Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Master of My Heart ❯ Master of My Heart ( Chapter -1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Summary: The life of a slave can be difficult and paved with pain. But Cloud gets a second chance with a new master. No matter how vicious he's rumored to be. Sephiroth/Cloud AU/AR, Slave, Anal, oral, Yaoi, Bond, WD, HJ, Violence, SoloM, Beast, H/C
Well? This isn't my weirdest, and definitely not my creepiest by a long shot. But here's something that I cooked up right after seeing “Knowing.”

Warning: Major AU! OOC galore! Lemon!
If I must state a time for this personality wise, Sephiroth's personality would be the one he had before he went crazy.
Notes: Sephiroth is an alien and Cloud is a human slave on an alien planet.
Dunno what to make of this. I've come up with a number of strange ideas over my time writing, so I hope this turns out well.
Well! Hope you enjoy!
Author: Darksinokaru
Rating: Adult++
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
Cloud felt his master behind him and tensed from his position over the sink.
Cloud didn't know what to expect from Sephiroth since he'd begun to act strangely a few weeks ago.
It was just a sudden change that completely threw the blonde off track. Sephiroth stopped eating (at home anyway), plainly ignored his young servant and even at times didn't come home till the middle of the night.
Cloud continued to obediently wash the dishes made out of a smooth black material only found on the planet of Shin-Ra.
Cloud, was a slave.
He'd endured years of torment by one cruel master to be sent to another when the old creature died.
Sephiroth, despite his frightening reputation has been the best master Cloud had ever had. Though he was only his second one, seeing as how he'd served his previous one from a very young age till the old bat died. But Sephiroth was completely different.
Sephiroth had asked the boy to maintain the home and have food prepared for his awakening and for his arrival home from the military. He never yelled or even hit Cloud, which was a Godsend. There were no laws protecting humans so his treatment was a blessing when many preferred to do with humans like Cloud as they pleased.
Cloud didn't remember much about Earth. His memories of his family and life back on that now dead planet were a faded picture. All Cloud knew; was that just before the ending of the world the ships from Shin-Ra came and took the young and strong. It was not an act of mercy as many at first thought, simply a conquest for more labor for an ever expanding militaristic populous.
Sephiroth was their best, most vicious general and was much loved by all. You'd think he'd be that cruel and callous towards his slave, seeing as how humans were at the bottom of the food chain, but rather, he regarded Cloud with much indifference. As long as Cloud was quiet, kept out of the way and did his work, Sephiroth didn't give him much attention.
He didn't treat him like dirt and spit on him. So Cloud was very happy to serve him and earnestly tried his best because he was so good to him and, simply because Cloud feared what Sephiroth might do, if he ever actually got angry with him.
Over time Sephiroth began to be less strict, and at times if Cloud was behind he'd make food instead. And also, the thing that had scared Cloud most of all when he first arrived-Sephiroth let him eat with him.

At his table, and his food.
Not in some out of the way corner.
Not scraps.
But a dinner with him.
It scared the human because the action was so foreign, so strange; it filled him with fear. That first dinner had been incredibly tense and after asking Cloud to do the dishes, he left to his study. Just like that. The pattern was the same every night after that and Cloud grew accustomed to the new tradition and relaxed.
Cloud still slept in a small cot down in the cellar but… Even that, Sephiroth gave Cloud a pillow and blankets. It was simply too good to believe to be reality, and Cloud basked in the knowledge that it was reality. That this was true.
However, as of late, Sephiroth had been acting strange. He began to stay out later and later, coming home to a cold meal that Cloud would scramble to heat up only to be told to go to bed.
Cloud had suspected that maybe he found a woman. After all, Sephiroth was the most loved and eligible bachelor on Shinra. So since he wasn't eating what Cloud made, Cloud thought he was eating out, like going to dinner with a date. The thought terrified the blonde though. If he brought a woman into the house, the relationship that Cloud had with Sephiroth could change. Cloud really doubted there was anyone else who would treat him as civilly as Sephiroth did. What if he was abused all over again by Sephiroth's significant other?
The only other person that treated humans better than trash was Zack Fair. Who was a really big topic of controversy since he publicly announced that he LIKED humans, and was one of the very few petitioning for laws to protect humans from the sexual, physical, and mental abuse they often suffered. Luckily for Cloud, he only experienced the latter two. Zack even made it worse when he took a human-Aerith, as his wife. It was a shock that they weren't dead, although Cloud was certain Zack's reputation in the military is what helped him, including his odd relationship with Sephiroth.
