Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping Up Appearances in Clock Town Milk Bar ❯ One-Shot

[ A - All Readers ]

Written and made you disappointed by: Foxfira

Comments: This story is written right after Valmar devours Millenia, so that's why her thoughts and everything. AND Vincent & Millenia make just a wonderful couple! XD

Once again, as usually, Clock Town's Milk Bar was full of visitors from all kind of games. But, in the restaurant side was quite empty and quiet. Only two couples were eating. In one table, a lonely man sat, obviously waiting for his date. He had a black, well-treated, long hair and he was dressed in a black suit.

Somebody played the piano. The melody he played was sad, but very beautiful. Vincent tapped the rhythm against the table and heaved a deep sigh. He lit the candles on the table, smiling and thinking his memories. Suddenly he saw a girl coming in, wearing a red dress. He immediately stood up, checked that his red tie was correctly and started walking towards her.

What should I say? What should I say? Aaargh! I don't know what to say! Umm… you have a pretty nose? No. Too straight. You…You…You are very….very…. pretty? ...OH GOD, I WANT TO DIE!!!! Vincent thought.

"Hi, Vincent. It's a lovely night isn't it?" Millenia said with her soft voice.

"Yes…." Vincent couldn't say anything. He felt like his tongue would've weighted at least as much as a metal ship.

"Which table is ours?" Millenia continued. Her cheeks were healthy red and she smiled happily. "It's been a long time since I was in a restaurant."

"Me too." Vincent led her to their table. He helped her to sit like a gentleman.

"You haven't still forgotten how to act when a lady is present, huh?"

"It's in my blood."

"….Of course….What would you like to eat?" Millenia changed the subject.

"I don't know…. I think I'll get the Milk Bar special."

"Including fried milk, cold milk, hot milk and normal milk?" They both laughed. Vincent felt himself happy; it was an odd feeling to him. He hadn't felt it after Lucrecia left him.

"What are you going to take?" Vincent asked Millenia and smiled.

"I don't know….yet."

"What about the Chateau Brian for two?"

"Oh, la la! You speak French!" Millenia lifted her eyebrows happily surprised.

"I can speak also Deutsch…"

"Say something in Deutsch!"

"Ich Liebe dich.*" Vincent said, seriously.

"What did you say?" Millenia stared at him. "It sounded great!"

"Nothing special…." Vincent smiled. "I would like to have a toast for this beautiful night, which I am spending with a very pretty woman."

"Oh, well, I'd like to have a toast for the man I'm spending this night with!"

They have a toast, looking into each other's eyes.

"Are you ready?" A waiter came to them.

"Yes, I think so." Millenia said. "We'll take the ChatChat... You say it, Vincent!"

"Chateau Brian for two."

"Thank you and what would you like to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll take the `Bloody Mary' for today." Millenia said.

"Me too." Vincent grinned. "And make it really bloody!" They laughed again.

"Whatever you wish….. Anything else?"

"No. We're fine."

The waiter left rolling his eyes. Millenia looked deeply to Vincent's eyes, smiling in her thoughts. Vincent tried to act like he wouldn't notice, but it made him feel nervous. He started thinking that something was wrong, or Millenia waited him to say something flattering.

"Millenia…. "Vincent said. Then he felt like somebody would've been strangling him and no more words came out. He felt absolutely nervous.

"It's been a long time since I were on a date." Millenia said, sadly.


"Look at me now! I devour people! Eat their souls to get stronger…." She stopped and went red. When Vincent looked at her in a great surprise, she whispered: "Everybody's looking at us."

"Oh. Millenia…."Vincent felt himself highly uncomfortable being stared. "You are not the only one. There are many oddities much worse than….devouring people's souls." He heaved a deep sigh.

"Like what?" Millenia asked, sadly. "I am VALMAR"

"Like…leaving your true love for another man….to get a child with him….That is much worse."

"Who could've done that to you?" Millenia seemed to feel his pain.

"……No one. Just forget what I said. Let us have fun tonight and forget these sad discussions…?"

"Right! That is why I like you! You do not spe-....Confound that! I'm starting to talk like you!" They laughed.

"Art thou ready to decide where willst thou go?" Vincent smiled.

"Everywhere with thee." Millenia smiled. "I didn't know how romantic you can be."

