Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy Meetings ❯ The Duel ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, here's the legal stuff: I do NOT own any of the Final Fantasy characters/places, or any Kingdom Hearts characters/places, that belongs solely to Square. Also, if any Square executive reads this, and wants to sue me, I do not have ANY money. And finally, I do not mean to harm any particular people in the writing of this fic. So, with that said, I guess you guys should read this and enjoy!

Final Fantasy: Meetings
Chapter 1:
The Duel

It was a bright and sunny morning. There were two people training in the artificial training room. The room itself was an exact replica of what a prehistoric jungle might look like. It was filled with only the top of the line materials gathered from all around the world. There were exotic beings, brought from across the globe, that were trained to attack at every single human that crossed their paths. These were clones of ancient dinosaur beasts. Most notably, were the Tyrannosaurus Rex. That was what Squall was battling right now. To his dismay, Squall's training partner for the day was his long time rival, Seifer. They were training to become the elite of Balamb Garden's defense center. What they are striving for is to become a SeeD. To master the difficulties of being a SeeD, you have to pass a "final exam". This year's exam includes a real battle to free the people of Syria.. These people are under the oppression of the evil sorceress, Sorceress Edea.

Both Squall and Seifer were getting beat up pretty bad. They were taking hit after hit, but they would not loose to this thing. Losing meant death here. As a last ditch effort, Squall summoned the remainder of his power into a summoning spell.

"Seifer! You've got to cover for me!" shouted the eighteen year old. His silver necklace shimmered with the thought of the Guardian Force being called. He started to chant, "Guardian Force, beyond this realm, hear my plea! Shiva, awake from your slumber. Together we can defeat this beast that is put before us!" A slight chill went up Squall's back as he summoned Shiva. This was his first time ever using a Guardian. An icy cold blast chilled the air. Perfect, thought Squall, the dinosaur is used to a tropical climate. However, after that, there was silence. Nothing happened.

"What the hell you doing? Your weak body will not be able to withstand the strain it takes to summon a GF!" Seifer screamed. Seifer wiped the sweat away from his brow and ran up to stab the creature.

"Guardian Force beyond this realm! Heed my cry!!" Squall screamed. Again, nothing happened, however, the air temperature started to chill. The T-Rex let out a blood curdling roar that sounded too much like a laugh to Squall Leonheart. "Now!!"
Skriegh! The ground split open, and a beam of light shot out. Then, crystal spikes shot out. Finally a young woman climbed up she was blue with two yellow skin pieces coming out of her forehead." Someone yell?" she asked. At the sight of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, she seemed a little disappointed. She continued, "Oh. Another monster." As the Rex ran for the mysterious GF, she held out her right hand, and braced it with her left. She said, "Scan!" After a few seconds, she got the data that she wanted. She muttered, "Absorbs Fire attacks...magic sensitive...ah, weakness: Water. Hmm, should I just do a regular attack, or magic?"

Squall stared in disbelief as the Ice Goddess made up her mind. "That Tyrannosaur is just a few meters away, and she is having a frickin'' conversation with herself? This is not what I had in mind when I summoned her. Man, if I knew she was going to be crazy, I wouldn't have wasted my energy..." He then yelled, "Hey, lady! Can you get on with it, that thing is going to rip you to pieces!"

"Hey, I'm trying to pick the right spell, do you mind?" The Tyrannosaurus Rex was just yards away, Shiva gracefully cupped her hands and used a spell. "Waterga!" she shouted. A sharp blast of water shot out of her hands and hit the monster in the face.

The monster let out one last clamor, as it struggled to breath. Inches away from the three humans, it stopped, and the mighty beast fell to the ground. Seifer was standing about three feet from the monster. Squall kneeled down to the dead creature.

"Miss Shiva, did you have to kill it? These things are endangered. And I feel bad for the poor beast."

"Shut up, Squall! What the hell do you know? That thing would have ripped us apart. In here, it's kill or be killed. And if you're smart, you'd get it through your damn head!" Seifer sneered.

From the door of the training center, there came a round of applause. "Good, good you two. See, you can work together. Oh, and nice to see you again Shiva!" Instructor Quistis said turning to the Guardian Force. Turning back to Squall and Seifer, she commented, "You two don't see it yet, but you two are very similar."

"No offense, Instructor, but if I share any qualities with that worm, over there, I'd die!" Squall declared.

"Oh really? Well, anyway, it's nice to see you Shiva, I'll leave you guys to your training," Quistis laughed as she left.

Seifer shot Squall a nasty look, as he walked over to the dead beast. Sitting down he used some sort of technique. From his hand shot a spear of darkness that pierced through the once majestic beast. From this, he pulled out a shimmering heart shape. He started to eat the heart when he noticed that Squall and the one called Shiva were staring at him. He yelled, "You think that was training, wuss? I'll show you real training. Meet me on the SeeD training ledge. Twelve midnight. Tonight." At that he walked away.
"What was he doing?" Squall asked the Guardian.

