Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Mako ❯ Horror Story ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to: Rin-chan, of course [I love you so much for reviewing every chapter!]; viciouscallisto [I'm writing as fast as I can! Vincent is a hottie, isn't he? If he was real, and I saw him walking down the street, I'd… well, you can imagine!]; Me Godzilla [I think the world needs more Cid x Vincent fics. Curse those people who think we are wrong for thinking they belong together. We should start a club for Vincent and Cid lovers like us!]

** Final Fantasy VII and most of the characters within these pages belong to Squaresoft. Some concepts and characters are MINE! Do not use them under any circumstances! **

All warnings are attached to the first chapter. If you don't bothering reading them, then don't flame me about the content you've seen here.


Cid laughed nervously, not quite sure what he should do, or say for that matter. His gaze flickered between the young man, who was now watching him with carefully hidden amusement, and the dog-like creature glaring at him with hatred. Finally, the boy tilted his head, considering Cid with genuine curiosity.

"Who are you? I am certain you are not SOLDIER… that uniform was not made to fit your body. And your rifle is not loaded. Have you come to abuse your privilege of working under Sephiroth, like all the others?"


The strange creature placed himself between the two men, focusing his remaining eye on Cid. "I thought you were told not to come down here anymore. You were ordered to leave Vincent alone. He is under the protection of someone else, now…"

Cid smiled. "Uh, yeah… that would be me, I think. I'm supposed to take you with me…"

Loud voices from down the hall interrupted him. The creature snarled and shoved past Cid, running from the room at an alarming speed. Vincent widened his dark eyes, anger distorting his perfect features. "Red XIII, no! Come back here… leave them…"

Cid turned to him, shocked to see pure, unbridled rage in Vincent's crimson eyes. The younger man jumped gracefully out of the coffin and turned his gaze up to Cid. "If you are who I think you are… don't let them…" He trailed off, looking frustrated and embarrassed.

Let them what? Rape you? Is that what they do to an innocent child? Cid looked around the room, seeing there was no place to hide. As the voices came nearer, Cid's gaze settled on Vincent.

Why not use it against them?

"Okay… umm… could you take off your shirt?"

The younger man didn't argue, despite the annoyed look he threw at Cid. He pulled off his black shirt, tousling his hair in the process. Cid sighed, and than gently pushed Vincent against the wall, setting his useless rifle down on the table. He felt Vincent shudder slightly as they heard Barret's deep voice shouting above the raucous, drunken laughter just outside of the doorway.

Now or never… Cid grabbed Vincent's cool hands in his own and held them against the wall above his head, pinning him there. He leaned in close, placing his mouth next to Vincent's ear. "Try struggling a little. Make it look convincing."

Before he pulled back, he lightly kissed the corner of the smaller man's mouth. "If I forget to say so later… I'm sorry about this."

A group of SOLDIER tore through the curtained doorway just as Cid whispered his apologies. Vincent gasped quietly and pulled against the restraint of Cid's hands, very nearly breaking his grip. Cid, pretending not to notice the men behind him, shoved Vincent back against the wall and kissed him again, hard. To his great surprise, he felt Vincent responding to the kiss, his pale fingers curling over his hand. After he pulled away, he looked towards the door, acting as if he just noticed the men standing there. He narrowed his eyes.

"Can I help you something? I'm a little busy here…"

The commanding officer stepped forward, reaching for his rifle. "What's your name? What are you doing down here? This… child is the property of the Order of Jenova. He's being held here for specific reasons. Now… step away from him."

Cid shook his head, smiling. "Oh, I couldn't do that. You see, this pretty little thing belongs to me. So you can either go complain to whomever you work for… or you can wait your turn. I'm willing to share my toy… sir."

He looked back at Vincent, and was about to kiss him again when Vincent roughly pushed him away, causing him to stumble over his own feet and fall back on the floor. Cid got up in time to see one of the SOLDIER thrust a knife into Vincent's stomach. He dropped to his knees, and yanked the jagged blade from his flesh, causing dark red, almost black blood to seep down his bare skin and onto the floor. Cid watched as Vincent stood, oblivious to the gaping hole in his side and the copious amounts of blood pouring from the wound. Vincent grabbed the man's shirt and, growling, impaled him on the knife, causing him the shriek in pain. What was so odd about it was that the SOLDIER just… froze. His entire body went rigid before dropping to the floor. Vincent stood over him, eyes narrowed in rage, delicate fangs bared, and in addition to the small trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth, he looked absolutely demonic.

Vincent snarled carnally and attacked the other SOLDIER, brutally killing each of them. He snapped the neck of one of them, then stepped over the body as it the floor, pulling his arm back and thrusting it into the stomach of another. Horrified, Cid watched as Vincent's hand, wrist, than forearm came out of the man's back, covered in blood and entrails, his fingers curled like lethal claws. Vincent withdrew his arm, and turned to the remaining three SOLDIER. Whispering incoherently, he reached out to the men as if beckoning a lover to draw nearer.

Darkness descended upon the room, and deep silence. When Cid regained his sight, it was in time to see the men drop heavily to the floor. Shaking, Cid stood and approached the fallen SOLDIER. He nudged the nearest with the toe of his boot. He didn't move.

They were all dead.

