Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Elena (Rookie) ❯ Vacation (Part One) ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Munch. Elena chomped down on her blueberry muffin while taking a break with the paperwork on her desk. No missions as of late. No cruel pranks, No Lectures, No awkward silence with Rude… It was too quiet. Something had to be going on, but what? She knew that something wasn’t right. The annoying fire-crotch hadn’t come by to pester her yet. She cautiously continued to munch on her muffin, staring at her office door. Should she stay or should she go? Suddenly that catchy song popped into her head. Yes, she would have to go. She had to see why everyone was so depressingly (not to mention, frighteningly) silent. Elena sighed and put her muffin down, it was stale anyway. Peaking out the door and into the office across from her, Reno did not sit at his desk. What.. Well, that’s no surprise. He’s probably hitting on that skank, Scarlet somewhere. Walking down a bit further, she noticed Rude and Tseng were gone, too. It was like a waste land, everyone gone in her department. The secretary up front was gone. Where in Gods name had everyone gone off to, without Elena? This was a huge blow to Elena’s self esteem. It was pretty clear that she was still not accepted around here. She stood strong and sighed. That stale muffin made her stomach churn. That was the last time she’d eat something Reno gives her. Ick. She walked into the lounge and stuck some gil into the machine. Mmm.. sun chips. Now for some coffee…

As she pushed her finger onto the coffee dispenser, two cold slender hands slipped over her eyes. She gasped and flung what hot coffee she had at whoever had done this. He let out a shriek of pain and yelled profanities. She then twisted his arm behind his back and punched him in the kidneys. Stopping herself, she realized it was none-other-than the smirking red haired weasel in the flesh. He held his side in pain, damn, Elena hits hard. She was a strong woman, and he should’ve expected nothing else from a turk.

His shirt was completely covered in steaming coffee, and Elena could still see the steam coming off his shirt. He looked rather pissed at her now. He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Jeez Elena, I was just gonna come by and ask ya how your day was going.. “ he sighed and slicked back his now sticky damp red hair.

All she could really do was blink at him. She didn’t mean to, after all. She was just on her guard because everyone was gone. She---

“Tch… Tseng wants to see you, Rookie.” Reno muttered, he began to walk off, waiting for the short blonde woman to follow him.

Scurrying after him, now completely embarrassed and flustered with herself. He didn’t speak to her for the rest of the walk to the conference room. Elena knew that Reno didn’t like her at all. She was the rookie, the annoying talkative rookie, a ditz, an oaf, a dumb blonde, a klutz, a fucking rookie. She exhaled nervously. What if Tseng decides that she’s not good enough, and everyone was gone celebrating that her voice wasn’t ever to enter the ShinRa building ever again? No, that’s exaggerated. Reno wouldn’t be here if it was that. No, it had to be something else.. Maybe she was finally being suspended for a few days for that last mission when she accidentally shot Rude in the hand when she was aiming at the perpetrator. Or maybe the time she blabbed to the Wutain mob leader about how they were going to ambush him when he least expected it.. Or maybe it was when she----

Reno urged her into the room. Rude stood in the room next to Tseng, and even the secretary was in there. They all had odd expressions on their faces.

“Elena….” Tseng didn’t sound right. Oh God, she was going to be resigned!

She shuffled in her feet, looking up at the taller figures in the room. It was like they were looking down at her. She kept a professional face on, not trying to look weak or scared like a frightened mouse being ganged up on by a bunch of huge cats. The picture in her mind would be humorous if she wasn’t looking straight at Tseng who had a look of disappointment sprawled onto his face.

“Y-y-yes..sir?” she stuttered out. Doh! You idiot, Elena! How professional do you sound, you stuttering buffoon! She heard Reno snicker at her. Her eyes darted over at him. She gave him such a death stare, Reno was sure she was trying to make his head explode with her mind.

“ You haven’t been doing your best as of late… and We all think that for your well being..” he continued while shuffling some papers, and some very important documents near him. She was going to be resigned because she isn’t all she could be.. She had been trying so hard lately, and maybe they thought they’d be better off without the weak girl standing before them. After all, it was just Reno, Rude and Tseng before Elena joined… The only reason she was there was because of Reno’s injuries. Maybe they would just send her back to training, and she wouldn’t come back for a few more years. She was very young, only 21, actually. She joined up with them when she was 18, began training at 16, maybe it just wasn’t enough… Her mind was obviously racing.

“So we decided, that you need some time off, ya know?” Reno interrupted Tseng.