Cloud felt the General behind him move a little closer, his footfalls falling quiet and firm.
A long black clad arm stretched out and a pale hand turned the steaming green-ish water off. Cloud swallowed, unnerved by this strange approach. The man was usually silent but this situation was strange.
What was wrong with him? Coming home late, not eating, always telling him to leave him be? Cloud worked to swallow the thick lump in his suddenly dry throat.
“L-lord Sephiroth? Would you… Like me to make dinner?” Cloud asked weakly. He was home really early from what he'd been doing lately. Not to mention Cloud stopped making him breakfast and dinner since he refused to eat it.
Cloud gasped when he felt hot breath on the back of his ear, knowing Sephiroth had to have been bending over from his great towering height that made even those of his race look small, to be against his ear.
Cloud's abdominal muscles quivered when he felt Sephiroth's hands lay on his stomach. They were so big they almost encompassed Cloud's whole waist. Cloud felt Sephiroth's lips graze the shell of his ear.
“It's been a while…” His deep voice drifted sensually.
“I have missed you… I do believe...” He almost seemed to purr into the blonde's ear and his heart began to race. Cloud felt his face heat up when
Sephiroth's pale hands ran down the flat of Cloud's stomach softly. Cloud didn't understand what was happening and his breathing began to get heavy as Sephiroth kissed Cloud's neck affectionately. Cloud's shoulder's bunched in reaction to the foreign gesture and Sephiroth chuckled as he bent over Cloud's right shoulder and kissed the side of his mouth.
Cloud gasped when he felt a narrow tongue slide down his cheek, Sephiroth's hands simultaneously sliding down to the fabric of the black slacks Cloud was dressed in and rubbing his fingers over the growing bulge. The dish and laser grime remover toppled into the sink as Cloud hands flew to the edge of the sink. A smirk curved Sephiroth's lips; his little human was so cute. It probably would have been better than to avoid this for so long. Sephiroth ghosted his tongue over back to Cloud's ear, loving the hanging lobe with his tongue as his hands moved back up and untied the strings holding Cloud's pants on his hips.
Cloud trembled with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty as the pants slide down, Cloud gazed down as his hardening cock, taking in a deep breath as Sephiroth used his fingers to massage the organ gently, teasing the boy. Cloud groaned and closed his eyes, face completely filling with blood. He was too embarrassed to keep looking. Sephiroth chuckled as he moved up the shell of Cloud's ear and teethed it, earning a pleased moan as Cloud tried to lean his head more to the right.
Sephiroth felt himself twitch with the dire need of release, but he knew he couldn't rush Cloud. He'd studied the boy enough to know he'd never been sexually intimate with anyone before. And since it was against the law to teach humans anything of mating or what functions certain parts of their bodies meant, for fear of their numbers multiplying out of Shinra's control, Cloud would be clueless. No doubt he had experienced erections before, and may have even experimentally touched himself; but Cloud knew absolutely nothing of intercourse, which Sephiroth intended fully to indulge in tonight.
Cloud gasped when Sephiroth turned on the warm water with his left and after a moment his teasing hand wet itself before coming back and taking full hold of his shaft. Sephiroth kissed Cloud's temple as he firmly stroked the swollen organ and Cloud gasped and groaned, turning and attempting to bury his face into Sephiroth's bent over chest. Sephiroth gave a rumbling chuckle.
“L-Lord Sephiroth!” Cloud gasped and moaned as the General started to move his hand up and down faster, his index finger occasionally brushing the head and smearing pre-cum over the boy to aid in lubrication.
“You can call me Sephiroth when I do this to you.” Sephiroth almost appeared to growl in Cloud's ear as his left hand began to map out a course of the blonde stomach and up toward his developing pectorals. He must have had to do a lot of hard labor with his previous master. Cloud jerked and gasped when Sephiroth found a nipple and tweaked it, enjoying watching his little human squirm around on his feet.
Cloud moaned, it felt so good. This felt nothing like when Cloud attempted to relieve himself when he began to ache. Cloud wasn't sure why it felt so different but he enjoying the treatment. Perhaps he was being rewarded? Cloud couldn't fathom why though, all he did was continue to keep things orderly. Sephiroth hadn't really been home for him to cook for. Cloud cried out when Sephiroth's hand began to jerk him harder, making him build faster and faster.
