Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ FFX: Shallow Twilight ❯ Going Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kimahri had no idea how Rikku could weave her way through buildings the way she did, but she certainly had no trouble doing so. It only took her moments to find the food building she had selected. Kimahri, meanwhile, had spent the time looking around town. It was busy as always, people hurrying from point to point, everyone having too much to do, and not enough time to do it. He noted the way that the assorted races worked together... it seemed everything was built tall for Ronso, and was somewhat mechanical. Even the clothing stand sold assorted garments of assorted sizes. 'Did Tidus realize that this was going to happen when he made his sacrifice', Kimahri mused, silently. Still, as usual, he remained silent as they entered the building. Rikku hops up onto a bar stool, the particular establishment having a large front counter. Already she starts her order, the man behind the counter looking her over.

"Chimera filet... with a slice of Skoll on the side."

He blinks and eyes her.

"Ya don't look like ya can afford that dish, little lady... them's rare critters nowadays and even then the hunters have a hard time with those typ--"

She drops the sack of Gil on the counter and tilts her head to the side, the single long braid of hair hanging over her shoulder.

"And a glass of water." said with a smile. "Kimahri?"

Spinning around in her seat she looks up at him, for his order. Kimahri sat down, shifting his tail so it fell behind the stool. He did not have to hop, as his feet touched the ground naturally.

"Kimahri will have a large shred steak." He said. "Nothing more."

He watched around the room from his seat; his time as a guardian made this a natural occurrence. Nobody seemed particularly dangerous; it seemed as though everyone was busily speaking to their companions, and eating assorted food items. Something hit him. There wasn't a single Guado in the building. Come to think of it, he had only seen one Guado on this entire trip. The Guado still kept to themselves, in Guadosalam... unlike the Ronso and the Al Bhed. Speaking of which... Kimahri was somewhat curious as to what Yuna was now doing. He hadn't seen her in quite some time. Still, he shrugged it off for now, and awaited the food. Rikku, at the moment, is rather unable to sit still. Rather pleased with her recent 'acquisition' of Gil and now the prospect of a large meal has her slowly spinning around on the stool like a child. Despite her age she still retains those very perky moments when happy. As the food comes, she barely even notices Kimahri who seems occupied with something. Chowing down, she regards their position between bites and swallows.

"So... Kimmi... we going to stay here for another day or get going someplace?"

...we? Kimahri blinked, then half-smiled. It was not unlike Rikku to shove herself along. Still, Kimahri didn't really have anything he was doing himself, at the moment, so he shook his head.

"Kimahri was simply here to relax."

Something came to mind...

"How are the Al Bhed?"

He questioned, curious as to how 'Home' was doing. She shrugs, munching on a fair-sized piece of meat and swallowing half-gracefully.

"That's why I asked where we were going, Kimmi."
Rikku smiles up at him, that mischievous gleam in her eyes that matches the smile.

"Uncle Cid's been helping quite a bit with the re-construction. He's actually here in town speaking with Rin..."

Leaving it at that, and letting it sink in for Kimahri, she returns to her food. Kimahri blinked. Then sighed. He had walked right into that. He watched Rikku dig in pleasantly, and mentally was thankful that he really didn't have anything official to do for awhile. He had planned on heading back to make sure that the guards were going well, but... It wasn't worth it, thinking about what might have been. Kimahri chomped down the rest of his steak. So he was going to help work on Home now.

He glanced at the fleeting figure out the window. Bika? No... it couldn't have been. He shrugged it off, and waited patiently for Rikku to finish. And finish she does, dropping a sizable pile of Gil on the counter and hopping down from the stool.

"Anything you'd like to do before we leave? The airship's docked at the cliff."

Stretching a little, she bends down halfway, slightly impatient per usual.

"I don't know how long he's staying, and I don't think he knows I'm here. I haven't even spoken to Rin since we arrived."

Rin's Travel Agency is still the largest chain of outlets across Spira, and even in several cases, towns have sprung up around them. Kimahri stepped off of his stool, squinting at the window. No go.

"Kimahri is ready, Rikku."

