Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Duty ❯ Who’s For Dinner? ( Chapter 8 )
Notes and Warnings: Minor spoilers for FFX-2, as it is post FFX-2.
A Gippal/Baralai [eventual] slash, and romancing.
'Legal-ish' Warning: I think chapter 7 sums it up about right.
Personal Note: Sorry for the long wait... again. But thank goodness, the busy schedule is behind me. Thanks to all you reviewers and readers. Hopefully chapter nine will be quiet amusing to everyone... we're dipping into the fantastic dreamworld of Baralai for a whole chatper, and what an interesting dream it is.
Additional comment: I'm not sure I have one. Oh, yes, read Gysecune and Wai - Aki 's stories, if for some reason you could have missed them.
Enjoy Chapter 8: "Who's For Dinner?"
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Oh yes indeed, a man of mystery. I let Baralai work his mysterious ways upon me. He tilts his head and takes full possession of my mouth. It gives me electric chills the way his tongue coils in my mouth, always sliding under mine. My palate dies and goes to heaven when his tongue arcs to the roof of my mouth. If this man was a dessert, there would be no need for any other. He is an exquisite delicacy which challenges my taste buds to even define that divine flavor. I growl and try to pull him back down, but he moves up to nip gently at my nose. Now if that doesn't say-
"I love you." He whispers softly, searching my face.
I smile and repeat the words. "Muja oui."
He merely smiles and sets back to my mouth. I teasingly keep my lips firmly closed. The man is undeterred as he laps at my closed mouth, and l feel him settle all the way on me, his free hands starting to wander. I tease him a bit more as I smile purposefully against the insistent tongue. His hands set a lazy pace in stroking both my sides, from my chest down to my waist as he brushes his lips one last time over mine.
Since I refuse to accept a more intimate kiss, he moves up to kiss more intimate areas. I can feel my hands shaking and body reeling as he nips on my ear. He's almost harsh, almost feral in his ministrations. Almost. He keeps this gentleness that flows against the grain of the immediate need.
As he presses kisses into the side of my neck, I manage to use my developed abs and roll my hips up into his. I feel the wet heat of the released gasp, and I delight as he is now shaking from my touch. His hands grasp my waist tightly, pushing my hips away. In rebellion I pull him further into me, so his heat engulfs me as I rock slowly against him. This wonderful, light feeling contradicts my confined body. But what a pleasure it is to be forced down by him. The searing heat seeping into me, pooling into my own-
I tense when I could of sworn I heard a noise. A chime perhaps. But as hot lips descend to my collar, and by thoughts drift awa-
I heard it again, and I can feel Baralai loose rhythm in his ministrations as he is slightly distracted. I'm distracted, but what a distraction it is. I feel him free my hips, his hands traveling to my chest. I can finally grind myself against this sensual creatu-
*Knock knock knock*
I obviously can't ignore it this time. Someone is at the door, and Baralai is deaf. Though with the blood rushing in my ears, I would doubt if I could hear it too.
"Ignore it." This sort of primal growl escapes Baralai as he pushes me back to the yielding cushions. He leans down to kiss me when he stiffen at the muffled familiar voice, shouting out something that was more likely to cause him alarm.
"Tyssed Gippal! Cdub knubehk Pynymye vun zicd uha sehida yht ubah drec tuun!*" Female laughter erupted behind the closed door. I looked up at Baralai.
Baralai's face twisted from passionate to impassive in agonizing speed. With a sigh he removed himself from me, grumbling slightly as he made his way to the door which seemingly had been taken over in a fit of giggles.
"Go, take a quick shower." I didn't move, and he just stared at me. "Trust me. And a cold one," he added in second thought, a small smile on his face.
I shrug, removing myself from my comfortable, previously quite enjoyable position. I head to the bathroom, sending a questioning glance to my man at the door. He just smiles lightly and shakes his head. So I step into the bathroom, trusting my love.
I quickly picked up my scattered clothes, yelling 'hold on!' to the girls behind the door. In my closet hung my favorite wear; a long, white robe that reached to the end of my calves, with blue and green embroidery, and intricate ties at the waist. It would help cover my...appearance.
I run to the main entrance, not that far away. I open the door, completely forgetting my ruffled look before the short blond whistles her appreciation.
"See whatcha missin' out on, eh Yunie?" I blush, realizing in fact I wore no linen shirt, and the white robe did well in giving glimpses of skin; a slit was open until about halfway down my chest. I start and remember my manners.
"Come in," I gesture inside to my home, "I was just lying down for a while." I hastily put back on my headband. I noted it really did nothing for my unruly hair. Yuna and Rikku made their way to the couch, and I try not to stare as they sit on the spot where we were about to make lo-
"Where's Gippal?" Paine asks curiously.
Though startled from my thoughts, I answer her smoothly. "I think the shower. I got home from work and I decided to lie down on the couch," on Gippal, " for a short respite," so I could continue making out with Gippal, "when I awoke to an interesting shout..."
