Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Katayoku no Tenshi ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two- Reunion
Written By: R.S. Xavior
Disclaimer- I do not own anything pertaining to Final Fantasy Seven. They are owned by the company Squaresoft and its creator.
Key- ( ) = author's thoughts or comments
Oh yes.. remember this is a fan fiction so I can do whatever I want... So there.... Oh yes I am changing Yuffie's age to 21.
Oh yes this is a redone of my fanfiction, One Winged Angel

Sephiroth just laughed slightly with a smile played across his face. Yuffie did not find it amusing at all. Sephiroth stopped his laughing and winced. Maybe he should not laugh since his chest was wounded and mending. Yuffie turned her head to the left and contorted her face to make it seem that she was pissed off.
"Sorry. I guess you think about that when you make a comment to yourself." Sephiroth said.
"Yeah, thanks for the warning." Yuffie puffed.
"Maybe now you will actually listen. It was your question." Sephiroth replied.
Yuffie sighed and as she did Sephiroth managed to sit himself upright. This caused him some pain but he ignored it for now. Yuffie looked shocked to find already sitting up by himself. His head was lowered so that his bangs hid most of his face. Still they were caked in dried blood. Yuffie did not like the mixed colors. She unconsciously pulled back his bangs so that his face showed.
"I think I will wash your hair later." Yuffie stated, "Blood does not suit it too well."
Then, it occurred to Sephiroth that he did not have anything on but his black boxer shorts. He sighed he would have to find new clothes later. His old outfit was most likely ruined. Yuffie ran out of the room suddenly leaving Sephiroth in a state of confusion. He blew at his hair out of complete boredom. Yuffie returned with a bottle of scented shampoo in her hand and a towel with a water basin. Sephiroth mentally cringed at the thought of someone else washing his prized possession, his hair. He stared at Yuffie with a look that would kill little children.
"So it is true. Guys really don't want anyone touching their hair." Yuffie snickered.
"Oh hush..." Sephiroth retorted crossing his arms.
"Calm down. As long as I don't have scissors with me there is nothing to worry about." Yuffie said laughing slightly.
"Thanks I feel so much better." Sephiroth joked.
"Well, you are being meany... Now finish your story, General..." Yuffie said sitting down.
"If that is what you wish. As you know I have been injected with Jenova's cells. That gives me some of her abilities but it also gives her the ability to use me a her vassal in this world. She used me I had no control over myself. Being a lab rat never knowing... All those tests... mako infusions just to prepare me... to become one with her..." Sephiroth started shivering as his slitted pupils became almost nonexistent.
"You really are telling the truth... Shinobi can tell if someone is telling a lie or not." Yuffie commented, "Maybe you should get some rest."
"No, I am fine. I would rather get my hair washed now." Sephiroth said smiling slightly.
"Two rules... One you do not scream. Two you do not do anything." Yuffie gleamed.
The process took about thirty minutes but Yuffie managed to ash Sephiroth's hair with relative ease. She was about to proceed to comb his hair out when he grimaced and held onto his bandaged side. She looked at him with worry showing in her eyes. He waved her away as to say he would be all right. At that moment Kentaro walked in holding a bamboo tray. He smiled and nodded his head at Yuffie and Sephiroth. Sephiroth stared at him for a moment trying to register who he was.
"I know him from somewhere... He had something to do with a baby and a father's dying request." Sephiroth thought to himself.
"Well I see that our midnight traveler has awakened." Kentaro said.
"Yes, he has been quite awake for some time now, that he has." Yuffie replied with a smile.
"I see that you managed to get him to hold still long enough to wash his hair. Congratulations." Kentaro joked, "So how are you feeling?"
"A lot better thank you." Sephiroth answered.
"Do you think we should tell Cloud about this?" Yuffie asked.
"Yeah, I think we will call him after we check on this guy's condition." Kentaro replied.
Kentaro kneeled down and beside Sephiroth and smiled. Sephiroth looked at him still trying to figure out how he remembered this Kentaro. Kentaro performed a quick check of Sephiroth's vitals and changed his bandages before allowing him to lay back down. Yuffie came back into the room with a dark blue gi and a black hakama in her hands. She placed him near Sephiroth before handing her PHS to Kentaro. He hit the speed dial for Cloud and waited.