“So we’re taking a vacation. Also because we have some trainees that want to try to prove themselves, so we think this would be a perfect opportunity for you three to go on vacation. Of course, I would go, but these guys need a superior to look after the newbies.” Tseng smiled at Elena.

She knew he wouldn’t get rid of her! She could have kissed him, she was so starry eyed and well, happy. She was screaming, “yes yes yes!” in her mind, jumping around inside, wanting to fling herself into his arms and tell him that she loved him. Tseng, you are just too good. I didn’t think you would get rid of me, even if the other two don’t like me!

“You guys leave soon. I expect you guys to be at the Helicopter at 3:00 Pm. Have fun.” he paused and before they left the room, he quirked an eyebrow at Reno as if he was telling him not to torture Elena too badly. Reno just nodded and rolled his eyes at the ceiling.

Tseng waved a hand at them and walked out of the room. The three of them were to prepare. Reno chuckled at Rude and he just smiled and shook his head. They all left.

“Oh, and Rookie…”Reno stopped Elena,

“If your not there at take-off time, we’re leaving you behind.” he winked and walked off, whistling a tune out of key.


Elen a waited at the helicopter at 2:50 with her bags. She sighed. Maybe she shouldn’t bother going on this trip and just stay with Tseng… But Tseng made it clear that he thought she needed a vacation to unwind. What was he thinking, her, unwind, with those two? Right.. Good idea, Tseng, NOT.

“Oi vey…”she sighed.

“ ‘Oi Vey’ what?” a familiar cocky voice exclaimed. “Are you actually scared to be alone with us without Tseng? C’mon Rookie, we’re not that bad..” he smirked and pinched her cheeks like a child. She tried to punch in him the gut but she didn’t get him in time. She fumed an aggravated exhaling breathe and counted to ten mentally. She got in the back of the helicopter, while Reno and Rude sat up front, Reno piloting. They put on there head sets and they soon took off.

“So where are we going anyway?” she yelled.

“ Costa Del Sol!” Reno exclaimed, “You don’t have to yell, Lena, I can hear you just fine. Sheesh, trying to rid me of my hearing?”

“Err… Sorry..” she muttered off.

She could defiantly do without his smutty comments. She heard Reno chatting with Rude.. Reno apparently was “Gonna tap the first ass I see when we get there!” Rude just laughed with him. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Elena sighed and looked out the window down at the surf. They were getting close.. Elena was now glad that she brought her bathing suit and sun block. She had hoped they’d be going somewhere warm, and lucky enough, it even had a beach. Elena smiled inwardly looking out at the beautiful place. The sun was getting close to setting; it was barely 6 pm. They landed at the airport they had there, and they rented a space for the Helicopter. Rude called for a taxi, Elena stuck dragging everyone’s luggage. Reno stretched and smoked a cigarette with grace, and they entered the cab and off to Costa Del Sol Motel they went!

When they arrived, Rude finally offered to take the luggage for her, and she happily obliged. They fallowed Reno to the elevator and up to the very top. They got the very top suite, for the three of them. Two beds, though.. First things first.. The beach. Elena left them without a word to change into something more comfortable, a periwinkle blue halter dress. She exited, and looked at the two men, and knew immediately that they were in awe at the sight of Elena not wearing her suit, she just didn’t look like she used to. She looked… like a civilian. But that was the point, wasn’t it?

“And where do you think your going exactly?” Reno seemed disappointed.

“To the beach, of course.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Why? The suns already about set!”

“I want to see the sunset, that’s why.”

“But you can see it from the balcony!”

“It’s better at the beach! Why should I stay here, anyway? You guys are probably going to go drink anyway!”

“Wha- But- …tch. whatever… “ was all he could really fit out of his mouth.

“Good-Bye, Children.” she said and walked out with a knee length blue dress complete with her tall flip flops.

As she walked around the board walk, Elena realized she was perfectly relaxed. The sky was a deep pink and the sun was dancing on the horizon, reflecting brilliantly on the ocean. She sat down on a large rock and looked out at the pretty ocean. Blissfulness. She was going to probably just head back when it was actually dark. The only thing bothering her was the loneliness she was feeling. She felt so sick of being alone. No family, no friends, no love life, not even acceptance around the office. She was just “Rookie.” Nothing more, nothing less. There had to be a way to change that, certainly.. No, there’s no way. She is just going to have to wait for someone else to come along, and become the new Rookie. Tseng is never going to see her for who she was.. Tseng.. Was much older than her, as well. It wouldn’t work out, and she finally realized that. Anyways, she assured herself, in-office relationships are against the rules… Perhaps she would try to get closer to Rude and Reno. She wanted to be closer to them. She felt as if they were her only family, but they always told her she was weak, and Reno’s stupid pranks made her feel inferior and small. Maybe he was just trying to motivate her to be all she could be? Or maybe he just really thought that about her. A few warm tears rolled down her face.

