Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mark of the Phoenix ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Mark of the Phoenix”
Chapter 6
*Disclaimer: The world that this story is set in and all characters therein belong to Square-Enix. This fiction piece is strictly a non-profit exercise of creativity and entertainment for people (like me) who can't get enough of this world and the characters.*
Cissnei flipped through the channels, trying unsuccessfully to find something she wanted to watch. She squirmed restlessly, her unfulfilled lust creating tension between her thighs. For about the seventh time since she arrived at Reno's apartment, she checked her watch and heaved a sigh. It was going on nine pm and still no boyfriend.
~Was I ever this horny before I started dating him?~
She thought back with a frown. Sure, she had her moments like anyone else, but it seemed like she wanted it all the time, lately. Was it because she and Reno were in that “new” stage in the beginning of a relationship, or was her body just changing? She remembered reading somewhere that women didn't reach their full sexual peak until sometime in their thirties.
“God, if I'm this bad off now I don't even want to know what I'll be like in twelve years or so.” She bit her lip and shifted again, distracted by the feel of her uncovered loins rubbing against the long t-shirt she wore. Deciding she needed to let off a little steam, she got up and went to the bathroom to take care of her little problem. Given how easily she got turned on lately, she didn't think a little relief now would affect her later when Reno got home.
She closed the bathroom door and shut the toilet lid to sit down on it. With practiced skill, she reached down between her thighs and found her swollen nub with her fingertips. Biting her lip, she stroked it in tiny circles and sighed at the sensation. With her free hand, she reached under her t-shirt and fondled her nipples one at a time while she massaged her clit. It wasn't as pleasurable as the feel of Reno's hands or mouth on her but it would get the job done.
She heard the front door open just as she was nearing her peak. Reno called out for her and she stopped, breathing a sigh of relief. “Thank Gaia,” she gasped as she stood up and hurried out of the bathroom.
Reno had just set his briefcase down when Cissnei came running out of the hall. He grinned at her and opened his mouth to compliment how cute she looked in his t-shirt, but she pounced on him and suddenly he had to concentrate on keeping them both from falling.
“Damn, baby…I didn't know you were this bad off,” Reno gasped against her lips as she kissed him demandingly. “Hold it…lemme get the door shut!”
She nibbled his ear and clung to him as he pushed the door shut and locked it. Her smooth thighs were wrapped tightly around his waist and her small breasts were pressing against his chest. He caught her mouth with his and kissed her hungrily, carrying her towards the bedroom with eager haste as his cock swelled in his pants. They fell onto the bed together and her petite hands immediately began to undress him. Reno helped her, his mouth hot on hers as he yanked his blazer off and kicked off his shoes.
Cissnei got his shirt open and she pinched his nipples almost painfully, making him gasp and then growl with arousal. He let her pull his shirt off and then he lifted the t-shirt off of her body, leaving her nude and ready for him. He looked down at her with flashing eyes and ground his hips against hers, letting her feel the hard bulge in his pants against her naked loins. She made a hitching gasp and tugged at his belt, struggling to get it open so that she could get his pants down.
“You're a hot little handful,” Reno said huskily, smirking down at her as she yanked his belt off and undid his fly.
“I don't know why I'm so horny lately,” she panted, cupping the back of his head to draw his mouth down for another kiss. “I just want you inside of me. I'm ready for you.”
He slid a hand over her abdomen and down, feeling between her spread thighs with his fingers. She was slick and swollen with arousal. He groaned and slipped two fingers inside, pumping them firmly in her tight heat. Cissnei moaned and bucked against him, her mouth insistent and desperate against his. He was ready and willing to commence with more foreplay, but evidently she just wanted to cut to the chase. She got his pants undone and she yanked them down and urged him breathlessly to fuck her.
