Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Blessing of Yevon ❯ Encounter at Luca ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Regretfully, I don't own the characters, places, etc used in this fanfiction. They are all © to Squaresoft. For those who are saying “It's Square Enix”, I say “Screw you”. Both Square and Enix were better off making their own games. Plus, there's no longer a CTB style system in FF games, which makes me wanna cry…
Um… didn't mean to get sidetracked. Anyway… I don't own them, so I can't be sued for writing a little fantasy that I just happened to think up. Without further doo-doo, here's the story. If people are good, and ask, I may be inspired to let it continue. Oh, and also, this is inspired by another Seymour/Tidus fanfiction I read.
Encounter at Luca
Tidus had no clue his life was about to change even more than it already had. First, he'd been transported to the world of Spira by Sin, met up with some rather interesting people, and been thrust into guarding a girl his age. Things hadn't made sense at first, though they did as he travelled Spira. However, something was about to happen to him, something that would change Tidus' perspective of everything. It all started in Luca, after fiends caused pandemonium in the stadium.
Giving a sigh, the young blitzer returned to washing his hair in the showers of the locker room. He could hear a lot of chatter going on, mostly just hype about having won the Crystal Cup for the very first time. Tidus smirked to himself.
`They had it in them all along,' he thought. `They just needed to believe they could win.'
He was interrupted as Wakka nudged him. Giving a playful protest, the blond pouted.
“Wakka,” he complained. “Why'd you have to do that? I was thinking of Zanarkand… playing for the Abes.”
As soon as he said those words, Tidus instantly felt homesick. His head lowered sadly, and he gave a soft sigh. Wakka, feeling bad for interrupting what he thought would have been good memories, placed a hand on Tidus' shoulder.
“Hey brudda,” Wakka said comfortingly. “Didn't mean to break your thoughts. I guess I'm just still in shock over the Aurochs' victory, ya?”
Looking up, Tidus just shook his head, the stream of water from the shower bouncing from his chest.
“No… it's okay,” he mumbled. “I guess I have to live with the fact that I may never return home. Anyway…”
The blond suddenly grinned, flashing a thumbs-up.
“I'm just glad I could help,” he said with a chuckle. “But I don't think you really needed me on the team. You just needed to believe you'd win.”
Wakka grinned back, flashing his own thumbs-up.
“Still,” he began. “You gave us the motivation we needed in order to win, brudda.”
Tidus just snickered.
“Well,” he said in a teasing tone. “With a goal of `do our best', it's no wonder you didn't get the cup.”
Wakka pretended to be hurt, but within moments, was chuckling and suddenly grabbed Tidus by the head.
“With defence like this,” Wakka said with a wide smirk. “It's a wonder how you're such a great blitz player, eh?”
Tidus blinked in surprise.
“Touché,” he gasped out. “But, would you mind letting me go, so I can finish my shower?”
Smirking wider, the retired blitzer let go and playfully punched Tidus' shoulder. The blond poked his tongue out playfully and placed his head under the stream of water, carefully washing his hair. Wakka turned around, only to gasp. Standing in the doorway of the locker room was Maester Seymour. The redhead was about to let his showering friend know of the Maester's presence, but Seymour quickly silenced him with a shake of his head. With a snap of his fingers, everybody knew it was their cue to leave the locker room. Once they had all left, Seymour locked the door and smirked.
`Perfect,' he thought to himself. `It's time to begin Phase 1.'
Smirking wider, Seymour walked over to a bench and sat down, watching as Tidus showered. The blond was completely oblivious to the fact that the Aurochs were now gone, and that a Maester of Yevon was watching him shower. With a soft sigh, he turned off the water and reached for his towel. Drying his hair, he took a deep breath.
“Hello,” Seymour said suddenly. “You took your time.”
Tidus jumped like he'd been zapped by a Thunder spell. Throwing the towel around his body, he narrowed his eyes at Seymour.
“Seymour…” he muttered, suspiciously. “What are you doing here?”
Amused by the defensive attitude that the blond was putting up, the Guado gave a grin that made Tidus shiver.
“I wanted to see you,” he said in his mysterious voice. “I wanted to congratulate you on bringing the Aurochs to victory, and also to say that I admire your courage. There aren't many people who can fight so many fiends, and still keep their cool.”
Giving an inward sigh of relief, Tidus lowered his defensive.
“Thanks, I guess…” he mumbled. “Your aeon was amazing though. However, forgive me for saying that I thought it looked… hideous.”
Seymour simply chuckled.
“Yes,” he said, giving a nod. “Anima isn't exactly pretty, but she is very powerful. She does get the job done.”
