Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 7-10 yaoi crossover ❯ Vacation ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is my cute `little' Final Fantasy crossover.

This first part is pretty harmless but in the following parts, there will be a lot of yaoi ^^ The world where the story takes place is a combination of all four Final Fantasy parts with Midgar as capital.

I just wanted to thank Kia (you should read her stories too. They are GREAT!!!) for helping me with the translation!!!


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It was one of those days, on which anything goes wrong. Everything started in the first lesson. It's a very nice feeling if you get to know that you are going to write an exam in five minutes! In the last few days I spend every minute fighting against Cifer and not looking into my books as I should have done!

I already knew that I was going to fail! My achievements at school weren't very good.

The exam was about fighting strategies and Guardian Forces but my strength was to use my knowledge in practice.

I headed to the canteen, bought a tea (which was already cold) and went to my room to relax from this shattering result. I wanted to stay alone for the rest of the day, but... as I already said: It wasn't my day!

After a while Xell appeared in my room. As usual without knocking or something else.

"Hey, Squall! Good news!", he shouted, jumped onto my bed and threw the teacup from the bedside table. The tea poured over the carpet and became a little lake. I knew that I wouldn't have to say anything. One angry look was enough and he cleaning up the mess with his usual grin.

"And what about your `good news'?", I asked, only to get rid of him.

At once he wanted to tell me about his news again. "I've been to Cid and you don't know what he just told me!"

He was right! I really didn't know but I was sure that he would tell it in a minute.

"We've got two weeks vacation!"

Vacation? Two weeks? What should I do in this time? There wasn't anything to do here anyway. The only advantage was the fact that I wouldn't have to learn for any exams. But this wasn't all.

"It's great to spend two weeks with my best friends!"

"Nani?" Stop! Was he going to stay here the whole time? "Don't you want to go to Balamb or somewhere else?"

Suddenly Xell started laughing. "Sounds like I forgot to tell you, that we're going to stay in Midgar for two weeks."

This couldn't be true! "Midgar? Why? And who's going to come with us?"

My shock seemed to amuse the blonde guy. "Cid said that it would be good if we'd spend more time together to become a better team. That's why you, I, Cifer an Irvine are going to Midgar!"

Part 1


So that's how it started. I asked Xell if the girls weren't going with us. He told me that Quistis had to do a lot of work, Selphie had a special mission and Rinoa was very ill. Whatever... Quistis was the only girl I would have liked to join us. This vacation was at least a chance to escape Rinoa. I really can say that I hate this woman!

24 hours later we were sitting in a train to Midgar. Somehow everybody was happy about this trip. Everybody except me! Cifer told us with how many woman he was going to sleep with in these two weeks but Irvine was sure that he would get much more! Xell was staring out of the window and couldn't await to arrive at Midgar. I was busy all the time, thinking about what I should possibly do within these two weeks. Hitting on woman wasn't my thing and sitting around in some bars and getting drunk for several days also didn't seem to be the best way of spending my time. At least we were going to stay in a pretty good hotel. Where I could relax a little, if noting else.

Thanks to Xell we had no chance not to notice when we finally arrived at Midgar.

We took our suitcases, left the train and were busy with staring at the city for some time. No one of us had ever been to this city before, so we had no idea how big everything was around here. With its extend, Midgar was able to rival even Estar! Though I had to say that Estar seemed cleaner, a lot cleaner and comfortable than this place, however my father might have managed to keep that status after he became president.

Xell and Irvine would have left immediately to have a closer look at the city if they had the chance, but Cifer and I didn't let them. At first they had to help us with taking the baggage to the hotel, so we called for a taxi and left toward the hotel. The ride took half an hour of time more since the building was situated in the center of the city and, of course, I was the one who got the honor of paying for the taxi... which was neither comfortable nor low-prized. But the chance of sending the others away and relaxing in my room made it a lot easier for me to bear that.

"We're coming from the Balamb Garden. Here are four rooms reserved for us, on the name Leonheart." I said as I reached the reception.

The man behind the counter tipped something into his computer, than he looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Sir. We are booked-up. Right now all rooms are occupied."

I heard myself sigh. This could only be a bad joke, couldn't it...? I threw the paper Cid had given me on the counter and looked at the man angrily. (Squall-Leonheart-death-glare^^)

"Look again, would you?"

