Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodshot ❯ Stagger On ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Just so you know, it is currently in November for the characters and Vincent is 17, but he has had his birthday, Sephiroth is about 9 months older than Vincent. Beatrix is still 16 as her birthday is in August.
Chapter 5 - Stagger on.
Vincent stirred and woke up. His body was still very warm. Looking around he remembered he was not at home, but at the house of one of his classmates. Sephiroth. Biology! That was what class he was in! Vincent had been sure the other was in his chemistry class, but never mind. It was unimportant. What counted was getting home.
He spotted a clock over on a table. 2:34pm. He had to get home within a few hours. He didn't want his Dad coming in with out him there. He wanted to get home soon so he could rest properly. If his Dad thought he was ill, he would lose the little bit of freedom he had gained. But the college would wonder where he was. He hadn't phoned in or handed in a written message to say he wouldn't attend.
That wouldn't look good. Slowly, he climbed to his feet and looked for his stuff. All he was wearing was his jeans, a belt and his tee shirt. Not even his socks were still on. They were on top of his brown jumper, which was in the corner beside his boots and bag.
He walked over and flopped down beside them. He pulled his jumper over his head and picked his socks. Soon he had them on as well as his boots. He frowned. His head was spinning again. He stuffed his bandana into his bag and sighed. Now he just needed to find the energy to get up.
“ What are you doing?!” Sephiroth must have just come up.
“ … home …” he whispered. “ I … want ... go home.”
Sephiroth sighed. He grabbed Vincent's bag and slung it over his own shoulder before wrapping an arm around Vincent's waist.
“ Why am I doing this? I was looking forward to going to college today, but instead I meet you and end up having to take you home. You are lucky I only live a 2-minute walk away from the park. Now, where do you live?”
Vincent blinked at him, his mind trying to register all of what the man had just said to him.
“ Home … it is … near the old school. The really big one ... that is near the new supermarket.” Vincent gasped.
Sephiroth sighed. He already had his shoes on.
“Anywhere near here?”
They had been walking for the past half hour. Sephiroth was nearly carrying Vincent now.
The raven head mutely nodded. His eyes glazed over.
“ Where abouts?” asked Sephiroth when he saw the nod. “ Vincent? Vincent?!”
“ Umm … in the house … on the end of this street.”
“ Alright!” Sephiroth smiled at Vincent. He shifted his grip and began walking again.
They reached the end and Sephiroth looked around. They only place here was a massive house. It had a big garden with dying leaves scattered around, which fluttered when the breeze got under them.
“ Where now?” Asked the silver-headed teen.
“ Here …”
“ Here?! In the really big one?!”
Vincent grunted. And they moved up through the garden.
(A bit in Sephy's perspective.)
Soon, Vincent was lying in his own bed. Fast asleep.
Sephiroth was sat beside him. He brushed a few loose hairs out of Vincent's face.
When they had got in. one of the servants had taken Vincent from him and another led Sephiroth to the other's room. They had told him he could stay for a while, if not to just put Vincent's bag down and leave.
Sephiroth had chosen to stay for a little while.
` Why am I here? He is just some kid in my class. I have loads of better things to do! It's my birthday. I'm 18 today and instead of going into college and getting stuff off people I am sat here with someone I hardly know.'
He sighed and glanced back at Vincent's ashen face.
` I hope he gets better soon. No one likes to be ill and it's a shame because he looks much nicer when he smiles … not that I think he looks nice … Just in comparison with normal.'
Sephiroth blushed slightly and began trying to avoid thinking.
` Not thinking is very hard. And very boring, I'll just think of something else! But what to think of. Maybe what I am doing tonight. I still don't know. I shouldn't stay here too long. I have to tell my friend's every thing is still happening. Heh, I'm doing a good job at thinking about his pretty face! '
He leaned over Vincent's head and stared intently at the face below him. His lips ghosted over the other's forehead before he could stop himself. He jolted back and stared. His blush went right to his ears.
“ I'm going now, Vincent. Bye!”
He practically ran out the room.
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