The Guado suddenly stood, his eyes locking onto Tidus'. The blond glanced back warily.
“Is that it?” he asked, shivering as a droplet of water ran from his shoulder and across one of his nipples. “I'd like to get dry so I can get changed. I have a long journey ahead.”
Seymour's lips curled slightly into a smirk.
`I can't allow him to leave,' he thought, chuckling inwardly. `It's time for Phase 2.'
The Maester began stalking towards Tidus, peeling off his shirt.
“No,” he purred seductively. “There's just one more thing.”
Tidus gulped and took a few steps back, but was stopped by the wall. He gave a soft `eep' as Seymour removed his lower attire, and continued stalking towards him, now in the nude. With a seductive smirk, he reached a hand out and gently brushed it over the blond's cheek.
“Such beauty… such radiance…” he said softly. “Tell me… what is your name?”
The blond gulped softly, his lips feeling dry. His cheeks had finally begun to redden.
“T-Tidus…” he stammered softly. “I'm Tidus…”
Seymour smiled genuinely and moved his thumb over the boy's lips. He moved closer.
“Tidus,” he whispered. “May I kiss you?”
Gulping once more, Tidus' cheeks gave an even deeper red glow. After a moment's hesitation, he finally gave a soft nod. Seymour took that as his cue, and gently moved forward, placing his lips over the blond's. In that very moment, the Guado knew that his suspicions were correct. The boy had a wonderful taste. Tidus gave a soft moan and parted his lips, pressing back into the kiss. It was clear that whatever inhibitions he initially had were thrown out the window.
`Damn,' Seymour thought. `I never thought he would be this passionate. Well, if he doesn't mind, I think I'll move onto Phase 3.'
Both their eyes having closed at the moment their lips came into contact, the Guado used it to his advantage, moving a hand down Tidus' body, letting it come to rest on the blond's reasonably-sized package. Tidus instantly let out a moan of pleasure, and when Seymour began to move his hand away, the blond whimpered, pushing Seymour's lips off his.
“Please,” he gasped, his eyes opening halfway. “I don't care anymore… I don't care if you are royalty or whatever. Just do me a favour and fuck me already!”
Seymour's eyes flashed in victory.
“Very well, Tidus…” he purred. “I hoped you'd ask that.”
Tidus gave another whimper, having remembered something important.
“Umm…” he mumbled. “I… um…--“
Seymour moved his lips to Tidus' left ear and whispered comfortingly.
“I know,” he said, his tongue tracing the edges of the other male's ear. “You're a virgin. So am I. I know that it will hurt at first, but I'll be gentle.”
Hearing those words, the blond bit his lip softly and nodded, suddenly parting his lips to elicit a moan, as Seymour's tongue flicked around inside the boy's ear.
“Seymour…” Tidus whined. “Please…”
Pulling away, the Guado nodded and reached for the shampoo. Opening the lid, he squirted some onto the fingers of his left hand.
`Last thing I want to do is hurt him with my claws,' Seymour thought, suppressing a chuckle. `Wouldn't want that at all…'
Closing his eyes once more, the blitzer reached out and turned on the water for the shower. Seymour didn't suppress his chuckle this time, and it made Tidus shiver with anticipation.
“Get ready,” the Maester purred, reaching his hand downwards, letting a finger rest against the blond's rear entrance. “If it hurts too much though…”
Tidus cut Seymour off by jerking his hips forward, their arousals grinding together, causing both men to moan in pleasure.
“Nnnh… shut up, Seymour…” Tidus panted softly. “If it hurts too much, I'll just have to bear it, won't I? Now… make with the preparations already, so we can get down to the REAL business at hand.”
Seymour's eyes widened with amusement at Tidus' words. He was so forceful, even when he was clearly in a position of submission. The Guado liked that. With a smirk, he slowly pushed in a finger, purring as he heard the blitzer's moans.
“You like that, don't you Tidus?” the Maester teased. “Would you like another?”
Tidus' heart began to beat faster.
“Nnnh… yessssss…” the boy hissed softly. “More…”
Seymour complied with Tidus' wish, inserting a second finger, and making scissor motions, stretching the younger boy's sphincter ever so slightly. Judging by the noises Tidus was making, he came to the decision it was time for a third finger to be added. In went the finger, and Tidus began giving off more moans.
“Sssssssseymour,” he hissed. “Now…”
The Guado nodded slightly and licked at the boy's ear once again.
“Very well,” he purred to the blond, removing his fingers and positioning his nine inch arousal at Tidus' entrance. “Here I go… sorry if I hurt you.”
With those words, Seymour slowly pushed into Tidus. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he realized he was in complete euphoria. Never before had he felt this, or even comprehended how good it would feel, and he was only part-way inside.
