

All three of them agreed on that, and they high fived each other into a glorious sunset.