Vincent was backing away from the bodies as Red XIII dashed into the room, followed closely by Zak and Barret. They all stopped short when they saw the carnage. Slowly, Barret and Zak turned to look at Vincent, as if they knew that this was all his doing. He had dropped to crouch on the ground, watching his strange-coloured blood pool around his feet. Red XIII went and sat next to him, and gazed reproachfully at Cid before turning his attention to the two men still standing in the doorway. He said something to them, but it was too quiet for Cid to hear.

He didn't need to wait long to find out what had been said, though. Barret and Zak started dragging the mangled bodies from the room. Cid blinked dazedly as the last body was taken away, not really understanding what had just happened. He shook his head and stepped away from the mass of blood and flesh on the floor, and warily glanced over at the two companions still sitting across the room. Vincent was glaring blankly at an invisible spot on the wall while Red XIII followed Cid's movements with his single green eye. He growled as Cid knelt down in front of the younger man, leaning in close enough to whisper in his ear.

"Vincent… are you alright?"

Hate-filled eyes snapped shut as Vincent shoved Cid away gently, reaching for his shirt. He stood, ignoring the slightly hurt look he received from the blonde man. Red XIII said something quietly to Vincent, who nodded and moved to the other side of the room to sit at the low table. Red XIII stalked out of the room, once again glaring at Cid as he passed him.

Vincent watched as his guardian left, than shifted his attention to cleaning the gore from his arm and stomach. Without speaking, he looked up and motioned Cid to sit down with him. Cid walked over slowly, silently, keeping his eyes on Vincent the entire time. He sat down across from him, careful not to jostle the table. He noticed that the thin trickle of blood at the corner of Vincent's mouth was still there, and he reached over to brush it away. As soon as he come into contact with the dark fluid, a cold like he'd never felt swept quickly up his arm, and he couldn't move it. It dropped heavily into his lap. Cid stared, bewildered.

Vincent's blood had been colder than ice, freezing his arm upon contact. He waited as his arm slowly returned to feeling, and he could move it. He looked up as Vincent wiped the streak of blood away himself with the back of his hand, gazing at Cid's arm with vague interest. Cid lowered his arm to his lap, unable to look away from Vincent's intense gaze, transfixed by his surreal beauty.

"You're not human, are you?"

Raven black hair fell around Vincent's delicate features as he bowed his head, preventing Cid from seeing his face.

"Not entirely. I was, once… a very long time ago," he said in his soft voice. He lifted his face again and fixed his deep red eyes on Cid. "I am unlike Zak and Cloud, and others who have been altered by Mako. True, I was given the fluid to make me stronger… to change my body. I am a product of one man's insatiable lust for domination… but I am nothing like you have ever seen. You ask if I am human? I can barely remember ever being so."

I knew it, Cid thought. So both Zak and Cloud have Mako in them.

Cid looked closer at the silent figure in front of him, trying to recall what Tifa had told him about Vincent. "You… Tifa said you were one of the first to be changed… when Mako was first used…"

Vincent shrugged, wishing he could end this conversation. "I do not know much about the past century. But… Mako was discovered about 140 years ago. It became very common in the decades that followed that year… especially when the Ruin Wars began. I was changed… the same year it was discovered."

Bewildered, Cid quickly did the math in his head. "But… that makes you… over 150?! Fuck, I hope I look as good as you do if I ever live to be that fucking old."

Vincent narrowed his eyes in distaste. "I am only eighteen years of age. I… I went to sleep very soon after my… after I was changed. I awoke two years ago when I had a dream about Sephiroth…" He trailed off biting his lower lip in a very human gesture of nervousness.

Cid shifted closer to him, curious and concerned at the same time. "Why did you wake up? A dream shouldn't have done that. Were you waiting for this dream to come… or were you waiting for something?"

Vincent shook his head slowly, hesitating, as he stared down at the now fully healed wound in his side… a wound that should have killed him. Cid followed his gaze to the scar, widening his eyes in disbelief. Vincent wound a pale finger around a lock of black hair. "Are you certain you want to know?"

Cid pulled back a bit and nodded.

Vincent raised his head and stared into Cid's blue eyes. "I was waiting for someone… my older brother… the same man who still searches for the being known as Chaos…"

"Wait… are you saying that… Sephiroth is your fucking brother?! How… then… but he ain't much older than me… no more than thirty. Did he sleep, too?" Cid frowned at his own words. No, that wasn't possible… Sephiroth had been around when Cid's grandparents were children… Sephiroth was the one who had created his army of Mako-infused men during the Ruin Wars.

Vincent tugged on his hair, carefully choosing his words. "No… Sephiroth ceased to age as a result of the Mako. He has spent all of these long years perfecting the substance… to rid the world of `normal people'… weak people. Sephiroth seeks to become a God, and to do that, he must find Chaos. Only a person of extreme power can stop my brother."

"And you think that you're… oh…" Cid thought back to the amazing display of strength that Vincent had shown just awhile ago… the strange darkness that had flooded the room and killed the SOLDIER.

"The only reason I have allowed myself to continue living this way for so long is because I am the only living being powerful enough to stop my brother. Only then will I truly feel human."


…Kind of a lame place to end this chapter. I wanted to right more, but it would have ended up being way too long. Oh well! Next chapter will be posted soon!

**Reviews are respected and accepted; Flames are expected and subjected to vast amounts of mockery and laughter before being used to toast marshmallows!**