Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 2 ❯ An Unthoughtful Welcome ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Salira continued to sing. Shade and Lega sat near by seemed to admire her as she sung. Leigh kept quiet while leaning against a wall, and Raven sat away from the group to kept an eye out for Sephiroth. "The daily things, that keep us all busy… Are confusing me…That's when you came to me and said… Wish I could prove I love you…But does that mean I have to walk on water?… When we are older you'll understand…it's enough when I so, and maybe some things are that simple." After she sung the verse, Salira got flashbacks from her past…first her father saving her from NeoShinRa…then an old friend…Her father saving her from Sephiroth about a year ago…then her old friend again. He can't still be alive, can he? I mean I haven't seen him in years…and the letter could have just been some kind of joke.

"That song…it…nevermind…we shouldn't stay in one place too long. It would be unwise. Come we must move," Raven remarked as he stood up and walked toward the rest of the group. "What an odd group we have assembled here…very strange."

Salira bend down to pick up her sword and clipped it on her back. The pain in her arm died down a bit, but not a whole lot. "I guess I can agree," she softly joked.

"So I guess I will follow you then…and fight by your side and Lega's until…until I can no longer."

"What? You planning to die on us, Raven?" There was a small laugh coming from Salira.

"…no…it would be hard for me to…" Even Raven had a small laugh.

The young man behind the pillar crept a little closer when he slipped and fell on his face. "SHIT!" he yelled. He quickly stood up and grabbed his chest. "NO! Where did it go!" he yelled as he dropped to his hands and knees and started to look through the dirt for his locket that he dropped when he slipped.

In the background, "Shit!" echoed throughout the church. Raven turned in the direction that he heard it from. "What was that? Did you hear anything?" Salira and the others noticed the noise as well. They all stood up and looked around. Raven decided to walk over to the sound, his blade drawn for battle. He looked around but it was too dark to see. "It's too dark to see anything…" Raven mumbled to himself as he slowly walked toward the area where the word "SHIT!" was yelled.

The young man on the ground heard footsteps and looked up to see Raven walking toward him. "Crap…they heard me," the young man whispered. He crept back behind the pillar when a loud crunch was heard. The young man looked back at Raven's feet and saw the broken chain of the locket he wore. Raven didn't seem to notice. "Damn you!" the young man yelled as he was overcome by a large orange burst of light. He quickly drew his lance. He threw his spear at Raven. The spear missed Raven entirely and stabbed a piece of wood near Leigh. Leigh heard the spear before she saw it flying toward her and dodged amply. She responded with no words, just a gunshot. Her aim was off, though, and the bullet hit a wall and ricocheted into a trashcan. She looked around and saw the person who threw the spear and began to walk toward him and Raven, gun drawn.

"What the…" Raven started. He watched as the spear zoomed by and landed next to Leigh, along with her response. As Leigh approached the area, Raven turned back to the young man, "So a fight is it!"


What a weak little girl. She has no will to fight, and the time she discovers it, it won't do her any girl. She'll be dead. Raven and Lega, her two best friends, sure seem to care for her but still, they're not a threat. That girl better enjoy her short life! The thought could only belong to one person…Sethrinn! She hid within the shadows being unnoticed, and watching the group, just arriving to see the shot from Leigh ricochet in the trashcan.


Salira's eyes locked onto their new encounter. He looked so familiar to her, though she couldn't remember where she had seen him before. She knew he wouldn't mean any harm to the group, and ran between Raven, Leigh, and the young man. "Wait! Stop! Please don't fight!" She yelled clearly for all to hear. Leigh lowered her gun and Raven putted away his sword. "I won't fight then," Raven remarked. He trusted Salira, and knew she probably knew something that they didn't. Leigh remained quiet, her eyes locked on the young man slowly moving in front of the pillar. She didn't trust him right off, and kept her hands ready to draw her gun and fire. Salira turned to the young man and then to Raven. "Please get off of the necklace, Raven," Salira said softly.