“Oh god,” Reno grunted as she gripped his erection firmly and guided it toward her waiting entrance. He pulled his fingers out and covered her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue in as he thrust his cock into her body. She whimpered with relief and passion as he filled her and she undulated beneath him encouragingly. His need and excitement grew and he started taking her hard and fast, to the point where she was crying out with every breath and tugging his ponytail.
“Reno…ah…oh!” Cissnei reached an explosive orgasm after a few moments and she couldn't contain a scream. Reno covered her mouth with his hand and grinned painfully at her, his face flushed with the heat of his passion. He bucked into her and rotated his hips, moving his stiff flesh around inside of her and making her eyes roll. Her strength bled out of her with the final spasms and she clung to him weakly as he pumped over her. He took his hand off of her mouth and kissed her softly, grunting as his climax approached.
“You're fucking incredible,” Reno moaned, bowing his head as he filled her with his seed. “Damn, Cissnei…you're almost more than I can handle lately.” He panted softly and kissed her again, his lips smiling against hers. “Are ya sure they haven't done something to your birth control pills? I ain't complaining or anything but you want it as often as I do and that's pretty amazing, yo.”
His comment reminded her of something and she snapped her fingers. “I'll bet that's it,” she said breathlessly. “I switched prescriptions after we started dating, to try out another kind and see if it would help with…uh…things.”
Reno shook his head and smirked at her. “You can say `cramps', doll. I know what goes on in a lady's body.”
“I was trying to be subtle,” Cissnei smiled, shrugging. She combed her fingers through his hair and sighed, enjoying the feel of his sated member still nestled inside of her. “I'll ask the doctor about it the next time I go in for a checkup. Maybe I should change back to the old prescription—”
“Whoa, let's not be hasty,” Reno interrupted with raised eyebrows. “Hell, if being in the mood more often is the only side effect, I say you should stick with the new stuff.”
She laughed at him. “So you like having a girlfriend that can keep up with you?”
“Damn right, I do.” Reno's mouth sought out hers and they kissed. Cissnei's short-trimmed fingernails caressed his back, making his skin tingle. His tongue fenced with hers and he began to harden again inside of her. “Are you too sore for another round?” he murmured between kisses as he gently withdrew and thrust.
She sighed in pleasure and shook her head, wrapping her legs around his waist to encourage his lovemaking. Their coupling wasn't as urgent this time but it was no less satisfying. Reno slid a hand between their bodies and stimulated her clit while he took her, bringing her to another orgasm quickly. The second time he came, he collapsed in exhaustion and rolled onto his side, bringing her with him. They fell asleep in each other's arms and when they woke in the morning, they had a shower together.
Two weeks later, Cissnei was having lunch with Elena in the cafeteria and she ordered an ice cream sundae as dessert.
“How do you eat like that and stay so tiny?” Elena asked enviously as she watched Cissnei shovel another spoon of ice cream into her mouth. “I can hardly look at that stuff without putting on the pounds!”
Cissnei shrugged and grinned around the mouthful of cold sweetness. After swallowing, she said; “I've just got a high metabolism, I guess. Honestly I'd trade it in for a set of breasts like yours.”
Elena snorted. “You can have `em. They just get in my way.”
“Hmm,” Cissnei reflected as she drew patterns in her ice cream with her spoon. “I wonder why we can't just be satisfied with the way we're made? I mean, have you ever met a single woman that was just happy being herself?”
“Actually, I think I have,” Elena said thoughtfully. “That Ancient girl that Strife and his gang snatched from us seemed pretty content with her looks.”
“Maybe it's just normal humans, then,” Cissnei sighed. She frowned at her ice cream, feeling her stomach protest. “I think I ate too much, too fast.”
“You aren't going to get sick, are you?” Elena was looking at her warily, as if trying to decide whether to get clear of the danger zone or help her to the restroom.
Cissnei shook her head and swallowed. “I think it's settling down. I shouldn't have pigged out like that anyway. Do you want the rest?”
“What did I just tell you about me and ice cream?” Elena asked with an exasperated grin.
