Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Feathers in the Meadow ❯ Faith ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Here's the second shot, for Eli - like I said, linked to the previous one. (Small note: Faith is my favorite girls' name).
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Theme #22: Cradle
Summary: Rinoa always said Squall needed a little bit of faith.
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Peering over the edge of the cradle, Squall's eyes rested gently on the dark haired baby that lay swaddled in a pastel pink blanket from the Deling City Hospital. It amazed him that this child had taken some many hours of labor, and so much physical strain on her mother; Rinoa giving birth made being a SeeD look easy. But what left him in absolute wonderment was the fact that he had helped in creating this life - a little bit of him and a little of her.
He had hoped to name their daughter Raine after his mother; even though he hadn't known her directly, it nagged at his heart that he didn't have any other connection to her except what he saw in the dream world. But Rinoa had stubbornly insisted on a single name, so Squall had finally given in. He had told her that he didn't understand why she had to be so mulish about it - it wasn't as if she had someone close to her with that name - but she had simply looked up at him and told him he'd understand it later.
Squall tentatively reached out and passed a calloused hand tenderly over his slumbering daughter's head. The baby smacked her lips as she made cooing noises, but not waking up. Squall felt a smile slip over his mouth as the baby did the same.
“Good morning, Faith,” he said softly, voice breaking into the comfortable quiet of the darkened room, as the curtains were drawn closed. He leaned over the railing and placed a loving kiss on Faith's forehead, closing his eyes as he let his lips linger there.
Arms circled around his middle from behind and with a kiss to the back of his shoulder, a whispered, “Good morning, Squall,” reached his ears.
Squall opened his eyes, carefully straightening up and turning to face his wife. He dipped his head, his eyes meeting her dark ones. “You should still be resting.”
Standing on her toes, Rinoa's lips met his for a light kiss, letting it last a few moments before dropping back onto her heels. She gave a short, quiet laugh, smiling at him. “I'm fine now, Squall, really. You worry too much.”
A long pause ensued with only the pleasant chirping of the birds that had made their nest in one of the rain gutters. He looked to the side. “...I just don't want something to happen to you. Faith was only born three days ago.”
A warm hand slid up his cheek, palm soft, and turned his face to meet hers. Rinoa's gaze met his steadily. “Squall, I'm all right. But...thank you. Later on I'll go take another nap. But I wanted to see you...and...hug you.” She smiled lightly. “It's been kind of hard to do with a big ol' belly in the way, you know?”
Squall chuckled at her ever-present innocence. He nodded before wrapping his arms around Rinoa, rather around her shoulders and holding her close. The scent of her hair tickled his nose - roses and vanilla - and he closed his eyes, laying a cheek on the top of her head.
Rinoa smiled to herself. Kissing his chest once and making herself comfortable there, she glanced over to their slumbering daughter. “Squall?”
“Remember when Irvine and Zell were trying to put the cradle together?”
Thinking back for a moment, Squall's form shook with silent laughter. “Yeah, I remember. Screws were littered all over the were sitting around them...”
“And you put it together in about half an hour,” giggled Rinoa.
Squall opened his eyes and gave somewhat of a nod. The couple stood there in the baby's room, listening to the gentle sounds of early day. The baby remained fast asleep - Squall thought she looked a lot like her mother then.
Looking up, Rinoa followed her husband's gaze with her eyes before smiling up at him. “Squall, she looks like you, too.” She moved out of their warm embrace - Squall internally bemoaning the loss of her warmth - and touched a hand to the white guard bar on the cradle.
He let his gaze follow her as he moved to the wall and leaned against it quietly.
A warm smile blossomed anew on her pretty lips, the tenderness reaching her eyes as her free hand touched her child's face. “See, here - she has your nose and your forehead...” Rinoa laughed to herself, quietly saying, “And she's just as cute as you are when you're sleeping.”
She turned slightly, half facing him. The soft glow of the morning light created a golden halo about her dark hair and played a similar aura about her form. “Yes, Squall?”
It was a feeling of absolute contentment - belonging - and protectiveness - love - that passed through him. So small, so simple - what were people really? Something that was born and would die everyday, something not constant, something Squall couldn't depend on.
At least that was how he used to feel. It wasn't as if the natural cycle of life had suddenly ceased, and life was still far from rosy, but seeing Rinoa and Faith... They gave him a reason to keep going, a reason for living.
They gave him something to believe in.
Squall watched his wife as she tipped her head in wonder, asking with a quirk of the corners of her lips, “Are you getting lost in your thoughts again?”
Keeping his eyes on her for a moment, he chuckled once, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “Nothing. I just got it.”