Cloud was sitting backwards in his chair watching Tifa shift through the various items of clothing lain before her. He had been bored out of his mind for the past few hours. When Tifa said she wanted to go shopping, she went shopping! He blew at the imaginary fly in the air. Maybe next time he would not volunteer to come with her. Right now he was praying for something to happen so he would not have to live through this torture. Then, his PHS rang, he was saved. He silently thanked whoever did this. He placed the phone close to his ear and cut it on.
"Hello, this is Cloud." Cloud said
"Hi Cloud, this is Yuffie. Guess what? Well, I have a little *cough* big surprise for you." Yuffie responded.
"What materia?" Cloud asked.
"You are not going to believe this..." Yuffie started but was cut off.
Cloud was left stunned because of the various noises he heard going on in the background. His mouth dropped wide open and his eyes got really huge.
"Calm down! Quit being a baby about it!" Kentaro screamed.
"What have you done with it!?" Sephiroth retorted.
"It's in the other room for reasons!" Kentaro yelled back.
"You do not understand Masamune is very important to me..." Sephiroth trailed off, "Please, even if you do not allow me to have the materia in it, just left me have the no-dachi."
"Yuffie, did I just hear what I think I just heard?" Cloud questioned over the phone.
"Well, that is the surprise I was going to tell you about..." Yuffie said unconfidently.
"Fine but if you even look like you are going to hurt anyone then you and the sword are going to go to the lifestream the hard way." Kentaro said in the background.
"Yuffie, why haven't you killed him?" Cloud yelled.
"That is what I want to talk about. He is saying that he was controlled by Jenova and so far I have not found evidence of him lying to me." Yuffie answered, "That is why I wanted to call you. Um... I think that this situation should involve our entire group. In other words we are judging whether or not he is a threat to the Planet."
"Well, it would give me something to do besides shop with Tifa. I will round up the others and be there ASAP." Cloud said hanging up.
"Thank you." Sephiroth said holding Masamune protectively as Kentaro released his grip on it.
"Good news everyone. Cloud and the others are coming to pay silver boy here a visit." Yuffie said smiling.
"How nice maybe now I can get some rest." Kentaro said wiping his forehead, "By the way, Ms. Yuffie, you father has requested to see you. He seems to be worried."
"General Godo Kisaragi of Wutai, am I correct?" Sephiroth asked.
"Yeah, but how did you know that?" Yuffie asked.
"You are a Shinobi as stated before and Kentaro treats you with such respect that you must be the General's daughter." Sephiroth replied.
"But how did you know my dad is the general?" Yuffie questioned.
"I did not fight the war in Wutai and not know their general's name." Sephiroth answered.
Their conversation was interrupted as Godo entered the room, it was his bedroom after all. He stood in complete shock at the sight before him. His mortal enemy was laying in HIS bed with HIS daughter in the same room. His eye started twitching involuntarily. He could not suppress the screaming that was coming up his inner throat.
"What in Leviathan's name is he doing here?!" Godo yelled pointing at Sephiroth.
"Well speak of Hades..." Sephiroth commented, "Long time no see General Godo."
"Hush, Sephiroth. You see dad I can explain. Um Cloud deprogrammed him so he is a good person now and harmless. He told me to keep him until he recovered. Eh.. Isn't that right, Kentaro?" Yuffie said elbowing Kentaro in his side.
"Yes ma'am." Kentaro replied trying to give a convincing smile.
"Well... If Cloud said so then it is okay for now." Godo said walking off.
Yuffie, Sephiroth, and Kentaro let out a suppressed sigh as Godo bought Yuffie's story um false truth. Yuffie wiped her head and sat down on the floor once again. She looked at Kentaro, who was wiping the sweat the had formed on his face. Sephiroth was staring oddly at the clothes she got him. She smiled and crawled over to him.
"You wear them silly..." Yuffie stated.
"I know that... But I rather dress in privacy." Sephiroth answered.
"Oh my Sephiroth is actually reveals himself to be a sensitive guy." Yuffie said suppressing a laugh.
Sephiroth just glanced his famous death glare at her. Kentaro held his hand to his mouth trying to cover his slight laughter. He shook his head and led Yuffie outside the room so Sephiroth would dress himself.

Vincent stretched as he laid himself against a rock near the entrance to the Nibel Mountains. He yawned and looked at Death Penalty. He smiled and leaned his head back against his folded arms. He had long since removed the golden brace that covered his left arm. The arm has perfectly normal he just preferred to be guarded when he was in battle. His daydreaming was interrupted by the sound of an airship outside the town. He looked to the gates to see the Highwind landing nearby. This scene was soon followed by an angry Cid and Cloud. They walked towards the mansion hoping to find Vincent. Vincent jumped up and met them halfway instead. They explained the situation with Sephiroth to him and boarded the airship. Red XIII was asleep on the rug, Tifa was listening to the radio, and Barret was looking at his gun arm.
"So this more or less judgment?" Barret questioned.
"Nah, here I was thinking we were going to go to a party at Junon." Cid said sarcastically.
"What fun. We get to meet yet again our mortal enemy." Tifa remarked.
"Will you all quit acting like this is your death wish or something?" Red XIII replied.
"What are you going to do about it, cat?" Barret asked.
"Can the insults, Barret. They get old and fast." Tifa snapped.
"You think he would have the decency to come up with something... a little more creative." Cid added.
"This is going to be a long day." Cloud sighed.


Yuffie glanced at what Kentaro was slaving over the stove for. Maybe lunch would not be so bad for a change. Sometimes she wondered where he learned how to cook. She sighed and watched him more closely.
"Well what is for lunch?" Yuffie asked.
"Fried shark mixed with vegetables and rice. sashimi with a side of mochi and last green tea." Kentaro answered.
It did not take long before lunch was ready. Yuffie was given the interesting task of giving Sephiroth his portion. She opened the door to find him polishing Masamune as if it really needed it. She set the bamboo tray near him and smiled.
"Well, eat up. And I hope you can use chopsticks because we do not have anything else for you to use." Yuffie said confidently.
"I am fine... I happen to very skilled at using them." Sephiroth replied.
"You know you look good in that outfit." Yuffie gleamed.
"Thanks." Sephiroth answered taking the chopsticks to his food.
"I sent your old outfit to the tailors to get it patched up." Yuffie added.
"Thank you. How should I repay you for your kindness?" Sephiroth asked.
"I think of something so put a ranicheck on that, would you?" Yuffie answered.
"Yes, I intend to remember." Sephiroth replied.

Sorry I took so long but I was busy. Now if you would sokind as to review. Arigato.