He said, trotting out the door ahead of her. It was a habit more than anything, and not particularly one he wanted to break. He was just... cautious. Sure, Sin was gone, but fiends were still around... Spira still needed defending. Something clicked.

"Rikku has not told Cid that she wishes to help?"

She just smiles, and offers a wink and a disconcerting giggle associated with darker dealings.

"I've been busy... you should know that. Besides, I've only known since this morning when I saw the airship."

Despite the slow re-embrace of machina, only one airship still exists in the world, the technology associated a well-kept Al Bhed secret. And of course, that single airship means a single man and his crew. Rikku puts her arms behind her head and walks out of the building, eyes partially closed and that grin on her face.

"Kimahri understands."

He didn't, really, but not understanding was more simple than figuring out Rikku. The pair walked towards the airship's area. Some people had suggested stations be made for docking airship, but as there was only one right now, that wasn't a very viable suggestion. Still, all of Spira was looking to the future for once.


Kimahri turned his head. It was Garenko.

"Garenko needs something?"

The Ronso shook his head. "Garenko longs for the cold of the mountain..."

Garenko was one of the semi-numerous Ronso who had left Mount Gagazet. Absolutely nothing was stopping them from doing so, they just liked it there as a whole.

"But Garenko has business here." He nodded his head towards his supply of weapons. "Kimahri interested?"

Kimahri shook his head. Garenko shrugged. "Kimahri's loss."

Kimahri turned to Rikku. "Rikku want weapons?"

Rikku shakes her head, holding her arms up.

"I've got mine. The Ronso designs aren't really my style anyway."

She smiles and cocks her head to the side, but then her smile widens and she starts in a jog towards the moored airship.


The old, burly, and still bald man turns around, several Al Bhed gathered and loading crates aboard the ship behind him. Among them, Rikku's brother, waving and then returning to his work of loading cargo. Cid barely has time to react as Rikku literally leaps into his arms, hugging him around the neck. She smiles, her eyes half closed and the overhead sun casting a shine on her light hair.

"Uncle Cid! You don't intend to leave without me, do you?"

Kimahri again smiled. If nothing else, Rikku was certainly entertaining to watch. He crossed his arms, waiting for Cid to finish his strangled greeting.

"Kimahri and Rikku wished to help rebuild Home."

He said bluntly, not wasting time. Rikku nods, still in the somewhat surprised arms of Cid.

"Its been a while since we've been back, and the repairs are nearing completion, aren't they?"

Cid nods slightly, gently putting her down.

"Salvage operations have uncovered more, and within a handful of months, we should be back up at full operational capacity. If you two'd like to help, you're welcome to come aboard. And its good to see you, Rikku. Rin's been asking about you."

His voice is gruff and good natured, as he turns for the main hatch. Cargo mostly loaded, Cid himself grabs a crate and gestures to Kimahri to grab the last as Rikku runs ahead, boarding the airship. Kimahri bent his knees, hoisting the final crate, and followed behind Cid. He still didn't believe that the machina could fly. Not at all. It was amazing, watching the clouds soar by, particularly when Cid flew quickly. It was less amazing when Cid showed off his newfound ability to perform stunts, as that made this particular Ronso's stomach perform tricks of its own. He plunked the crate down next to the others... and squinted at it for a bit. It looked slightly different than the rest, a little lighter. Of course, nothing said that Cid couldn't have more than one shade of crate color, so Kimahri let it be, and walked behind Rikku, who seemed to be heading for the bridge. Already the airship starts to take off, Rikku stopping in the main corridor area to look out a window. Spanning outward, the large, flat area of the Calm Lands and its city. Further back, Mount Gagazet in all of its glory. She turns from the window and leans against it, feeling the movements of the massive vessel as it takes flight. Folding her hands across her chest, she looks up at Kimahri, head tilted a bit.

"They've been rebuilding for years now... the damaged caused by the Guado was severe. The hardest part, Cid told me a while back, was clearing the sand out. There's still a lot, and the structural damage takes time."

She sighs and shakes her head. "I still fear, Kimmi. The Guado seem to have withdrawn further into their shells since Sin passed."

