Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ It Couldn't Be True ❯ Whereabouts ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Their not mine but I sure wouldn't mind having two sexy men with me all the time. *grins evily*

Title: It Couldn't Be True

Pairing: Seifer x Squall
Warning: Yaoi, Lemon, Angst, Language, more can be added...
Rating: NC-17
Reviews: Most Definitely! Please leave as many as you like!!!

Story also at:

It Couldn't Be True


Squall's eye twitched annoyingly, knowing that the arrogant, rude, egotistical blonde was late. It was way past the time that he said he would be back. Two-thirty-three. 'What the hell is taking him so long?' He tried to ignore it but it was still bothering him. There was one point just moments ago that he heard his name called out by Seifer as he went to put his glass down and it fell, spilling his water all over. Squall jumped in shock as he searched around the room for the blonde but he wasn't there. It was inside his head. But if it was, why was he feeling so damn worried suddenly?

There was a knock at the door and the brunette stood up slowly. He did take his meds but very reluctant to since Seifer wasn't at his side, waiting for him to swallow the pill. Squall sighed and opened his door to Zell, who was wearing a fitted crimson shirt, dark baggy jeans and was also holding a bag.

"Hey man, what's up? How ya feelin?"

Squall glanced down at the bag in questioning. He recognized that bag anywhere as it was the one and only bag that Seifer would never part with. He used it all the time. The spiky blonde noticed and jumped to his thoughts and actions on the bag.

"Oh yeah, I was at the training center and noticed this bag on the floor. I opened it and saw that they were clothes and recognized Seifer's vest and his wallet was in there so I brought it up to his room but he wasn't there so I came to see you. You see him?"

Squall had motioned the talkative boy in long ago but Zell was still standing there, talking. He moved to the closet near the door and grabbed a pair of shoes. The brunette was changed into some worn jeans and a greyish blue shirt that looked faded. He slipped into his shoes and walked to the door.

"He was suppose to be here at two. He never showed." Squall began walking down the hallway, feeling dizzy but pushed that feeling aside, but with a lot of difficulty.

Zell caught up to him, having a happy, energetic bounce to his step.

"So what you think happened? Why did he go to the training center? He's got no one to fight. Oh, that's right, he really doesn't now. Who's he gonna pick on next?" Squall shook his head lightly.

"You, if you do not shut up." Zell's lips formed into a little pout.

"Aww, man Squall. That would suck. I've already had my time with him and he's been a little nicer lately though...kinda. So, I've heard some rumors man! Tell me what's been going on with you." They made it to the elevator and stepped inside with a few people following. "Squall man, you gotta tell me! Tell me!"

Squall frowned, already have learned how to ignore the other insisting man at this side. 'Why would Seifer be at the training center?'

"I'll tell you later." Zell needed some kind of reassurance that he was going to get talked to about it. "Did you search for Seifer?" Zell nodded.

"I looked around but didn't see anyone so I figured that he forgot it there."

Something did not fit right with that and Squall did not like it one bit. They made it to the front of the center when Dagen came up behind him.

"Squall?" Eyes darted around to rest on the smug looking man. His hair was a little disheveled and there was a little bruise forming on his cheek but it was trying to be covered up by some kind of powder. Squall raised his brow and crossed his arms.

"Well, it's nice to see that you're up and that you are finally feeling better. So you think you will be back to work before the week is over?" Squall just shrugged his shoulders but he did offer an answer.

"Maybe. I have to go-" Dagen cut him off.

"So you heading towards the training center? Why?" Squall glared at him this time but before he could say anything, two men came screaming out of the training center and carrying a wounded guy. Squall recognized them as Rui, Brody and Tetsu. The only reason why he knew them was because they used to get into a lot of trouble together...before Dagen came along...

"Dagen! He did it! He beat him bad!" The others were frantically talking and Dagen held up his hands to try to calm them but anger was clearly seen in his face.

"Whom did this to you?" The injured one, Rui, looked up at Dagen and groaned in pain.


"No he didn't!" Everyone looked at Squall and at that moment he realized what he just said. Dagen and the others were staring at him, surprised.

"Why wouldn't you think so? He just said that Almasy just beat him into a bloody pulp! How can you not believe him, Squall?" Dagen turned his attention to Rui, who was being helped away from the center by his two friends.

