Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning. ❯ Chapter,The Twenty-Fourth: In Which Zell Spends 85,000 Gil. ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Eoko: Okay, this is Eoko with another insanely late update! And with me today are a few people from the wonder FFXI Carbuncle Sever Linkshell Hamburglars! Say hi guys.

Takamine: Hi guys- or people- or whoever the hell I’m talking too- freaks!- just kidding.

Amneris: Hi.

Eoko: We just did the paladin run two times because of Noob Saen. So that is why I have been busy and forgotten to update on time once again. And garrison. Garrisons are good! So, here we go, another chapters down!

Chapter,The Twenty-Fourth: In Which Zell Spends 85,000 Gil.

Zell sat in front of a computer, several windows open displaying different search results. He also had the CaTS (1) on so that he could input the chocobo ranch information right into it. No need for pens and paper when you’re a Garden student.

There were seven large ranches and a scattering of smaller ones that were used more as boarding stables for people that owned chocobos in the cities. Zell created a custom icon of a chocobo head to mark the main ranches and used plain yellow dots to mark the boarding stables.

He sat back, looking over the points on the CaTS map of Gaia. There weren’t any ranches on Balamb or the Galbadian continent. They all seemed to be right around the locations of the Chocobo Forests that littered the less populated regions.

Zell immediately dismissed The Choco Loco which was located right by The Island Closest to Heaven. Somehow Zell doubted that Irvine would risk making his beloved bird Ochu dinner.

There were three located on Centra. Two of which were also crossed off, the other was a possibility. Lighthouse Ridge was right around the orphanage so it was possible Irvine took Lightning there. But it was a long way to travel for visits. Still, it had to be considered if he was going to find the chocobo.

The last three were Northern Hills, Mountain Coast, and Trabia Tundra. Zell checked his searches and clicked on the link for Trabia Tundra. It was owned and operated by Trabia Garden students and faculty. This looked promising. Irvine could easily go to and from the other garden almost regularly. It wasn’t far away, and transports between the Trabia and Balamb Gardens were numerous.

Zell put a white circle around it and went to look at the other two. Mountain Coast, just to the west of Trabia Tundra also looked good. Northern Hills was run by Shumi, but mostly by Moombas. Well… they hadn’t had the best luck with a particular Shumi, but the village had seemed quite nice.

Zell looked at the littering of yellow dots. Most of them looked after other people’s chocobos, they didn’t have their own. Irvine would have kept Lightning at one of them prior to the sale. The Choco Beach Boarding Stable was probably the one. It was on Balamb Island, just north of the city. It was close and they took good care of their birds. They even had a number of their own for a chocobo ride run out of town. Zell would have to see if he just went from boarding there to selling his bird to them.

Whatever the case it was time to make some phone-calls. Zell printed out his information and his map and headed back to his room to start the, most likely, long and tedious task of locating a single chocobo that went by the name of Lightning.

- - -

He loved him…? How could he love him!? The idiot of a cowboy hated him with everything he had! How could Zell love that?!

Seifer stalked around his room, throwing anything of minimal value against any hard surface, such as doors, walls and desk frames. He couldn’t calm down. He had tried and it only got him thinking and then even more angry.

He was jealous. He was very, very jealous and he couldn’t explain in. He had admitted to himself that he had feelings for the little blond, but they were just feelings right? Feelings would go away. It was just a little crush, wasn’t it?

If that’s all it was why did he keep shaking and throwing things around his room? Maybe it wasn’t just a crush. What was it then? Love? Did he, Seifer Almasy, love Zell Dincht?

The thought brought a small smile to his face and a moment of peace in the room destroying. But in no time at all he was remembering who Zell loved and chaos was back in control.

As this very loud activity was taking place Selphie Tilmitt was making her way down the halls. She came to a halt in front of Seifer’s door and checked the number to be sure. Yes, it was definitely Seifer’s room. She jumped a little when something collided with the door. Were he and Zell fighting? She would expect a lot of screaming if they were… so what was going on?

Being the ever helpful and curious little brunette, she knocked on the door, loudly, to be heard over the racket inside the room.

Seifer stopped with a book in his hand, lifted above and behind his head. He frowned at the door and let the book drop. “Who is it?”

“It’s Selphie. What’s going on in there, Seifer? Are you wrestling a tornado or something?”

Seifer shook his head but headed over to the door and opened it. “Hello Selphie. It’s nice of you to stop to see what was happening, but I don’t really want any- hey! You can’t just walk into my room.”

“What a mess!” Selphie exclaimed. “What got you mad enough to destroy your room??”

Seifer let the door close and huffily moved over to a chair. “Zell,” he said shortly.

Selphie bounced over to a seat opposite him. “What do you mean? You and Zell are best friends. You always get along now.”

“Yea, well, things change, Selphie.”

“What changed?”

Seifer cringed and looked away. “Irvine. Zell and Irvine.”

