Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ The Great Hall ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After walking down endless halls, for what seemed like hours, the group comes to a huge, brown and gold colored door. "Here's the Great Hall," Riku said, the three kids in awe. "This is your cafeteria and party area pretty much. Come on, they're waiting on us." He pushed open the huge door and entered the gigantic room, followed by Raven, Lega, and Salira. Inside were many tables and students. They all seemed to eye the new comers. As Riku passed by three empty seats, he pointed to them and called over his shoulder, "You three sit here." He continued to walk to the front of the room where one long table stretched from one side to the other, filled with people who looked over twenty years of age on one side, facing the entire room. Riku stood in front of the middle chair, waiting for Salira, Raven, and Lega to sit down before speaking. Everyone began to talk, the room soon filled with voices. The professors remained silent, however. Raven sat next to some guy about his age and soon began to engage in a conversation. Salira sat next to a boy around her age and said nothing. Lega, too, kept silent as he sat between Salira and Raven.

"You shy or somethin'?" the boy next to Salira asked. Salira looked at the boy and didn't answer. She kept quiet. The boy had short, black, spiky hair and dark blue eyes. He wore dark clothes as well. "The name's Sicotto. And you are?" There was no answer. "You're a shy one. Hardly talkative I see," Sicotto stated. Salira still didn't answer. "If you want to make some friends, you better get used ta talking. For a start, tell me your name," he teased, trying to get a smile on Salira's face.

"Salira…" mumbled Salira.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Couldn't hear ya that time. Say it again," Sicotto continued.

"Salira…" Salira answered a little louder, but not enough for Sicotto to hear.


"Salira," she remarked. Salira began to laugh to herself.

"That's better, Salira. It wasn't that hard now was it? Next let's find a topic to…" Sicotto started, but was cut off by a piercing "Bing, ding, ding" from Riku tapping his spoon on a glass cup. It grew silent. Raven and his friend stopped talking, and looked at Riku, like everyone else in the room. "Welcome new students and continuing students to Black Rose Academy," Riku started as he placed the cup and the spoon back on the table. He continued, "We will start by introducing the professors to the new students, though some of the professors aren't with us at the moment, go over some school news, and then to the feast. I'm Headmaster Riku, now Aegwyn please start us off." Riku sat down and a guy on the far left stood. He had short black hair, his eyes were a brown color, and wore a white lab coat for an outfit. "I'm Professor Aegwyn. I teach first, second, and fifth year students Black Magic." He sat down and the guy next to him with dark red eyes and spiky brown hair stood. He wore dark pants and a red shirt. "I'm Professor Karowitz and I teach third and fourth year Black Magic and all six years in the Chocobo Farm." Karowitz sat down.

"A Chocobo Farm? Please tell me their kidding," Lega remarked in a whisper.

"No they're not. This is my third year here, I should know if they were kidding or not," Sicotto said.

A female stood up this time, it was Centris. "Professor Centris and I teach all six years of Fighting." She nudged at Karowitz to stand up. "Get up you two," she whispered to him and Aegwyn. The two guys stood up. A gentleman stood next to Centris. "I'm Professor Myuko and I, too, teach all six years in Fighting along with sixth year students Black Magic." He put his long brown hair into a ponytail and let his bangs hang freely at the sides of his face, making his blue eyes visible. Another male stood up next to Myuko. He, too, wore a white lab coat. He had short spiky blonde hair and blue-green eyes, which had somewhat of a glow to them. "I'm Professor Mariku and I teach the Items class for the one through six year students."

Lega looked at Salira, "He reminds me of your dad, but without the coat." Salira agreed with him.

"I'm Professor Kidra," a female started as she stood up, "And I teach White Magic for first, second, and fourth year students along with first year Blue Magic." Two identical women stood next to Kidra. The woman on the left spoke first, "I'm Nawvi and I teach White Magic for third, fifth, and sixth year students." The one next to her spoke immediately after, "And I'm Casi. I teach years two, three, and four Blue Magic."

"Twins?! What has this world come to?" Raven quietly joked, making his friend, Lega, Salira, and Sicotto laugh to themselves. "Uh…good thing they don't teach the same thing," he continued.

