Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ I'd Do Anything ❯ One-Shot

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“I'd Do Anything”
Final Fantasy VII
Romance/Angst (One-Shot)
I do not own FFVII or the title, which is Simple Plan's song.
Summary: Are Cloud and Tifa really meant to be together?
A medium sized man with blonde hair and emerald eyes sat on a stool in a dim, smoky bar drinking lightly. He looked barely old enough to even be drinking. Another tall blonde man, looking about fifteen years older, walked up behind him then sat down next to him. He lit a cigarette and inhaled. Then he put his hand on the younger one's back.
“Bad day huh?”
The younger man just sat there speechless. He was also motionless except for his arms and hands that he used to drink.
“C'mon kid. Ya can't be doin' this to yurself.” He spoke once more.

“I remember when me and Tifa would sit in this bar and talk for hours,” The younger man began reminiscing, “now it seems like we don't talk anymore.”
“Cloud, dude. What's up with ya? Ya guys aren't even together and ya already act like ya broke up,” Cid admonished.
“Cloud…that's the name for what's left of me.”
“Watch out. Here comes yur girl.” The older man turned around to see a young woman with long hair and brown eyes.
“Hi Cid,” she replied to the silent hello. Then the girl walked behind the counter and into the back room.
“She's a fine woman and perfect for ya. Just look at the way she walks,” Cid continued to speak to the immobile Cloud.
Finally, he spoke, “Did you see the way she ignored me?”
“Nah but did ya see the way ya gave her the cold shoulder?” Cid responded. Cloud took off his black leather gloves and slapped them on the table.
Cid watched as the spiky haired man got up and walked behind the counter and into the back room.
“There he goes again. He is definitely predictable,” Cid laughed to himself and pulled Cloud's drink over to him. Then he began sipping in large quantities from the mug.
Cloud saw Tifa in front of him. She hadn't noticed him come in. He put his hands on the woman's shoulders and instantly felt her warmth.

“I have missed you.”
“Cloud,” She whispered softly.
He kissed her neck gently. “I love you.”
He released his light grasp on her and she turned around and buried herself in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and stroked her smooth hair.

“Don't let me go,” Tifa begged her renewed lover. Slowly, me moved in and kissed her very compassionately.
“I want to show you something,” he said to her, taking her hand and leading her outside of the bar. They passed by Cid and he stared at the two out of the corner of his eye pretending not to notice.
They continued walking to the center of the town and stopped at a small, wooden tower. Cloud climbed up and then brought up Tifa. He sat down with his legs hanging over the edge. Tifa sat down next to him and lay her head on his shoulder. Cloud wrapped his arm around her and held her tightly once more.
The two sat quietly for a few minutes just enjoying one another's presence and sharing each other's body heat.
Cloud and Tifa looked up and watched the sky. It was a dark blue and the sun could be seen far under the horizon glowing bright cerise with a mix of orange. Brilliant stars glittered the sky and the silver, crisp moon hung low overhead. Deep black craters were also visible upon the rock.
The air was light and slow and passed over the skin of the two who sat hushed and calm.
The moment for them was very intimate and passionate even though nothing was said.
“If I could, I would stay here forever with you,” Cloud stated feeling the spur of the moment.
The night was late and Tifa could feel the climax coming. She watched as a comet passed by and made a wish.
“I wish we would never forget this moment.”
“I will never let you go,” Cloud attached to his previous statement. The air had chilled eerily and quickly and Cloud saw his breath when he spoke.
The sun had disappeared but left traces of its being there just over the earth. The sky had faded to a darker blue and the stars became brighter, the moon becoming golden. The wind had picked up speed and became colder and faster.
They held to each other tighter and felt something coming. It was this moment that the two unwittingly proclaimed their love for each other.
The night had peaked and was about to drop off completely.
Cloud felt Tifa's body warmth fade. Her eyes closed gradually and she smiled but gripped Cloud for a last time displaying all of her affection and devotion. Cloud let his eyes stream the uncontrollable tears and sat there still holding to his one and only love.