“What’s so great about this?” He smoothed his hair back and leaned against the rock Elena was sitting on. “It’s just the sunset, what’s so special about it? Humph…” Reno?

Rude nodded as he joined Reno’s side. They were both there, but why? Had they been there the whole time? Elena quickly wiped the wetness from her eyes, and snorted at him. “Of course, you wouldn’t know real beauty if it hit you in the face, Reno!” she sneered and crossed her arms.

Rude seemed lost in the mesmerizing ocean scenery while Reno stood there with his head tilted, trying to see what they saw. And only shook his head. He was deep in thought, or, as deep of thought Reno could be in. I’ve already been hit in the face by beauty, several times, actually… he thought to himself timidly. What? What did I just..?.. Ew she’s not beautiful! She’s not even pretty! Maybe cute, but like a little kid! I’m not a child molester! He was flustered with himself. I couldn’t get her even if I did want to, and I don’t.

Elena studied his facial expressions changing from one to the other from confusion to sadness to a fit of rage but then he just looked at her and snorted at her.

“I have, too. It’s just not this! Beauty is drinking, and seeing everything spinning.” he laughed and began to walk away.

“Let’s go to the Bar & Grill… Get a bite and get sloshed, eh?” he smirked and walked off. Elena and Rude fallowed him closely, the night had finally settled into the town, and they wanted to get completely smashed. When they entered the bar, Elena was baffled. She’d never been out drinking at a bar, just at home and she’d never actually gotten drunk. She did not want to be drunk, especially with Mr. womanizer around. They sat near the back of the bar and ordered. Elena got tea (Which Reno commented, “Ugh, weeeak!” but she ignored him) and a veggie burger. Reno about gagged, how could you not eat meat, let alone eat something healthy? That was his mind set. He ordered shots for himself and Rude.

When they got their shots, Reno Exclaimed, “Let the drinking games, begin, my friend!” with that signature cheeky grin. “Okay, so uh.. How about, whenever Elena gives me a dirty look, we drink?” Elena immediately glared at Reno with displeasure. “That’s the spirit, Rookie! Okay, Drink!” and he swung it down his throat.
“Reno! “ she slapped him across the face, leaving a rather beat red hand print. He looked flabbergasted like he didn’t know what was going on.

“What was that for?!” He said while rubbing his cheek with tears in his eyes. It must have really stung.

“Ugh.. Your such an ass.” she sighed and began to eat.

“Okay, Okay.. So I’ll base our drinking game off of something else…” He placed his hand under his chin and stroked it.

“How bout this…” Reno pulled out a die from his pants pocket. “Kay Rude, you have to predict what number I’m gonna roll, and if I don’t roll it, then you drink, except for if it lands on four, then you don’t drink still and then I guess what your gonna roll vice versa..”

Rude nodded and cracked his knuckles. By the sound of the game, they were both going to go home drunk and Elena was going to have to take care of them. Few minutes later, Elena was watching intently. Rude wasn’t even a little tipsy, the same for Reno.

“Yo, Elena, wanna join us?” he caught her watching, “It’s always more fun when there’s more than two of us.”

Elena was flattered, of course, and she agreed. She didn’t think she would get drunk anyway. “Two!” she exclaimed, “Six.” Rude smirked. Reno rolled the die and it was three. Rude and Elena drank their shot quickly. And it was Elena’s turn. “One.” Reno said confidently. “Five.” Rude said calmly. She rolled it, “Oh, it was two..” She grinned as her two coworkers drank their next shot. The game went on until Reno kept on trying to kiss Elena on the cheek, drunken, slobbering and laughing madly. Rude smirked to himself, he and Elena had decided to get Reno completely smashed for the hell of it, so they worked together to make sure Reno lost every time, switching the die with a trick one Rude used one Reno quite a bit. Elena was a little tipsy, and Rude was barely buzzed, and so, they helped Reno to his feet and helped him to the Motel Suite.

“I kissed a boy once!” he slurred out.

“I thought he was a woman.. She was pretty.” he grinned wildly as they stood in the elevator.

