Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ I hate you too ❯ I hate you too ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A young handsome boy was pounding on the bathroom door.

"Come on! You haven't been out in ages!"

A grumble came from the other side, a clear sign of a 'no'.

"Seiiifeeer! Come on! You haven't been doing anything besides SeeD missions and then locking yourself in your room!" He pouted when the other blond got out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist "You have to do something fun!"

Seifer kept walking to the closet and started dressing "The word fun is not on my vocabulary"

Zell rolled his eyes "You do know what it means! Fun is… well, doing something fun!"

Seifer stopped buttoning his jeans and looked at the shorter blond with a smirk.

"When you're saying the meaning of a something you're not supposed to use the same word to describe it, chickenwuss"

Zell growled and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're a bastard"

"And you're cute when you're angry"

The martial artist blushed, eyes widening.


Seifer only smirked.

"You heard me"

With that said, the scarred blond put on a tank top, walked to Hyperion and hung her from his belt.

"I think I feel like eating something. Coming chicken?"

Zell closed his mouth, which had been hanging open for a while, and followed Seifer outside, looking at him now and then.

Seifer rolled his eyes.

"Calm down, chicken. I'm not going to jump you suddenly and declare my secret and undying love for you"

Zell didn't know suddenly if he should feel happy or disappointed.


"Man, what did I do *now*?"

"Could you have flirted a little more with Squall?!"

"Well, indeed, I could have" The scarred blond received a glare for that comment "Calm down, chicken… Why are you so jealous anyway?"

Zell stopped walking and, if looks could kill, Seifer would have been bleeding on the floor, dead.

"I'm *NOT* jealous"

Seifer smirked.

"Yeah, sure"

"I mean it, I'm not!"



Seifer raised both eyebrows.

"Nah, I prefer to flirt with you"

He grinned and left the place, leaving an open mouthed Zell standing in the hall.


"You really meant that?"


"What you said in the morning… about prefering to flirt with me?"

"I always mean what I say, chickenwuss"

The younger blond blushed.


"But that doesn't change the fact that Squall has a good… behind" Seifer grinned.

Zell growled.

"Aww, don't be mad chicken. Your ass is 100 times better than Squall's"


Seifer grinned "What?"

Zell grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Stop bugging"

"Why should I stop? You look cute when you're angry and just *adorable* when you're jealous"

"Stupid bastard…"

"And you love me for it" Seifer grinned again.

"Yeah, right… I think the cut in your face has finally reached your brain, you are inventing things that aren't true"

"Oh, but you *DO* love me"

"Uhu… yeah right"

"Then why were you checking me out in the morning? When I got out of the bathroom?"

Zell blushed and looked away.

"I didn't check you out!"


"Argh, just… shut up!"


Minutes passed…


The shorter blond jumped on the older one, who just grinned at him.

"Knew you would react sooner or later, chickenwuss"

Lots of kisses and fondling followed this statement, and then, after hours had passed and while the two were sitting on the couch, the young SeeD turned to Seifer.

"I hate you, you bastard"

"I love you too, chicken"

~The End~

A/N: Whoa, my first FF fic… liked it? If you did please review ^_^''…