Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Final Materia ❯ Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Selphie chattered on brightly as she showed Shukera around the garden. Shukera was thankful that she didn't have to talk much. She listened to Selphie's chatter as she gazed around, taking in the beauty and atmosphere of Balamb Garden. Being a major contrast to her home, it took some her some time to adjust to it.
The garden was circular in shape, all the sections connected together by hallways that ran from section to section. Each section was color coded to make it easier to find. Marble floors lined the endless hallways. In the center of the large circular structure was the most beautiful fountain she had ever seen. The continuous sound of the water trickling down the stone falls made for the perfect background noise. It made her feel relaxed, tranquil. A large glass elevator rose and fell as students moved to the different levels. There were only three levels, but each level was huge. Selphie explained that the 2nd level was where the classrooms were; the 3rd level was Cid's office where they just came from, and the 1st level was where the other sections were: Parking lot, Library, Training Center, Cafeteria, Infirmary, Quad, and Dormitories. Shukera took mental notes of where each section was located and its appropriate color after they walked out of the elevator.
Shukera began to like being there. The atmosphere alone was relaxing her already, something she had never been able to do back in Midgar or Junon. That fact alone shocked her beyond belief. Her eyes began to water briefly as she thought about the friends she left back in Midgar, wishing they could see the place. She knew Aerith would have loved it.
Selphie stopped talking, which grabbed Shukera's attention. Selphie suddenly faced her and asked, "Are you single or are you seeing that majorly dreamy guy you showed up with?"
Her question totally caught Shukera off guard. "What?"
Selphie repeated the question. "Are you seeing that gorgeous guy you came here with, or are you single?"
Shukera snapped, "NO I'm not seeing him! I would die before I even think of seeing him!"
Selphie giggled unaware of the coldness to Shukera's voice. "That's crazy. I would never be able to concentrate with him always around. His eyes are the strangest I have ever seen! And that hair! WOW!"
Shukera pressed her lips into a narrow line as she glared at Selphie. "He is the biggest asshole I have ever met! Don't let his good looks or dashing charm fool you! He's nothing more than a snake coiling in the grass waiting for the right time to strike!"
Selphie stepped back shocked by Shukera's reaction. "I…I…I'm sorry", she stammered nervously. The last thing she wanted was this girl to be angry with her. "I shouldn't have kept on like that. I didn't mean to make you upset." She held her breath as she nervously waited for Shukera to say something.
Shukera sighed, taking in a deep breath, regaining control of herself. "Look, I'm sorry."
Selphie waved her hands as she smiled brightly, "No, don't apologize. It was my fault. I'm the one who never knows when to shut my mouth."
Shukera smiled, "You don't have to apologize either. I'm the one who cut your head off just for asking an innocent question."
Selphie smiled, as she jumped up and down, "No problem!"
Shukera faced her afraid of what she was going to ask next. She surely wasn't ready to talk about her feelings and she knew once this hyper girl got started, there would be no stopping her.
Instead Selphie became serious as she asked, "What is it like to be a combat Soldier?"
Shukera shook her head; relieved she didn't have to talk about her romantic feelings. What was there to tell? She surely couldn't tell the girl that she didn't believe in love and thought she was not capable of loving someone. "Its constant chaos, but after a while you begin to make sense of the chaos because if you don't, it will drive you insane. Then you get to the point where you find chaos comforting."
Selphie gazed at Shukera thoughtfully, as she listened intently to what she was saying. "That's sad." She thought about her being a fighter with See D. She could understand where Shukera was coming from, but knew she lived on a higher level of commitment than she did. She began to understand what kind of world Shukera came from.
They passed a few cadets who were talking in the hallway. The cadets fell silent when Selphie and Shukera passed, making Shukera more uncomfortable. She just turned her stare straight ahead and not said anything.
Selphie noticed their reaction and turned around. "What's the matter with you people?? Is that any way to treat our guest?? I'm ashamed of you all!!"
