Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Abducted Love ❯ Can't Even Breath ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello, I just want to thank the people who were real supportive of the last chapters. Now for those who didn't read the chapter this is an update. Seifer now has the scar what was in the game. And he and Quistis were together...of course Quistis didn't want to.

I had some writers block so please don't flame me for this chapter. Also, I'm currently working on a DBZ A/U, it takes back in England, 1730 or sumthin' so I might accidentally use England's English with this one.... FORGIVE ME!


Abducted Love

inspired by

Trixie-chan - - -

Orginal author's story URL:

I was granted permission to use the original author's Idea.



Seifer grinned as he told the guys the experience. They all laughed at Quistis' attempts to stop what was the inevitable.

"So, you're telling me this gal is that resistant? Hell, the sex has to be great!" Irvine laughed.


"So, aren't you going to tell us how it was? How good it was?"

"Ya'll have imagination, ain't that right?"

"Yeah bu--"

"Use it."

"But why use your imagination if you got the person who could tell us, eh?" Zell inquired punching his arms playfully. Irvine grinned, "I bet her breasts were as big as mangos, huh?"

Seifer shook his head. This was getting ridiculous. "Men, I hereby say this conversation is over."

Seifer got up as the men behind him complained; they had to learn to mind their own business.

*I wonder where Quistis is, probably moping around.*

He walked past a door when he heard two voices giggling. One sounded familiar and the other sounded like.... Quistis. So she wasn't crying or something - he had expected much more to have a challenge or a...reaction!

He knocked on the door, politely. He had learned from experience never to go stomping dominantly into the room of an angry woman.

"Come along in! It's r'ight!" A voice so vaguely familiar boomed. He opened the door and stared in awe to find a dark brunette sitting down with his whore. Seifer blinked his eyes rapidly; was that...could it be who he thought it was?

"... Xu?" Seifer asked, uncertainly. Could it be? Truly? Could it...

The brunette looked at him with inquiring eyes. " My, my, isn't it the rogue Seifer." Xu stood up, her hips to one side. Seifer suddenly felt a jolt of a memory come to him. Ah, he remembered clearly. The nights in his bed, and her body, hot like fire...

"Ah, come here" Seifer told Xu, laughing. Xu walked to him in a smooth, slow pace; upon reaching him, she wrapped her arms above his waist. Seifer turned to her hair and smelt it; it still held that exotic aroma.

He turned toward Quistis to see he looking at him. The anger was obvious as broad daylight, but what was it for? Was she angry for last night or because of the situation he and Xu were in? Was it really visible to see they shared a relationship in the past?

Finally they pulled back and he looked at Quistis, "So what were you two ladies conversing about?"

Xu looked back and front from Quistis to Seifer, "About you and Quistis' night together."

Seifer froze as he heard Xu; how the hell did she know?

"Xu, how did you know?"

"Oh, Nida told me. Him and I had a very, um, nice night and he just happened to tell me. So Quistis just happened to walk about and I asked her, she told me quite willingly so that's it."

Seifer raised his head a little and looked at Xu. He started grinning a toothy smile as he laughed.

"You never change, old gal, huh?"

Xu shook her head, "Gotta keep up with the time, cowboy. Now, I'll leave you and Quistis to your time and I'll go fetch my cowboy."

Xu walked out the door, closing it behind her.

Quistis bit her lip as the awkwardness fell upon. All of a sudden she wanted Xu back, even though she felt some sort of anger toward her. She didn't know how to explain it, but when Xu and Seifer were talking she felt something.

It got even worse when they were hugging; she felt anger start to build in her. She didn't even know why, it was out of this world. She just wanted to get that broken wine bottle and give the woman a scar as she had given Seifer a scar.

That's when she realized the scar she caused on Seifer's face. Strange as it seemed to her, he seemed so...attractive with it. Her breath caught; she would admit she regarded Seifer as a beautiful man when she first saw him but now he just seemed

Quistis shook her head furiously. She would not let Seifer know of her shaken and newly-awakened feelings. She would have to explore them herself, and then she would know what to do. Her hands went to her hair where she started playing with it.

"Is there a reason why you are staring at me that way?" Quistis asked, an attitude present. She watched as he shook his head. She suddenly felt her stomach do a belly flop. His eyes had just flickered to the bed, and were now full of lust.

Lord Jesus Christ.

How was she going to do this? She couldn't very well stop him - no one would help her. She couldn't just take this shit from him, either. Quistis got up and threw her hair back as she walked past him. She smiled, as she knew her hair must have gotten to his eyes. He would probably be there a while; her hair was rather thick.

She walked into the living room to find all eyes on her. She stared back before answering.

"I want a breath of fresh air."


"Why?" Quistis demanded, her anger starting to build. One of the men got up.