“You're exaggerating,” argued Cissnei. “Half a bowl won't turn you into a hippo.” She pushed the bowl across the table towards her coworker and smiled as Elena reluctantly picked up the spoon and started finishing off her ice cream.
“You're evil,” the blonde said just before she took a bite and sighed with pleasure.
“Live a little,” Cissnei chuckled. She looked at her watch and sighed. “Ugh, I've got a doctor's appointment to go to in an hour. I'm not looking forward to it.”
“Nothing serious, I hope?” Elena said after swallowing a bite.
“No, its' just a standard checkup. Oh, and I've got some questions to ask about the new contraceptives I'm on.” She leaned forward and whispered, “I think they're making me a little too…you know.”
“What?” Elena asked with a frown. Clearly, she didn't.
Cissnei cast a look around to be sure nobody else was close enough to hear. “Horny!”
Elena chuckled and spooned up another mouthful of ice cream. “I'll bet Reno's loving that.”
Cissnei blushed and smiled. Yes, he was loving it and truthfully so was she…but if her sex drive was being affected it meant hormonal changes and that was something she'd have to have checked out, just to be safe.
“How long have you been on these new pills?” Elena asked.
Cissnei mentally counted backwards. “I went on them while I was on vacation…about a week after Reno and I got together.”
Elena paused and looked at her thoughtfully. “I hope you made him use a condom when you first switched.”
Cissnei stared at the other woman, the expression on her face revealing that she didn't. “Why would I need to do that?”
“Cissnei, when you switch pills like that it takes a while for the new ones to kick in! Your doctor didn't warn you about that?” Elena looked faintly alarmed.
Cissnei blinked. “No…he never said a thing about it. Then again, I never told him I was in a relationship, either. I'm sure it's no big deal.”
“Just the same, I'd be asking for a pregnancy test while I was there, if I were you.” Elena suggested seriously. “You haven't been late, have you?”
“Well, I'm a few days late but that's why I started taking the pill in the first place,” Cissnei answered in annoyance. “I've always had weird cycles…it's no big deal. Why is it that every time a girl feels a little off, the first conclusion people jump to is pregnancy?!”
“I didn't jump to any conclusions,” Elena said, “The conclusion was right there in plain sight. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about but I'd sure as hell want to rule out the possibility if it were me.”
Cissnei sighed. “I guess it won't hurt to have it checked out. Are we still going to plan Rude's surprise party for next week?”
“Yeah,” Elena confirmed. “I'll call you tonight and we can get started on that.”
Another week passed and Rude's birthday came. Cissnei and Elena did most of the planning for his surprise party but Reno bought all of the supplies and Tseng reserved a ballroom at one of the most prestigious hotels in the city. Everyone was there, including Rufus. They all waited in the darkened room for Reno to bring his partner in. After an incalculable amount of time passed, they heard Reno's voice on the other side of the door.
“Okay, our targets are in here. We've gotta hit `em hard and fast and get the hell out,” Reno was saying.
“You sure we don't need backup?” Rude asked, “I mean, we're about to take on a whole room full of people, Red. We're good but I don't know if we're that good.”
“Hey, who's the one that's always saying `Turks can do anything', man? We'll be fine.” The door opened and light spilled in, silhouetting Rude's muscular form and Reno's leaner one.
“Looks like we got the day mixed up or something,” Rude said in confusion as he raised his shades and peered into the dark room.
Someone hit the lights and all of the Turks and ShinRa employees in the room shouted happy birthday greetings to the bald man, blowing paper horns and waving noisemakers. Rude stood there with his jaw hanging down and his shades still propped up on his forehead. Reno hooted with laughter and clapped his partner on his broad back.
“If you were a farm animal, what kind would ya be?” Reno asked between chuckles.
“A gulli-bull,” Rude muttered dryly, a slow smile spreading over his handsome face. “When did you guys set this up?”
“It was Elena's idea,” Tseng answered as he approached with a beer and handed it to the surprised Turk. “She and Cissnei started planning it a week ago. Happy birthday, Rude. May you see many more.”
