Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Like a Bracelet ❯ Just learned a new dance, the flirt trot ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Quistis filled out her assignments with ease. It was a wonder that she bothered with cadet life. She doesn't need to take the lessons. She long since graduated, it's how she became an instructor. Her brilliance academically and on the battlefield were superb. Frankly, attending classes was just something to pass the time. While waiting for class to end, she let her mind wander to her date this coming weekend. What will she wear? How will she be seen by Dominic? Beautiful? Chic? Witty? Boring? Trying too hard? Ugly up close?

She opened an e-reader on her desk computer. She needs a distraction before she gets too in her head. He thought she was lovely. He thought she was his type. He wouldn't have gone to the trouble of writing a note for her if he wasn't interested.

She was through four paragraphs of a romance novel before getting distracted again. The woman in the story, Claire, was having dating issues because she liked someone new after having been with a guy for seven months. What if Dominic likes her for now, but wants to be with someone else after she becomes invested in him and loves him? What then?

'How do people date? The better question is why do people date?' She could defend the fact that being single was easy. Comfortable. One doesn't have to watch out for their feelings when single.

Shaking away the cloud of feelings, she continued reading. When class came to an end fifteen minutes later, she grabbed her bag then walked out. "Hello Xu," she waved to her long time friend who was coming up the hall towards her.

"Hi." Falling into step with her, she went on. "My brother is coming to visit this weekend. We're going round the island on that lunch sail thing. Care to join us?"

"Why are you taking your brother for lunch at a tourist attraction?"

"Because it boosts the economy, my dear instructor."

"Former instructor."

Xu shrugged out her hand. "The cadets were better in your care." Nudging her friend's side with her elbow, she asked. "Do you have any plans?"

"I do. A date with a stranger."

"Is he older, younger, our age?"

"I would never date someone younger than me."

"Squall is a year under you." She reminded her.

Quistis stiffened. She wished she had kept her feelings secret from her best friend, if she knew it would be thrown in her face one day. "I meant embarrassingly young."


"He looks our age.."

"Looks? Where'd you meet him?"

"I will this weekend. We haven't even spoken." Her gaze slanted trying to gauge her friend's reaction. "He left me a note with the cashier. He has a crush and wanted to see where we could end up from there."

"Did he appear smart? I don't think you should date someone who likes you for your looks."

"Xu, that's a law of attraction for most people. He's not looking down on my intelligence, he doesn't even know me. But, he likes what he sees and that's enough to try for a connection."

"More like status. Quistis, I'm not saying you shouldn't go out with him or take the compliment, just that you should give him the third degree when you do get to know him. Let him know you're not just some doll."

"Believe me, I'll run every "Creep Check" test in the book on him."

Xu stopped walking and stared at Quistis. "Be sure that you do. And, if you doubt your checklist then run him by me."

"I will." She grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Now that I'm through with making you cautious," Xu crossed her arms over her chest, and grinned like a lottery winner. "Is he good-looking or a pity date because he likes you?"

Quistis chuckled. "He's fine. Very fine, actually. He has gorgeous waves, island complexion, and from what I understand, wealthy."

"I see… Does he have a brother?"

"If he does, I'll send him your way."

"Good. We can double." She looked up when hearing the first bell. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Alright. Bye, Xu."

She waved then turned around and went towards her class. Quistis continued to her next class; she's feeling a bit better about the coming weekend. Maybe she could even get Dominic to meet her the day after and go on the sail with Xu and Xu's brother. He chose the first date, surely it's acceptable if the other person in the relationship chooses the second.

"No spells in the Sasha, you know the rules." She reprimanded a cadet as she passed by and noticed a familiar glow.

"I was just practicing. Sheesh, not like you're an instructor anymore, Quiiiistis." She flaunted her use of her first name rather than her last.

Quistis rolled her eyes. She prayed Dominic, if nothing else, was not some grubby, immature teenager.


"Alright, I'm here." Quistis stood outside of Selphie's dorm room. "Make me over." She stuck her finger up. "But, do not make me look like I walk the streets, please."

Selphie placed her hands on her hips; her expression was in utter shock. "Quistis, Marigold, Trepe… Why would you think that?"

Quistis furrowed her brows. "The M in my name is for Marie. Nobody is named Marigold." She would visibly flinch if she weren't so poised.

"Tee hee." She waved her in. "I found several dresses and a pair of culottes, in case a dress wasn't your comfort zone." She spread her arms to show off the assortment of outfits she's selected.

"And how many dates have you had?" Quistis wondered out loud.

"I used to casually date all the time at Trabia. Trust me, I know what guys like."

Quistis was sure that guys would like anything Selphie wore. She's very personable and fun. She could wear a trashbag and keep a guy's interest. "This one."

"No, no. Try them all on. It's not just about what you like the look of," she grabbed the green turtleneck dress her skittish friend had pointed to. "It's about how the outfit looks on you."

The former instructor headed for the dressing screen and changed. She had to admit that she liked the feel of the material. Looking down at herself, she tried to visualize what she looks like before getting the delighted pleasantries from her chipper, though overly kind Selphie.

"How do I look?" She stepped from behind the screen.

Selphie cocked her head. "I like everything but the sleeves. It kinda makes you look like you sell drinks at a really high price." She snapped her fingers. "Maybe a belt." She opened her dresser and grabbed her gold chain belt. "This droops. Not only will it compliment your waistline, it swings back and forth which looks really cool, so if you're nervous about eye contact, this piece of resistance will help."

"I'll try on the next one." She does like the droop of the belt though, and the gold against the green. But as Selphie said, she should try them all.

By the end of the fitting, the nervous dating novice went with navy colored culottes pants, with the gold chain belt from the green dress, and a decorative necklace that looked like a knot of rope colored dark blue, white, with a thin gold accent tracing through it.