"Necklace?" Raven replied, quite confused, as he looked down, under his foot, to see a locket with a broken chain. He quickly realized what Salira had meant and stepped back. "Oh…sorry…" Salira walked over and picked up the necklace. As she held it in her hands, she recognized the pendent. Odd…she thought to herself. Salira walked back to the young man and handed him the locket. "Here…I think this is yours," Salira said as she gave the locket back. The young man replied quietly, "Thank you." Raven stepped up and apologized to him, "Sorry for the problem…It won't happen again." Soon after, Raven looks back at the church's shadowed area. He sensed something bad, something dark over there. "Hmm…"

Salira noticed. "What are you looking at, Raven?" she asked as she turn to face the same direction that Raven was facing. Once again, her right arm throbbed in pain. A small moan escaped. Something's not right over there. I sense something bad, Salira thought. The pain in her arm increased rapidly. She fell on her knees because of the pain. Never has the pain in her arm been this bad.

"I guess I'll go check it out," Raven remarked. He noticed Salira was in pain, and somehow knew the cause lurked in the shadows ahead.

"Please be careful!" Salira called after Raven. You could tell in her voice that she was in major pain.

"I will…don't worry…I'm one of those that are hard to get rid of. I'll explain that later," Raven replied. He quietly walked into the shadows of the church, not really knowing where he was going.

Salira nodded. Blood was seeping through the bandages on her arm. Her breathing increased. She had to lean on something, that or lay down. It felt as if her body was being torn apart. How is my wound getting worse? Leigh, Shade, Lega, and the young man all seemed to have noticed the crazy event happening. "Alright…then something's back here…something with evil intentions. Luckily, I can sense these things, but it is well hidden," Raven mumbled harshly under his breath. He looked around the shadows for this "thing". Lega quickly ran to Salira and tended to her wounds. He, himself, had no idea how this was happening, nor did anyone else. The young man with the locket dashed over to his spear and pulled it out of the wood. He then ran near the shadows and stopped, ready for anything about to pop out. Leigh held her gun, ready to fire, ahead of Raven. "Hey, Raven! We have more important things to worry about then playing hide-and-go-seek with some shadow!" Lega yelled at Raven, loudly. He then continued to care for Salira.

Thoughts ran through Salira's mind about the chaos happening. Can Sephiroth really be back…he's the one who attacked me…Could he be here? It's the only reason that my wound would hurt this bad. The sword, it will only hurt if his sword was here! "The sword!" Salira yelled as she jolted up. The wound got worse, and Salira fell back down. "Damn," she sneered under her breath. Lega, shocked, tried to calm her down.

"I'm not playing, Lega!" Raven replied to Lega. As he looks around, he noticed a figure in the dark. "Hey, you there! What are you doing!" He seemed to have caught the person's attention and ran toward the figure, soon tackling it. "Answer me…what are you doing?!" It was then. Suddenly, a dark figure seemed to fade in behind Raven and picked him up by the collar. "I suggest you leave my daughter alone," the figure said in a deep, menacing tone. It threw Raven against the wall, where a distinct thud could be heard. "Darling be more careful next time," it said, looking down at the dark figure in the shadows of the church. It began to walk slowly toward Salira, the shadows seemed to move with it, keeping it's details hard to determine. Only as it stood above Salira where three things noticeable- it's long flowing hair fluttering in the wind, it's piercing green eyes and it's distinct, huge sword tied to its back stretching from neck to ground curving outwards. "Salira, long time no see. Too bad daddy's not here to save you this time," it said in a sickly, evil voice. "I don't know what your doing with these hoodlums but my offer still stands come with me to SOLDIER peacefully or by force. I'll only ask once. But first..."

It started to walk back away from the shadows; waving a hand, it said to itself, "Enough of this charade." Light filled the once shadowy plaza and the figure was now clear to anyone who lived to remember the unspeakable evil, the myth of the past- the 1st Class Soldier- Sephiroth. "Well, Salira. Time's up, what's it to be?" His piercing eyes locked on Salira, who was quite frightened as well as most of the others were.

Leigh recognized Sephiroth immediately - no other being could so perfectly match the horrifying descriptions her family had given her. Without a word she began to fire bullet after bullet straight at his head. The metal slugs seemed to wind through air and around the madman's form, though - it was as if he could bend space itself. As her eyes widened in shock, she heard Sephiroth's vicious cackle as his attention was turned in her direction. She was going to stall him just long enough for Salira to do something - attack or get to safety, if need be. She lifted her golden gauntlet and motioned a "bring it"-type gesture with the hand that would remind Sephiroth very clearly of the Vincent he'd fought not so long ago.