Sephiroth's hand on his chest was somehow making him feel like he was on fire. Everywhere those talented fingers touched burned for of the fleeting touch. These sensations were so strange, Cloud had never once thought of pinching his own nipples. Suddenly Sephiroth growled and Cloud gasped when the hand on his chest wrapped around his torso and he was picked up. Cloud's sight spun for a moment in confusion was he was set on the edge of the sink and facing Sephiroth, his oversized pants sliding off and piling on the floor. The hand grabbed his cock as fast as it had left and began a furious speed of pumping and Sephiroth's lips latched onto Cloud's with a vicious, animalistic intent to lay total claim over him.
Sephiroth's tongue prodded at Cloud's lips and Cloud immediately opened his mouth, the meaning of this action lost to him as he wantonly moaned into the man's mouth. Sephiroth's tongue viciously roved around in his mouth. Sephiroth angled his head as Cloud experimentally moved his tongue against Sephiroth's only to passionately be beat down and manipulated like a marionette. Slowly, hesitantly, Cloud raised his arms to try and wrap around Sephiroth's neck but the man was too tall.
Cloud let out a strangled noise of light distress when he felt himself close to loosing it and Cloud had learned from past experiences that it was messy when this feeling came. Cloud tried to pull his mouth away to say what was going to happen but Sephiroth, the commanding man that he was, continued his assault on Cloud as he moved his fist faster. Cloud felt it was close and his moans grew in tempo and volume. And then suddenly, Sephiroth stopped. Cloud moaned in disappointment as Sephiroth pulled away from Cloud's bright red, abused lips.
“I'm going to finish you now.” Cloud panted, face still flushed as Sephiroth kneeled down and Cloud gasped. Cloud jerked back but Sephiroth seized his hips and smirked up at the blonde.
“Watch.” Cloud swallowed thickly as Sephiroth's mouth went down over him and a long suck followed by a snake like tongue made Cloud screw his eyes shut. When Cloud felt a pinch on the skin of his hips he looked opened his eyes obediently and the claw like nails were retracted. Cloud sucked in a sharp breath as he watched his master's mouth work from the base to the top in a slow motion, tongue playing along the ridges of the swollen organ. Sephiroth knew it wouldn't take long to finish Cloud off, the boy was already so close.
Cloud moaned, desperately fighting to keep himself watching while his back wanted to arch and jut his hips forward into his master's mouth. Deeming it safe Sephiroth removed his left hand and reached down, stroking himself through the leather of his pants, groaning in appreciation. Cloud gasped and cried out from the vibration and Sephiroth sucked harder, his cheeks sucking inward as he worked Cloud harder to completion.
“Gah! S-Sephiroth!” Cloud cried as his hips jerked and he exploded into the silver-haired warrior's mouth. Sephiroth immediately relaxed himself and swallowed. It was different. Humans were still a very new species to this planet and what Sephiroth knew to be Cloud's sperm was inherently different from his own. Sephiroth licked and sucked the deflating organ, cleaning up every last drop in satisfaction. Sephiroth could almost swear, that compared to the taste of his own, Cloud's was almost sweet.
Cloud sunk forward and Sephiroth stood up, picked Cloud up like a big baby and carrying him across the kitchen, moving to pull out a chair from the glass counter-top table. Everything in Sephiroth's home was black and white respectively.
Black furniture, lamps, and though glass, the legs and frames of the tables were all black. The carpet was pure white as were the walls, the cabinets were black and so were all the things in his room. It was all of a distinct stylistic taste.
Cloud gasped when Sephiroth had him straddle his hips and face him. Cloud stared into his beautiful face, recovering from his orgasm. Cloud marveled now that he was sitting like this, he'd never been so close to Sephiroth before. Sephiroth was a God. Pale, unblemished skin. Those eerie, glowing, mako green eyes whose pupils were narrowed slits. His lips were always dark, a dark purplish sheen to them. His long silver hair cascaded down his shoulders and chest that Cloud now realized were bare.
Sephiroth's race (which was the original race of the Shin-Ra planet) was the most human looking (in form) of all the creatures on the planet (according to Cloud since they were humanoid). Zack was the next in line from a race far off to the west on a far off planet called Gongaga. His ears were a little long and pointed, and he had large talons for fingernails. His eyes, though blue were also of similar design to Sephiroth's.