The cadets just grabbed their books and moved on. Selphie giggled as she followed Shukera to her dorm. "Silly girls."
"No, it's alright, I'm used to it." Shukera lifted her head up high, ignoring what happened. Deep inside, she sulked. It was going to be the same no matter where she went.
Shukera stopped at her door and looked at the lock mechanism. Selphie giggled and took the key card from Shukera's pocket. "That's what these are for. You slip this into the slot, punch in your pass code, and it opens the door." She slipped the card into the slot until she heard a mechanical click, then she punched in the code that Cid gave her earlier that was followed by a louder click as the door unlocked.
"See? Easy isn't it?"
Shukera smiled, at least when she retired to her room, she would get some privacy. "It is." She pushed the door open and stepped into her room. The dorm was quaint; with room enough for everything she needed. It was surely a lot bigger than what they had at Shinra, of which she was grateful.
Selphie came bouncing into the room behind Shukera, ripping her from her thoughts. "I hope you like it!" She bounced from leg to leg holding her arms out at the side. "I set it up for you." The picture on her nightstand caught her attention. Immediately she walked across the room and picked it up.
"HEY!! Do you know who this is??" She held the picture so that Shukera could see it.
Shukera shrugged, brushing off the look Selphie gave her. "I don't know. I was given that picture during our briefing." She held her breath hoping Selphie would buy it.
"This is your training partner, Seifer Almassy!" She laughed, "Good luck to you."
Shukera looked at Selphie strangely, wondering why her tone of voice changed. "What's his story?" She had to know what's going on, for there was more to his story then what they were told; otherwise Shin Ra wouldn't be so interested in him.
Selphie sat in the chair opposite Shukera, "I grew up with him. Well, we all, with the exception of Rinoa, grew up together in an orphanage. He was always a troublemaker, picking on Squall and this other guy named Zell. He is very arrogant, cocky, and a smart ass! But, he is also very strong and our best fighter. A few years ago he almost destroyed the world and us. He helped a sorceress woman who wanted to take over our dimension and hers too. It took three of us to take him down!"
Selphie took in a breath, and then continued; "Now he's the head of the Discipline Committee." Selphie smiled coyly at Shukera as the tone of her voice changed. "Something tells me you are interested in him."
"Uh, no. I just want to meet him." Shukera quickly added, "After all, is he not my training partner?? I should meet him if I am to know who it is I am training with."
Selphie giggled as her over active imagination began coming up with ideas. She placed the picture back on the nightstand and faced Shukera with a large grin. Shukera saw the look on her face and held up her hand, "NO WAY!!"
"I don't believe you. I think you like him. But, I will leave it at that, for now anyway." Selphie sat down across from Shukera and grinned at her from her seat.
Shukera sighed with relief. She wasn't ready to discuss Seifer or her feelings. She wasn't even sure what it was she was experiencing. Emotions, feelings, romance were things she never dealt with before. Suddenly the memory of Reno's kiss plagued her mind. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her head. "What is happening to me??"
Selphie, noticing Shukera's reaction, stood up and placed her hand gently on her shoulder. "Hey!! What's the matter?? You don't look so good."
"It's nothing. Really." Shukera looked up at her and smiled, but she could tell Selphie wanted her to elaborate. Sighing, Shukera added, "You remind me of the best friend I ever had." It was not a lie, nor was it the truth. She did remind her of her friend, just not the one she was talking about. "We were very close, almost like sisters. But, she disappeared six years ago."
Selphie gasped, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Is she…. dead?"
Shukera stood up and folded her arms across her chest. "I'm not really sure what happened. All I know is what I read in reports and they were not exactly clear. She just…disappeared." Was she really dead? No one knew for sure. None of the reports Shinra had ever given concrete evidence of her death, nor did they say is she was still alive.
"Just look at it this way, with no proof, there is always a chance that she could still be alive."
Shukera smiled, the girl looked on the bright side of everything. For a moment she wished she could go though life looking at the bright side of things. Shinra would eat her alive for all that perkiness, which was almost annoying.