Rod turned on the music and one of the other Turks started to cut the cake.
Cissnei beamed at the large man as she crossed the room and gave him a hug. “So we surprised you, right?”
“Oh yeah,” he agreed as he returned the hug. “This is cool.”
Reno put an arm around Cissnei's waist and gave his partner a mock look of anger. “Hey hey…don't go getting too comfortable with my girl, yo.”
Cissnei chuckled and leaned into his embrace. Her cell phone rang and she clucked her tongue and excused herself, exiting the ballroom so that she could hear properly.
“Hello, this is Cissnei. Oh hi, doctor. No, it's not a bad time…we're just starting a birthday party for a coworker. Uh-huh.” She paused, her eyes going wide. “Can you say that again?” She listened and his response didn't change. Her hand went to her stomach and she swallowed. “You're sure? I…I see. Okay, thank you, doctor. What? No…I'll get back to you about that. Thanks.” She ended the call and leaned against the wall, her brown eyes dazed. She ran her palm over her belly, which was concealed beneath the cute, pale yellow dress she'd worn for this occasion.
“Oh god,” Cissnei whispered, closing her eyes. The door to the ballroom opened at that moment and Elena came out.
“Hey, they're serving up the cake inside.” She saw her friend's pallor and she frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Cissnei answered softly. “That was just my doctor, giving me the results from my tests.”
“And?” Elena persisted with interest, her eyes shooting to the other woman's flat stomach where her hand rested. “Are you…Ciss, are you pregnant?”
Cissnei shook her head and lowered her eyes. “No. It was just a side effect of my pills. He said sometimes it can trick your body like that and he said it should taper off in a few weeks.”
Elena looked suspicious. “Why are you holding your stomach like that, and why are you so pale?”
“I…I guess I was starting to look forward to the idea,” Cissnei said. “Silly, huh? I'd never want to trap Reno like that and a Turk wouldn't make the most ideal mother in the world anyway.”
Elena's expression softened. “You were excited by the possibility.”
Cissnei shrugged and tried to calm her racing pulse. “I must have been. I didn't expect to take it hard like this, you know?”
“Well you know, I don't think you'd be `trapping' Reno if you were pregnant,” Elena insisted sympathetically. “For one thing, he'd be just as much at fault for it as you and for another, he's crazy about you.”
Cissnei forced a smile. “I know. Thanks, Elena. Let's go back in.”
The two women joined the rest of their coworkers inside of the ballroom. Elena went to speak with Tseng and Cissnei went to Reno's side. The redhead grabbed a glass of champagne off a passing waiter's tray and offered it to her.
“Feel like some bubbly, doll?”
Cissnei considered the drink and looked up at him. He noticed her hesitation and the tension in her body and his smile faded. “What's wrong? You're looking a little spooked.”
“I'm fine,” she said mechanically. She shook her head as he tried to give the champagne to her. “No thank you. I guess I'm not in the mood for it tonight.”
Reno shrugged, not pressing the issue. He was a little worried about her but he knew she still got occasional bouts of depression over Zack. He assumed this was one of them and he gave her a gentle, supportive squeeze. “How about some cake, then?”
Cissnei forced herself to perk up, if only for appearances sake. She allowed her lover to guide her to the table where the cake was being handed out and she ate a piece without really tasting it. She smiled at people and socialized and if she laughed a bit too loudly or moved a bit nervously, nobody said anything.
That night, she and Reno spent the night at her apartment instead of his. She almost considered trying to spend the night alone but when he kissed her at the doorway her resolve failed her. She ended up taking him by the hand and guiding her through the apartment and to her bedroom. She coaxed him to lay down while she fed the cat and went to the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom he was naked and his hair was free of its ponytail. He flashed a sexy smile her way and patted the bed meaningfully.
“Come here, gorgeous.” His voice was husky and he was in an obvious state of arousal.
