Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodshot ❯ Induction day joys ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
2 hours of sleep and I'm going to do another chapter! One of my friends from gaiaonline agreed to check it over for spellings and such … but if there are any mistakes they will be mine! I'm glad she agreed to do so even though she doesn't really like yaoi ^.^
I also noticed I've spelt Vidina “Vidira” in the other chapter… oops …
It has now been EDITED!
And I still don't own the characters (if there are any nobody's ever heard of I have probably made them up … the teachers could be included in this)
Chapter 3 - Induction day joys.
“ I'm going to kill my Dad, no matter how much I love him. This is not fair”
Vincent was in a car, on his way to the college induction day (A/N: It's where you go in and they take emergency numbers and doctor's details and such. You also get admin cards and things so you can use the college intranet). His driver glanced over at him but did not say a word.
As they pulled up to the buildings, his driver sighed.
“ Phone me when you are done. I shall come and collect you.”
Vincent just nodded his head and climbed out the car. As it pulled away Vincent turned to look at the main building. There were a lot of people here already - all were stood in friendship groups, but here Vincent had no friends. He only had 2 real friends altogether anyway because his father was incredibly overprotective. The teenager had only just got a mobile phone, and only because Vincent had difficulty contacting his driver if he didn't have much change for a payphone.
Realising that he had been standing and staring at the place for the past few minutes Vincent slowly began to make his way over.
On one of the windows, the lists of tutor classes had been stuck up. Standing on his toes to see over the heads, the boy scanned the sheets for his name. AL2 was his form.
Slowly, he walked over to the student entrance where, as he began to ask one of the teachers where a class was, a young woman with rather long brown hair and a headband that covered one eye ran into him.
They both toppled over. `How embarrassing,' thought Vincent, ` I nearly shouted and everyone is staring at us.'
With a flushed face, Vincent stood up and held a hand out to the girl, who totally ignored it and stood up by herself.
“ Excuse me,” she addressed the teacher, “ I'm in the tutor class AL2. Can you tell me where I am meant to be please?”
` Oh no,' Vincent cringed, ` I've already upset some one and she is in my tutor class. So much for making friends.'
They followed the teacher along the corridor, up some stairs to the first floor and into a class.
“ You are here for today,” the woman smiled, “ Have fun!”
The 2 turned and entered the class.
“ Thank you for remembering the donation, those of you that did. The gil will go towards things like new computers in the classrooms and making the common room more enjoyable (A/N: I totally forgot the name of this place! We don't have a name for it in our college; it's just a bit near the dining hall. My beta friend - the one from gaia - told me that's what her college call it. It's basically a section in the college where there are comfy chairs and computers and a music box etc.). Those of you who forgot, please remember it on your first day. Any questions?”
Nobody made a noise.
“ Gee, what a quiet group we are. Well, now you are free to go. But I do suggest going around the college and finding where your lessons will be. Punctuality is very important, as even on the first day, you will be working. I'm afraid there is no room for messing around and playing `truant', you will have to turn up or else you will miss the notes.” The man smiled, “ One last thing, I hope you all love ice-breakers. The teachers do and they love playing them as it's a good way for the class to get to know each other.”
` I'm doomed. I can't find a thing. Maybe if I go home and beg my Dad then he will arrange a private tutor for me.' Vincent sighed. This was not good. He was lost.
“ If I went left there, I must have to go right here to get out.” A female voice was heard, getting louder.
` Some one lese who is lost?' thought Vincent, ` Oh god, it's her.'
“You?” The girl frowned, “ I'm not lost or anything. I simply thought it would be a good idea to look around here.”
Vincent smiled, “ That's good, I'm completely lost. Can you tell me where to go?”
Her face fell.
“ I'm Beatrix, the girl who ran into you earlier … and who has just lied. I haven't a clue where I am.”
“ I'm Vincent, the person you ran into, and someone who is going to be lost with you.”
They smiled as they shook hands.
“ How was your day?”
Vincent was sat, reading his book as his father came in from work.
“ Hmm? It was all right. I got lost and I've made a friend.”
“ A friend?' Grimoire sat down, “ What is this friend like? Are they trustworthy? Completely safe? What do they look like, who do they hang around with? I want to meet them before you starting spending time with them. I don't want you to hang around with dangerous people.”
Vincent sighed and put his head in his hands. “ Can't you trust me Dad? She is a very nice person. I think she is trustworthy, she isn't dangerous to people who aren't horrible to her. She doesn't hang around with anyone. She said she is an only child and spends most of her time at home.”
The man frowned as he looked at his son, and then drew him into an embrace. “ I don't want anything to happen to you. I would never forgive myself if you were hurt.”
Vincent wrapped his arms around his father's frame and smiled. The man was overprotective … but he had good intentions.
Please review! It makes me very happy to see what people think!