Elena laughed hysterically at Reno’s drunk antics. She was surprised that she was having this much fun with those two. She grinned inwardly at herself, and realized she was having the time of her life at that moment. They entered the suite, and threw Reno onto one of the double beds. Rude dragged his bag of clothes to the bathroom and decided to shower. “I don’t wanna go to bed…” Reno pouted and buried his head into the large feather pillow. Elena helped get his shoes off and his jacket. He grinned at the feeling of Elena taking his clothes off him “Couldn’t wait to get me undressed, huh?” he laughed and fell back into the pillow. She pulled off his pants, revealing his boxers, and his shirt, leaving him but in his undergarments.

She searched his bag, finding fuzzy handcuffs, a French maid costume that was her size and whip crème. She didn’t want to know what he was planning. She finally found his pajama pants at the bottom of the bag. “Here we go…” she forced him to lay on his back and he pulled her on top of him. He looked at her eyes “We’re havin’ a good time, righ’?” his words were almost sober. She just smiled and nodded and pushed herself off of him. He was such an adorable oaf. She paused herself, wait. Well, adorable as in, he’s cute, not like I want to jump all over him… She convinced herself, and pulled his pants onto him. A bulge appeared and Elena’s face got red. He lunged himself onto her. “ Lay with me, ‘Lena…” he whined. What’s he doing? He pulled her over and wrapped his arms around her, and she gave up. She couldn’t escape his clutches, she was too small and weak compared to Reno, and she knew that. Otherwise she would be laying on the couch, snoozing already without Reno’s ‘friend’ hard against her ass.

Reno fell asleep in a matter of minutes. Elena sighed, and when Rude walked out of the bathroom, he just quirked an eyebrow over their way and she just shrugged, or, tried to. Rude shook his head and laid in the other bed, and soon, everything was black for Elena and she began to dream.. Today wasn’t bad.


When Reno awoke that morning, he felt a warm figure next to him, and smelt honey. He opened his eyes and saw silky blonde hair and the rest of the blonde figures body. Did I go home with someone? Oh, wait, I know that hair… It was Elena. But.. He was sleeping next to her. Oh this couldn’t be good. He didn’t sleep with her, did he? No, he would’ve remembered that. He sat up, trying not to disturb her, and rolled out of bed. He scurried to the kitchen where he found Rude sitting at the table, sipping coffee, holding a bottle of Tylenol out for Reno. He rubbed his eyes and took it, and hastily shook out four pills. He dry swallowed them and got out milk and cereal. “So.. Why did I wake up next to Rookie?”

“You made her sleep next to you.” Rude continued to sip his coffee.

“Aw, what? No Sex?” he frowned.


“Wow.. I can’t believe I didn’t try to.”

“….” Rude shook his head at him smirking, finishing his coffee.

Elena walked into the kitchen stiffing a yawn while stretching her arms above her head. She was smiling. “What’s breakfast?”


She narrowed her eyes at Reno.

“Shut up. Do you guys want Eggs, Hash browns and toast?”

“ Thought you said to shut up?”

“Ugh. Fine. You can have Cereal then.” She didn’t want to waste energy on him.

Reno quickly put the milk and the cereal back and gave her a puppy pout look that Reno knew no female could resist. She nodded and gestured at Rude. He nodded. The two men sat in the living room and watched T.V. until Elena called them to eat. She even poured them Orange juice. They sat down, and they dug in, Elena snorted at Reno, who had ketchup dripping down his chin, although Rude was perfectly gentleman-like. It was funny how those two were best friends, they were like the complete opposite of each other. Elena threw a napkin at him.

“This ain’t bad, ‘Lena! You should be the certified cook back at ShinRa!” he was dead serious. He really liked her cooking. No more nasty Tseng breakfast! She felt her face go red. “Pshh, don’t get used to compliments..” he muttered seeing her face red and happy. He stared down at his food and indulged in it more calmly.

Elena noticed he had stopped calling her Rookie, er, well, for the most part. It was nice. It wasn’t exactly her name, but ‘Lena was fine with her. It was like a nickname he dubbed her with, maybe he was accepting her finally.

“So are we going to the beach today, get some sun?” she asked tiredly.

“Mhmm.” Rude had toast in his mouth, but that would be what he said even if he didn’t have food in his mouth.

When they finished eating, Elena got into her blue bikini and sun hat. Covering her bikini with a tank top and shorts. She was already ready to soak up the sun. She grabbed her beach bag, and her sunglasses and waited for her comrades.