Lega stepped between Salira and Sephiroth. His blade was drawn, and he wasn't very happy. He knew Salira wouldn't be able to get up. Salira slowly took off her necklace. It was painful, but she didn't care. She knew, as well, she wouldn't be able to get out of this. Shade stood next to Lega, helping to protect Salira, while the unknown young man stayed in his spot and sent a harsh glare to Sephiroth, whom seem to have caught the stare. Raven, however, grabbed the back of his neck. "Oww…that was unexpected," Raven sneered quietly. He stood up and walked into an open area, then assumes an attack position. "Alright…Sephiroth! It's time to run or fight!"

"Hmph!" One syllable echoed throughout the scene before the blade was drawn and the legendary warrior was ready. "Valentine, I see you left a legacy..." His eyes fixed in Leigh seeming to gauge her abilities. Those deep green eyes then turned to each fighter individually seeming to see into them. "It seems you have friends Strife! Very well, I will deal with them before I speak to you! Don't go away," he said, waving his hand at Salira where a bird fluttered by at the same time. The bird and Salira stopped as his waved at ceased all movement. Shade and Lega looked down at Salira who was petrified solid. They, then, exchanged looks. Looking straight at Raven, Sephiroth said, "You first!" And he was in the air before anyone could blink. His sword raised he started to drop from midair onto Raven swiping down with his sword.

"What the…" Raven looked up and rolled back out of the way, then assumed an attacking position. "Alright let's go!"

"I don't know what you want with Salira, but I will not let you hurt her...You will not cause anymore pain for more people!" Lega sneered at Sephiroth, looking back at him.

"Heh…that's what you think. The girl will die no matter what you do!" Sethrinn remarked, pointing a finger at Salira's heart. Unlike her father, Sethrinn had different plans. She hated the Strife family and would never allow Salira to join SOLDIER, even if she wanted to. Her goal was to kill her, while her father's was to have Salira in SOLDIER. "Unless one of you boys wants to die for the girl, this is her end!" She noticed the angry face expression on Lega's face and the serious one on Shade's. Sethrinn smirked. Raven interrupted the scene, and jumped in between Shade, Lega, and Sethrinn. "GET SALIRA AND RUN!" he yelled behind him.

Salira's eyes were closed and she laid there motionless on the ground, as if she was unconscious. A necklace fell out of her right hand, the one she took of before the spell. The gold crescent moon pendant fell to the ground and made a soft CLING.

"Shield," Lega mumbled. Suddenly a bright blue light surrounded him, Raven, and Salira. He wouldn't let them get hurt. Shade dashed at Sethrinn, his blade at pointed at her chest. But Sethrinn easily stopped the attack. Her blade meet his with a loud, piercing SHING ringing faintly away. Sethrinn picked up Shade by the neck and threw him into some benches, which collapsed once he landed on them, knocking Shade out. She then turned back to Raven and Lega, who were blocking her path. "If you honestly think that you can protect the girl from me, you're sorely mistaken!" With her sword out and ready to slash, Sethrinn dashed at the trio.

"I will not let you hurt her!" Lega screamed as he charged at Sethrinn with his blade.

"Give it up boy! You stand no chance," Sethrinn remarked. As she and Lega meet blades, she quickly teleported and caused Lega to stumble to the ground. She then appeared, from the front of Lega, to Salira's side. "Now you die!" Sethrinn held her sword with the tip almost touching Salira's skin, ready to strike down. Raven rammed into Sethrinn, causing her to lose her balance, and to get her away from Salira. "You'll have to get through me first! And don't think I will fall that easily!" Raven sneered at her, taunting Sethrinn with his blade.

"Foolish people. Get out of my way!" Sethrinn yelled at the company. She teleported behind Raven and, with the hilt of her sword slammed Raven in his back.

"Arghhh!" Raven grunted. He stumbled forward, but he instantly regained control. He quickly turned and slashed at Sethrinn. "Die!" To his disappointment, Sethrinn teleported again, missing Raven's attack.

"Fool! You think I'm very irritating, don't you!" Sethrinn replied. She appeared within feet of Raven.

"You took the words out of my mouth, bitch!" Raven sneered. Sethrinn took a few steps back and soon a black wing came out on her right.

"Well look at it this way, you have at least lived long enough to see my wing!" Sethrinn remarked.