However, he did not get the reply right away. The blue woman was shivering on the ground, no longer floating. All she could muster was, "Oh my god...not the Heartless...not here, not now."

"What the hell is she muttering about? What is the Heartless? What the fuck was Seifer doing?" Squall, very confused, left Shiva to her muttering.

* * * * *

Later, around eleven thirty, Squall clambered to shut his alarm off. What he was doing could get him kicked out of the school, and he knew it. But, Seifer had challenged him, and there was no way he was going to back down from a duel. He dressed in the clothes he had worn that day. He got into his favorite jacket, the one that had the fur on the collar, and picked up his precious Gunblade. Only when he knew it was secure, did he make his was to the SeeD level training mountain that Seifer had told him to meet at.

About halfway up, he encountered another of the Training Center's inhabitants, the nocturnal Pterodactyl. This elusive creature is one of the most feared creatures for the "night time activities" of the Balamb Garden students. "Damn it!" thought Squall, "This thing is going to make me late. Seifer is gonna bust my ass for being late..."

After about half an hour of watching the creature terrorize the couples making love below, the creature finally flew away. Once Squall was sure that the creature was gone, he scaled his way up the rest of the artificial mountain. Once he got up there, he could not have imagined what was up there.

He saw his enemy, or what was left of him, covered in a deep black aura. Seifer himself was undistinguishable from the dark halo around him. Squall was pushed back from the power.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Squall, you puny bastard, there is no way anyone can defeat me. Not even Sorcerous Edea herself can stop me! Squall, I give you one chance. Turn back now before you need to know what true power is!"

"Shut the fuck up, Seifer!" shouted Squall, "Is this what Shiva was talking about, with the `Heartless'? Well, I'm not impressed. If all this is is a fancy light show, then you will not beat me."

Dark-Seifer started to laugh. When he saw that his nemesis was serious about his comment, he drew his Gunblade. Squall, who had Seifer's counterpart, drew his own. The two lept at each other with the fury of two tigers battling over a mate. Squall soon took the offensive, though, as Seifer continued to drill him with his new-found strength. When Squall almost fell off the edge, Seifer stopped.

"Last chance, you piece of shit," Seifer warned, "I'll let you in on a little secret: This world is going to be destroyed in about twenty minutes. Either you defeat me, or I take you and this planet down to the very depths of hell!"

Squall was shocked at what he heard. If Seifer was right, he'd have to go warn everyone. "Damn it! What am I supposed to do? Seifer has finally gone over the edge..."

"Squall, do not even think about running, there is nowhere to run."

Squall didn't realize what his opponent had said at first. He looked down over the cliff face, and saw that the ground was not there any more. Nothing was there, everything except the mountain ledge they were standing on had been replaced by a dark nothing. Squall uttered, ""

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just as I thought, you were too weak to understand the immensity of my absolute power! No, Squall Leonheart, it is time to die. Goodbye, pal."

Seifer jumped for the stunned young man. Before he could slash at him, however, Squall had vanished away. Seifer yelled, "WHAT THE HELL?!?"

* * * * *

Squall was being transported away from the battlefield. He looked down, and saw Seifer slash at his afterimage. "Whoa, is this an out of body experience? Man, I feel so weird...hey, wait a minute, where am I going?" Squall managed to force his head to look upwards. What he saw amazed him. It was a whole new civilization. When he finally reached the surface, he was greeted by a mild climate. His head hurt from all of his thought. "Where the hell am I?"

He got up and started to wander around what was obviously the town square. The people here looked so different from Squall. Most were short and squat, but some were taller than him. He went over and saw a diner, in it was a lonely girl. He walked up to the table, and she looked up. She was cheery and about sixteen. She had a ninja outfit on, clearly foreign to these parts.

She said, "Yuffie Kisaragi's the name, I'm a Materia Hunter from Wutai. That's in Gaia, but my world was destroyed a while ago. I'm the only one who got here in time, that I know of." Yuffie smiled, and it lifted Squall's heart.

Yuffie's smile deepened and her face lifted up. Her long hair was tied in a hairpiece befitting a ninja. She had on an arm guard, that covered most of her left arm. She had a huge knife that was tied to her left leg guard.

"Hi, I'm Squall, but you can call me Leon."
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++

Author's Notes-

Hey, this is my first official, on the computer fanfic that I have ever done. It was fun, and depending on your reviews, I plan on continuing the chapters. Obviously, it'll be how Yuffie got to Traverse Town. Also, this is kinda different from the Kingdom Hearts game, because in it, all of the Final Fantasy characters were on the same planet. I never got that, so I decided to separate them. Hope that's ok with you. Ok, please send comments to me at: Just please do not send flamers, I want suggestions on how to make it better, but do not bother to contact me if you're just going to blow this story to hell, ok?