Paine grinned while simultaneously looking abash. "I honestly thought you weren't here."
I smile winsomely, "So what brings you around in my neighborhood?"
" We just wanted to visit with everyone, since we skipped out on the last bit in Luca. And since Gippal was already here with you..." Rikku trailed off, letting me fill in my own blanks.
"Well then, I'm glad you could come." I winced. Freudian slip?
"We're here for dinner," Yuna chimed in with her quieter voice, " and we thought we'd just whip something up, or we could go to a restaurant."
I thought on it. "If you think you can make something with what I have, please, try it. " The Yuna and Rikku clapped their hands, clamoring as they made their way into my kitchen. Paine rolled her eyes and sighed motheringly, and then glanced my way.
"So Mr. Praetor, how does it feel living with Gippal again?"
Talk about being put on the spot. "I can't get any work done." Honest truth.
Paine laughed. "I thought as much. Maybe he'll get you to relax." She poked my chest demandingly.
"What's relax?" I joke.
"I thought so," Paine chuckled, making her own way into the kitchen.
"Oh, wait, Paine, where is Yuna's... Tidus?"
The lovely figure turned around. " He's staying back in Besaid, catching up with some old friends."
"Oh, alright. I was hoping I'd get a chance to meet him," face to face, " well, I'm going to go to the bathroom and tiddy-up a bit..." I suddenly ran across a lack of words. Between two best of friends, words are trifle. You can read each other's minds.
"Don't worry, the kitchen will be intact when you get back." The red eyes lit up in mirth.
"Thanks." I turn, making my way down the familiar hall, into by bedroom, and to the connecting bath. The only trace of Gippal was the trail of water leading from my bathroom. I could only guess he ran to kiss, I mean his, room. I figure perhaps a cold splash of water on my face would wake me up. To reality.
As my vision is blocked from toweling my face, I sense Gippal somewhere behind me. It's not long before dry arms wrap around my face, and I get a low, appreciative whistle. I laugh as I turn in his hold, noticing the innocent look on his face, that told me he did something sneaky. I also take note he left his eye patch off; it's a rare thing for him to do that. That sort of trust he had in me made my heart leap. It took him a while to understand it didn't bother me, and it never would bother me. The skin had healed wonderfully over the wound, and it just added to his beauty.
"So I heard the girls. And my, this is a fantastic outfit. "
I could only guess it was. I had been complimented before on how the straight fabric that hung from my shoulders only tapered slightly to my waist, and absolutely accented my 'lithe, lean form'. Needless to say, it was one of my more bashful conversations with a female subordinate.
"I especially like this part." Gippal trailed a finger down my open collar, not stopping until the fabric wouldn't give at mid-chest. He still has that innocent, not-so-innocent look on his face. It's then I see what is written on the fogged glass doors of the shower. I love Baralai.
"Only because you can molest my neck easier." I slowly ease him back, toward the shower.
"Ain't it the truth!" A hand cupped my check, then fingers slid down my throat, stroking my sensitive skin. It makes me more hungry for him.
I reach out, but for the glass doors in view. I draw a heart, inside writing 'B+G Forever'. Gippal kisses me quickly before turning around and slipping behind me, a different, happy smile on his face. He draws a smiley next to the heart. I draw two stick figures holding hands. Gippal laughs quietly, then settles for his next work of art. With the edge of his fingernail, he traces fine lines, the final image a beautiful flower. He wrote my name, and then drew an arrow pointing to the plant.
I smiled, in awe and envy. Gippal was the artist, most definitely. Sure, I could draw maps within perfection, but that was mathematics. Freeform... I could never do. But neither could Gippal learn to write legibly. So perhaps we compliment each other just right. I gasp and melt back as lips descend on my neck.
"Gippal," I warned, "we have company."
He continues, mumbling against my neck, " So? Dinner'll be a while. Besides," he added in second thought, " you said the wait would be worth it."
Yevon, Gippal was making me hard, er...this more difficult than necessary. "And you said only one kiss." It was only one day, but how many times have we been all over each other?
" more." He promises with ulterior motives, swallowing up my breathy laughter. This sweet man pulls me closer, and I bury my hands in his long, damp hair. His hands slid inside the long robe, resting at my hips as our tongues dueled. The only sound heard was the synchronized beating of our hearts- and a doorbell chime.
I make to leave, but he stays the kiss, hands clasping behind my back. I break the kiss, "I must answer the-"
"The girls can get it." He pulls me in for another blissful kiss.
I twist in his arms, so his warm hands are now against my bare abdomen. My resolve to leave falters, until I hear the chime again.
"Oh no you don't." Gippal drags me back to him, but I pull free, running out of the rooms, and unceremoniously slamming the bedroom door on him. I make for the door, noticing I look even more rumpled, if that was possible. At least the robe was straight, neat and clean.
I open the door, and tighten my jaw to keep it from hanging loose. I see LaBlonc and Nooj's arms entwined in a romantic hold. "Hello Nooj, LeBlanc."