"…Impressive. But seriously, am I supposed to be impressed?" Raven teased. "Very well then…You will see one of my features!" Raven's eyes turned red and his sword turned pure black. Leigh's eyes widened, Lega couldn't believe what he was seeing. The young man, too, was shocked. They watched Raven and Sethrinn's duel. "Now let the darkness consume you! The dead do not fall so easily!" Raven charged at Sethrinn.

"You have no common sense! Let me be the first to tell you…I'm immune to magic! It is one of the little traits I got from my father," Sethrinn commented. She sidestepped to her right to let Raven rush past her.

"Magic…humph! That's the least of your worries now! Immunity…I use no magic. This is the dark spirit that has infected me! Prepare for a fight!" Raven yelled. Quickly, he teleported behind Sethrinn and swung his blade.

Sethrinn heard the blade and didn't even look back; She slammed the hilt of her blade into Raven's chest, blocking his attack as well. "Not fast enough!" She turned to face Raven as he slid backwards. A good dark mist surrounded Raven. A small laugh could be heard from him. "Hit me more, make me stronger," Raven remarked. He teleported behind Sethrinn. As Sethrinn turned to face him, Raven teleported in front of her and threw her down. Good this is working, Raven thought.

Lega looked at Raven with a surprised look. He ran, with his sword out, toward Sethrinn. "I won't let you fight alone, Raven!" To avoid Lega's attack, Sethrinn did a handstand, flipping over Raven in the process and hitting him on the shoulders with the heel of the boots. She landed within yards of Raven. Lega dashed at Sethrinn. As he came closer to her, he jumped up in the air and started to come down with his sword ready to stab Sethrinn from above.

"Tch… Still not fast enough!" Sethrinn started to mutter some strange words. Soon three massive pillars of fire rose from the ground and hit Lega, causing his attack to fail. Lega came crashing down to the ground, hard, and blacked out.

"Insolent fool!" Sethrinn sneered as the pillars of fire ceased and watched Lega fall. "I must say that it is so much fun to torment people." She glanced at each fighter against her; from Raven to Leigh, to Shade, to the unknown person, then to unconscious Lega. All but Lega, since he was knocked out, had a harsh expression. "But don't forget…I'm on a mission…A mission to kill the daughter of Cloud Strife!" Those words echoed throughout the church. Sethrinn started to walk back to Salira.

Lega slowly regain consciousness. "I won't let you hurt her…" he mumbled. With whatever little of strength he had left, Lega mumbled thunder. A large thunder bolt headed straight at Sethrinn.

"Try again, weakling!" Sethrinn said as she teleported out of the way and next to Lega. "I am very irritating, aren't I?" She kicked Lega in the chest and sent him back into a wall, knocking him out cold again. "Worthless fool!" Leigh fired a few shots at Sethrinn from her gun, but again her aim was off. The bullets flew above Sethrinn and to her side, without making a single mark on her. Sethrinn just turned her head toward Leigh. "Nice try…Now it's my turn!" Sethrinn held out her hand at Leigh and soon a large invisible wave threw Leigh back. "Stay out of my way!"

"You're good…but still you have much to learn," Raven remarked, getting Sethrinn's attention. He began to mumble something under his breath. Soon the entire area blackened over. "Come now let the realm of darkness take your soul, Sethrinn!" Raven charged at Sethrinn once more.

"You call this a realm of darkness. Ha! I've lived in places darker than this! I want you to see where I come from…Hell!" Sethrinn retaliated. The darkness soon began to fade. Raven then stopped running.

"Damn…" Raven remarked, "You're to much…" Lega was already conscious and by Salira's side. Raven ran over to them. "I hope the others can escape this…" Raven murmured. He turned to Lega; "We must leave now. We are truly not prepared. Especially with Salira out…Lega take her and go!"

"Don't you dare leave! This fight has not yet been decided!" Sethrinn demanded, overhearing Raven. Raven faced Sethrinn. He showed a small grin.

"So you want to end this? Then let's decide! No more cheap blows! CUT ME OR DIE TRYING!" Raven called back.

"Fine then…You have sealed your fate!" Sethrinn said as she prepared an attack.

"I will not leave you, Raven! I don't care if I die or not! YOU WILL DIE!" Lega yelled. He stood by Raven's side, keeping his eyes locked on Sethrinn. "Salira, please get up…we need you…" Lega mumbled.

"You fools! You two don't stand a chance! And as for the girl, she'll be dead before you know it!" Sethrinn sneered.