Cissnei took his invitation, her eyes roving his lean body with admiration. Even in her state of bewilderment, she couldn't resist him. She climbed onto the bed and his hands went around her waist as she pulled her dress up and straddled him gracefully. His sea-green eyes were bright and warm on her as he reached up and tugged the zipper down on the back of her dress.
“Only thing better than a pretty woman in a dress is getting her out of it,” Reno purred. He pulled down on the dress and let it slide down to her waist, revealing her lacy, lavender bra. He sat up and nuzzled her cleavage, sighing contentedly as her pert breasts pressed against his face. “You feeling okay?” he murmured, his expression sobering for a moment as he tilted his head back and looked at her.
“I'm okay,” she assured him with a smile. “I think I was just a little off today. Don't worry.” She combed her fingers through his vivid hair and bent her head to kiss him. He didn't ask again and his hands deftly unhooked her bra to free her breasts. She gasped as he took a nipple into his mouth and nursed it. The gentle tug of his lips and tongue made sensations ripple through her belly and loins.
Cissnei gripped his shoulders and undulated on top of him as he slipped his other hand under her panties and began to fondle her. His thumb flicked over her clit rhythmically, making her tremble and gasp. He kept stimulating the spot until she was wet and then he slipped his fingers inside of her and began to scissor them. He kept massaging her clit while he prepared her, murmuring husky encouragement as she rocked against him and panted. He caught her other nipple in his mouth and gave it the same attention he'd given the first, which drove Cissnei over the brink and made her come.
“Mmm, I love it when you do that,” Reno purred as her pussy clenched around his fingers and she moaned. He found her g-spot and rubbed it to draw the orgasm out and she was trembling and whimpering by the time it finished. He helped her get her panties off and he laid back. “Ride me, baby,” he requested breathlessly.
Cissnei eagerly complied, grasping his rigid cock to guide it into her body as she positioned herself over him. She sank down with a gasp and bit her lip as she took him deep inside. Reno's eyes closed and he moaned softly as she began to rock on top of him. His hands cupped her breasts, then slid down to cup her hips and stroke her ass. He began to thrust in time with her motions and his eyes were heavy-lidded with pleasure.
“Feels so good,” Cissnei gasped honestly as she angled her hips so that his dick was hitting her g-spot. He smiled up at her and cupped her hips again, guiding her to move faster. She threw her head back and splayed her hands over his chest, listening to his ragged gasps and groans.
“Oh shit,” Reno panted as his climax thundered to the surface abruptly. He sat up again and hugged Cissnei tightly, burying his face against her breasts as he bucked inside of her and shot his load. “Cissnei,” he sighed as the orgasm played out. He kissed the soft mounds near his face and closed his eyes, holding her tightly. Her hands stroked his long hair and he smiled, enjoying the feeling.
Cissnei felt the sting of tears and she blinked rapidly to dry her eyes. She had some hard choices to make and no matter which ones she chose, there was going to be loss. She nuzzled Reno's hair and before she could stop herself, she blurted; “Reno? I love you.”
He tilted his head back again and smiled up at her in surprise. “Aw, babe, that's…” He noticed the sadness in her eyes and his smile faded. His expression immediately changed, sobering to quiet authority. “What's up, Cissnei?”
“Nothing,” she said. “I just…it just came out. Maybe I just wanted to say it while I could, you know?”
He tilted his head. “What the hell do ya think is going to happen? The world ain't ending tomorrow.”
“I know that,” she sighed, combing her fingers through his hair again. “It's just…well, you never know, is all. We're Turks and something could happen to us on the job.”
“Or one of us could get hit by a car when we cross the street,” Reasoned the redhead. “Everybody lives with risks, doll.”
“That's what I mean,” she said with a shrug. “You never know. Zack was here one day and gone the next and the same thing could happen to one of us. You think I'm being stupid, don't you?” Her tone grew accusing. “It's not like I'm asking you to say it back or anything.”