"The jacket has a fur lining, so you'll be warm, then you can show-off your cute arms once you get in the club." She smiled; mock tears in her big green eyes. The girl could get an Oscar for cheer and moral support. "I kinda wish I could be there."

"What, like a chaperone?" Quistis shook her head. "Now you're scaring me. Am I really that dry?"

"Quistis, nobody uses "dry" anymore. Now we say "desert"."


"Don't channel Squall for this date, you have to be your amazing self." She gripped her friend's upper arms to give her positive energy.


"Is he picking you up?"

"No. During the call I told him I'd meet him in Timber." She looked at the clock. "I'd better go. Thank you for the dressing tutorial."

"You're welcome." She really wanted her to choose the maroon one with the large flower, but it would be uncomfortable to dance in because it's so cinched. Perhaps date number two. "Have fun - and no kissing on the first date."

"I wouldn't dream of it." The door slid shut just as she lowered her hand from a wave.

Quistis froze when Seifer appeared at the end of the corridor. She could not let him see her. Her confidence would shatter instantly. 'Wait. Seifer knows my date is tonight. If he insults me about it, I'll just ignore it. I've heard it all as an instructor. At least I'm friends with Seifer, well, as much as one can be with him.'

The passing scenery between Balamb island to Timber was calming. Everything in silhouette against the pale moonlight beaming from above. Seeing such pretty imagery, Quistis felt that darkness might be too misunderstood and viewed too one-sided. It can be grim and sad, or beautiful. Hiding imperfections makes them just as pretty as things without flaws.

Quistis Trepe hoped the darkness would hide any flaws she had. 'Why do I care so much? I don't even really want to be on this date. Am I hoping to have at least one reference for a date that I do want to have?' She checked her watch. 'Maybe I'll get lucky and he won't show up.'

If only she had retracted that last statement…

20 minutes had passed and she remained alone at the meeting place. The overpass by the trains. Good thing she chose the pants. It's not arctic but it's too cold for a dress. Especially when one has obviously been stood-up. She should have known this was all for laughs.

Releasing a sigh, she stood from the wooden bench, that was once cool to the touch but is now warmed by the heat of her growing bitterness. She felt tears. She held them. It's not enough she's been stood-up, but to make a show of how much it affected her was too much. She'd rather lick her wounds in private back in Balamb.


She jumped, startled by not just the sudden voice but the proximity of it. Guarded, despite the use of her name, and cautious, almost meek tone of the speaker, she asked. "Who's there?"

"Umm, don't get mad." A young man stepped into view. A fixed light shone on him exposing one half of his body while leaving the rest dim, almost invisible.

It was the cashier from the restaurant. "Mad? For what reason?" She suddenly blushed. He must have been on his way home from work and saw her sitting here, alone, looking very much like she was. Dumped.

"I.." He hesitated. "I have something to confess."

She cocked her head, telling him to go on.

"The note that I gave you earlier this week.. It wasn't from Dominic… It was from me." His eyes dropped to the grey concrete.

Quistis processed that statement three times, but her only response was. "What?"

"I just.. You're so beautiful and I'm.. I'm a cashier, and not exactly a MQ model." He glanced at her expression. "I felt stupid asking you on my own, so I lied. I don't even know that guy, just that he comes in often and his friends call him Dom'."

The anger in her was fluctuating between not as much and completely upset hearing that. How dare he! "And then what? You lost your nerve and decided not to show up?"

"No… I did show up - early, in fact… I just took one look at you and lost my nerve again. Then, I was going over and over what to say.. How to explain the situation. The next thing I knew, twenty minutes had passed."

"Unbelievable…" The hurt was too much in her voice.

"I'm so sorry. I really like you, but… I understand if you've changed your mind. You have every right to."

The embittered romance novice reevaluated the situation. He, this cashier Casanova, was her actual date. He had been on site to meet her, he just didn't. She wasn't stood-up. This was a very odd situation she's found herself in.

"Even if you're upset, please let me walk you to the station to get home." He stepped closer, fully bathed in the glowing lights on the bridge.

"You're calling off the date?"

"Aren't you?"

Quistis held a silent pause then said. "No." With an affirmed nod, she added. "If I look at the situation rationally, you did show up. Although, you're not whom I expected, you are sincerely here."

He nodded enthusiastically. Desperately thankful that she seems to understand. "Would you give me the pleasure of forgiving my awkward stupidity of mistreatment by going out for a late night bite to eat with me to apologize?"

"Well, since it's an apology, I'll take you up on it." She stepped closer to him, her hand out. "It's nice to meet you. And since you know my name, this would be the part where you tell me yours." She released his hand once he shook hers.

"Sherlock Holmes, my beautiful lady." He began to walk to lead her to the diner.

Quistis rolled her eyes, though she felt a smile creeping at the corners of her mouth over how sweetly immature the cashier was. "The famous detective? Perfect. Maybe you can help me solve the mystery of the identity of the guy who really asked me out on a date."

"Simple, my dear." He paused in his steps. "His name is Bailey Eldron, age 19, and he's very sorry for being unworthy of such a lovely presence."

"Now you're trying to flatter me." She smiled openly. "I'm happy you think I'm pretty, but you shouldn't put yourself down. You're handsome, you have a job, and honestly speaking.. Women just want a guy who wants to know them. Looks don't matter."

He heaved a sigh. "That takes off so much pressure." He smiled. "I would really love to get to know you."

"And, I am interested in getting to know you. So, no more lies."

"None." He placed his hand over his heart.

"Ok.. Bailey.. Let's enjoy this date."

"And hopefully, it will become many more?"

Quistis, with a coy expression, replied. "We'll see."

Arm in arm the budding couple walked to an open diner.