Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Inevitable Chaos ❯ A New Enemy ( Chapter 3 )
[ A - All Readers ]
I do not own Final Fantasy VIII or any of its characters, although I wish I did. The only thing I do own is the plot of this story.
A special thanks to PandemoniumAngelwho was my first, but hopefully not last reviewer.
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A New Enemy
Squall and his friends, minus Zell and Quistis, had decided to visit the continent of Centra, not only to find out more about Tegoi'che from scriptures in the Centra Ruins but also to investigate the weird sightings occurring there. After several hours of non-stop flying everyone was restless, especially Selphie.
“Yay! We're finally here!” shouted Selphie as she burst out of the Ragnorak.
“Hey Selphie, wait for me!” shouted Irvine.
“Irvine, Selphie, we have to be careful; monsters have been especially aggressive lately. Who knows what could happen?” said Squall.
“First time we left Balamb Garden in months and we go where?! Centra!” pouted Rinoa, wrinkling her nose.
“You're cute when you're angry” teased Squall, which made Rinoa even angrier.
“Hehe...some girls, it doesn't matter what you say, they'll still get mad at you” said Irvine.
“SOME girls?! You're not talking about Rinoa AND me are you, Irvine Kinneas?”
“I...uh...huh? How did I end up getting in trouble?” stammered Irvine.
But the friends' bantering was cut short by high pitched shrieking that pierced the air. The group spun around to be confronted by a group of fierce monsters.
“Where did they come from? It's like they appeared out of thin air...”said Rinoa.
“Well, at least Selphie isn't mad at me anymore. I guess you could say I was saved by the pack of ferocious monsters...if that makes any sense. Said Irvine, readying for battle.
“What are they? I haven't seen them before.” asked Selphie.
“I've seen them in books, they're AnMarlboros; the ancestors of Marlboros. They are supposed to be fifty to sixty times stronger than Marlboros themselves!”
“Eep!” said Rinoa and Selphie at the same time.
“Argh!” groaned Irvine.
Fortunately for the group of friends, just as they were going to fight the group of AnMarlboros, a boy appeared. The boy looked like a regular boy except for the fact he was wearing an alloy suit. The boy unsheathed his sword, raised it above his head, and then smashed it down to the ground. A flash of white light and a deafening explosion followed; the heat from the blast was even worse than Ifrit's Hellfire. After the explosion, the AnMarlboros were gone; all that remained was a crater which looked like it could have been caused by a miniature “Lunar Cry”.
“There must have been thirty AnMarlboros! One swing of his sword and they're gone!” said Irvine aghast.
Now that the AnMarlboros were gone the boy focused his attention on Squall and his friends. The boy looked at them with contempt and walked towards the group of friends.
“Hmm...maybe you guys can provide me with a challenge, but I highly doubt that.” the boy said with a sneer.
“We're not here to fight, we're here to find some ancient scriptures.” explained Rinoa.
“Did I say you could talk?!” shouted the boy and used `Petrify' on Rinoa.
Seeing the love of his life being turned into stone, Squall couldn't hold his anger in any longer. He unsheathed LionHeart and used his strongest limit break to unleash his fury on the boy. Even after the barrage of attacks, the boy remained without a scratch!
“Now it's my turn!” said the boy, stifling a yawn.
Squall say the boy's sword glow white, saw the flash of light, felt excruciating pain then darkness.
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Hoped you liked it!