Kimahri inclined his head slightly. "The damage done by those who are not Sin is as severe as that of Sin itself. All of Spira was damaged greatly."

He then turned his thinking towards the Guado. "Without Maester Seymour or any other Maesters to guide them, the Guado may still be hiding out of fear."
Not quite what he really believed, but was a sensible explanation. Seemingly unsure of this, Rikku shrugs and pushes off from the window.

"Guadosalam has nearly gone underground."

She sighs, and starts for the bridge. "Uncle Cid seems to have found a lot of things... Rin and his associates must have been busy to load so many crates." musing aloud, she drifts through the doors to the bridge and watches the goings on.

"How soon until we land..?" Cid nods to the window absently, the ship traveling at high speed, cutting across the sky like a penguin in water.

"Soon, Rikku." In the pilot's chair her brother responds in Al Bhed. <Fifteen minutes, Rikku.> She simply nods, leaning on the back of the seat and watching the window.

Kimahri leaned against a wall, his spear on his chest. There had been a time where Ronso had considered doing the same. They had simply hid on their mountain, forbidding access to the outside world. One Ronso had spoken out against this, and was thrown off the mountain. But he went on, and continued to be the first Ronso to aid in the fight against Sin, guarding a summoner as the summoner had successfully defeated Sin. Kimahri smiled; history lessons had a habit of popping into his mind. He simply had to watch himself... being too wrapped up in one's mind made one careless. He yawned, tongue extending out of his mouth as he did so, not unlike that of a cat, as they neared the 'new' Home. All at once the view outside of the airship is clouded by dust and sand, the lift-giving devices kicking up dirt and sand as the ship lands at Home. As the dust clears, the massive towers surrounding Home come into view just ahead, a makeshift landing pad of metal and brick surrounding the ship. The metallic towers glow a fiery orange, sunset falling on this side of Spira, shimmering metal of worker's equipment and machina work bots alike seem to swarm about the structure like insects on a meal. Cid nods to Rikku and Kimahri, departing for the cargo hold to help unload. Rikku herself smiles at the view, the scene of Home in its glory quite a heartening sight. Kimahri raised an eyebrow. Home was certainly looking better and better... And downright full of machina. Now that the Al Bhed could work without hindering from Yevon, they were obviously abusing their ability to have machina. Kimahri wondered if Home would become the next Zanarkand... ... he clenched his eyes shut. Now there was a bad choice of words, and not what he had meant at all. So he cleared his mind of that.

"Where should we begin, Rikku?" Questioned Kimahri.

She just shrugs at Kimahri's question, still watching everyone and everything at work. Independent salvage operations all around Spira seem to have contributed nicely to the overall stock of materials and mechanical 'help' in refurbishing Home. And, from appearances, this load would be the last. Now alone on the bridge with Kimahri, Rikku stands up and turns for the door.

"Come on, Kimmi... we'll have to go inside to see where help is needed... Uncle Cid might need cargo assistance as well."

She smiles, hands behind her back, Kimahri somewhat blocking her path as it is. Kimahri nodded, and stepped inside.... ..followed by hopping backwards, away from a sizeable carrying machina which lumbered by. Kimahri watched it go, surprised. He had never seen a machina quite like that one before. Still, he shrugged, and continued walking a bit longer.

"Hey, buddy! Mind givin' me a 'and over 'ere!"
turned his head. It was a human, definitely not an Al Bhed by the voice, but dressed identically to everyone else. He was straining to hold a hand-sized box. Kimahri, somewhat confused, walked over to him and grabbed it in his paw, hoisting as the man let go. To his surprise, he nearly dropped it. This item was extremely heavy... which was something, considering how small it was. Kimahri found himself using both paws to carry it, as he strained to move it onto the cart.

