Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ In Time With You ❯ Endangered or stronger bonds? ( Chapter 4 )
Irvine's finger cruised along the book titles. He's in the library. It's been a while since he's read a good book. Balamb has a nice selection of fiction. So far, he's read action, fantasy, and drama, now he's in the mood for horror. He's had no chance to venture into the genre because it was always a mislabeled thriller. Horror should have the paranormal, not narrow escapes and a thrilling car chase.
He grabbed two from the shelf. "Looks like it'll be either Moomba or So Quiet." He weighed the books against each other by holding them in his palm. The lighter of the two was placed back on the shelf. "Moomba it is."
The sniper caught sight of blonde hair. He gave the glance further inspection by approaching. "How has your head not tipped you to the floor due to an over abundance of knowledge?" He asked. Irvine took a seat in one of the chairs at the study area.
"I often wonder about that myself." Quistis rubbed her shoulder.
"Here," he reached over, scooting closer to the edge of the seat and rubbed her shoulders for her.
"Aren't you sweet." She commented, accepting the massage.
"I am." Irvine replied. "But not a single fruit bouquet or free meal ticket."
Quistis smiled. "I'll be sure to talk kindly about you behind your back."
The sniper frowned. "You've got serious knots. Maybe you should take a break for a while; we could hangout together and have a walk or something."
"Another Selphie and Zell scheme?" She shrugged him off, winding her shoulder before returning to her work.
"No. I just really think you should have a break." He sat back farther in his seat. "And, it's not just some scheme, I really like hanging with Squall. He's cool."
"Squall Leonhart? Cool? There's an odd sentence that would level Balamb Garden."
Irvine's face scrunched up. "Has he changed that much?"
"From when we were little? …From what I remember," she thought for a moment. "I'd say yes and no. He has lost all sense of come-around, and just stays on neutral mope." She tapped her pencil to her cheek. "He did show a marked improvement when Rinoa fell under possession but, as you've seen in your time here, that didn't last."
"Maybe he's just insanely shy in crowds."
"But we all know each other."
"Knew seems more accurate in his case. He might be close to you and, Seifer, and Zell - and after a time Selphie, but he still sees me as a stranger."
"Which is so odd. Out of all of us, you and Seifer were his closest friends when he wasn't sticking to Ellone."
"Makes sense though, we were kids."
"Maybe that's why he feels he can open up to you. You're a stranger who won't make fun of any wavered behavior from his holding persona."
Irvine thought that had to be the saddest thing he's ever heard. "Don't pick on him so much."
"It's hard not to. He's always telling us to either talk to a wall, when he's not giving a thoughtless "Whatever" to dismiss us completely - and that's if he says anything at all. He only spoke a lot to Rinoa because she was new, and needed everything explained to her."
"I hope that doesn't mean he's gonna clam up and shut me out once we become friends."
Quistis shrugged a shoulder. "Squall Leonhart bothers enigmas."
Irvine placed his elbow on the table and leaned his cheek onto his fist. "Come for a walk," he suggested again.
"Have you already called it quits with your mark? I know you were together yesterday."
"No. And he can come along with us."
"I really can't. Some other time."
"What are you doing anyway?" He wondered out loud. "You've always got your head down lately. I miss your pretty face."
Quistis spared her flirtatious friend an exasperated glance. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the feeling Squall got when she was infatuated with him before a mere crush lay rest? "I'm studying for a mission."
"What is it?" He waved to someone who waved to him before she sat down at a desk.
"I have to go to the forest and locate a lost antique for a client."
"Must be important to take up this much of your attention."
"I'm just mapping the last locations of The Moving Forest. The last thing I need is to get stuck in there."
"No kidding." He stood. "I'll see you around then. Think about my offer, I'm free for another four days."
"I'll be gone tomorrow." She yelped when he suddenly hugged her from behind. She smiled and patted his forearm.
"Later, Quisty."
"I'll see you later."
He left the library.
In the Training Center.
Squall and Zell are having a workout. The fight simulator is set in the South Western region. The Belhelmels and Blood Souls and Jellyeyes were plentiful. Squall slid his blade from a particularly sassy Jelleye that liked to swap its stats on the regular. One minute he was giving physical blows then casting magic - which he's running low on.
He drew a few spells from the monster before casting a Thundara spell on it.
Zell seemed to be having fun punching pain from the Blood Soul taking his attention. His gloves have Holy junctioned to his attack stats. Leonhart had to admit that seeing the fired-up martial artist swing those nasty looking zombies around and slam them into the hard floor made him feel a tinge of jealousy over his choice of weapon. He loves the gunblade, it's an amazing piece of weaponry, but literally bashing in a skull is pretty cool.
Zell clapped his hands together watching the monster fizzle away. "Phew! Man, I feel invigorated!" He declared.
Squall was feeling it too, although he was a bit more reserved about it and simply nodded.
Zell grinned, giving his companion a thumbs-up. "Not bad, Leonhart. I might have to be impressed by you."
"Leonhart? Are you impersonating Seifer?"
"No. Just felt like trying it out." He shrugged his hands and shoulders all at once. "Have you seen him lately? Seifer, I mean."