When they arrived at the beach, Reno immediately lit up one of his cancer sticks and sat down on his towel with the cooler full of beer. Elena put her towel under a large umbrella she brought and began to strip down into her bikini. Reno tore his eyes from her, and looked to Rude who still was wearing the same sunglasses. Reno pulled off his shirt, leaving him in his black swim trunks. Pasty white. The sun was going to burn him, but Rude was just going to naturally tan. “Er.. ‘Lena, did you bring Sun Block?” she nodded and knew he wanted some. She was going to need it, too, being as pale as she was. She got Reno’s back smothered in a white latter of lotion. He had to admit, he liked the feeling of her touch. Her hands were so soft. It was very relaxing. “There, your back’s finished. Now get mine.” She turned around so he could later up her back. The strings keeping her swimsuit top on were tempting to pull. For his own pleasure of pissing her off, or because he wanted to see her top fall off before his eyes. Both. But he wouldn’t. He had the opportunity to piss her off so bad, but he didn’t. What a bad time to have morals or a conscious or whatever..

Elena was so child-like. She sat in the sand building a sand castle. Reno could have gone and went girl scouting but, he was engulfed in watching Elena build a sand castle. His eyes wandered to her breasts. God, she had a rack, for sure. She had to be a D, at least. He killed his cigarette in the sand and opened a beer. “It’s good to be away from depressing ol’ Midgar..” he thought out loud.

“Yeah.. I wouldn’t mind living here one day.” She smiled at him, but then, she saw he was staring at her tits, while he started licking his lips. She went bright red and threw her bucket at him, getting sand in his drink. She stormed off, fuming mad. Reno sighed and dumped out his sandy beer, and lit up a new cigarette, and opened another ice cold one.

“Sheesh ‘Lena… got a short temper or what?” He muttered to himself.

He watched her bump into a rather tall guy and he began to chat with her. She was looking at him, up and down, with his stupid long hair and a nice tan body. Reno sulked as she walked off with the stupid tan ‘God’ man. He sighed. He knew he was better than that beach bum. Wait, why did he care? He didn’t. He just didn’t want Elena to go off with Tan man from hell. It wasn’t a big deal, but then again, it was. It bothered him so much, but he didn’t understand why he felt so much anger for the man with tan skin and long dark hair. He punched himself in the gut, as a warning to himself. Rude returned from the water and looked at Reno.

“Swim?” he asked.

“Sure.. Get my mind off of things.”

He just quirked a brow at him and shrugged.


When Elena returned from walking with the big tan guy, she seemed disappointed. She joined the two ‘boys’ and pouted. The guy she had been with was married. And he was looking for a third party member. Elena immediately denied his offer and left. She sighed deeply and opened one of the three beers left in the cooler. “What, mr. tan godly man wasn’t up to your standards?” Reno sneered. She glared at him. A nasty stare down went on between the two of them.

“No, he wanted me to sleep with him and his wife.” she crossed her arms and looked away from the arrogant red head.

“..Psh.. Wait, what?” He paused. “That’s sick! Why would he do that with a lanky pasty tight ass like you? You’ve got Virgin practically stamped on your forehead.” Reno started laughing do hard, tears welled in his eyes.

Annoyed as hell, steaming mad, she threw her flip flips at him, and then the cooler. She grabbed up her stuff and left Reno and Rude standing at the beach. Elena walked off, without looking back at them. Rude looked at Reno and shook his head. “What?!” He continued to shake his head him, “RUDE, What?! What did I do?!” Rude laughed at him and picked up the cooler and the sandy towels, and Reno carried Elena’s Flip Flips.

Elena walked into the Suite and plopped her stuff down on the floor near her bed. She sat down on the bed, and thought for awhile. Why does he have to be such a fucking asshole to me? Just when he was getting tolerable, too. To think, that I even thought I had some sort of romantic feelings for him. Hah. What a joke.. I had better luck chasing after Tseng.. “Ugh!” She laid back on the bed and crossed her arms over her face as tears fell down from her eyes.

When the two scared men arrived at the Suite, Rude pushed Reno into the room first. To their surprise, Elena was sleeping like an angel. Reno regretted what he had said to her and sat on the bed. He lightly shook her. She opened her eyes and saw a box of chow mien. She smiled weakly and sat up. Reno bit his lower lip when he walked away, he didn’t want to stare at her in her small bikini with her breasts popping out of her top. She got dressed in real clothes and sat down to eat. Reno handed her a little piece of paper,

Sorry Lena, for being such an ass earlier…
