Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Fayth's Dreaming ❯ Fayth's Dreaming - Anima ( One-Shot )

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Fayth's Dreaming

By: Shiva of Ice

Disclaimer - Final Fantasy X is not of my Copyright, it belongs to Squaresoft…

Listen.. Listen to the story I am about to tell you.. My story of the life I live as a Fayth. Never to see my son, my family, nothing ever again. Just an endless dream. When will the dream stop? I want to stop dreaming.. I want to sleep in a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

My son.. I am only a Fayth because of him. I become one for him. I became his Aeon but he abused my power. He longed for more, much more. An aeon. What is an aeon? Is it the toy a summoner uses just to defeat Sin? Is it a living creature? Is it actually the spirit of the human that resides in its body? Maybe no one will ever know. The answer is a difficult one to answer, I cannot even say what it is.

How funny, it is. I was once used for the delicate touch of evil but, now.. now I am used to *defeat* Sin. To defeat him a summoner must lose their life and use an aeon to defeat Sin. But Sin is again reborn and that summoners life was just wasted, in trying to defeat him.

Sin cannot be stopped, he will never be stopped. It is futile to go against him. No one will ever be able to finally defeat him, send him off, allow the world to be in peace, allow us to finally stop dreaming. That will never happen.

Here I sleep, in the Ebon^ Temple. Will anyone come? Will someone take me away from my dreaming? Will sin be defeated? Never? He will NEVER be defeated!

I tell you, it's a funny thought, to think Sin will be defeated. My son would only use the power of Sin to destroy Spira and that is all my fault. It's my fault how my son turned out to be. My fault for never showing him the love of a mother shoulder show to her child. I left him alone, believing he had to learn what that was like.

Oh, my dear Seymour, can you forgive me? How my heart ached, to see you alone. But I didn't want anything to happen to you. My son.. The child of a human and a Guado. Oh I am sorry, my precious Seymour.

How I wanted to comfort you in your time of need but I couldn't, my heart willed against it but it also willed towards it and I couldn't.. I just couldn't come to you, my child.

I grow weary, of this dreaming. The dreaming of a place that once was and will never be again. A place that defied everything. That Zanarkand.. The place the dream boy came from. He will always be a dream, never real. Even his father was a dream, his mother, everyone he ever knew in the Zanarkand he came from was a dream.

I could laugh now, if I wanted to. But I can't, the pain is to great and if I tried to laugh the pain would only become worse and I don't want that to happen.

Yuna, Lord Braska's daughter.. I can feel her presence close by. Has she finished all her other trials? Is she coming to get me? I am just a Fayth.. An ugly, hideous fate from the fiery pits of hell. Why would anyone want my aeon? The aeon of darkness..

How evil I feel, being part of this aeon. Sometimes I forgot.. I forgot what it's like to be human and I end up in the brain of the aeon, the aeon Anima.

Forgive me, everyone I have ever loved, ever known, ever hurt.. I.. feel tired.. but I cannot sleep until the summoner arrives.. Maybe I didn't sense her.. Maybe it was another..

How I want to sleep, here, now, with no worries of my dreaming. I am only a dreaming Fayth, forced upon it by higher powers.. Please, daughter of Braska, let me sleep.. Let ALL of us Fayth sleep.. We aeon's, we Fayths, we humans.. just allow us to sleep. Allow me to be with my son, in the other realm, allow him to forgive me for being a bad mother..

Oh dear Yuna, save this Spira we live on.. Save it and never give up the hope that you hold in your heart. Save this land.. please.. defeat Sin…

~ - ~ End ~ - ~

^ - Ebon Temple is the Japanese name for the Baaj Temple, just felt like calling the Ebon Temple, dunno why, just did.

What's the significance of this story? I have no clue. I just felt sorry for Seymour's mother when I finally got Anima and she told the story of Seymour. I felt sorry for Seymour as well and I wanted to write a story on his mother. Don't know her name but she's a pretty woman in a disgusting creatures body..

Note - I was listening To Zanarkand while writing this story, if you liked it please feel free to e-mail me..