Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Javarr: The Azure Scourge of Bastok ❯ Chapter 4 Shaping the Sword of the Mind ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Let it be known that this story is based upon the MMORPG known as Final Fantasy XI, which is a copyright and Trademark of Square-enix incorporated. The author clams no ownership of names of places, characters, abilities, jobs, organizations, religions, or any other material that is protected under international copyright laws.
/em sighs and lights a Roll of Bastokan Tobacco +1
Now with that out of the way, lawyers happy, and the risk of getting sued by a multi-million dollar company avoided, on with the story.
Chapter 4: Shaping the Sword of the Mind
After about two days, I arrived in the port of Windurst. Upon stepping off the airship, the difference between Bastok and this place were evident at once. This place was completely in tune with nature. There was very little in the way of paved roads. The structures I saw were almost all made of wood and thatch, plus the lights that were in place did not seem to be fire, but some kind of glowing fruits. Plus the air was much clearer. The all too familiar smell of soot and smoke was not present at all. Instead all I could smell was the fragrance of flowers and the salt mist of the Great Sea. As I began to walk, I really could tell that I was in another nation. Not just by the surroundings, but by the people that lived here.
If you have never been to Windurst, I would recommend going there. It is a beautiful place and its people are very friendly. The dominant races you would encounter are the Taru-taru and the Mithra. The Taru-taru are very small, standing only about two feet tall, but they are the example of the saying; “Do not judge a book by its cover”. The reason I say that is when it comes to the arcane arts they are the best. Most of the magic that Vana'diel uses was found by the Five Schools of Magic located in Windurst. All of them are also known for their odd speech patterns, their cute appearances, and some of them, their devious sides.
The Mithra on the other hand is a race solely of females. They are a cat-like race, complete with ears and tail and have superior dexterity and agility. Most are known for their very playful nature and also equally, their very lazy nature at times. Originally from the island of Elshimo, these felines entered the Federation during the time that the Yagudo, another race of beastmen, had destroyed the city. Even today as you walk over the wooden plank bridges that span the waterways of Windurst, you can see parts of the old city submerged under the crystal clear waters.
Anyway, back on track here. I took me about an hour to finally find the consulate. (Mainly due to misunderstood directions, both from those that didn't know and those I could hardly understand.) Entering the double wooden doors, the inside reminded me much of home. The same was most likely true for the others in San d'Oria and Jeuno. Behind the reception desk was a young hume woman, dressed in dark trousers and a dark green aketon, long black hair spilling down her back. I might have tried to talk to her except the I.M. or Iron Musketeer that was standing at the entrance of the Council office was giving me one of those eyes due to my increased interest. So I satisfied myself with a few looks and a smile after she handed me a set of folded papers and telling me where I needed to report.
After making a hasty withdraw from the consulate, I started wandering in the direction that I was told… The only bad thing about Windurst is its layout. I never have found a city that was constructed in such a confused mess in my life! There are paths that will loop back on themselves, cross others, and then more that will just abruptly dead-end on the edge of waterways and stone walls. Well, needless to say, it took me about another two hours to finally find my way to where I needed to be.
The Orastery was the main administrative part of the School of Windurst. It was one of the few stone structures that were built after the first fall of Windurst. Even though it was constructed, its curves and shape were completely in tune with the surroundings. After having to duck down to come through the door leading to the inside, I was instantly hit with the smell of oils used to preserve leather books and the scratching of quill pens. One desk was set not too far away from the door, so I approached it. I could hear someone muttering about something behind the wall of books that covered the desk, only a small space between them. When I was close enough to see who was behind the desk, it was a Taru-taru, writing feverishly on a piece of parchment. The only weird thing was his hands were not on the quill at all! It was just writing along with only the Taru-taru looking at it as if focusing on the pen. After a few moments, the desk clerk looked up and nearly fell out of his chair in surprise.
“Whoa-hoa! You suprisey-wisyed me!” (I am not joking, that is truly how they talk!)
I looked at the small receptionist as he restudied himself in his chair. “I am very sorry. I did not mean to startle you.”
The taru only smiled. “That's oke-woke. So, how can I helpy-welpy you!”
I removed the set of papers I was given at the consulate from a pouch on my belt and handed them to the clerk. He read over them a few times and then spoke.
“Ah! Javarr for Bastoky-wokey! We have been expecting-wecking you! So you are the tally-wally that wants to be a Red magey-wagy?”
Needless to say I was starting to get a little confused by this point. “Yes, that would be me.”
The taru jumped up in his chair and was then standing on it, hand extended. “Welcome to the Windurst School of magic-wagic! It is not often-waften we get someone from Bastoky-walky herey-werey!”
I took the taru's hand lightly as not to possibly crush it. “A pleasure to be here.” After taking back his hand, he called to someone in the back part of the building. Moments later they came back with a stack of papers that they could hardly see from behind!
“Now if you will justy-wasty full out these fewy-weuy forms for me pleasy-weasy, we can get you started-warted!”
`By the Goddess what have I gotten myself into here!' I thought as I looked as the “fewy-weuy” forms the taru held. I knelt down and took the offered papers, ink well, and quill. Then finding a table that I wasn't about to break, I sat down and started working on them.
I don't think I will bore you with the ins and outs of the Federation's Magic School. The repeated tests, hours of sitting around meditating, the endless lectures, and such. Let's just say that it took me almost two and a half years to get through that school. Even then, I barely cleared the final tests. The really funny part was the day I was to arrive back in Bastok, it was going to be my twentieth birthday. As I boarded the airship preparing to head out for Jeuno, I could not wait to get back to Bastok. To be able to show Volker and father what I had learned... Well, at least I was able to do part of that.