“You’re making them sound like a couple, Seifer.”

“They will be a couple Selphie! It’s just a matter of time. Zell already loves him-”

“What?! Zell loves him??”

Seifer frowned deeply and Selphie caught the expression. “Oh, Seifer… you poor thing.”

“I can’t do anything about it. I’ll just forget it. Move on from something that never even happened…”

“But you-”

“But I nothing, Selphie. He’s in love. I won’t take that away from him because of my own selfish feelings for him.”

The brunette pouted. Seifer was angry and sad and hurt, and he was just going to bury it all up. Typical Seifer. “If you need to talk to someone, or destroy something, call me. We can chat or go beat up Grats, okay?”

“Yea, sure.”

Okaaaaay, Seifer??”

“Yes, Selphie. Okay. I’ll call you if I need something. Happy?”

“No, but I feel a bit better. You take care of yourself, ya hear?” With that she left the tall blond to his sulking and possibly more room destroying.

- - -

“You’re sure?”

:: Of course I’m sure. We keep perfect records and no Irvine Kinneas has ever sold us a chocobo named Lightning. ::

“Well, thank you for your time. Bye.”

:: Good bye, Mr. Dincht. ::

Well, there went the first lead. Maybe he had his reasons for not selling to Trabia Tundra. It was possible that he didn’t want people to know. Selphie could sure find out easily if she had friends on the ranch. She’d probably offer to help, but he’d be too proud or too far in denial of any problems to accept it.

“Oh, Irvine… I’m so sorry.”

Zell crossed off the first ranch on his list. Mountain Coast was next. He picked up the phone and dialed.

::-Ring… Ring… Ring- Yyyyello? Mountain Coast Ranch, Demetri speaking, how can I help ya today? ::

“Hello, I’m trying to find a chocobo your ranch may have purchased some time in the last six months.”

:: Last six months? What kinda details ya got? ::

“The chocobo is named Lightning. He was sold by Irvine Kinneas. Ringing any bells?”

:: Lightning? Oh yea, that name sure does ring a bell. Fast as a whip that one. He’s a barrel racer you know? Damn fine one too. Amazing we got him so cheap- ::

Zell leapt to his feet. “You have him??”

:: Yea, we got him. Calm down there. What you calling about Lightning for? ::

“I want to buy him from you.”

:: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy now, partner. That there’s a fine bird. We ain’t interested in selling. ::

“That bird was Irvine Kinneas’ and I plan to return it to him.”

:: Lightning’s ours now. We bought him. It were fair and square. ::

“How much?”

:: How much what? How much would we sell Lightning for? ::

“Yes, what’s your price?”

::He’s a damn good chocobo. Doubt some kid like you could afford him. ::

“The name’s Zell Dincht, high ranking SeeD and one of the six to destroy Ultimecia. Still thinking I can’t afford the bird?”

:: Zell Dincht? No kiddin’. Well, maybe ya can afford Lightning. He ain’t cheap. Not even for a SeeD with your pay. ::

“I’ve been saving up,” Zell commented dryly. He was about an inch from making this a confiscation mission and paying the arsehole zilch.

:: I’d have to consult with management- ::

“Just put management on the phone!”

::Al’ight, al’ight, hold yer chocobos. ::

Zell waited patiently for Demetri to put the manager of the ranch on the phone.

:: Hello, David, speaking. ::

“The manager I hope?”

:: Yes. You want to buy Lightning? ::

“Yes, I do. Just tell me how much.”

:: And you’re a high rank SeeD? Demetri doesn’t have as much tact as I would like him to have. It’s common sense not to mess around with SeeDs, period. I can’t let him go cheap. But I can sell him cheaper than I would. Normally I would refuse sale immediately, but again, you don’t mess with SeeD. 85,000 Gil ::

Zell had checked some prices during his searching. 85,000 wasn’t a bad price considering they didn’t want to sell. Good thing occupation and name dropping actually worked some places.

“Sounds good. 85,000 Gil it is. Now, I have this conversation recorded, so I don’t want to find you spiking up the price once I get out there. I’ll come for Lightning on Thursday. Is that good for you?”

:: Thursday is fine, Mr. Dincht. I look forward to meeting with you. Good bye. ::

“Good bye, Mr. Manager.” Zell hung up. That had sounded lame. Mr. Manager? Well, the only name he gave was David. It wasn’t Zell’s fault he couldn’t be completely professional with the info he had obtain from the conversation.

“Good thing I don’t buy stuff for a long time, and then buy big things. I bought that bike a while ago so I should have more than enough for a chocobo and boarding it. I’ll call the Choco Beach Boarding Stables tomorrow. If I have to hear one more idiot stable hand I’m gonna snap something.” Zell rambled on about this and that to himself, almost as if he were talking to Seifer. Of course, Seifer was still busy sulking in his room.

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1. CaTS: Coordinates and Tracking System