"You know hardly anything about me."

"True… I only know, that your name is Vincent Valentine, you use a gun as your weapon, you're at the age of 27 and you height is about 184cm."

"That's true, but very little."

"AND you are unemployed, live in Shinra Mansion, your blood type is A, and your birthday is on 13th of October. Your birthplace is unknown."

"Exactly. You surprise me."

"Thank you."

"Chateau Brian for two?" A waiter asked.

"Yes, please."

The waiter brought them their `Bloody Mary's` and they tasted them.

"Mmmmm….Fresh." Millenia said.

"So, you know as much as you need to know about me, tell me now about yourself."

"Ummm…." She took a piece of meat in her fork and dipped it in the sauce. "I'm Millenia; I'm Valmar's wings incarnation. For living I take over people's bodies or devour their souls. My Blood type is A, too… I don't know where I was born. I love cute little things. Is that enough?"

"Yes, that is a good start."

They ate for a moment in silence. Vincent thought of Lucrecia; what if he'd still wait for few years…Maybe she'd come back…. Or would she? Would she come back to him when she realizes that Hojo was just using her? Would she be the same Lucrecia? Is it right to fall in love with Millenia? To run into a new love like a crazy, then broke your heart? What if Millenia do the same as Lucrecia?

Millenia was thinking too: Was it the right way to pretend dying and give Elena to Ryudo? Should she go to him and tell that she was alive…and well? Would he take her back? Maybe Elena's and Ryudo's feelings are too strong, she could never take Elena's place in Ryudo's heart. But could Elena take her place? Had Ryudo forgotten her? Did she love Ryudo? Did she love Vincent or was she just delighted? Vincent understood her and he was so much better than Ryudo, that childish, pessimistic, cynical and selfish BOY.

"What are you thinking?" Vincent asked.


"You've been dipping that piece of meat in to that sauce for five minutes now."

"Uhhh…."Millenia went red. "Sorry..."

"It is nothing. I was thinking too. So, how do you like Chateau Brian?"

"This is very good, indeed!"

"I knew you would like it. Almost everybody I know likes this." Vincent said very seriously. He somehow thought Lucrecia every time he looked into Millenia's eyes.

"Hey, this night was for having fun! Don't be so serious! Forget everybody else, except me."

"I will. Just tell me what you want to do."

"I want you to fly me to the moon and back…"

"CHECK, please!" Vincent said to a waiter passing by. "Sorry."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Millenia asked, sounding like a little girl.

Now is the time for flattering, Vincent thought: "You are very pretty and that dress suits you really well."

"Oh. Thank you."

Vincent had got the bill and paid to the waiter: "We can leave now, Dar-"

"What?" Millenia said. "I didn't hear you."

"I said that we can leave now."

"But after that?"

"Oh, then…Nothing."

"Okay…" Millenia answered when Vincent took her hand and lead her dancing. Full moon shone brightly in from the huge skylight above them. Millenia leaned to Vincent who went even paler than he already was. They danced and danced, it felt so natural, so easy and so relieving…. Vincent smoothed down Millenia's long red hair; he could smell the shampoo she had used. Millenia heaved a deep sigh, thinking of Ryudo.

The owner of the restaurant-side came to them, having a stupid smile on his face:

"I'm sorry, but we'll be closing now. You must leave. The bar-side is still open, you can go there dancing."

"Can we dance this song? We will leave right after this." Vincent said, looking deeply into the man's eyes. "Is it too much?"

"No. Do you want a special song, or something?"

"Yes, we want to dance the `Can't Live without You by My Side' from Slash." Millenia hugged Vincent.

The owner went, so they could continue dancing. They were quiet for a moment, and then Millenia said:

"I love this song."

"…The melody is very beautiful and Slash's voice is good."

"I wish this moment would never end." Millenia whispered to herself.

They were quiet for the rest of the song, both listening to the melody and Slash's voice.

The beat ended and the owner came to them again. Vincent told him, that they're leaving. Millenia pulled him after her:

"I want soon away from here. I want to be alone with you."

"Oh." Vincent felt extremely happy and he smiled. He felt like he'd want to hug Millenia. "Thank you."

They ran to the door and kissed. Then they disappeared to the streetlight of Clock Town.


* = I love you.