“Fuck!” Tidus yelped, his eyes shooting open. “Didn't… think it would hurt… this much…”
Small tears had already formed in the corners of the boy's eyes, and Seymour instantly began to regret what he had started. He began to slowly edge his way out, but the blond had different plans.
“NO!” he pleaded, gritting his teeth to bear the pain he was feeling in his rear. “Don't pull out. Keep going. I can… handle… the pain.”
A small smile made its way to the Maester's lips, and he resumed pushing in slowly. Closing his eyes, he moved his lips onto Tidus', the blond's eyes closing as their lips met. Both males gave a muffled moan as the last of the Guado's nine inch length somehow was buried inside the blitzer's rump. Tidus quickly felt the pain subside, and within moments, it was too dull to notice. He did notice however, when he felt himself being lowered.
“Huh?” he piqued, opening his eyes. “Seymour… what're you--?”
The boy silenced himself when he saw that Seymour was merely laying them both onto the bench that was in the shower. He realized that it was merely for ease of access, and also for comfort sake. Being laid down, the blond closed his eyes once again as Seymour's lips met his once again. He parted his lips when he felt the Guado's tongue press against them, begging for entrance. The combined feeling of Seymour's tongue in his mouth, and penis embedded within him was pure bliss. It was enough to make the blitzer make the first move, gyrating his hips slightly so that Seymour would get the message. It would appear he did, as the Guado pulled his lips from Tidus' and smirked.
“My my,” he purred. “Somebody is impatient. Very well… let's get started, shall we?”
Pulling his member out most of the way, Seymour suddenly thrust it back in, causing Tidus to moan so erotically, the Maester almost came then and there. The realization of his actions had hit a home run, causing him to shiver with delight. As he began getting into a rhythm of thrusting, he gave a soft giggle as he heard another moan from the blond.
“Unnh, fuck!” Tidus moaned. “Oh yeah! Seymour! Faster!”
The Guado's eyes gleamed mischievously, and he did as he was asked, thrusting harder and faster, relishing the blond's pants and moans of pleasure.
“Nggggh… Tidus!” Seymour panted. “Fuck… you're driving me insane!”
Despite himself, Tidus let out a giggle.
“Oh yeah?” he teased. “What do you think you're doing to m--unnnnnnnnnnh!”
Another thrust, another moan, more euphoria. It wasn't much longer before Tidus began feeling a build-up in his arousal.
“Seymour!” he gasped. “I'm about to… to… ohhhhhhhhhh!”
Unable to finish, the blond opted instead to empty himself all over himself and Seymour. As the Guado continued thrusting, it didn't take long before he too felt the same build-up.
“Great Yevon's Aeons!” the Maester moaned. “Tidus!”
After moaning out the blitzer's name, Seymour unleashed his load deep within Tidus before collapsing atop him, panting heavily. After a few minutes of just laying together to regain spent energy, Tidus finally was able to speak again.
“Why?” he asked softly. “Why me?”
His eyes closed, Seymour gave a soft sigh.
“That's something you'll have to find out on your own,” he said softly. “I can't tell you that yet.”
Tidus blinked, gazing into Seymour's eyes as they opened again.
“What…” he began. “What do you mean? Why can't you tell me?”
The Guado shook his head and leaned down to place a quick kiss on the blond's lips.
“It's as I said it…” the Maester said softly. “…I simply can't tell you… yet.”
The blitzer blinked a few more times before nodding.
“I think I understand,” he mumbled. “It's okay. Let's just shower and get out of here, before someone suspects something.”
Seymour grinned and nodded, getting up slowly, his member slipping from the blond's rear. Helping Tidus up, the two showered and dressed themselves. As they walked back over to the door, Seymour reached out and pulled Tidus into a kiss, before separating and locking his eyes on the human's.
“I must go…” he began. “…until next we meet, farewell.”
Giving the boy a goodbye kiss, Seymour left the locker room, leaving Tidus sitting on a bench to evaluate things. A few moments later, Wakka came into the room.
“What was that all about, eh?” he pondered. “He was in here for quite a while.”
Tidus nodded slightly.
“Yeah…” he said softly. “He was…”
Wakka blinked at Tidus in confusion.
“'Ey…” he muttered. “You alright, brudda?”
The redhead suddenly cocked his head to the side as Tidus jumped up.
“I gotta go!” the blond said in a rush. “I'll see ya later, Wakka.”
With those words, Tidus dashed out of the locker room, leaving Wakka behind, blinking profusely. Suddenly, the retired blitzer began sniffing.
“Hmm…” he pondered aloud. “Wonder why the room smells like sex?”
End of Chapter 1