Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Just Smile ❯ Forgotten Deaths ( Chapter 1 )
Final Fantasy X - Just Smile
Look at the intro for disclaimer rights.
Chapter One
Silence swept over the village as the curtains parted and the summoner stepped out. Dressed in plain, full-length robes, he moved out slowly, followed by two figures, shadowed in the dark. The summoner stopped before a lit fire in the dirt, his spiky blonde hair illuminated in the small light. His followers stopped at either side of him, grim expressions darkening their features.
"Please, show us!!" A voice called out from the crowd. The summoner nodded, glancing around the sea of villagers. Moving his arms in a graceful arc, he brought them down in front of his face. With a sigh, a bright light appeared above in the starry night sky. A thin beam of the light came down out of it, landing near the male summoner. A huge, tan- colored bird came down from the light in the sky. Landing gracefully, it settled beside the summoner's side to preen its feathers. He pet it quietly, eyes glazed, looking into the fire. The crowd around him cheered.
"Lord Tidus, a summoner is born!" A tear slipped down the pale cheek of the woman next to him. Tidus smiled.
Just smile.
Sitting back in the small home, Tidus sat quietly in Wakka's wicker chair with the soft cushion, listening to the voices of Lulu and Wakka. He could make out very few of their heated words.
". . .can't die!" He knew they were arguing about him. Being his guardian. Like they were to Yuna. He let himself drown them out and float back to the past.
"I've done it. I've become a summoner." I didn't see it then, but with those words, the room became solemn. Even Kimarhi, the stoic Ronso, looked devastated. I didn't understand. I was so naïve.
He came back to the present as Lulu and Wakka approached him.
"Tidus. . .do you haveta do this?" Tidus nodded, avoiding their piercing eyes.
"Why, ya? Why you?" Wakka shook his head in vain. Lulu remained silent, looking at the ground with feigned interest.
"Because. . .maybe I can beat Sin forever." Lulu looked up, a stricken look on her face.
"What? How?" She nearly shouted at him.
"It's too long to explain. Please, trust me." Wakka looked at Lulu.
"I will. But I don't think Lulu should, you know?" Lulu scoffed.
"Where would you be without me? I'm going." A small smile came to Tidus' face.
"Thank you." He stepped forward, hugging first Wakka, then Lulu. "I am going to bed. Leave tomorrow?"
"Yes." Lulu agreed. Tidus retreated into a side room, closing the door behind him.
"He's so different, ya?" Lulu nodded in agreement.
"But you know why." She said plainly. Wakka nodded sadly, reaching for Lulu's hand.
"I feel like I failed, ya know?"
"You did all you could." She squeezed Wakka's hand tenderly. They sat in silence.