Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Hazard Pay ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Reno swiped blood from his eyes again. His concentration was divided between keeping his own skin intact and unconsciously watching out for his lover. During one such lapse one of the mako powered brats had landed a hit above his right eyebrow. Facial wounds always bled like a bitch and it only served to make Reno angry.

"Stupid punk!" Reno hissed and kicked the boy away.

The advantage of surprise hadn't lasted very long and the horde with their dyed silver hair kept coming like cockroaches. Reno could hear Vincent's shots as the sniper accurately destroyed weapons one after the other. None of them wanted to be shot with a slug juiced up with tainted materia. As crazed as they were, the loss of the weapons didn't stop the brats from fighting. Reno was hard pressed to follow Cloud's request and not inflict lethal harm. It was taking too long to disarm and disable even with the Turks' skill, not to mention Rude's and Cloud's brute strength.

Reno chanced another look at Cloud. His lover was using the flat of his huge sword to swat at four opponents. In his efforts to only knock them unconscious instead of kill, Cloud was taking more than a few hits. Across the distance separating them, Reno could see Cloud tiring and favoring his right arm more. Damned hero was going to get himself killed trying to be lenient, Reno fumed silently.

"Reno! Down!" Rude's voice rumbled and Reno's body reacted to the command instinctively, dropping and twisting to sweep the legs of his assailant.

Reno kicked the kid in the head for good measure and yelled, "Thanks, partner!"

"You can thank me by getting your head outta you ass and focus!" Rude yelled back.

The accusation stung. Reno had never allowed *anything* to interfere in his work. Fuck. Had he become that wrapped up in Cloud that it was costing him his edge? Reno viciously beat into submission another attacker to vent his frustration then he heard Tseng's voice over his comm.


Over the battle cries and screaming, Reno could hear the boom of multiple launches. He jerked his goggles down over his eyes and covered his mouth and nose with a mask. Canisters tore through the factory and pumped their choking payload into the air. Gasping and coughing, the remaining followers were becoming clumsier in their attacks.

Reno looked again to where he had last seen Cloud. His chest grew painfully tight when he caught sight of a weaponless Cloud wavering on his feet and holding his weakened arm. The huge Buster sword was in the hands of a kid who had been smart enough to cover his mouth and nose with his shirt. Reno sprinted across the floor towards the two. Instead of thinking rationally and striking at the kid, Reno only thought of protecting his injured lover.

"Cloud, look out!" Reno screamed and hurtled between them.

His hands struck Cloud's chest just as nauseating pain slammed through his back and right side. Reno looked down to see the tip of the Buster sword poking through his shirt.

"Fuck. Not again," Reno mumbled dazedly and fell to his knees.

His vision dimmed and the last thing he heard was Cloud's horrified yell and a single shot.