Cloud's heart started to thrum faster and a low seductive chuckle was given in response. Of course, Sephiroth had heightened senses, which made Cloud's position straddling his lap even more embarrassing. Cloud stared up at Sephiroth as he shifted the boy and Cloud's face filled with blood again when he felt Sephiroth's hard on press against his ass.
It didn't matter exactly what race it was. Humans did NOT copulate with anyone other than there own, and that's of they got an “okay” first from their masters. It was this upbringing that made Cloud squirm slightly and gasp in surprise when Sephiroth thrust his hips against him, making Cloud's spine tingle from the sensation pressing against him. Cloud didn't know how to copulate so he could only do whatever his master wanted, since it was obvious his master wanted to release like he'd done to him.
Cloud sucked in a sharp breath; his head was starting to spin. Sephiroth groaned as his large hands stow to the blonde's hips hips, the naturally black grown nail like claws gripping him firmly like before. He leaned forward, curling down slightly to press his forehead to Cloud's.
“I want you.” He almost seemed to growl and Cloud shivered, the sound sending jolts into the back of his head and fogging his brain. Somehow the sound was pleasurable, and Cloud liked it.
“If you do not tell me to stop, I am going to have you.” Cloud stared into his face, seeing the lust swirling behind his eyes. Cloud didn't make any moves, just breathed as Sephiroth leaned back and rolled in the chair, thrusting his hips against him again, eliciting another strike of tingles up Cloud's spine that made him groan in reaction. Sephiroth smirked when Cloud started to harden again in response to the new stimulus.
“You like this, don't you?” Cloud gasped Sephiroth's name and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing his neck in a passion that he didn't know he had. Sephiroth gave a breathy groan as Cloud kissed his neck again and again. Sephiroth began to roll his hips against Cloud, eliciting gasping moans from them both as he worked their bodies together in a sensual rhythmic dance.
Cloud didn't really understand what was happening, but he liked it. And if he didn't get into trouble with Sephiroth then he wanted to do it. Cloud had never been taught much about copulation, even though he'd been told to never do it. Cloud never questioned it either. It was just the way things were.
Cloud ground onto the General and Sephiroth hissed lowly in his ear in appreciative pleasure. Cloud was surprised when Sephiroth stalled his hips and tore off the last remainders of his clothes he'd bought to replace the dirty rags that slaves normally wore. Sephiroth was a bit of a clean freak.
Cloud watched as Sephiroth shrugged off his jacket to expose that perfectly built expanse of muscular skin that almost seemed to glow in the dim lighting of the evening. Cloud moaned when Sephiroth reached down and stroked him again. Cloud moaned louder into his ear as the General's wicked fingers worked him over and Cloud held onto him tighter in need. Cloud gasped and clung tighter to Sephiroth when Sephiroth pulled his own fingers from his mouth and pressed one against his puckered opening. Cloud tensed and all movement ceased when he felt Sephiroth's fingers against his ass opening. Sephiroth groaned in discontentment but he expected it, so instead the man gently continued to tease the ring of muscles, feeling every muscle in Cloud's body quiver.
Sephiroth groaned again as he started to push one finger inside the warm hearth of Cloud's body. He wanted in so badly. He wanted to fuck his little human until he was numb, but he knew he had to ease the boy into it, lest any sexual affairs later be unsatisfying ones. Sephiroth preferred to have his mates screaming in ecstasy than pain, things usually worked better that way. Looking over Sephiroth kissed Cloud's cheek and the blonde's big blue eyes met his own. Leaning over more Sephiroth kissed Cloud's chapped lips and the boy kissed back lightly. A few small pecks on the lips and he was able to coax Cloud to move just enough to ease his finger in deeper and capture his lips and slide his tongue into his mouth.
Cloud closed his eyes and concentrated on the kiss, the taste of Sephiroth's mouth as the tongue this time gently made love to his. It was different from before and Cloud couldn't tell if he liked the feral, demanding kiss or this soft one. Either way, it was a nice dreamy sort of kiss. Cloud was now used to connecting lips with Sephiroth as he kissed back, experimentally moving his tongue and mouth. So engrossed on his new experiment, Cloud didn't notice the second finger slip inside, or the third.