"Yeah. Lots of times."
"Really?! Well, I mean, not that I care so much, but… how is he?" He placed his hands on his hips, head cocked, as if ready to hear anything. Namely something bad.
Seifer could be living in a box! Begging for scraps after hours at a restaurant. Or bathing when it rains! Or worse, maybe he's crazy rich after making smart business deals and living a sweet life somewhere in Dollet.
"He lives in an apartment in Balamb. He's doing fine."
Squall blinked. "Are you disappointed?"
"No… I mean, the guy was a jerk eighty-seven percent of his life, but, I don't know.. Maybe he was a nice guy."
'He was and is a jerk, but he's also a nice guy. A lot of people could say the same about you, Zell. When you go into know-it-all mode you can be pretty obnoxious.'
Zell furrowed his brows at the silence. "Have you seen him talk or did you just find out where he is?"
"We've talked and hung-out." He shrugged. "I want him to come back to Garden."
"He won't." He said a little too quickly. "Why would he?"
"It's his home. He acts tough, but I'll bet deep down he really wants to be here with all of us."
"Misses his daily teasing, you mean."
"No. I mean he misses us." He asked then. "Wouldn't you, in his position?"
Zell didn't need to answer when it was an obvious "Yes".
"I think if it's more than just Irvine and I, showing that we care, he'll be more likely to come back."
"Why would we, though? He probably won't even let us in, much less talk through the door." He wondered out loud. "Is his place really nice?"
"It's average. Why?"
"Just checking."
Squall shook his head. His gaze sought out the time, and he glanced at his watch screen. "I'm gonna shower. You coming?"
Squall wondered if Zell and the others would go over if he gave them Seifer's address. He's serious. He wants him back. Maybe being part of Garden is not as serious to Seifer. Maybe it's really not even a big deal of whether or not he is or isn't around them. Who knows, maybe Squall's inner trauma is still present despite having Ellone back in his life. Whatever the reason for his persistence, he'd like positive results. And as for a positive in his life, he'd like to quickly shower and seek it out. Irvine Kinneas has become a nice ray of sunshine in his dulled grey life. He looks forward to seeing him.
Zell smirked inwardly because Squall just gave him the perfect segue to a wonder he's had since he and Selphie sorta hire Irvine to take Squall off their hands, in a plan they were devising to cheer him up. "Irvine? Why does he care?"
"He likes Seifer. Is it so hard to believe?"
"Yes." He didn't know how Squall could miss his genuine disdain for the guy more often than not. "Speaking of Irvine; you two have been hanging together lately."
"Yeah. He's like gum under a shoe. He's hard to get rid off, wet or dry."
Zell's brows rose. "Really?"
"It's fine." He cleared it up, as it should have been obvious he was being sarcastic. "He's interesting."
Zell yanked his shirt over his head once he was inside the showering area. Irvine seemed more straight-forward than interesting in his opinion. But, then again, up until his memories started coming back gradually, he actually placed Irvine up there with Seifer as a chronic agitator. True the magnitude is different, because Irvine hasn't insulted him or tried to beat him up. But, that constant flirting thing, and saying whatever he wants. He's kind of a little childish, too. Like he seeks attention, just like kids do.
"So, you're having a good time? Feeling refreshed?"
"Whatever." Stripped of his clothing; he slid his finger up the panel until the green bar turned red-orange. He needs to wash off the attacks and damage.
"I think it's good then, that you like hanging out with him." He called between the dividing wall and over the water noise.
"Why would it be bad?"
"I didn't mean it like that. I just think you've been really stressed out lately. You could use some cheering up."
Squall couldn't deny that. He has been tense. He's not even sure as to why. Maybe there's just too much uncertainty in the air when he likes stability. A plan. A focus to remove the lack of focus he has on days off. He doesn't like to think. Thinking drags him in. Bad things await there.
Number one right now. Laguna Loire. The guy is constantly trying to contact him. He'd like to reconnect with Ellone, but Laguna is always around her. She's back in his life, but thanks to the probability of G.F.s stealing their memories, he can't even feel their former bond. He just knows why he had a gnaw. And he knows now that Ellone can fill up that empty space.
But then what?
He wondered if it would change him. Would he go back to that kid the others are recalling little by little? Does he still have that person inside of him? People change as they grow. Maybe his current version was always waiting to emerge. He shook his head causing water to flick about like a dog shaking after a bath. He does not want to think about predetermined lives. He just wants to live and create a new life. A good one.
Irvine wants the same between them. By not wanting to continue bringing up the once-was that's now long gone, but bonding as they are now. He smiled to himself. It feels nice. Maybe Zell's word "refresh" is the right choice.
Scheme or not, because Squall is not stupid, he had the conspiring trio from day one, he's really enjoying spending time with Irvine. He looks forward to it later on today.
X x X
Commentary: Thank you always for reading, liking, a favorite, and leaving a review. It means so much to us writers. Especially when we do little slice-of-life fics like this that weren't meant to be anything major, just a pleasant read. Have a good week, stay hydrated and ventilated, watch out for weirdos and see you next update.