Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ In My Stubborn Loneliness ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: FF7 and all of it's lovely bishounen don't belong to me. They belong to all those Squaresoft people who I wish I were working for. *cries* Speaking of which, I'm sure someone has written something similar to this (like someone hasn't conceived this idea). I don't plagiarize fics. I didn't copy this from someone else's work, so if it looks similar, don't email me with a 'You %#^%$&%*-ing copycat' message or something.

Author's Notes: Yes, I know this has been done over a million times already. Humor me, and let me write my version? This is a yaoi Rufus x Reno / Reno x Rufus fic. So if you don't like that, then go away. :P It starts out with that scene, but I hope to dig more into Reno's pre-Shinra days and Rufus' pre-vice president days.

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In My Stubborn Loneliness -- Prologue

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His plan backfired on him. Literally.

"Sir! A mass of high density energy is headed towards Midgar!"

A flicker of fear rushed through him as he quickly turned around to look out the window. He could only watch as several blasts impacted to the left and to the right of him. He stood near the window, too stubborn to turn and find his escape. One headed right towards his office, and his eyes narrowed, refusing to accept defeat.

"Finish me off...if you can." the whisper barely left his lips before the explosion came and he was thrown into darkness.

Green eyes widened as the explosion hit. His entire body froze. For a moment he couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't breathe. Time seemed to stop, and when the shock left him, all he could do was scream one name.


His arm was grabbed before he could run back.

"Reno stop!" Rude commanded, tightening his grip on the redhead's arm.

"I have to go get him!"

"There's nothing you can do," Rude's voice was firm.

"Don't tell me that!" Reno shouted at him, glaring.

Rude let him go and Reno took that chance to run back to the crumbling city. On impulse, Rude grabbed out his handgun, aiming it at the fleeting redhead.

"You're not going to shoot him, are you?!" Elena gasped, speaking for the first time since the explosion.

Rude had almost forgotten she was there. She was usually so noisy. He flinched in surprise, putting his gun back in his shoulder holster, and shaking his head solemnly.

Reno didn't look back as he entered the city that him and the other two Turks had just fled from. He had to get to the Shinra building...and quickly. There were small fires, smoke, debris...sirens were going off as workers rushed to get any surviving victims.

Naturally, the elevators were not in working order. Reno cursed under his breath and glanced at the stairs. Sixty-flights up. Adrenaline still rushed through his body as he worked his way through the distruction and obstacles, until he finally got further to the top floor.

In his head, he had memorized the floorplan of this building. He had been working in this place for the past several years, so it was important that he knew every route, every shortcut.

The smoke was thicker up here, and the heat was imense. He put his hand over his mouth and kept running. From the fifty-eighth floor, he could see the destruction that was further up. And then he saw him.

"Oh god..." his voice was muffled behind his hand.

Tears were running down his face, but he didn't know if that was because of the smoke or the fact that he was crying due to the display before him. The President Rufus Shinra lay on the ground, covered in blood and burns. Reno ran to him.

"Rufus!" Reno cursed several times, feeling on Rufus' neck for a pulse, for anything that would show that the man was still alive.

His eyes widened when he could feel a pulse, although very faint. He felt the rest of the blonde's body for any severe fractures. He slipped his hands under Rufus' body, lifting him up.

"I'll get you out," Reno promised, "Just please, please don't die on me!"

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Author's Notes: I's just a short little teaser. But prologues are supposed to be short, ne? This is my first FF7 fic. I only write for big fandoms like this when I'm really inspired. Um...anybody curious enough to request that I continue? I don't have anything else written as of yet, but I have a few things plotted in my head. Ya know...angst, a little sap, perhaps a tasty lemon or two, more angst.

Oh and updates will only be as often as my muses cooperate with me. *frowns* They are very erratic as to how often they will be of help.