Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Are We Really Meant Together, My Dream? ❯ Doubts ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Foreword: Eh-heh, I guess I should explain my five-month delay, huh? Well, I have absolutely no excuse. Please forgive me. I just didn't have the inspiration to continue this story. But now since I have planned out to the ending, I suddenly want to write more. Lol. Well lets see if I will attract my old readers. Oh yes, I will try to update weekly. Every Wednesday. So…hopefully. Well this chapter doesn't have much. Rather plot less, but just you wait. It's the beginning of the whole plot. So watch out! LOL.


Chapter 06: Doubts

Are Really Meant For Each Other, My Dream?



For aught that I could ever read,

Could ever hear by tale or history,

The course of true love never did run smooth.

--William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream


Yuna groaned, her hand reaching toward her forehead. Touching a lukewarm damp cloth, she tardily removed it. Slowly opening her eyes watching as the darkness slowly evaporate. Almost feeling like blocking herself from the bright light that shown through. Getting up, with her breath caught. Yuna looked around.

Where am I? Oh…last thing I remembered is…a battle.

Yuna placed her feet on the floor and slowly got up. Feeling a wave of dizziness hit her, Yuna collapse back on the bed. Groaning loudly, she clenched her eyes shut and breathed heavily. Trying to block out the pain, she could hear heavy footsteps come her way.

She couldn't concentrate on the person coming to her; all she could think and breathe was pain.

"Oh no, you woke up too soon." A deep voice spoke. Yuna opened her green eye; squinting while staring at the man. He looks so familiar. Vaguely.

"Mmmm…" Yuna moaned. "Why does it hurt so much?"

The man chuckled a bit, and gently pushed Yuna back on the bed. " I cast a special healing spell on you. It's suppose to help and heal any damage while the person is sleeping or unconscious, if the person is awake they should feel unbearable pain because the spell is healing you internally." The man smiled.

Yuna stared at the man, before turning away. "Oh…Why did you cast that on me?"

"When the monster had strike you, you lost quite a bit of blood and gained a chest wound. You might feel a soreness in your chest right now, correct?"

"Yeah…oh…it hurts so bad. I just want it to go away…. do you have a sleep spell?"

"I'd think you would want to go to sleep now." The man smiled, throwing a sleep spell towards Yuna. "…You don't remember me?"

"Mmmm. Where you the man who helped me?" Yuna asked, groggily.

"Yeah…Tetich…" Tetich murmured to a peacefully sleeping Yuna. He brushed a few strands of Yuna'a hair before walking away from her.


Yuna groaned as she got up from compulsory sleep. Sitting up, Yuna sighed, as she felt none of her earlier agony. Brushing away sweat from her forehead, Yuna swung her legs over the bed and got up.

Walking around the peculiar house, perplex by the exotic goods she had only dreamed of seeing with her own eyes. Bending over, she touched a glass shaped figure. Staring at awe, for it stood flawless.

"My Gosh…all this is so beautiful…" Yuna whispered to herself, getting up looking at the magnetic bedroom. Walking to the door, she exited and walked into the hallway. Looking at her right, she found a picturesque bathroom.

Yuna walked out into the living room, looking around herself and found a silhouette sitting on the creamy-looking sofa watching a strange box with moving pictures.

"What is that?" Yuna asked in wonder, walking to the sofa and sitting down. Tetich glanced to Yuna before flickering his eyes back to the contraption. "It's called a television."

"What is a …television?"

"A sort of machina. It's a box that is able to transmit…or receive signals and able to transform the signals to imagery and sound. What you see is basically acting, sometimes singing. Because of it not being very well known, there's very little to catch ones attention."

Yuna turned and arched an eyebrow toward Tetich. "I see."

"Well…" Tetich started, turning off the television, "How are you feeling, Lady Summoner?"

"How did you…oh forget it…I feel a bit dizzy, but otherwise your spell worked very well." Yuna smiled, "Though I am a bit hungry."

"Would you like something to eat?" Tetich asked, getting ready to get up. Yuna nodded, "Yes, perhaps some bread and tea."

"That's it? I thought a skinny…very slim lady would eat more." Tetich smiled, winking implying he was only joking.

Yuna giggled, "Your humor…"

Tetich smiled and bowed gracefully yet playfully. "Would you please accompany to my kitchen?"

Yuna giggled, nodding. Feeling as though she wouldn't be able to stop laughing is she spoke.