"Tell me woman, do you honestly expect us to let our boss' property just walk out and escape? I think that'd leave our asses in a whole lot of shit," he retorted.

Quistis smiled, "Mm-hmm, I expected that. Now why don't you be good scoundrels and let me go get a breath of good fresh air. It's getting rather hot in"

Silence rang through out the room and one with light brown hair got up.


Quistis started tapping her foot, fist clench. No she wouldn't do that, she was much more than the anger. She turned around swiftly.

"Now, you bastards, you will regret messing with me. I promise you that." Quistis sneered, turning and heading toward Seifer's room.

She opened the door and walked in, angrily sitting down on the bed, her arms crossed. How in God's name was she to escape? Everything was just all wrong, how? How? How?

Quistis got up and started looking around for any activity when she saw a book laid down on the floor. She got up and glanced it, finding that the title was "Western's Jewel."

Quistis shrugged, " I guess this would do."

She walked back to her bed, sat down and started reading. After a while she set the book down; she was getting angry at the main character. She got up and headed toward the door, opening it to find Seifer right there.

He walked in, shoving her out of the way; closing the door behind him.

"I hear you are acting quite like a bitch. Putting up a show for the boys, eh?"

Quistis looked back at him, her gaze intense. "In fact I did, I plan to be a hassle."

Seifer walked closer to her, close enough so his breath was on her face. "Well that's not good."

"And if you th---"

Quistis voice was muffled as Seifer captured her mouth in a kiss. She froze, not responding. This was getting out of control! She felt her hands go up to his hair - she was telling them to stop but they continued.

His hair was so soft, and she felt him wrap his arms around her - her heart raced. Pulling her closer to him, she felt the telltale bulge of his arousal. She moaned as he started licking her earlobe, then realization hit her.

Quistis was practically jumping on this man - a man that took her innocence! A man that she was starting to...admire.

She pushed him back roughly, her breath coming only shakily. She looked into his eyes; they were so full of lust. She started backing up from him.

"D-d-don't touch me. I will not fall subject to your idea"

Seifer threw his head back and laughed.

"You wanted to, and you know it."

"N-n-no, I didn't."

"Would you like a replay to see again..."

"Just don't touch me."

Quistis picked up the book and continued reading. Only her mind wasn't on the book; it traitorously kept wondering back to the passion. Suddenly she felt a weight come rushing upon her and her body hit the bed roughly.

Oh no...oh hell no.


I know I diminished Xu's image and I am sorry. Kinda have writers block but I manage. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. e-mail me if you are on review if you want to or e-mail me., same applies to you. All optional, I'm just happy that people are reading. ^_^. But I would like some feedback.


Cyco-chan: Gurl! Love you e-mails, IM's, and story. UPDATE on your Fu/Zell fic. EVERYONE read it, really cool. Thank you for your encouragement.

Shugotenshi: You didn't even review the story. If you do read this, I can review whoever I like how I like. is bore to USA and one of the ammendmants is "Freedom of Speech"

fire and ice monkey: Nah, I wouldn't go into details, just not good. Not everyone is into NC-17 fanfiction and you know..... Don't worry, you're not the only person with crushes on FF8 guys. Thank you for your reviews, I hope you continue on reading.

Sasha: I don't approve of force fucking either, I despise it. But I needed this to make a connection. That's why I warned people of this, I didn't want to promote last chapter that much. Yes it was very difficult to not make it seem over offensive but to work and make sense. To be censored too. I hope this chapter was good, I tried really hard. Do you think there was a bit S/Q here. Tried to make it realistic and still a bit fantasy. Thanx for the review.

konton: Yes we all know Xu is right. Now that he's done what is he going to do with her? Read future chapters, I already have something planned but mostly likey I will add. Thanx for reviewing

Quistis Twin Sister Sunny: Sorry if I spelled your name wrong! Of course Quistis is a fighter, if you were her you would do the same thing, right. I would! Yeah, I had the plan in my mind to give Seifer back that scar in that way. Seifer just isn't Seifer without the scar to me, yanno? Hope you enjoyed this chappy. Thanx for the inspiriting reviews.

K-chan: Hope you still like it! I tried!

Oye, my fingers are starting to hurt. LOL.

Fujin: Wind Goddess: Hell yeah I can make her feistier, and I don't have to make her OOC to make her feistier, you could sense it in her personality in the game, ^_^. Thanx for agreeing with me, very uncomfortable chapter to write and to read. Sorry I took too long to write it. thanx for all the reviews.

Thank you all my reviewers. I hope you enjoyed writing this chapter. Thanx to my beta-reader Th' Lady Shadow. Visit my profile page and click the link to her profile and read her FF stories!

Thank you for reading
