Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy VI: The Final Judgement ❯ Returning Returners ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Returning of the Returners:
"Another day, another lazy afternoon sleepin' in a field, aye Locke?" The thief said to himself. He may think it's a little lazy for someone like him, but this one activity makes him feel....well, rested- almost.
Locke settled into a nice patch of moist grass under a heavily shaded tree, remembering the last time he'd forgotten to find one, very painful. You may wonder though why he has so much free time to just sit around and be lazy and care free? Well after what happened in Kefka's tower wouldn't you?!
The fear of being in that hells maze. The fear that it may be the last day of your life. All those levels of the fight moving them closer and closer towards doom, but he fought bravely along side his team mates. He sure missed them. Where as, they all remembered one another and remained friends they all had to find lives to live in this- coming along nicely, newly flourished world. Yup, with Kefka gone life could return to normal, there was no need to fight.
Whiff!!! "What the?!" Locke sat straight up and looked around...."What was that?" he asked himself startled looking at the bark of the tree beside him. There was an arrow stuck deep into the thick trunk of the tree. 'Who could have shot it?' He wondered. But there was no time to see for himself because another arrow came shooting out of the sky, only this one got closer to the face. "Whoa!"
He swore lowly as he stood up then ran. Normally Locke would stand and fight, but from the look of things that fight would be short lived as he was completely weaponless and they had a full arsenal, so the odds of him taking anything from them are slim. The thief ran as fast as he could from a fleet of Chocobo's, whose feet are sounding a lot like a full fledged stampeed.
"There's one of them!" A voice called. "There goes one of the Returner scum!"
'Was that a soldiers voice?' Locke had a brief moment to think as he dashed inside an old shack out in the field. "They won't find me in here," He congratulated hisself for being fast enough to hide and without being seen. 'At least I hope so.' He thought, knocking lightly against the walls of the shack when finished his words, just incase he were wrong; Setzer might be terribly superstitious and believe in luck, but he wasn't and didn't.
Locke would rather not state some of the obvious that he often prayed for a good outcome. Unfortunately his luck was about to run out. The loud stomp of the birds feet had come to a halt, 'Are they turning around?' He wondered.
"In the shack!" A soldier cried out. There was a yelling cry from the other men's voices as they charged for his hiding place. Ten men aimed their arrows and fired through the windows, the blast was so sudden Locke jumped from surprise.
"Trample the place, he has to come out sometime!" With that Locke ran as fast as he could but he wasn't fast enough as the fleet of soldiers and Chocobo's were right on top of him. He started to duck down, but it didn't work and he was knocked to the ground being run over several times, stumbling over this way and that, trying to at least keep his head covered from the birds pummeling feet. The then had an idea and lay perfectly still on his stomach.
"Did we get him, general?" A lower position soldier asked. The men skimmed the field with their eyes and one of them saw Locke lying there with scratches up his arms and neck, along with tattered clothing. "Check." The general ordered.
The soldier trotted his bird over to the still body and poked him with the back of an arrow. 'Wait a minute longer,' Locke thought. 'then grab him.'
"He's out sir, dead." With that, the general smiled with arrogance of his own commanded triumph. "Lets go back and tell the boss." He then ordered
'The boss? Who could that be?' As the men began to leave, Locke leaped up from the ground grabbing the guard around the neck, when the soldier tried to yell for help Locke twisted the mans neck and yanked him off his Chocobo. Next, stealing the mans clothes, he climbed on top of the bird and rode himself towards the nearest town. South Figaro.
"Another day, another lazy afternoon sleepin' in a field, aye Locke?" The thief said to himself. He may think it's a little lazy for someone like him, but this one activity makes him feel....well, rested- almost.
Locke settled into a nice patch of moist grass under a heavily shaded tree, remembering the last time he'd forgotten to find one, very painful. You may wonder though why he has so much free time to just sit around and be lazy and care free? Well after what happened in Kefka's tower wouldn't you?!
The fear of being in that hells maze. The fear that it may be the last day of your life. All those levels of the fight moving them closer and closer towards doom, but he fought bravely along side his team mates. He sure missed them. Where as, they all remembered one another and remained friends they all had to find lives to live in this- coming along nicely, newly flourished world. Yup, with Kefka gone life could return to normal, there was no need to fight.
Whiff!!! "What the?!" Locke sat straight up and looked around...."What was that?" he asked himself startled looking at the bark of the tree beside him. There was an arrow stuck deep into the thick trunk of the tree. 'Who could have shot it?' He wondered. But there was no time to see for himself because another arrow came shooting out of the sky, only this one got closer to the face. "Whoa!"
He swore lowly as he stood up then ran. Normally Locke would stand and fight, but from the look of things that fight would be short lived as he was completely weaponless and they had a full arsenal, so the odds of him taking anything from them are slim. The thief ran as fast as he could from a fleet of Chocobo's, whose feet are sounding a lot like a full fledged stampeed.
"There's one of them!" A voice called. "There goes one of the Returner scum!"
'Was that a soldiers voice?' Locke had a brief moment to think as he dashed inside an old shack out in the field. "They won't find me in here," He congratulated hisself for being fast enough to hide and without being seen. 'At least I hope so.' He thought, knocking lightly against the walls of the shack when finished his words, just incase he were wrong; Setzer might be terribly superstitious and believe in luck, but he wasn't and didn't.
Locke would rather not state some of the obvious that he often prayed for a good outcome. Unfortunately his luck was about to run out. The loud stomp of the birds feet had come to a halt, 'Are they turning around?' He wondered.
"In the shack!" A soldier cried out. There was a yelling cry from the other men's voices as they charged for his hiding place. Ten men aimed their arrows and fired through the windows, the blast was so sudden Locke jumped from surprise.
"Trample the place, he has to come out sometime!" With that Locke ran as fast as he could but he wasn't fast enough as the fleet of soldiers and Chocobo's were right on top of him. He started to duck down, but it didn't work and he was knocked to the ground being run over several times, stumbling over this way and that, trying to at least keep his head covered from the birds pummeling feet. The then had an idea and lay perfectly still on his stomach.
"Did we get him, general?" A lower position soldier asked. The men skimmed the field with their eyes and one of them saw Locke lying there with scratches up his arms and neck, along with tattered clothing. "Check." The general ordered.
The soldier trotted his bird over to the still body and poked him with the back of an arrow. 'Wait a minute longer,' Locke thought. 'then grab him.'
"He's out sir, dead." With that, the general smiled with arrogance of his own commanded triumph. "Lets go back and tell the boss." He then ordered
'The boss? Who could that be?' As the men began to leave, Locke leaped up from the ground grabbing the guard around the neck, when the soldier tried to yell for help Locke twisted the mans neck and yanked him off his Chocobo. Next, stealing the mans clothes, he climbed on top of the bird and rode himself towards the nearest town. South Figaro.