Reaching the kitchen, Tetich reached toward the cupboard and took out a bag of bread, "Let's munch!"


Yuna grinned as she saw her house near-by, turning to Tetich she smiled sweetly. "I hope to see you again. I enjoyed myself immensely!"

"Oh, you will, Summoner Yuna."

Yuna looked at Tetich for a moment before nodding, "Good luck to you."

Giving him the peace sign and a wink, Yuna dashed off to her home. After crossing the long distance, Yuna barged into the house to find her comrades sitting down in the living room.

"Yuna! We were terribly worried about you!" Lulu said the minute she saw Yuna. "You went out this morning and you haven't come back till night!"

Yuna bowed in apology, "I'm sorry I worried you Lulu…everyone. But I am fine now and that is all that matters."

Lulu stared at Yuna before nodding, "All right…"

Yuna glanced at the clock at the wall. "Well I better retire. I have had an exhausting day.." Yuna yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I'm sure you did!" Rikku implied. "Well you better go if you're really tired."

Yuna smiled and started heading toward her bedroom. Once in, Yuna started stripping her clothing. Going into her drawer, she picked out a thin skimpy pink nightgown on. Walking into her bedroom Yuna brushed her teeth and washed her face.

Walking out, she sighed and ran to her bed. Going under her sheets, Yuna stared at the ceiling.

Today was so fun! Tetich is such a sweet heart. I can't wait to tell Tidus about him and my day…Tidus.

Yuna slowly closed her eyes, unconsciously flipping over to her side.


Yuna sighed as she slowly landed on the ground. Looking all around her she found endless blue that stretch beyond from what she could see.

Looking ahead, squinting she could make out the form of Tidus. Getting excited inside, Yuna swam quickly to Tidus.

"TIDUS!!" Yuna squealed, wrapping her arms around Tidus's neck.

"Yuna…" Tidus sighed in Yuna's neck, holding her tight. "Missed you…"

Yuna grinned and popped a kiss on Tidus's lips. "Me too."

Tidus pulled away a little, "Come on. Let's go talk."

Yuna nodded and followed Tidus as he swam away from her. Finally, they had reached the place where all of the rare flowers were.

"Could be our 'secret place'." Tidus said, silently. Swimming to the center, he sat down on the floor, and patted next to him.

Yuna nodded and swam next to Tidus.

"So tell about your day…" Tidus said. Yuna nodded and stretched her legs before starting,

"Well, today I was out training. I was having a bit of trouble and a man came…he helped me out but a monster had been able to catch me off guard and had attacked me in the chest, which knocked me out of course. So, while I was unconscious he defeated the monster. When I had woken up, we spent the whole day together. Tidus…he is so nice! I mean," Yuna sighed, "I never think I laughed so hard and so much before! He is so funny and sweet. "

"Oh…" Tidus said simply.

"Mmm-hmmm, yeah, I had just a great time. I mean, his name is Tetich and he has silver hair and if he is quite attractive."

"Yuna…"Tidus started before smiling. "I'm glad you're okay."

"So tell me about your day…"


Tidus walked slowly with his hands in his pocket. Looking at the ground, Tidus quietly thought to himself.

Tetich…Yuna. I don't know why, but I feel jealous…threaten by Yuna's new…friend. I don't know why but I so do not like this guy. I just hope….

Tidus stopped as he felt him hit a hard figure. Falling to the ground, Tidus looked up to find Jecht there grinning at him.

"Whatchu thinkin' 'bout boy?" He asked. Tidus snarled a bit before looking away, "Nothing."

Jecht cocked his head to the right and looked at Tidus. "Yeah, something is bothering you. Why don't you just cough it up?"

Tidus looked at his father and debated whether to tell him. Feh, isn't like hiding it will do any good. Just hope I don't regret this.

"It's Yuna.."

"Already having problems?" Jecht asked, his eyes wide. Tidus shook his head, "No she met this guy…"

Tidus stopped when he heard his father started chuckling. "Hey! What's so funny?"

"You're jealous?! Hahahaha!" he bellowed. Tidus held back the tears and the urge to punch his father lights out.

Jecht stopped laughing and looked at Tidus, "Don't worry about it. Chances are your girl will be faithful. Stop being so worried. Isn't like you're married anyway!"

Somehow…you…father…I think your advice is the worse but that's all I have. I just hope…I just hope nothing happens.