He took the paper and had another look at his computer screen. In the meantime Cifer came over and grinned like an idiot.

"What's the matter?" he asked. "Are you too stupid to fetch a few keys?"

"This guy says there wouldn't be a reservation for us." I grumbled while I tried to stay calm somehow.

"Ah! It was the thing with the Garden!" another man who had just joined his college to help him said suddenly.

"What do you mean: `The thing with the Garden'?" I asked suspiciously.

"We send you a letter two days ago to let you know that we had to give your rooms to another guest suddenly."

A really bad joke, indeed.

"To another guest? But you can't just do that! Where are we supposed to sleep now?"

I wasn't able to stay calm anymore. Nor did I want to.

"Well, it happens to be a very important guest and so..."

"HEY; SQUALL!" Xell, who was already pasted onto the window again yelled suddenly and pointed at something outside the building. "Look who's coming over here!"

"Xell, I don't have time for..." I turned around and as I saw who actually was coming over her I almost coughed my words. It was my father, of all people, with Kiros walking beside him as usual. What the hell were they doing here? Was he in the end the `very important guest' those people had been talking about? Theoretically it would have been the best to leave immediately but it was too late - he already had seen me.

"Look, Kiros, who's over there!" he said happily and started running toward me.

I remember screaming inside my mind as he took me into his arms and pressed me to him so that the scream never had a chance to come to existence for all the air was pressed out of my lungs. I cold hear how the others started to laugh. God, it was so embarrassing but my father didn't seem to mind. Well, why should he, anyway? That guy was never embarrassed by anything!

As soon as I had gotten over the first shock and was finally able to move again I pushed him away.

"Stop that nonsense!" I yelled. I felt myself blush. Why, just why, couldn't Kiros be my father? Kiros was reasonable and didn't take every chance to make an idiot of himself.

"What are you doing here?" Laguna asked with a huge grin on his face.

"We are on vacation. But it looks like our rooms have been given away." Xell explained, who was getting along with my father pretty well.

"Arw, that's a pity, isn't it?" said father answered more or less serious. He thought for a moment an then he looked at Kiros. "I'm sure we have a little space left for the boys, don't we?"

Kiros placed the baggage he was carrying all alone for some time already on the floor and moved over to him.

"Of course we have. It was you who had to order the half floor, remember?" he grumbled.

The half floor? Did he have too much money all of a sudden which he had to spend compulsive?

"He! We don't have to pay for it and when someone offers it to us, why should I say `no'?"

Irvine joined our small group and our conversation.

"Who the hell would offer to pay for someone half a floor in the most expensive hotel of the city?" he wondered.

Laguna grinned idiotically and lowered his honor enough to give us an explanation.

"A pretty influential man invited me to visit him. That's why we are here."

Suddenly it all became too much for me. I needed fresh air, and soon!

Without paying any attention to the others I left the lobby to finally get a bit calmer. They could take care of the rooms and the baggage alone, I didn't care.

I had no idea where I was running to. Everything looked just the same here. Everywhere I saw gigantic buildings reaching into the sky. There was not the slightest sign of green or nature anywhere. It wasn't hard to understand why nobody wanted to live here and everyone left for the country. The farther I went, the poorer and shabbier my surroundings became. The streets were mostly empty and the few people that came to my view seemed to be pretty dubious. At times I really wished I had taken my gunblade with me. I finally decided to go back to the hotel but that wasn't as easy as I had thought. Why the hell did everything had to look like everything else in this damn city?!

At some time I sensed someone following me. Every time I turned around I saw nothing but the empty street behind me. Against my will I started walking faster, but the foul feeling stayed in my stomach. I had to admit that I was slowly starting to panic. But why? Even without my weapon I was more than able to defend myself. But the bad feeling told me that whoever was following me was more of a challenge than I could handle. So I decided to run away. Again and again I looked behind me and again and again there was no one and nothing, but the shadows of the city. To make things even worse I had no idea where I was or where I was running to.

In the end what had to happen, happened: I stumbled over my own feet and fell hard onto the floor. Of course! That was, what I needed right now!

Just the second I tried to come back to my feet again I saw a dark shadow over me. The shadow of a man looking down on me. I knew immediately that this person had been the reason for my mindless running away.

But now I couldn't run anymore.

- End of part 1-