Reno sighed. “Yo, don't get mad. It's just the way you said it that got me worried. I understand, Ciss.” He squeezed her and smiled at her. “You know what? I love you too. I'm not just saying it because you did, either. Feel better?”
She stared at him, suspecting him of teasing her. “You mean it?” she asked uncertainly. She winced and wished she hadn't said that. It made her sound needy and that was a surefire way to scare a guy off.
He chuckled and kissed her lingeringly. “I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it,” he murmured against her lips. “How about we stop worrying over this and have a bath, now?”
“That sounds like a good plan,” Cissnei agreed with a trembling smile.
Reno was still secretly worried about her but he didn't press the matter. If there was something else going on, he knew she'd tell him about it eventually.
Three days later, Cissnei requested a private meeting with Tseng. The Turk director agreed and offered her some tea when she came into his office and sat gingerly on the chair before his desk.
“No thank you,” Cissnei said with a nervous swallow.
Tseng noticed her tension and he looked at her with puzzled concern in his dark eyes. “What can I do for you today, Cissnei? I can see that something is bothering you.”
She took a deep breath and met his eyes. “I want out.”
It took a moment for Tseng to comprehend what he was hearing. He stared at her while he reached over to his speaker unit and pressed a button. “Laura, hold my calls,” he ordered to his secretary, “cancel my three o'clock appointment as well. I don't want to be disturbed.”
“Yes sir,” the secretary answered.
Tseng turned off the speaker and threaded his fingers together over the desk. His sculpted features were stony as he looked at Cissnei again. “Do you realize what it is you're asking of me, and what sort of position it puts you in?”
Cissnei licked dry lips and nodded. She knew all too well that she could be forfeiting her life by asking this of him. The only thing keeping her alive right now was his mercy, she was sure of it. He could have shot her on the spot but he sat there considering her with interest, instead.
“What drives you to do this, Cissnei? You know I can pull the trigger at any moment,” Tseng said.
“I know,” she said as steadily as she could. “Just please, hear me out before you decide. I'm not even asking for my sake, Tseng. Please, I just…I can't…” to her horror, she began to cry. All of the fear and shock she'd been fighting for days finally overwhelmed her and she brought her shaking hands to her face and sobbed softly into them.
She heard something rustle, heard her boss's footsteps approach. She took a deep, shaking breath and straightened up, determined to face her death with as much dignity as she could muster. Instead of aiming his gun at her, Tseng was offering her a tissue. She looked up at him and took it, wiping her eyes and nose as she tried to regain some control over her emotions.
“I'm listening,” said the Wutaian softly.
She told him everything. He frowned and sighed. “There are other ways to take care of this,” he said slowly.
“I tried that yesterday,” Cissnei answered, lowering her eyes. “I couldn't do it. I ended up running out the door before they even called me back.”
“That wasn't precisely what I meant, but it is one option,” Tseng replied. “I suppose considering how you grew up, you wouldn't want to take the other option either. Have you told him?”
She shook her head. “I…I can't. He's not ready for this. I'm not even ready for this but I've got to force myself to be. Can you understand?”
Tseng nodded slowly. “I can. Listen Cissnei, if you're serious about this, you're going to have to disappear…one way or the other. I'm sure we can both agree that the latter way would be in your best interests.”
“Yes,” she agreed, hardly believing her fortune. “Tseng, I don't know how to thank you for this.”
“You may end up cursing me for it, eventually,” he muttered grimly. “You'll have to live the rest of your life in hiding and if the organization finds out the truth, you'll spend the rest of your life running, as well. I'm going to ask you once more and if you change your mind, we can forget this conversation ever happened and we'll find another way to deal with your problem. Are you absolutely certain you want this, Cissnei?”
She considered it seriously for a moment, agonizing over what she wanted and what she knew in her heart was best.
~I'm sorry, Reno. I do love you.~
“I'm sure,” she said aloud. “This is what I want.”
-To be continued