"Darling! We got news you'd be having a little get together, so we dropped by." Nooj stayed as quiet as ever.
"Well, yes...Please, come in." I hold open the door, and the couple immediately settle in my parlor room.
"Paine, Yuna, Rikku," Nooj acknowledges the women who rushed to see their company, " Baralai." Nooj looked me over appraisingly, an almost coquettish grin settling on his face. "Been having fun entertaining the ladies?"
Paine sent a teasing leer. "I, no, they...." I took a deep breath, "Yes, they've been quite good company."
LeBlanc laughed, and Nooj turned to Paine. "Let me in the kitchen. Who knows what you've done."
I sigh with relief; Nooj is responsible, has lost his death streak, and is still a good cook. The kitchen will be safe. For the time being. Now to get a shirt.
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I waited forever and now my prey arrives, just as not innocent as ever. I push him toward the bed barely before the door is shut and locked.
"Shirt!" He protests sweetly against my lips.
"You look fine without one, trust me." My hands naturally stroke the exposed skin as I kiss him, feeling the sort of purr vibrate beneath my hands and against my lips. Not until I push him to the bed's edge does he pull away.
"I came in to put on a shirt." I hold onto his waist, so he begrudgingly takes me on the ride over to his dresser. He opens a drawer when I reach behind him and open another one. I noted with curiosity they were filled with silk like shorts, all in different colors ranging from deep blue to black.
"What are these?" I motion to the weird clothes.
"They're called underwear." Baralai smiled, though slightly annoyed, and grabbed the articles from me.
"You wear them under your clothes?" Gippal asked dubiously.
"Yeah. You've... never had underwear?"
"No need for 'em. They must be a bother."
"Not really," he shakes his head, " they feel quite nice, actually. Silk caressing your thighs like the soft hands of an intimate lover..." The tease trailed off. But I admit I was ready to try this 'underwear'. If it felt that good, maybe I'd even wear two or three.
My attention was diverted as I watched Baralai shrug off the top of the robe to put on his shirt. I stared as the heavy fabric stayed at his waist, but slowly pulled down the loose pants underneath, not stopping until it reached the widest part of his sharp hips, showing more than I could imagine. In this detail, anyways.
"Quit staring," Baralai joked.
"Why should I?" I brought my gaze back to his face.
"Because it's rude to st-"
"Dinner!!" A female voice shouted loudly.
I looked at my ravishable companion. "Shall we?" I put out my arm, waiting patiently while he put the robe back on.
"It would be my pleasure." He took my arm, and we elegantly traversed down the hall. We found everyone waiting in the small dinning room, who squeezed together to make room for us also. I looked in awe at our table; I didn't know this kind of food existed in Baralai's place. Of course, even if it was, I'd be too lazy at most moments to fix it. We sat down, Baralai at the head, myself on his left, and Paine on his right. To my right was Leblanc and Nooj, and across from me the three girls in reverse order. PYR, instead of YRP. The wine was already poured, and Baralai stood for a toast.
"To friendship, and its peaceable bonds."
"Here here!"
"Well said."
"Very true."
Glasses chinked as arms stretched to their furthest neighbor. Hopeful sips were taken as it seemed peace in Spira had reached a permanent age. I watched Baralai sit, and the talk began. We talked long past the steaming meal, mulled wine, and the light of day. It was almost into the next day before everyone was able to say their final goodbyes. Yuna insisted on helping with the mess, so the three girls were the last to go. I laughed as Baralai politely insisted perhaps Rikku would like to take a break as a second dish shattered on the floor. For a thief she sure has butterfingers.
I watched Baralai as he gave a last and parting wave, sliding the door shut after they left. He had a smile that spoke volumes of contentment, as he made his way back to his bedroom.
"Bed," he replied simply, exhaustion seeming to set in. I wanted to follow, by I first went to my own room. Shucking off my clothes, I slipped on one of the 'underwear' I had found earlier; and by Yevon, it was nice. Real nice. I decided I should wear the underwear of the New Yevon Praetor more often. I laughed. If someone would have heard that...
I make my way into the master bedroom just as Baralai is turning down the covers. He pivots, obviously sensing me.
"Just because you slept with me last night," I raise my brow at his choice of words, "doesn't mean you can crawl in with me again." I do my best in what I think is pouting. His resolve melts, as he sighs the martyr. "Alright. Just for tonight." With uncontained glee and mischief I crawl in on the other side. I snuggle up close to his figure. He chuckles as I grab his wrist, placing the arm around my waist. He blows my loose hair from his face, a parting 'good night' whispered in my ear. Not a bad way to fall asleep. Gippal, I told myself, this has to best thing that ever happened to you. I relax my body, telling my brain to shut up and let me enjoy the moment.
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Tyssed Gippal! Cdub knubehk Pynymye vun zicd uha sehida yht ubah drec tuun!*: Dammit Gippal! Stop groping Baralai for just one minute and open this door!
In queue: Chapter 9: Fortelling Dreams?