"Is he still in there?" Squall asked and there was a small confirmation from the bunch and Squall took off inside, Zell hot on his heals.

Squall knew there was something wrong.

"Zell, where did you find the bag?" The shorter blonde went ahead of him and he followed close by, eyeing the very familiar surroundings. When Zell stopped, Squall scanned around, quickly noticing a trail on the dirt leading into the bushes. He followed it, ignoring anything else that was going on around him. His stomach was twisting in a knot and he did not know why. What the hell was getting him so scared?

When Squall went far into the brush, he noticed a figure . . . no it was Seifer.


Squall ran to him and went to his knees pulling the blonde up to rest on his body.

"Seifer! Seifer!" There was no response but he looked like he was in a brawl. His physique was battered and there were bruises all over his body it seemed. Squall couldn't help but hover over Seifer and feel his anger boil over to the point of no return. "What the fuck happened?" The blonde moaned slightly but he didn't wake up.

"Holy shit! What the hell happened? Did that guy do this to him?" Squall looked at Zell, noticing that he had his fighting gloves and most likely some curagas.

"Zell, cure him now." Zell was to it and Squall did not have to ask twice. The blue-eyed blonde drew upon the magic effortlessly and casted it with exact precision. The brunette just sat there eyeing every injury, touching the bruises on his face softly. The curative magic worked its way into limp body, healing whatever could have been broken, healing the cuts but it wouldn't be that strong to take away the aches and pain. Time was needed for that.

"Uhh. . ." Seifer twitched, moaning out loud as Squall's hand was resting partway on his neck and side of his face, supporting him.

"Seifer man! Wake up!" Zell was also kneeling by him. Empty green eyes hazily stared at Squall's worried blue ones.

"Seifer . . . can you hear me? Tell me, are you okay?"

Seifer just continued to stare at Squall, feeling of his sore body remind him of what happened and finally . . . at the end, he closed his eyes. The images bringing the ache into his being, his pride and . . . he was raped. He enjoyed it they said. But he didn't! They were going to spread something about it . . . maybe if he just didn't say anything about what had happened, no one would know and they won't tell. He needed to get up. Seifer had to think.

". . .'m fine." Seifer opened his eyes to see anger on Squall's face but not directed to him.

"I'm taking you to Kadowaki."

"No, don't. I just need to catch my breath for a minute. I'll be-" Was he going to be okay? He will, he will. It's not that big of a deal. He could get over it . . .

"Shut up. You don't know what you're saying. Zell, help me take him over there." Seifer pushed Zell and Squall away, pushing himself to sit upright when he cried out in pain. It hurt, god the pain caused his heart to almost pop out of his chest. His breathing was fast and ragged and Squall was by his side again. He looked into Seifer's eyes to see tears forming.

"What happened?" Squall whispered pleadingly.

"I'm not weak! I'm not helpless! I'm not, Squall, I'm not." Seifer cried, suddenly clinging to Squall. Zell looked to and from the blonde and brunette, asking Squall what he was saying. The brunette shook his head and leaned down to whisper into his ear.

"It's going to be all right, Seifer. I'm here, your friends will be here if you need them to be." Squall would never to think to say something like that but it just came out, he meant it and when Seifer peered up at him, Squall nodded and gave him a rare reassuring smile. He never took his eyes off of the dark, green eyes as Seifer took a few deep breaths and tried to stand.

"Aye, man, let me help you." Zell said softly and Seifer looked over to see the other blonde and whispered his name. The other blonde smiled at hearing the voice say his name. "Yup that's me!"

They helped him up and Seifer remembered that Squall wouldn't be able to support his weight so he leaned against Zell for more support.

"Where do you want to go?" Squall asked softly. Seifer was still caught in his thoughts. Everything still fresh in his head.

"...alone..." Squall could not hear the words that were mumbled from those slightly swollen lips but he only heard alone.. Did he want to be alone or not? Squall just decided to take him back to his place thinking that it would be best. He glanced over to Zell and told him his room, that's where they would go.


AN: Hi, I hope you guys are liking the story so far! Please leave me feedback and tell me what you think! Um, thoughts are supposed to be in italics but for some reason my computer keeps saying that there is a virus and I can't change the coding for the html format . . . I'll fix it later after I get this problem out of the way. Next chapter will be up soon!