Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Coffee ❯ Fight with the Invisible Narrator ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Hello peoples! Thanks to Aseku for giving me an idea for part of this chapter. This is my first story that I thought was actually good! I hope that it's not going to be taken off of this website, since it was taken off of FanFiction.Net. Well, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own FF10. Please don't sue.

Ch. 1- Fight with the invisible narrator

Invisible narrator: Somewhere in the Sanubia Desert, Yuna and her guardians are wandering around looking for the Al Bhed. They're having a hard time because they are very, very thirsty.

Tidus: You got that right.

I.N.: Tidus! You are supposed to ignore me! Remember? You're not ignoring me!

Tidus: Well, how am I supposed to ignore you if you're always talking, telling us what to do, and stating the obvious?!

I.N.: Because that's my job!

Tidus: (sighs loudly) Whatever.

I.N.: Anyways, they're wandering around the desert. Rikku sees what Auron is drinking out of his flask.

Auron + Rikku: (doesn't do what they were told)

I.N.: Hey! Why aren't you doing anything?

Rikku: You told us to ignore you, so that's what we're trying to do.

I.N.: What I meant was to ignore me, but still do what I tell you.

Yuna: Then that wouldn't be ignoring you.

I.N.: AARG!! Look! Just do what I tell you! Okay? Good!

Auron: Fine. (takes a drink from his flask) Hey! This isn't the same stuff that's in my flask! This is nasty! And it's a different color!

I.N.: That's because I filled it with coffee. Now where was I? Oh yes. Rikku was so thirsty, so she went up to Auron and asked him if she could have a drink.

Rikku: (does so) Hey Auron? Can I have a drink of that?

I.N.: Auron looks at Rikku and lets her have a drink.

Auron: I would never let anyone but me drink out of my flask.

I.N.: Auron! Just let her have a drink!

Auron: No. I have had enough. Lulu, please cast a mute or death spell on the invisible narrator.

Lulu: (smirks) It will be my pleasure! (in her magic casting pose) Death! (waits a few moments after spell) That did it!

I.N.: Not really! I'm still alive! Ha ha!

All except I.N.: How?! How are you still alive?!

I.N.: There is a simple explanation. I AM IMMORTAL!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

All except I.N.: (eyes as big as bowls) Oh no! What are we going to do now?

Wakka: I guess we'll have to do what he says until we find a way to get rid of him, ya?

I.N.: That's right!

Auron: Wait. Lulu, you didn't try any muting spells.

Lulu: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. ( goes into her pose again) Oh, wait. I don't know any.

All except I.N. and Lulu: (falls down anime-style)

Kimahri: Wakka knows silence attacks.

Wakka: Oh yeah! (thinks for a moment) Hey, guys? Which direction should I aim? I mean, he is invisible, ya?

Yuna: Try aiming in all directions.

Wakka: Okay! (gets in his ball throwing position) Silence Buster! (starts doing attack in rapid fire in all directions)

All but Wakka: AAAHHH!! Wakka, you baka! Don't hit us! Hit the invisible narrator! Not us!

Wakka: (finished attacking) Oops. Sorry guys. (pulls out echo screen and uses it)

Yuna: Please try to be more careful, Wakka.

I.N.: ……..

Auron: Hey, listen.

All: (quiets down and listens)

Kimahri: Kimahri hear nothing. Invisible narrator quiet.

All but I.N.: Yes! He's been muted!

Well that's it for now! Please R+R! I did the best I could! I accept any kind of reviews as long as they're appropriate.

I'll update as soon as I can.