"We'll now introduce the dressphere professors. This is a class we have had for two years now," Riku said as he stood up and the standing professors sat back down. "Please stand when I call your name. Kyando…Scata…Arrogena…Genovu…Rayi…Jeno… " As he called their names, one person stood up each time their name was said. They sat down as soon as Riku began to speak, "These next six people teach a special class known as the BRMSeeD. This class is a special training class where you will learn about all of the different kinds of materia, and stuff like that. Also in this class, you have the opportunity to learn about things even if you aren't in that specific class on your schedule. As I call your name, please stand. Mitia…Cindaty…Drakman…"

"I wish to kill him!" Lega mumbled to himself. "I think we all do," Raven replied as he overheard Lega.

"…Kenoto…Zack…and Sinacota." There was a small pause, then Riku continued, "You may sit down now." The ones standing sat down, leaving Riku the only one standing. "As most of you are aware, we had some trouble earlier today. Three of our students have proven themselves to be well educated. Not from here, no. Three new students. One's who have never set foot on this floor until now. The girl, whom has been in the infirmary, has made a remarkable recovery. The three kids took on a machine to save lives. With this, they've proven themselves as year three students. And are to be in the BRMSeeD class. These three students are…" Raven tried to act natural, Lega slouched in his chair, and Salira put her head down. "Lega Yahto, Raven Cyril, and Salira Strife," Riku finished. There was applause and cheering within the students. Once it calmed down, Riku added, "Now we may eat."

As people filled their plates with food, Lega asked, "Why did he have to say that?" "Don't know…Look at the bright side, we skipped two years," Raven answered. They continued to talk, including Raven's new friend. "So you're a third year now," Sicotto said as Salira began to put food on her plate; his was already filled, "We might be in the same classes. I'm a BRMSeeD student too. I can help you out if you need it." "Thanks," Salira replied. She pulled her necklace out and held it tightly in her hand. "Hey don't hold it to tight, you'll end up breaking it," Sicotto said, noticing what Salira was doing.


After a few hours in the Great Hall, the headmaster dismissed everyone to his or her dormitories. Raven and Lega shared one, Salira had her own, and Sicotto shared one with some person by the name of Irvine. Salira opened the door to hers. As she entered, she turned on the light and nicely noticed her suitcase was nicely leaned against the wall next to her. Salira picked it up and tossed it on her bed after shutting the door. She began to unpack, when someone knocked on the door. Salira went to answer it, but before she could, a letter was slid under it. She picked up the letter instead and opened it. There were three pages; the first one read:

Welcome Salira Strife. At this school you will learn fighting techniques, stances, magic, etc. Even though you're a first year student, you have proven to be educated as a third. You are, as well, a BRMSeeD student. This page will explain some rules, the second page is your class schedule, and the third is a note from your BRMSeeD instructor.


Since you are a BRMSeeD student, you are required to wear a uniform (located in your closet) everyday except for the weekends and your missions.

You must be on time for classes.

Be quiet in the library


You are allowed to visit other dormitories, but not after 10!

Salira skipped the rest of the page, and turned to the second. It read:

Here is your schedule. Occasionally you will be called out of your classes for your BRMSeeD classes or missions if you're not already in that class. This schedule will tell you the period, time, class, and instructor in that order. Along with breaks and stuff like that.

Until 6:30 AM, there will be no wondering around the halls (that goes for all students)

At 8: 15 AM you must be at the Great Hall for breakfast.

9:00 AM- go back to Dormitories to get ready for your classes

1st Period/ 9:20 AM- Black Magic Year 3 with Professor Aegwyn

2nd Period/ 11:20 AM- White Magic Year 3 with Professor Nawvi

12:20 PM- go to the Great Hall for lunch (each lunch time is different depending on which year you are and what schedule you have)

2nd Period/ 1:10 PM- White Magic Year 3 with Professor Nawvi/ Items Year 3 with Professor Mariku

3rd Period/ 2:10 PM- Fighting Class Year 3 with Professor Centris and Professor Myuko

4:10 PM- Report to BRMSeeD Year 3 with Instructor Drakman till 6:10 PM

6:45 PM- Go to the Great Hall for dinner

7:40 PM- 10:00 PM - Free Time


Salira turned to the last page and read the first few paragraphs that were pretty much about what she'll be doing. Then she stopped and put the papers on a small desk next to her bed. Salira continued to unpack. She came across a small sphere like object. It was clear but had a small tint of blue for a glow. It felt warm in her hands. She didn't know what to do with it, so she hid it in her suitcase. It must be from my father, she thought. When she finished unpacking, Salira slid the suitcase under her bed and flopped on the bed. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.