Sephiroth was starting to get edgy again and with his free hand, guided one of Clouds from his shoulders to touch him, wanting some sort of friction to ease himself. He'd been wanting this so badly, and the time he was taking to make Cloud more comfortable was causing himself discomfort. Cloud broke the kiss and paused when he felt Sephiroth wiggle his fingers inside him but let Sephiroth's free hand guide his hand to massage the organ hidden.
Sephiroth groaned deeply in appreciation as Cloud moved his hand on his own, watching in fascination as he did the task. Despite that they were different species Sephiroth's anatomy was surprisingly a lot like his. Or at least, it felt like it anyway. Well, that made things a lot easier. Cloud gasped when and jerked, almost falling but quickly moving to balance himself on Sephiroth lap with his toosh elevated slightly and bending over. It was… An awkward position, and Sephiroth had just slammed his fingers deeper inside the boy. Cloud gasped and moaned when Sephiroth pulled back and struck again and the blondes eyes flew open.
Sephiroth took in a deep breath, satisfied that Cloud was ready as he fished his fingers out and took Cloud's hands, replacing his hands on his shoulders. Cloud stared into Sephiroth's face, enthralled but then lost. He didn't know exactly what came next but he thought he might have an idea.
Sephiroth couldn't handle it anymore. He knew it'd be more proper to take Cloud to the bedroom, but the boy was all over him and he didn't want to move. Sephiroth unbuckled his pants and quickly sought to release himself.
Sephiroth realized he wasn't giving Cloud's no doubt first time any romance. This was just raw, unadulterated passion-lust. A need to satisfy. A need to claim.
Perhaps things would have turned out better if he hadn't tried to avoid his little human when these feelings first began to arise. It upset him that he was feeling these emotions for a human. He'd become accustomed to thinking of the weak species as almost insects, like most.
But instead, this is what happened.
Help him, he was becoming just like Zack. Sephiroth still cared not for other humans aside from his little treasure but he knew he wanted to protect Cloud. To keep him to himself and never give him up.
Sephiroth sighed when he was released and pulled Cloud closer to his hips. Cloud gasped when he felt Sephiroth aim him and gently press him down. Sephiroth stalled himself at the tight entrance, taking care to collect himself lest he harm Cloud in his frenzy. Humans were such weak creatures, it wouldn't be hard for him to damage Cloud internally, or break bones.
“This will hurt a little.” Sephiroth warned and Cloud nodded. He'd felt great pain many times from beatings and lashes, his scars were a testament to what he could handle. Sephiroth felt Cloud's hot passage and groaned as he started to push passed the tight ring and into his hot body.
Cloud gasped and tensed, muscles locking tight. Sephiroth groaned as he willed himself to stop and after a moment, Cloud relaxed and hugged Sephiroth once again.
“Shh… Relax.” Sephiroth shushed breathlessly as he re-gripped Cloud's hips and pushed his hips up into Cloud while bringing the boy down his length. Cloud gasped and sputtered. Even though he said it would hurt, and Cloud was ready to take it, on the notion that it wouldn't be worse than a beating, Cloud buried his face into the crook of Sephiroth's neck.
It hurt.
It was a different kind of hurt than his beatings. In some ways it was less painful, and then it was more. Perhaps it was just the location. The pain was in such a strange place, not on his skin. There was nothing he could do to soothe it as his body was stretched to accept Sephiroth's large girth. Sephiroth leaned into Cloud's ear, groaning as he tried to soothe his little human.
“Just relax…” He groaned again, enjoying every bit of his entry. It felt so good he was about ready to spill over now. The stress and lust that had been building up for over a month now was ready to escape him. But he knew he couldn't do that. He wanted to make Cloud feel pleasure first.
He finally eased himself to the hilt and heaved a sigh as he waited for Cloud. He could feel Cloud's heart thumping hard against his chest and the distinct smell of human sweat. Cloud finally released his aching fingers from Sephiroth's nail bitten skin that he'd grabbed during the penetration and tried to look at Sephiroth's face.
“Is the copulating done now?” Cloud asked, sounding disturbingly innocent as he tried to keep from moving Sephiroth's erection inside of him and wipe the small drying tears from the corner of his eyes. Sephiroth opened his lust blazing eyes at Cloud's strained voice that was recovering and chuckled with a tantalizing smirk.
“I'm afraid not.” Cloud frowned and Sephiroth saw the fear start to ebb into his eyes. Cloud had been afraid of that. Steadying him, Sephiroth reached up and ran his long fingers through Cloud's spiky hair.