The human pushed the cart away, as Kimahri turned around, looking to see where Rikku had gone. Rikku seems lost in her own thoughts, much more quiet than usual. Ignoring the bustle of humans, Al Bhed, and machina all around her, she runs a hand down the smooth metal of a support pillar. Years ago the very courtyard in front of the main entrance was a scene of blood and destruction, leaving nearly everything in a ruin. She frowns slightly, recalling those memories, and being much more silent than usual. Face lighting up a bit, she lowers her hands and looks around for Kimahri. Spotting him momentarily, she whistles and waves her arms in the air, gesturing for him to follow as she turns for the wide open metal doors leading deeper. Kimahri followed Rikku. He still found himself lost amidst the machinery of the area... maybe someday, he'd understand machina, but as of now... A part of him still was against its usage. A minor part, now... but certainly an existing part. Which stood to reason... he had (like the majority of the world, let alone the majority of Ronso) dedicated most of his life to Yevon's teachings. But, as he had told Tidus on the 'snowboard', and later Rikku herself, Rikku was Rikku. Neither had really realized how 'dramatic' of a comment that was... it meant that Kimahri was beginning to open his eyes. But just beginning... decades of thought couldn't be wiped clean overnight.

He did see a sizeable amount of people moving the crates from point to point, which looked like a good place for him to start helping, giving his own personal strength. Still, he followed Rikku, as she knew her way around, and likely would know the 'best' thing to do... ...after all, it was her homeland.

All around there are still remnants of the battle with the Guado, regardless of the years of repairing. Walls still scorched by machina weapons and magic alike, piles of refuse and debris stacked up for hauling out or melting down seem to paint the picture of the time passed. Rikku makes her way in, weaving through those gathered and working, looking for the living quarters. The living quarters, almost a barracks, halls of rooms housing one or two persons. All of them are cleared now, a handful of people hanging about and chatting in doorways. Al Bhed greetings are exchanged in words and gestures, Rikku halting near the end of a hall. Entering in a personal key code near a door, she watches a door slide open with little sound. Before her is one of the larger rooms, and from the look on her face, no doubt her own. She whispers softly in her own language, eyes tracing the walls, everything so different in contrast to her last visit so many years ago.


Kimahri smiled. Although he didn't understand the word, the feeling was easily perceived. This was someplace special, someplace important to Rikku... someplace she was glad she still had. That wasn't taken away by an outside force. Kimahri had had a similar experience... only his was a person, as opposed to a place. Still, he figured that it might be best to give her some time to herself... some time to relax. "Kimahri needs to help with the crates..." He said softly, excusing himself. Rikku nods, allowing Kimahri his leave. The room itself is rather bare bones, metal plates gleaming from being welded on over cracks and scorch marks. A single locker and bed populate the room, anything else would have been personal additions, but with Rikku's absence everything remained untouched after the refurbishing. The door sliding shut behind her, she takes a few slow steps deeper into the room. Artificial light bathes the room in a soft glow while cool air filters through a handful of ventilation ducts. Curious to the extreme, her eyes trace the locker, giving Rikku the urge to at least take a look. The metal creaks as she opens it and the contents spark a smile on her face. Seems Cid had left something for her, in the shape of a pair of gloves. A bit more 'open' in the non-covert sense than the pair she wears, considering the blades and spikes attached aren't hidden at all, she starts the process of sliding them on to her arms. Again, she smiles, this time at the feeling of cold metal and smooth leather. A voice speaks up from behind her, in Al Bhed, Cid standing in the doorway.

<"Knew I'd find ya here... knew you'd like 'em, too. Woulda given 'em to ya a lot sooner, but I've not seen ya since Sin. Treat 'em well.">

Rikku just smiles, not having turned around. <"Thank you, Uncle Cid... Everything's coming back together again.">

Stretching her arms out, she stands, looking her hands over. The length of the gloves is almost chain mail, the links of metal bearing blades at various intervals. The knuckles themselves are ringed with metal and bearing curved spikes, an interesting, and deadly appearance on the young woman's arms. A grin crosses Cid's face and he claps Rikku on the shoulder, turning for the door.

<"You're welcome, my girl! Now come and help out--"> His voice is drowned out in an instant as an alarm blares at the edge of the hall, every light shifting from white-orange to a deep crimson. Cid's face becomes grave and he lets go of her shoulder. <"Damn it!"> Rikku only shakes her head, Cid cursing and charging back down the hallway. Folding her arms across her chest, she sighs, and follows him, shoes clanking on the metal of the hallway.