“You were never taught about sex were you?”
“Sex?” Sephiroth chuckled again and kissed Cloud's forehead.
“Don't worry. I'll make it feel good.” Cloud leaned back forward and hugged Sephiroth as he seized his hips with two, big, powerful hands. Lifting the boy he groaned as Cloud slid up his rod and then settled him back down against him, slightly allowing his hips to push back down and then up to connect with Cloud. He'd simply have to guide Cloud until he understood and adjusted. His species was after all, quite large in many aspects. Especially when compared to humans, it was no surprise that it hurt so much.
Cloud gasped at the feeling, not sure if it hurt or just felt strange. The pain became a slight twinge and was starting to fade. Sephiroth continued to work Cloud as he felt a pleasure snake into his testicles and slowly creep up his spine when Sephiroth brushed something inside. Cloud groaned and Sephiroth moved him faster, giving a breathy groan of his own. The pace quickened when Sephiroth deemed Cloud used to him and Cloud moaned when the heated pleasure pooled into his groin. Cloud gasped and moaned as he sloppily tried to move with Sephiroth. Sephiroth groaned louder and thrust back against him harder, earning a cry in his ear as Cloud used Sephiroth's powerful shoulders to slam back harder.
The volume of Cloud's cries as he kissed at the juncture where neck met shoulder were almost enough to hurt Sephiroth's keen ear but with his brain fogged in lust he didn't seem to notice, only being spurred on by the cries.
The harder Cloud's hips moved in developing synchronization, the louder he moaned and cried, and the greater their pleasures built. It felt so good, Cloud didn't know that he had a spot in him that could feel so good. Sephiroth was in a frenzy of finally being able to indulge in what he had been running from, and glad to have finally gave in to make Cloud his. Seeing as how Cloud appeared to have gotten the hang of the dance Sephiroth sneaked a hand between their bodies and began to pump the blonde in time with their rough lovemaking.
Sephiroth was a very possessive and even at times, dangerous creature by nature. He wasn't going to let Cloud go-ever. He was his! And he would kill anyone he didn't like getting near him. He was just that much of a monster. He may from this point on shower Cloud with love, but Cloud was his prisoner. He was his master after all. So he had all right to be the master of his heart too.
Cloud was reaching his breaking point again and moved harder, his body struggling to keep up with the strenuous activity in their current position in the chair. Sephiroth's thrusts and pulls on his hips, along with the powerful pumps on his cock were becoming harder and more erratic. They were both nearing their ends.
“S-Sephiroth! I-I'm gonna!” Cloud rasped and Sephiroth moved harder, completely delirious with his blonde riding him. Cloud screamed and tensed, cum exploding over their chest in spurts. Sephiroth gave a loud deep groan, throwing his head back, long silvery tresses waving backwards as he clutched Cloud to him and thrust hard one last time into a suddenly very tight and spasming body, shooting his load as Cloud's body greedily milked him completely.
Both collapsed onto the chair that rocked a little on its legs as they both sagged from intense orgasms. Reaching up after a moment, Sephiroth ran his fingers through Cloud's hair. Enjoying the bliss of his lovemaking to the human. He'd never felt this way before, and he wanted nothing more than to make it last forever.
Before Cloud had come along, he'd had many lovers, but none had ever made him feel this way. It wasn't just the lust, the need for release. There was something… Something in him that screamed to make Cloud his, to chain him to his side so that he could never stray from him. Not that Cloud could even if he wanted too. But judging from the content smile on Cloud's relaxed face that was rapidly falling into the abyss of sleep, Sephiroth was certain Cloud wouldn't want to.
Gathering the blonde in his arms Sephiroth carried his sleeping form into the bedroom and pulled the covers back before setting Cloud down. Sliding in behind Cloud, Sephiroth pulled the covers up over them as he spooned him, wrapping his arms possessively around the other. His mind drifted over many things, thinking of the future. Sephiroth wondered to what their daily lives would be like after this. A satisfied and seductive smile graced his lips.
Cloud would have a lot more than cleaning and cooking on his hands from now on.
Well? A bit different I guess. If this is liked I'll go on with the rest of the story, which will go back to when Sephiroth and Cloud first met.
Would love to hear comments, seeing as how I know this was a little different. I'm dying to know! Especially since it's really been ages since I've written a lemon and it's also my first time in this pairing.